One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106 • Tel: 781/329-4700 • Fax: 781/326-8703 •
Conguration Registers of ADM106x
by Peter Canty
The ADM106x family of fully programmable supply
sequencers and supervisors can be used as complete
supply management solutions in systems using multiple
voltage supplies. Such applications include line cards in
telecommunications infrastructure equipment (central
ofce, base stations) and blade cards in servers.
All of the features of the ADM106x are programmable
through an SMBus interface. The devices also contain
nonvolatile memory (EEPROM) so that the conguration
of these features can be stored on-chip and downloaded
each time on power-up.
This application note briefly outlines the func tions of
the ADM106x, and provides details of the registers
required to set up the conguration of the ADM106x.
The programming windows of the ADM106x graphical
user interface (GUI) based software provided by ADI to
congure these devices is also shown.
For more information on the features and functions of
the ADM106x, please refer to the relevant data sheet.
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Figure 1. ADM1066 Functional Block Diagram
Figure 2. Top Level Menu of ADM106x Software
VCC >2.5V
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The following pages contain all of the register information required to congure the many features of the
ADM106x. The ADM106x contains both volatile and nonvolatile memory, which must be set up correctly if any
alterations to the conguration are to be updated prop erly in the device. The volatile memory of the ADM106x is
constructed with double buffered latches. For information
on this construction, please refer to the data sheet.
The register/bit map detail below shows the congura tion required to
• Update volatile memory in real time.
• Update volatile memory off line then update
all at once.
• Enable block erase.
• Download EEPROM contents to RAM.
The sequencing engine also has a number of conguration
bits that are used to update it and are detailed below.
1 CFGUPD W Update conguration registers from holding registers (self clears).
0 CONTUPD R/W Enable continuous update of conguration registers.
D8H UDOWNLD 7:1 Cannot be used.
Download conguration data from EEPROM. This also happens automatically
at power-up. Self clears on completion.
F4 MANID 7:0 R Manufacturer’s ID, returns 0x41. Good method of verifying communication.
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The ADM106x devices have 10 inputs. Five of these are
dedicated supply fault detectors—highly programmable
reset generators whose inputs can detect overvoltage,
undervoltage, or out- of- window faults. With these ve
inputs, voltages from 0.573 V to 14.4 V can be supervised. The undervoltage and overvoltage thresholds can
all be programmed to 8- bit resolution. The comparators
used to detect faults on the inputs have digitally pro grammable hysteresis to provide immunity to supply
bounce. Each of these inputs also has a glitch lter
whose timeout is programmable up to 100 µs.
The other ve inputs have dual functionality. They can
be used as analog inputs, like the rst ve channels
scribed above, or as general - purpose logic inputs. As
analog inputs, these channels function exactly the same
as those described above. The major difference is that
these inputs do not have internal potentiometer resistors
and present a true high impedance to the input pin. Their
input range is thus limited to 0.573 V to 1.375 V, but the
high impedance means that an external resistor divide
network can be used to divide down any out- of-range
to a value within range. Thus, +48 V, +24 V, –5 V,
and –12 V can all be supervised by these channels with
the appropriate ex ternal resistor network.
As digital inputs, these pins can be used to detect enable
signals, PWRGD, POWRON, and so on. They are TTL and
CMOS compatible. When used in this mode, the analog
circuitry of these pins can be mapped to its sister input
pin (one of the rst ve inputs described above). Thus,
VX1 can be used as a second detector on VP1, VX2 can
be used with VP2, and so on. VX5 is mapped to VH.
With a second detector available, the user can program
ALARM as well as fault functions.
Figure 4 shows the GUI window for conguring the
inputs. Table II details all of the registers used to con-
gure the inputs to perform the functions described
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Figure 4. ADM106x Inputs Window
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Table II.
Input Reg. Reg. Name Bits Bit Name R/W Description
VP1 00H PS1OVTH 7:0 OV7–OV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for OV threshold on PS1 SFD.
01H PS1OVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 HY4–HY0 R/W 5-bit hysteresis to be subtracted from PS1OVTH when OV is true.
02H PS1UVTH 7:0 UV7–UV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for UV threshold on PS1 SFD.
