Analog Devices AN705 Application Notes

One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106 • Tel: 781/329-4700 • Fax: 781/326-8703 •
ADN8830-EVAL TEC Controller Instructions
by Troy Murphy


For basic operation, the TEC+ and TEC– pads on the right side of the board should be connected to the ther­moelectric cooler. The temperature sensing thermistor must also be connected between the THERMIN and AGND pads on the left side. Power is applied to VDD at the top of the board with ground connected to GND. A minimum of 16- gauge wire is recommended for both power and ground wires to achieve best effi ciency and lowest power supply ripple.
No connection is requ ired f or the SD pad because a pull­up resistor ensures that the ADN8830 is normally active. With no output current to the TEC, the board should draw no more than 15 mA of current. The AGND pad is a low noise ground and should not return to the power supply. It is simply a low noise ground reference.
The full schematic for the demo board is given in Figure 4.


The maximum supply voltage for the demo board is
5.5 V. The minimum supply voltage is 3.3 V. It is recom­mended to power the TEC controller from a separate supply rail from the laser diode supply voltage to mini­mize noise injection into the laser diode.
The demo board is designed for a maximum sustained output current of 5.5 A. Although it continues to oper­ate above 5.5 A, performance deteriorates in the form of lower effi ciency and higher output ripple voltage. The nominal output ripple voltage using the board’s default clock frequency of 1 MHz is 10 mV. More information on output ripple is provided in the ADN8830 data sheet.


The demo board is confi gured to run from its internal clock at 1 MHz. To change the internal clock frequency, R5 should be changed according to the instructions in the ADN8830 data sheet. To drive the ADN8830 from an external clock connected to SYNCIN, R6 must be removed. Change R5 to the approximate frequency of the external clock to ensure that the ADN8830 PLL locks onto the external clock effectively. The ex ternal clock fre ­quency must be between 200 kHz and 1 MHz for proper synchronization to occur.
The default phase shift on the board is approximately 135  and is set by the voltage dividers R2 and R4. Dif fer- ent phase shifts can be set by adjusting these resistors according to the ADN8830 data sheet.


The demo board comes confi gured with the VLIM pin pulled to ground through 100 kresistor R16. This deactivates the output voltage limiting and allows the TEC voltage to swing to the supply rails. To set a lower maximum output voltage across the TEC, apply a voltage to the VLIM pad according to the ADN8830 data sheet. This voltage is easily set with a resistive voltage divider, a voltage source, or a DAC.
The ADN8830 demo board is normally active, but can be shut down by applying a logic low voltage to the SD pad. This pin is pulled to VDD through a 100 k resistor, so a connection to this pad is not required.


The TEMPSET voltage is set on the board through resis ­tors R10 and R11. Using a 10 kthermistor connected, the default TEMPSET voltage is set for a 25C set point. A DAC can be easily connected to the TEMPSET pad to change the target temperature. If a DAC is used, it is important to connect its full -scale reference voltage to VREF from the demo board. This ensures the best resolu­tion for target temperature.
REV. 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000
VSY = 3.3V
VSY = 5.0V
REV. 0
When using the components on the demo board, and a laser diode module standard 10 kthermistor with a 0/ 50 Beta value of 3892 (Alpha value of –4.39% at 25C), use the following voltage table:
Table I. TEMPSET Voltages and Binary Codes Corresponding to Target Temperatures
Target TEMPSET Temp Voltage 12-Bit Code 10-Bit Code
5C 1.8811 V 110001001010 1100010011 10C 1.7581 V 101101111011 1011011111 15C 1.6340 V 101010101100 1010101011 20C 1.5099 V 100111011100 1001110111 25C 1.3857 V 100100001101 1001000011 30C 1.2616 V 100000111110 1000001111 35C 1.1375 V 011101101111 0111011011 40C 1.0134 V 011010011110 0110100111 45C 0.8881 V 010111001110 0101110011
Exact equations for alternative temperatures can be found in the ADN8830 data sheet.
The R7 value of 7.68 k is selected for minimum tem­perature-to-voltage error across a temperature range of 5C to 45C, using the 10 k thermistor specied previ­ously. For an alternate temperature range or thermistor type, refer to the applications section in the ADN8830 data sheet to optimize R7. The VREF value used for calculation is 2.45 V.


A compensation network is provided on the ADN8830 demo b oar d to f acilit ate t he dev ice’s performance. Although this network may not have the optimum set­tling time for the particular laser module, it is stable across a wide range of laser modules. Settling within
0.1 C should occur within several seconds, depending on the temperature change step size and the laser power being dissipated, and is indicated by the green LED.
If the demo board does not settle to a xed temperature, or an oscillation on the output voltage is obser ved, the compensation network needs to be adjusted. The simplest method for ensuring stability is to reduce the bandwidth of the compensation network, by increasing the integration capacitor C20. The trade- off is an increase in settling time, which may be required based on the laser module being controlled. Additional details on adjusting the compensation loop are given in the data sheet.


The ADN8830 TEMPOUT and VTEC pins can be read directly from their respective pads on the demo board. For more information on these outputs, refer to the ADN8830 data sheet.


With 1 A of constant output current from a 3.3 V supply, the efciency of the ADN8830 demo board is measured at 90% . At lower clock frequencies, efciency improves to 94% . To measure efciency manually, simultaneously measure the exact supply current, supply voltage, TEC current, and TEC voltage. Use a low resistance ammeter for accurate measurements in the following conguration:
Figure 1. Measuring Efciency of the ADN8830 Demo Board
Output power is the output voltage multiplied by TEC current; supply power is supply voltage multiplied by supply current. The efciency of the system is simply output power divided by supply power. It is important to subtract 6 mA from the supply current measurement because that is the current through the green Temp Good LED when it is on, and is not currently used by the ADN8830 itself. Figures 2 and 3 show the measured efciency of the demo board.
Figure 2. Efciency Measurements with 1 MHz Switching Frequency
REV. 0
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