Analog Devices an417 Application Notes

Fast Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers Ease Design Constraints in Low Voltage
High Speed Systems
by Eamon Nash
Movement towards lower power supply voltages is driven by the demand that systems consume less and less power coupled with the desire to reduce the num­ber of power supply voltages in the system. Lowering power supply voltages and reducing the number of sup­plies has obvious advantages. One such advantage is to lower system power consumption. This has the addi­tional benefit of saving space. Lowering overall power consumption has a residual benefit in that there may no longer be a need for cooling fans in the system.
However, as the traditional system power supply voltages of ±15 V and ±12 V give way to lower bipolar supplies of ±5 V and single supplies of +5 V and +3.3 V, it is necessary for circuit designers to understand that de­signing in this new environment is not simply a matter of finding components that are specified to operate at lower voltages. Not all design principles used in the past can be directly translated to a lower voltage environment.
different power supply conditions (e.g., ±5 V, +5 V and +3 V), along with corresponding loading conditions, are useful and necessary here.
Rail-to-rail amplifiers are seen as a solution to the dilemma of decreasing power supply voltages. The term rail-to-rail, while not exactly defined, refers to devices whose inputs and/or outputs can swing close to both rails. This definition does not put an exact value on “close to both rails”, nor does it specify the loading con­ditions under which rail-to-rail performance must be maintained. Rail-to-rail op amps are a subset of single­supply op amps which are devices that operate on a single rail. The inputs and outputs of a single-supply op amp may or may not be able to approach the rails. In order to work successfully with rail-to-rail and single­supply op amps, an basic understanding of some com­monly used output stages is necessary.
Reducing the power supply voltage to a typical op amp has a number of effects. Obviously, the signal swings both at the input and output are reduced. The required headroom between signal and rail (typically 1 V to 2 V in conventional amplifiers), which is of lesser importance with power supplies of ±15 V, now drastically reduces the usable signal range. While this reduction does not normally increase noise levels in the system, signal-to­noise ratios will be degraded. Because the designer can no longer use techniques such as increasing power sup­ply voltages and signal swings in order to “swamp” noise levels, greater attention must be paid to noise levels in the system.
Both bandwidth and slew rate decrease as power sup­plies drop. However, it should be noted that smaller signal swings need lower slew rates to maintain the same bandwidth. In choosing an operational amplifier, close study of the data sheet is essential. Data sheet specifications that list slew rate and bandwidth under
Figure 1. Common Op Amp Output Stages
Figure 1 shows two typical high speed op amp output stages. The emitter-follower stage is widely used in low distortion op amps. Its output voltage swing is limited to slightly greater than one diode drop from the rails. In reality, the headroom is closer to 1 V. In order to main­tain low distortion at high frequencies, even more headroom may be required, reducing the available
50 TO 500
peak-to-peak swing even further. Adding an external load resistor (typically 50 to 500 ) referenced to the negative rail (this would be ground in a single-supply application) provides a pull-down path to the output. This, combined with the biasing on the bases of the NPN and PNP transistors, allows the PNP transistor to shut off. This allows the output to be pulled close to the nega­tive rail so that the output stage behaves much like a simple NPN follower. This only allows the voltage to ap­proach the negative rail. The load resistor would have to be referenced to the positive supply to bring the output voltage close to the positive rail. Another potential drawback of this configuration is the large load current that would be drawn for signal swings greater than a few hundred millivolts. Using a 50 pull-down resistor, for example, would draw a current from the op amp of 40 mA if a 2 V p-p swing was desired.
The common-emitter stage shown allows the output to swing to within the transistor saturation voltage, V
of both rails. For small amounts of load current (less than 100 µA), the saturation voltage may be as low as 5 mV to 20 mV; but for higher load currents, the saturation voltage may increase to several hundred millivolts (for example, 500 mV at 50 mA). This type of output stage has higher open-loop output impedance than an emitter follower stage and is more likely to distort when driving such nonlinear loads as flash converters. It is important though not to look at open loop output impedance in isolation. Closed loop output impedance, Z
, is given by
the formula
is the open loop output impedance,
open loop gain and β is the feedback factor (
is the
β is com-
monly referred to as Loop Gain). So a large open loop gain, of 100 dB for example, would reduce the output impedance of an op amp, connected as a unity gain buffer, by a factor of 100,000. As frequency increases, the decreasing open loop gain will cause the output impedance to increase.
of the available voltage range. Step-up transformers can increase voltages to an arbitrarily high level, but at the cost of increased output current from the driving ampli­fier. The following collection of common high speed applications seeks to illustrate the challenges involved in designing low voltage analog circuits and looks spe­cifically at the techniques involved in obtaining optimal performance when using rail-to-rail op amps.
Driving High Speed ADCs
While most modern high speed ADCs operate from single supplies, they are still most often used in signal chains that have bipolar supplies. Because single­supply ADCs typically have lower quiescent currents than their dual supply equivalents, the main impetus behind this trend is the power that is saved.
Bipolar signals usually need some form of level shifting before being applied to a single-supply ADC. Because
the safe input voltage to an ADC should not generally exceed the power supply voltages by more than a few hundred millivolts, consideration must be given to the protection of single-supply devices in a dual supply environment.
Figure 2 shows an 8-bit 125 MSPS flash converter being driven by a 240 MHz clamping amplifier. The ADC uses ECL logic and is powered from a single –5.2 V supply. The input voltage swing is 2 V (–1 V ± 1 V). The device’s absolute maximum ratings specify a safe input voltage range to be between –V
and +0.5 V. While choosing a
rail-to-rail amplifier to run from the same single supply would inherently protect the ADC from overvoltage, powering the op amp from a bipolar supply is more appropriate in this example.