03H PS1UVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 5-bit hysteresis to be added from PS1UVTH when UV is true.
04H SFDV1CFG 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:2 GF2–GF0 R/W GF2 GF1 GF0 Delay (µs)0 0 0 0
0 0 1 5
0 1 0 10
0 1 1 20
1 0 0 30
1 0 1 50
1 1 0 75
1 1 1 100
1:0 RS1–RS0 R/W RS1 RS0 Fault Type Select0 0 OV
0 1 UV or OV
1 0 UV
1 1 Off
05H SFDV1SEL 7:2 Cannot be used.
1:0 SEL1–SEL0 R/W SEL1 SEL0 Range Select0 0 Midrange (2.5 V to 6 V)
0 1 Low Range (1.25 V to 3 V)
1 0 Ultralow Range (0.573 V to 1.375 V)
1 1 Ultralow Range (0.573 V to 1.375 V)
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Table II. (continued)
Input Reg. Reg. Name Bits Bit Name R/W Description
VP2 08H PS2OVTH 7:0 OV7–OV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for OV threshold on PS2 SFD.
09H PS2OVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 HY4–HY0 R/W 5-bit hysteresis to be subtracted from PS2OVTH when OV is true.
0AH PS2UVTH 7:0 UV7–UV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for UV threshold on PS2 SFD.
0BH PS2UVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 5-bit hysteresis to be added from PS2UVTH when UV is true.
1:0 SEL1–SEL0 R/W SEL1 SEL0 Range Select0 0 Midrange (2.5 V to 6 V)
0 1 Low Range (1.25 V to 3V)
1 0 Ultralow Range (0.573 V to 1.375 V)
1 1 Ultralow Range (0.573 V to 1.375 V)
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Table II. (continued)
Input Reg. Reg. Name Bits Bit Name R/W Description
VP4 18H PS4OVTH 7:0 OV7–OV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for OV threshold on PS4 SFD.
19H PS4OVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 HY4–HY0 R/W 5-bit hysteresis to be subtracted from PS4OVTH when OV is true.
1AH PS4UVTH 7:0 UV7–UV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for UV threshold on PS4 SFD.
1BH PS4UVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 5-bit hysteresis to be added from PS4UVTH when UV is true.
1CH SFDV4CFG 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:2 GF2–GF0 R/W GF2 GF1 GF0 Delay (µs) 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 5
0 1 0 10
0 1 1 20
1 0 0 30
1 0 1 50
1 1 0 75
1 1 1 100
1:0 RS1–RS0 R/W RS1 RS0 Fault Type Select 0 0 OV
0 1 UV or OV
1 0 UV
1 1 Off
1DH SFDV4SEL 7:2 Cannot be used.
1:0 SEL1–SEL0 R/W SEL1 SEL0 Range Select 0 0 Midrange (2.5 V to 6 V)
0 1 Low Range (1.25 V to 3 V)
1 0 Ultralow Range (0.573 V to 1.375 V)
1 1 Ultralow Range (0.573 V to 1.375 V)
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Table II. (continued)
Input Reg. Reg. Name Bits Bit Name R/W Description
VH 20H PSVHOVTH 7:0 OV7–OV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for OV threshold on PSVH SFD.
21H PSVHOVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 HY4–HY0 R/W
when OV is true.
22H PSVHUVTH 7:0 UV7–UV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for UV threshold on PSVH SFD.
23H PSVHUVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 5-bit hysteresis to be added from PSVHUVTH
when UV is true.
Input Reg. Reg. Name Bits Bit Name R/W Description
VX2 30H X2OVTH 7:0 OV7–OV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for OV threshold on X2 SFD.
31H X2OVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 HY4–HY0 R/W 5-bit hysteresis to be subtracted from X2OVTH when OV is true.
32H X2UVTH 7:0 UV7–UV0 R/W 8-bit digital value for UV threshold on X2 SFD.
33H X2UVHYST 7:5 Cannot be used.
4:0 5-bit hysteresis to be added from X2UVTH when UV is true.
1:0 RS1–RS0 R/W RS1 RS0 Fault Type Select 0 0 OV
0 1 UV or OV
1 0 UV
1 1 Off
35H SFDVX2SEL 7:2 Cannot be used.
