The ADMC200-EVAL board can be used to build a simple
motor control demonstration based around the ADMC200
motion coprocessor. The board is designed to interface
directly to the ADDS-2101-EZ-LAB or the ADMC21xxEZ-LAB boards through the 60-pin user interface connector. This board can be used with processors that are
compatible with the ADMC200 address and data bus.
The evaluation board is supplied with a DSP assembly
code for a demonstration program that exercises all the
ADMC200 functions.
The software provided with the evaluation board serves
two purposes. Running the software demonstrates
ADMC200 functions and verifies the operation of the IC.
The software can also serve as a useful template around
which to write motor control software using the
This application note describes the ADMC200-EVAL
board hardware, setting up with the ADSP-2101 EZ-LAB
board, and a description of the demonstration software.
Instructions on how to load and run the software is given
in the
Running the Demonstration Program
by Aengus Murray and Paul Kettle
A more detailed description of the ADMC200 functions and pinout is included in the product data
sheet. There is also a companion application note
describing the digital implementation of a high
speed motor control systems using the ADMC200/
ADMC201 and an ADSP-2105 DSP.
This document only relates to REV 2.0 of the
ADMC200-EVAL board and REV 2.0 of the demonstration software.
The system block diagram is shown in Figure 1,
while the full circuit diagram is in Appendix A. The
board has the ADMC200/ADMC201 as the main component, a 74S138 address decoder, a 74LS04 hex inverting buffer, and some passive components. The
user connections to the board are made via three terminal blocks: PWM output, analog input, and digital
I/O. Separate analog (5 VA) and logic (5 VL) power is
supplied through a 4-way terminal block.
The analog input channels have Zener diode protection and a two-pole passive anti-aliasing filter with a
default cutoff frequency of 5 kHz. The reference input
AD 9..10,
AD 12..13
D0..11 A0..3
Figure 1. ADMC200-EVAL Board System Block Diagram
can be taken from the ADMC200/ADMC201 reference
output or through the analog connection block. The
CONVST pin can be connected to the PWMSYNC pin or
to the external digital I/O connector. The ADMC200/
ADMC201 PWM outputs are buffered using a 74LS04 hex
inverter to give active high PWM signals at the connector. Other signal formats can be obtained by using a different buffer.
The ADMC200 board connects to the ADSP-2101 data
and address busses via the 60-pin user interface connector. The ADMC200/ADMC201 data bus is connected to
the top 12 bits of the DSP data bus (D12 . . . D23). The
ADMC200/ADMC201 4-bit address bus is connected to
the lower 4 bits of the DSP address bus (AD0 . . . AD3).
The ADMC200/ADMC201 chip select line
using the 74S138 address decoder from the DSP address
lines AD4, AD5, AD12 and AD13. The memory space
between 1000 and 2FFF is used by the EZ-LAB Digital to
Analog Converter. The ADMC200 read registers are
memory mapped to the DSP data memory between 3000
and 300F. To allow read and write registers to have different names the write registers are mapped between
3010 and 301F. The DSP read, write and output clock
lines are connected directly to the ADMC200. The
ADMC200 interrupt line
Power Supply Connections
The board requires a +5 V power supply. Separate analog (+5 VA and 0 VA) and logic (+5 VL and 0 VL) supply
connections are provided to minimize noise on supply
cables. It is recommended that the logic, analog, and signal grounds be connected to a common star point on the
board using jumpers JPG1. . . .
Jumper Configuration
The board has three ground planes: a logic ground plane
(0 VL), an analog ground plane (0 VA) and a signal
ground plane. These can all be connected to a common
star point using jumpers JPG1 . . . 3 as described in the
following table.
Table I. ADMC200-EVAL Ground Jumpers
JUMPERPosition Function
JPG1INConnects Analog Ground 0 VA to
JPG2INConnects Logic Ground 0 VL to
JPG3INConnects Signal Ground SGND to
IRQ is connected to DSP inter-
Star Point
Star Point
Star Point
CS, is derived
The ADMC200/ADMC201 A/D converter connections can
be configured using jumpers JP1 and JP2 as described in
Table II. Here, the names in bold are ADMC200/ADMC201
pins, while the names in italic are brought from one of the
terminal blocks. The start of conversion signal can be synchronized to the PWM switching frequency (using
PWMSYNC), or to an external CONVST signal. The A/D
reference (REFIN) can be derived from the on board reference (REFOUT) or through the analog connector.
Table II. ADMC200/ADMC201-EVAL ADC Jumpers
Jumper Position Function
2–3Connects REFIN to
JP31–2Connect IRQ on ADMC200/ADMC201
2–3Connect IRQ on ADMC200/ADMC201
Analog Input Signals
Analog inputs to the Analog to Digital (A/D) converter
are brought through a 14-way connector block, described in Table III. There is a two-stage passive antialiasing low-pass filter at the input to each of the A/D
converter channels. The filter R and C values are 10 kΩ
and 3.3 nF which gives a cutoff frequency of 5 kHz. Other
cutoff frequencies can be selected by replacing the resistor networks (7XR DIL isolated resistor network).
