Analog Devices AN-539 Application Notes

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Errors and Error Budget Analysis in Instrumentation Amplifier Applications
by Eamon Nash
= +VS/2
Figure 1. Error Sources in a Typical Instrumentation Amplifier
This application note describes a systematic approach to calculating the overall error in an instrumentation amplifier (in amp) application. We will begin by describ­ing the primary sources of error (e.g., offset voltage, CMRR, etc.) in an in amp. Then, using data sheet specifi­cations and practical examples, we will compare the accuracy of various in amp solutions (e.g., discrete vs. integrated, three op amp integrated vs. two op amp integrated).
Because instrumentation amplifiers are most often used in low speed precision applications, we generally focus on dc errors such as offset voltage, bias current and low frequency noise (primarily at harmonics of the line fre­quency of either 50 Hz or 60 Hz). We must also estimate the errors that will result from sizable changes in tem­perature due the rugged and noisy environment in which many in amps find themselves.
It is also important to remember that the effect of par­ticular error sources will vary from application to appli­cation. In thermocouple applications, for example, the source impedance of the sensor is very low (typically not greater than a few ohms even when there is a long cable between sensor and amplifier). As a result, errors due to bias current and noise current can be neglected when compared to input offset voltage errors.
Before we consider individual error sources, under­standing of what we mean by RTO and RTI is important. In any device that can operate with a gain greater than unity (e.g., any op amp or in amp), the absolute size of an error will be greater at the output than at the input. For example, the noise at the output will be the gain times the specified input noise. We must, therefore, specify whether an error is referred to the input (RTI) or referred to the output (RTO). For example, if we wanted to refer output offset voltage to the input, we would sim­ply divide the error by the gain, i.e.,
Output Offset Error (RTI) = VOSOUT/Gain
Referring all errors to the input, as is common practice, allows easy comparison between error sizes and the size of the input signal.
Parts per Million—PPM
Parts per million or ppm is a popular way of specifying errors that are quite small. PPM is dimensionless so we must make the error relative to something. In these examples, it is appropriate to compare to the full-scale input signal. For example, the input offset voltage, expressed in ppm, is given by the equation:
Input Offset Error (ppm) = (VOS/V
) ×
Gain V
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Error Sources in Discrete and Integrated Instrumentation Amplifiers
Figure 1 shows the most common and prevalent error sources in discrete and integrated in amps. These error sources are detailed individually below
Offset Voltage
Offset voltage results from a mismatch between transis­tor V
s in an amplifier’s input stage. This voltage can be
modeled as a small dc voltage in series with the input signal, as shown in Figure 1. Like the input signal, it will be amplified by the gain of the in amp. In the case of in amps with more than one stage (e.g., the classic three op amp in amp) the input transistors of the output stage will also contribute an offset component. However, as long as the output stage has gain of unity, as is generally the practice, the in amp’s programmed gain will have no effect on the absolute size of the output offset error. However, for error computation, this error is usually referred back to the input so that its effect can be com­pared to the size of the input signal. This yields the equation:
Total Offset Error (RTI) = V
+ V
From this equation, it is clear that the effect of output offset voltage will decrease as the in amp’s pro­grammed gain increases.
current times the source impedance. Because either of the bias currents can be the greater, the offset current can be of either polarity.
Common-Mode Rejection
An ideal in amp will amplify the differential voltage be­tween its inverting and noninverting inputs regardless of any dc offsets appearing on both inputs. So any dc offset appearing on both inputs (+V
/2 in Figure 1) will
be rejected by the in amp. This dc or common-mode component is present in many applications. Indeed, removing this common-mode component is often the primary function of an instrumentation amplifier in an application.
In practice, not all of the input common-mode signal will be rejected and some will appear at the output. Common-mode rejection ratio is a measure of how well the instrumentation amplifier rejects common-mode signals. It is defined by the formula:
CMRR (dB) 20
Gain V
  
We can rewrite this equation to allow calculation of the output voltage that results from a particular input common-mode voltage.
Offset and Bias Currents
Bias currents flow into or out of the in amp’s inputs. These are usually the base currents of npn or pnp tran­sistors. These small currents will therefore have a de­fined polarity for a particular type of in amp.
Bias currents generate error voltages when they flow through source impedances. The bias current times the source impedance generates a small dc voltage which appears in series with the input offset voltage. However if both inputs of the in amp are looking at the same source impedance, equal bias currents will generate a
small common-mode input voltage (typically in the µV
AC and DC Common-Mode Rejection
Poor common-mode rejection at dc will result in a dc off­set at the output. While this can be calibrated away (just like offset voltage), poor common-mode rejection of ac signals is much more troublesome. If, for example, the input circuit picks up 50 Hz or 60 Hz interference from the mains, an ac voltage will result at the output. Its presence will reduce resolution. Filtering is a solution only in very slow applications where the maximum fre­quency is much less than 50 Hz/60 Hz.
Table I shows the output voltages of two in amps, the AD623 and the INA126, that result when a 60 Hz common-mode voltage of 100 mV amplitude is picked up by the input.
We must also consider the offset current, which is the difference between the two bias currents. This differ­ence will generate an offset type error equal to the offset
Table I. Effect of CMRR on Output Voltage of AD623 and INA126 for a 60 Hz, 100 mV Amplitude Common-Mode Input
Gain VIN (cm) CMRR–INA126 CMRR–AD623 V
–INA126 V
10 100 mV @ 60 Hz 83 dB 100 dB 70.7 µV 10 µV 100 100 mV @ 60 Hz 83 dB 110 dB 707 µV 31.6 µV 1000 100 mV @ 60 Hz 83 dB 110 dB 7.07 mV 316 µV
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