Analog Devices AN-397 Application Notes

Electrically Induced Damage to Standard Linear Integrated Circuits:
The Most Common Causes and the Associated Fixes to Prevent Reoccurrence
by Niall Lyne
The sensitivity of electronic components to transient electrical overstress events is a well-known problem, exacerbated by the continuing evolution of integrated circuits. Smaller geometries, increased circuit densities, and the limited area allotted to on-chip protection all tend to increase this sensitivity. In an effort to minimize costs in each particular segment of system implementa­tion, the burden of transient protection is often shifted to other, less efficient means.
This application note will first review the nature of the threat to integrated circuits in an operating environ­ment, and then briefly discuss overall device protection from the following: (1) handling, automatic board insertion equipment, etc., (2)
errors, floating ground(s) due to a loose edge connec­tors, etc., and finally, (3) generated from a power supply, a defective circuit board, during circuit board troubleshooting, etc.
generated from power-up/down sequencing
events caused by human
Techniques for protection from “zapping” depend on the stage of manufacture. During the manufacturing of integrated circuits and assembly of electronic equip­ment, protection is achieved through the use of well­known measures such as static dissipative table tops, wrist straps, ionized air blowers, antistatic shipping tubes, etc. These methods will be discussed only briefly here in relation to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protec­tion. Likewise this application note is not addressed to precautionary measures employed during shipping, in­stallation, or repair of equipment. Rather, the main thrust will be limited to protection aspects called upon during printed circuit board assembly, normal operation of the equipment (often by operating personnel who are untrained in preventative measures), and in service con­ditions where the transient environment may not be well characterized.
The transient environment varies widely. There are sub­stantial differences among those experienced by, say, automotive systems, airborne or shipborne equipment, space systems, industrial equipment or consumer prod­ucts. All types of electronic components can be destroyed or degraded. nectors, printed circuit boards, etc., are susceptible, although their threshold levels are much higher than integrated circuits. Microwave diodes and transistors are among the most sensitive components. However, this application note will be restricted to standard linear integrated circuits because of their wide usage, and to limit the scope of coverage.
Even capacitors, relays, con-
Electrostatic Discharge
Electrostatic discharge is a single, fast, high current transfer of electrostatic charge that results from:
Direct contact transfer between two objects at differ-
ent potentials,
A high electrostatic field between two objects when
they are in close proximity.
The prime sources of static electricity are mostly insula­tors and are typically synthetic materials, e.g., vinyl or plastic work surfaces, insulated shoes, finished wood chairs, Scotch tape, bubble pack, soldering irons with ungrounded tips, etc. Voltage levels generated by these sources can be extremely high since their charge is not readily distributed over their surfaces or conducted to other objects.
The generation of static electricity caused by rubbing two substances together is called the triboelectric effect. Examples of sources of triboelectric electrostatic charge generation in a high RH ( 60%) environment include:
Walking across a carpet ⇒ 1000 V–1500 V generated.
Walking across a vinyl floor ⇒ 150 V–250 V generated.
Handling material protected by clear plastic covers ⇒
400 V–600 V generated.
Handling polyethylene bags ⇒ 1000 V–1200 V generated.
Pouring polyurethane foam into a box ⇒ 1200 V–
1500 V generated.
ICs sliding down an open antistatic shipping tube
25 V–250 V generated.
: For low RH (<30%) environments, generated volt-
ages can be >10 × those listed above.
ESD Models
To evaluate the susceptibility of devices to simulated stress environments a host of test waveforms have been developed. The three most prominent of these wave­forms currently in general use for simulating ESD events in semiconductor or discrete devices are: The Human Body Model (HBM), the Machine Model (MM), and the Charged Device Model (CDM). The test circuits and cur­rent waveform characteristics for these three models are shown in Figures 1 to 3. Each of these models repre­sents a fundamentally different ESD event. Conse­quently, correlation between the test results for these models is minimal.
Human Body Model:
Simulates the discharge event that occurs when a per­son charged to either a positive or negative potential touches an IC at a different potential.
RLC = 1.5 kΩ, ~0 nH, 100 pF.
0H 1.5k
Figure 1. Human Body Model
Comparison of HBM, MM, and CDM Waveforms
Figure 4 shows 400 V HBM, MM, and CDM discharge waveforms on the same current vs. time scale. These waveforms are of great use in predicting what failure mechanism may result on a particular device type due to ESD events simulated by one of these three models.