Table III. ADMC200-EVAL Analog Connector
NameADMC200 Connection
SHIELDConnected to 0 VL Ground Plane
SGNDConnected to SGND Ground Plane
UConnected to U via RC Filter
SGNDConnected to SGND Ground Plane
VConnected to V via RC Filter
SGNDConnected to SGND Ground Plane
WConnected to W via RC Filter
SGNDConnected to SGND Ground Plane
AUX0Connect to AUX
AUX1ADMC201 Only
AUX2ADMC201 Only
AUX3ADMC201 Only
SGNDConnected to SGND Ground Plane
REFINConnected to REFIN (Pin)
PWM Output Signals
The six PWM outputs signals are buffered by a 74LS04
HEX buffer IC and brought to the 8-way terminal block. If
active low signals are required, direct from the
ADMC200, this inverter IC can be bypassed. The buffer
can be replaced by an open collector device to drive
opto-isolating LED input type gate drive circuits. The
PWM STOP input is brought directly from the connector
to ADMC200. If this input is unused, it should be pulled
low through a 10K resistor to prevent spurious tripping
of the PWM signals.
Table IV. ADMC200-EVAL PWM Connector
Connector Name ADMC200 Connection
0 VLConnected to 0 VL Ground Plane
CPDriven by ADMC200 CP through Buffer
CDriven by ADMC200 C through Buffer
BPDriven by ADMC200 BP through Buffer
BDriven by ADMC200 B through Buffer
APDriven by ADMC200 AP through Buffer
ADriven by ADMC200 A through Buffer
Digital I/O Signals
Only two of the digital I/O signals are used with the
ADMC200. An external start of conversion signal can
be supplied via the EXTSAMPLE connection, and the
PWMSYNC pulse is brought out to this connector.
Data and Address Bus Interface
The ADMC200 board connects to the ADSP-2101 data
and address busses via the 60-pin user interface connector. The ADMC200 4-bit address bus is connected to
the lower 4 bits of the DSP address bus (AD0 . . . AD3).
The ADMC200 chip select line (
74S138 address decoder from the DSP address lines
AD9, AD10, AD12 and AD13, according to Table VI. The
memory space between 1000 and 2FFF is used by the
EZ-LAB DAC. The ADMC200 read registers are memory
mapped to the DSP data memory between 0x3000 and
0x300F. To allow read and write registers to have different names the write registers are mapped between
0x3010 and 0x301F. The memory map for the system is
given in Table VII.
The DSP reads and writes data directly to and from the
ADMC200 registers. The ADMC200 data bus is connected to the top 12 bits of the DSP data bus (D12 . . .
D23), thus lowest 4 bits read by the DSP will always be
invalid. This data bus connection scheme easily allows
the use of the DSP fixed 1.15 mode of operation. Therefore, a full-scale negative input on the A/D converter,
giving 2s complement number 0x800 will be read into
the DSP as 0x8000 HEX or –1.0000000 fixed point (See
Chapter 2 of the ADSP-2100
ADMC200 interrupt line is connected to DSP interrupt
CS) is derived using the
Family User’s Manual
). The
Table V. ADMC200-EVAL Digital I/O Connector
Connector NameADMC200 Connection
0 VLConnected to 0 VL Ground Plane
PIO0ADMC201 Only
PIO1ADMC201 Only
PIO2ADMC201 Only
PIO3ADMC201 Only
PIO4ADMC201 Only
PIO5ADMC201 Only
EXTSAMPLEExternal CONVST Signal Input
0x1000W(2)Write_DAC0_DAC Channel 0 Data Input
0x1001W(2)Write_DAC1DAC Channel 1 Data Input
0x1002W(2)Write_DAC2_DAC Channel 2 Data Input
0x1003W(2)Write_DAC3_DAC Channel 3 Data Input
0x2000W(2)Load_DAC_Load DAC Data
0x3000W(0)ADMC200_RESET_ADMC200 Chip Reset
0x3000R(0)0ID_PHV1_Forward/Reverse Rotation Result
0x3001R(0)1IQ_PHV2_Forward/Reverse Rotation Result
0x3002R(0)2IX_PHV3_Forward/Reverse Rotation Result
0x3003R(0)3IY_VY_Forward/Reverse Rotation Result
0x3005R(0)5ADCV_ A/DConversion Result
0x3006R(0)6ADCW_ A/DConversion Result
0x3007R(0)7ADCAUX_ A/DConversion Result
0x3008R(0)8ADCU_ A/DConversion Result
0x300ER(0)ESYSSTAT_System Status Register
0x3010W(0)0RHO_Forward Rotation Angle Input
0x3011W(0)1PHIP1_VD_Forward/Reverse Rotation Input
0x3012W(0)2PHIP2_VQ_Forward/Reverse Rotation Input
0x3013W(0)3PHIP3_Reverse Rotation Input
0x3014W(0)4RHOP_Reverse Rotation Angle Input
0x3015W(0)5PWMTM_PWM Period Input
0x3016W(0)6PWMCHA_PWM Channel On Time Input
0x3017W(0)7PWMCHB_PWM Channel On Time Input
0x3018W(0)8PWMCHC_PWM Channel On Time Input
0x3019W(0)9PWMDT_PWM Deadtime Input
0x301AW(0)APWMPD_PWM Pulse Deletion Input
0x301DR/W(0)DSYSCTRL_System Control Register
The ADMC200-EVAL board connects to the DSP over
the EZ-LAB user interface connector according to the
following table. Here, the ADMC200 connections in bold
are direct connections to the DSP, while the connections
shown in
nals for the ADMC200. The relevant EZ-LAB DSP connections are shown for reference.
