Analog Devices AN-540 Application Notes

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Understanding Global Positioning System Receiver Specifications
Dilution of Precision
Dilution Of Precision (DOP) is a measure of the contribu­tion of the relative geometry of the user and the satel­lites to the error in the location/navigation data generated, making use of the satellites. GPS receivers choose the combination of satellites to be used for posi­tion computation based on their geometric location with respect to the user. The lesser the DOP resulting from a particular combination of satellites, the better the accu­racy that can be achieved. When the receiver is tracking more than four satellites, it computes the DOP associ­ated with each possible combination of four satellites and chooses the combination with the least DOP for use in computation of the user’s position.
The DOP is inversely proportional to the volume of the tetrahedron formed with the user and the four satellites at the five corners. Generally a combination of satellites where, in each of the satellites there is a different azi­muth angle with respect to the user and as much spread apart as possible from each other, results in a very good DOP.
The effect of DOP can be resolved into HDOP, VDOP, PDOP and TDOP.
HDOP is the contribution of the relative (Horizontal Dilution geometry of the satellite con- Of Precision) stellation and the user’s posi-
tion to the computed horizontal position coordinates, that is, the 2D position.
VDOP is the contribution of the relative (Vertical Dilution geometry of the satellite con- Of Precision) stellation and the user’s position
to the computed height above sea level, that is, the altitude.
TDOP is the contribution of the relative (Time Dilution geometry of the satellite constel- Of Precision) lation and the user’s position to
the computed time.
PDOP is the contribution of the relative (Position Dilution geometry of the satellite constel- Of Precision) lation and the user’s position to
the computed in 3D position coordinates, that is, the 2D position as well as the altitude.
GDOP is the contribution of the relative (Geometric Dilution geometry of the satellite constel- Of Precision) lation and the user’s position
Number of Channels
To compute the user’s position, speed, heading and time, the GPS Receiver needs a minimum of four paral­lel correlation channels. GPS receivers have evolved to incorporate six, eight or twelve channels in their architectures.
The following factors influence the necessity/effective­ness of the number of channels in a receiver:
Satellite Visibility
Studies show that most of the time, at most places, eight to ten satellites will be visible above the horizon (above zero degrees of elevation angle). Above 10 degrees of elevation, not more than eight satellites are visible. Above 20 degrees, six or fewer satellites are usually visible.
When installed on a ship, a GPS receiver is likely to acquire/track signals from satellites at very low eleva­tion angles (nearing zero degrees), because in marine applications, the sky is very open with little to obstruct the antenna’s view.
to the computed position coordi­nates and time.
to track, and even more difficult to acquire, due to build­ings, trees, etc. In city areas and in thickly wooded ter­rain, this problem becomes worse and the visibility mask is more than 20 degrees.
Geometrical Dilution of Precision
The relative geometry of the satellites, and the user, greatly influence the accuracy obtainable in the user’s position computed from GPS satellites. The accuracy obtainable is directly proportional to the volume of the tetrahedron formed by the user and the four satel­lites chosen for position computation. This is called Geometric Dilution of Precision. The receivers achieve better accuracy in computed position by choosing the right combination of satellites from among the visible satellites.
With more channels, and when visibility is good, the re­ceiver has a better choice of satellite combinations. In this respect, a higher number of channels is desirable. But again, more channels than the number of visible sat­ellites do not help.
Dynamic Loss of Satellite Signals
In terrain where the antenna’s view of the sky is dynamically obstructed and cleared frequently, more channels improves the percentage of time for which GPS-computed position data is generated by the re­ceiver. Here again, an increase in the number of chan­nels helps to a point when the number of channels becomes equal to the number of visible satellites above visibility mask angle.
When the receiver is powered ON/initialized, it relies on the initial estimates of position and time as well as the age of the almanac data to compute the satellite visibil­ity data. With more channels, the receiver’s time to first fix will improve. This is even more true when the re­ceiver is switched ON and left to itself to find the posi­tion, without an estimate data. In the case of GPS receivers incorporating hardware correlators, increas­ing the number of channels considerably improves the time-to-first-fix. However, in the case of Accord/ADI so­lution, where a soft correlator approach is employed and FFT techniques are used for acquisition of satellite signals, initial estimates of data are of less importance than in the case of receivers using hardware correlators. Since the time taken by our correlator to scan the entire visible sky for a satellite signal is much less than the time taken by other receivers, eight parallel channels are sufficient to give time-to-first-fix in a time of better than two minutes in Autonomous Cold Start.
Computational Assets
Every extra correlation channel imposes additional computational load on the Navigation Processor in the receiver, therefore, more channels than the number of visible satellites are a disadvantage.
Ephemeris Collection
Availability of Ephemeris Data from a visible satellite qualifies the satellite to be considered by the receiver for use in its position computation. The receiver is likely to provide GPS-computed position data for a better per­centage of time when it has collected ephemeris data from most/all visible satellites. This is especially true when the user’s vehicle is moving in obstructed terrain. More channels help in this regard too, but again only to a point where they are not more than the number of vis­ible satellites above the mask angle of elevation. From all of the above considerations, eight parallel channels is the optimum number.
FFT Techniques
FFT—Fast Fourier Transform—converts the time do­main samples of a signal to frequency domain. This technique is used in GPS signal processing to improve satellite signal acquisition time and hence Time-to-First­Fix (TTFF).
GPS satellites continually transmit unique pseudoran­dom (PN) codes, phase modulated on an L-band carrier at 1575.42 MHz, to users all over the world. These PN codes available for civilian users are known as C/A (Coarse Acquisition) codes. The C/A codes provide single peak correlation properties and low cross correla­tion properties.
As the GPS satellite signal travels in space from the sat­ellite to the user equipment, there is a time delay due to transit. This transit time is a measure of the range be­tween satellite and user equipment. Four such range measurements to four satellites are required in the com­putation of user’s position.
The transit time is manifested as phase change in the received PN code, which is measured using correlation technique. These measurements are performed on the signals received from all visible satellites.
To make range measurements more complicated, con­tinuous motion of GPS satellites and the user equipment bring about a shift in the frequency of received signal due to Doppler effect. Thus, the signal processing sec­tion of GPS receiver will have to perform a search for received C/A code in both time domain (phase) and fre­quency domain (Doppler).
One method is to perform a “Cell-by-Cell” search. This approach involves generating local C/A codes to per­form correlation in time domain with received C/A codes from all visible satellites. The process is repeated by changing frequency of local code in small steps.
If the search domains—both in time and frequency—are unknown, the acquisition process will take a very long
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