Even though a rail-to-rail amplifier running on a single supply of –5.2 V would be capable of swinging most of the way up to ground, signal distortion tends to degrade significantly as voltages approach the rails. A more rea­sonable approach involves powering the op amp with bipolar supplies so that there is a large amount of head­room (5 V on the positive side and 3 V on the negative side) between the signal and the rails.
Even though rail-to-rail amplifiers can typically swing to within a few tens of millivolts of the power supplies, there is generally a tradeoff between distortion and signal swing. Data sheets of op amps usually specify optimum distortion with output signals that do not exer­cise the complete available voltage range. As signal levels approach within a few hundred millivolts of the rails, distortion performance degrades significantly. The best distortion/signal level tradeoff in rail-to-rail op amps, with common-emitter output stages, occurs when there is a signal-to-rail headroom of about 500 mV to each rail. This is a generalization and the optimal value will also depend on loading.
In addition to using rail-to-rail amplifiers, there are a number of techniques that can be used to increase sig­nal swings without having to increase power supply levels. Differential drive circuits make more efficient use
Using two resistor dividers, the input referred clamp voltages of the op amp are set to ±0.55 V or 50 mV greater than the normal maximum input voltages. In order to map the ±0.5 V input voltage into the 0 V to –2 V input range of the ADC, the op amp provides a gain of two and uses a +2.5 V reference to give a level shift of
–1 V
. The output referred clamp voltages translate to +0.1 V and –2.1 V. The 1N5712 Schottky diode provides additional protection during power-up and actually holds the maximum voltage at the ADC’s input to about +0.3 V. A 50 resistor in series with the op amp’s output limits the current through the diode during overvoltage as well as isolating the output stage from the signal dependent capacitive load of the flash ADC maximum value of 22 pF. The negative clamping level of –2.1 V, while not necessary to protect the converter, pre­vents excessive negative overdrive of the analog input.
that has a
SIGNAL +/–0.5 V
+2.5 V REF
R 75
R1 499
= +0.55V
= –0.55V
CLAMPS AT +0.1 V, –2.1 V
(8-BITS, 125 MSPS)
= –1 +/–1V
Figure 2. AD9002, 8-Bit, 125 MSPS Flash Converter
In addition to and perhaps more important than provid­ing the necessary signal conditioning, a drive amplifier must provide a low impedance source which does not degrade the ADC’s dynamic capabilities. The signal to noise plus distortion (S/(N+D) or SINAD) plot of the ADC should generally be used as the first selection criterion for the drive amplifier. This plot should be compared to the op amp’s total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N). Comparing like with like is important here and both measurements should reference similar signal levels, power supply voltages and bias conditions as will be used in the actual circuit. The amplifier’s loading con­ditions should also be similar to those presented by the ADC. As a general rule, in order to prevent the op amp from degrading the dynamic performance of the ADC, its THD+N should be 6 dB to 10 dB better than the ADC’s S/(N+D) at the highest signal frequency
(usually but not always the ADC’s Nyquist frequency). In some applica­tions, such as spectral analysis, low distortion can be more important than low noise. In such cases, compar­ing the op amp’s THD to the ADC’s distortion (usually specified as spurious free dynamic range or SFDR) is more meaningful. Once again, choosing an op amp whose distortion is 6 dB to 10 dB better than the ADC’s is appropriate.
This selection criterion can be used where the ADC’s input impedance is fixed and does not change during the con­version process. This is usually the case with ADCs de­signed on bipolar processes. On the other hand, ADCs designed on CMOS processes typically connect the sample-and-hold switches directly to the analog input. This generates transient currents during the conversion that the external drive circuit must be able to deliver. In addition to this, the (relatively low) on-impedance of CMOS switches has some signal dependency. The ADC’s analog input may, therefore, exhibit a signal-level­dependent input impedance, which leads to distortion.
Figure 3 shows a 12-bit 10 MSPS single-supply CMOS ADC being driven by a differential amplifier, created us­ing a single-supply dual op amp. The input stage of the ADC is a differential sample-and-hold. The switches that open and close at the sampling frequency are shown in track mode. The capacitances denoted C
are about 16 pF and represent the combined stray capaci­tance of the switches and the input pins. C
and CH repre-
sent the sampling and hold capacitances respectively. In the track mode, the differential input voltage is applied to the C
capacitors. When it goes into hold mode, the
voltages on these capacitors are transferred to the hold capacitors.
The input range of the ADC is set, by pin strapping, to 2 V peak-to-peak. The differential drive amplifier sets up a common-mode voltage of 2.5 V. From a signal distortion point of view, this is the optimal configuration for a num­ber of reasons.
In systems that truly operate on a single power supply, it can often be difficult to maintain dc coupling from source all the way to the ADC. In such systems, a virtual ground is often created, usually centered halfway be­tween the rails. This introduces the question of an opti­mum input voltage range for a single-supply ADC. At first glance, it would seem that a zero-volt referenced in­put might be desirable. But in fact, this places some se­vere constraints on both the ADC and its driving amplifier because both must maintain full linearity and low distortion at or near 0 V.
A more optimum voltage range for both ADC and op amp is one that includes neither ground nor the positive supply. A range centered around V
/2 is usually opti-
mum. For example, an input range of 2 V p-p centered around +2.5 V is bounded by +1.5 V and +3.5 V. If the dynamic specifications of single-supply op amps are stated for a midscale bias condition, a direct specifica­tion comparison can be made to help in making an
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