are used to produce CS and RESET sig-
Using the ADMC200-EVAL Board with the ADSP-2101
To run the supplied demonstration software the ADSP2101 EZ-LAB board IRQ2 must be enabled from the user
interface connector (60-pin IDC), and The FLAG IN pushbutton must be enabled. The required jumper configurations are shown below. If you are using higher clock
frequencies you need to edit the software and run in
the divide-by-two clock mode (see source code listing).
Table IX. ADSP-2101 EZ-LAB Jumper Configuration
JP23-2Enable FLAG IN Pushbutton
JP3 . . . JP8Don’t Care
JP12-1Enable IRQ2 from the User
Interface Connector
ADMC200-EVAL Board Software
The demonstration software exercises the three main
functional blocks on the ADMC200: the A/D converter,
the vector transformation block, and the PWM block.
The program can be loaded on to the EZ-LAB using the
EZ-ICE or by burning a boot EPROM. The program runs
in a loop timed by the ADMC200 A/D converter interrupt
signal that is synchronized to the PWM frequency.
There are four modes of operation that can be
sequenced through by pressing the FLAG IN button on
the EZ-LAB board:
• In the ADC_TEST mode the program reads the four
A/D channels and writes the values to the EZ-LAB
DAC outputs DAC0 . . . 3.
• In the FOR_PARK_TEST mode two of the A/D channels V and W are used as the Vd and Vq inputs for a
forward PARK and CLARKE transformation. The rotation angle is incremented at a constant rate and the
PARK results are displayed on DAC0 . . . 2 as a set of
three phase voltages.
• In the REV_PARK_TEST mode the most recent PHV1
. . . 3 results of the forward PARK and CLARKE transformation are used as the PHIP2 and PHIP3 inputs for
a reverse PARK and CLARKE transformation. The rotation angle is again incremented at a constant rate
but this time the PARK results displayed on DAC0 . . .
1 as a set of quadrature sin/cos voltages.
• In the PWM_TEST mode a set of three phase voltages
are incremented by 1 count per PWM cycle, thus
giving a slowly varying duty cycle on each of the
The demonstration software disks includes a system
file ADMC200.SYS, two include files ADMC200C.H,
ADMC200P.H, the main DSP code A200EVAL.DSP, and a
GO batch file.
The System Hardware File: ADMC200.SYS (Appendix B)
The system file describes the ADMC200 EVAL and the
ADSP-2101 EZ-LAB board address decode schemes. The
EZ-LAB DAC ports are mapped between memory locations 0x1000 and 0x2000. The ADMC200 reset line
is mapped to the data memory location 0x3000. The
ADMC200 read registers are mapped to data memory
locations running from 0x3000 to 0x300F. The ADMC200
write registers are mapped to data memory locations
running from 0x3010 to 0x301F, this does not effect the
address decode hardware but it allows the use of different register names for data memory reads and writes.
ADMC200 Constants File: ADMC200C.H (Appendix C)
This file includes a number of universal constants used
in the program. The first group of constants define some
ADSP-2101 memory mapped registers. The second
group of constants define ADSP-2101 interrupt masks.
The next group of constants define the bits that must be
set in the ADMC200/ADMC201 system control register to
operate the device in different modes, e.g., AUX_EN:
enable the A/D AUX channel by setting Bit 7. The last set
of constants define the bits in the SYSSTAT register that
should be compared with in order to determine the
ADMC200 interrupt source.
ADMC200 Port File: ADMC200P.H (Appendix D)
This file includes all the port definitions required for the
ADMC200 memory mapped registers.
ADMC200 DSP Code: A200EVAL.DSP (Appendix E)
There is a single file for the main DSP assembly code.
The file can be edited to change the user program
parameters, such as system clock frequency etc., as
listed below. These parameters, in SI units, used to
derive program constants such as the PWM period in
clock counts etc.
The code at the beginning of the program performs
initialization of the DSP and ADMC200. The program is
interrupt driven. The main part of the code consists of
interrupt service routines (ISR) which services the
ADMC200 interrupt. There are two sources of ADMC200
interrupt enabled enabled, namely the A/D conversion
and the Park and Clarke transformation. The ISR is
partitioned into three portions, one for each of the
interrupt sources and an initial portion that parses the
ADMC200 SYSSTAT register to determine the source of
the interrupt and subsequently call one of the two
service portions. The A/D portion of the ISR is subdivided into four sections depending on which one of
four modes is in operation.
The source code file can be split into a number of sections:
1. Definition of program constants
2. Definition of program variables
3. Interrupt jump table code
4. Initialization code
5. Mode change code
6. Interrupt service routine code
7. Subroutine code
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