1:0 SEL1–SEL0 R/W SEL1 SEL0 Function Select 0 0 SFD (Fault) only
0 1 GPI (Fault) only
1 0 GPI (Fault) + SFD (Warning)
1 1 No Function (input can still be used as ADC input)
36H GPIX2CFG 7 Cannot be used.
6 INVIN R/W If High, invert input.
5 INTYP R/W Determines whether a level or an edge is detected on the pin.
INTYP Level/Edge 0 Detect Level
1 Detect Edge
4:3 PULS1–0 R/W Length of pulse output once an edge has been detected on input.
1:0 RS1–RS0 R/W RS1 RS0 Fault Type Select 0 0 OV
0 1 UV or OV
1 0 UV
1 1 Off
45H SFDVX4SEL 7:2 Cannot be used.
1:0 SEL1–SEL0 R/W SEL1 SEL0 Function Select 0 0 SFD (Fault) only
0 1 GPI (Fault) only
1 0 GPI (Fault) + SFD (Warning)
1 1 No Function (input can still be used as ADC input)
46H GPIX4CFG 7 Cannot be used.
6 INVIN R/W If High, invert input.
5 INTYP R/W Determines whether a level or an edge is detected on the pin.
INTYP Level/Edge 0 Detect Level
1 Detect Edge
4:3 PULS1–0 R/W Length of pulse output once an edge has been detected on input.
1:0 RS1–RS0 R/W RS1 RS0 Fault Type Select 0 0 OV
0 1 UV or OV
1 0 UV
1 1 Off
4DH SFDVX5SEL 7:2 Cannot be used.
1:0 SEL1–SEL0 R/W SEL1 SEL0 Function Select 0 0 SFD (Fault) only
0 1 GPI (Fault) only
1 0 GPI (Fault) + SFD (Warning)
1 1 No Function (input can still be used as ADC input)
4EH GPIX5CFG 7 Cannot be used.
6 INVIN R/W If High, invert input.
5 INTYP R/W Determines whether a level or an edge is detected on the pin.
INTYP Level/Edge 0 Detect Level
1 Detect Edge
4:3 PULS1–0 R/W Length of pulse output once an edge has been detected on input.
The ADM106x devices have 10 programmable driver outputs. Supply sequencing is achieved with the ADM106x
by using the PDOs as control signals for supplies. The
output drivers can either be used as logic enables or
FET drivers.
The PDOs can be used for a number of functions; the
primary function is to provide enable signals for LDOs
or dc /dc convertors which generate supplies locally
on a board. The PDOs can also be used to provide a
ER_GOOD signal when all of the SFDs are in tolerance, or to provide a RESET output if one of the SFDs
goes out of spec (this can be used as a status signal for
a DSP, FPGA, or other microcontroller).
The PDOs can be programmed to pull up to a number of
different options. The outputs can be programmed as
• Open drain (allowing the user to connect an
• Open drain with weak pull-up to V
• Push- pull to V
• Open drain with weak pull-up to VPn
• Push- pull to VPn
• Strong pull-down to GND
nal pull-up resistor)
Internally charge-pumped high drive (12 V-PDO 1–
The last option (available only on PDOs 1 to 6) allows
the user to directly drive a voltage high enough to fully
enhance an external N-fet, which is used to isolate, for
example, a card - side voltage from a backplane supply (a
PDO sustains greater than 10.5 V into a 1 µA load). The
pull-down switches may be used to drive status LEDs.
The data driving each of the PDOs can come from one of
three sources. The source can be enabled in the PnPDOCFG
conguration register. The data sources are
• An output from the SE.
• Directly from the SMBus. A PDO can be congured
so that the SMBus has direct control over it. This
enables soft ware control of the PDOs. Thus, a
crocontroller could be used to initiate a software
power- up/power-down sequence.
• An On- Chip Clock. A 100 kHz clock is generated on
the device. This clock can be made available on any
of the PDOs. It could be used to clock an external
device such as an LED, for example.
Figure 5 shows the GUI window for conguring the in
Table III details all of the registers used to congure the
outputs to perform the functions described above.
Figure 5. ADM106x Outputs Window
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