The rise time for the HBM waveform is <10 ns (typically 6 ns–9 ns), and this waveform decays exponentially to­wards 0 V with a fall time of >150 ns. MIL-STD-883 Method 3015
requires a rise time of <10 ns and a delay time of
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Classifi-
150 ± 20 ns (Method 3015 defines delay time as the time for the waveform to drop from 90% of the peak current to 36.8% of the peak current). The peak current for the HBM waveform is 400 V/1500 or 0.267A. Although this peak current is much lower than that for 400 V CDM and MM events, the relatively long duration of the total HBM event results in a discharge of relatively high energy.
Machine Model:
Japanese model based on a worst-case HBM.
RLC = 0 Ω, 500 nH, 200 pF.
500nH 0k
Figure 2. Machine Model
Charged Device Model:
Simulates the discharge that occurs when a pin on an IC charged to either a positive or negative potential con­tacts a conductive surface at a different (usually ground) potential.
RLC = 0 Ω, ~0 nH, 1 pF–20 pF.
Figure 3. Charged Device Model
Figure 4. Relative Comparison of 400 V HBM, MM, and CDM Discharges
The MM waveform consists of both positive-going and negative-going sinusoidal peaks with peak magnitudes that decay exponentially. The initial MM peak has a rise time of 14 ns, i.e., only slightly greater than that of the single HBM peak. The total duration of the MM wave­form is comparable to that for the HBM waveform. How­ever, the peak current for the first peak of the 400 V MM event is 5.8 A, which is the highest of the three models. The next four peaks, though decreasing in current, still all have magnitudes of >1 A. These multiple high current peaks of substantial duration result in an overall dis­charge energy that is by far the highest of the three models because there is no current limiting; R = 0 .
The CDM waveform corresponds to the shortest known
real-world ESD event. The socketed CDM waveform has a rise time of 400 ps, with the total duration of the CDM event of 2 ns. The CDM waveform is essentially unipo­lar, although some slight ringing occurs at the end of the CDM event that results in some negative-going peaks.
With a 400 V charging voltage, a socketed CDM dis­charge will have a peak current of 2.1 A. However, the very short duration of the overall CDM event results in an overall discharge of relatively low energy.
Summary of ESD Models
Table I is a reference table that compares the most important characteristics of the three ESD simulation models.
Table I.
Model HBM MM Socketed CDM
Simulate Human Body Machine Charged Device
Origin US Military Japan 1976 AT&T 1974
Late 1960s
Real World Yes Generally No Yes
RC 1.5 k, 100 pF 0 , 200 pF 1 , 1 pF–20 pF
Rise Time <10 ns 14 ns* 400 ps**
at 400 V 0.27 A 5.8 A* 2.1 A**
Dependent No No Yes
Recovery No No Yes
Prohibit the use of prime static generators, e.g.,
Scotch tape.
Follow up with ESD audits at a minimum of three
month intervals.
Training: Keep in mind, the key to an effective ESD
control program is “TRAINING.” Training should be given to all personnel who come in contact with inte­grated circuits and should be documented for certifi­cation purposes, e.g., ISO 9000 audits.
Determining whether a device failed as a result of ESD or Electrical Overstress (EOS) can be difficult and is of­ten best left to Failure Analysis Engineers. Typically ESD damage is less obvious than that of EOS when elec­trical analysis and internal visual analysis are performed. In the case of ESD, events of 1 kV or more (depending on the ESD rating of the device) can rupture oxides (inter layer dielectric of the die) and damage junctions in less than 10 ns (see Figure 6). Alternately, EOS conditions leading to 1 to 3 amps of current for a duration of 1 ms can cause sufficient self-heating of bond wires to fuse them. Such conditions can occur as a result of latch-up. Lower currents can cause rapid melt­ing of chip metallization and other interconnect layers (see Figure 5).
Standard MIL-STD-883 ESD Assoc. ESD Assoc. Draft
Method 3015 Standard S5.2; Standard DS5.3
EIAJ Standard ED-4701, Method C-111
* These values are per ESD Association Standard S5.2. EIAJs stan-
dard ED-4701 Method C-111 includes no waveform specifications.
**These values are for the direct charging (socketed) method.
When auditing a facility in which ESD protective mea­sures will be taken, the following should be considered:
There must be a grounded workbench on which to
handle static sensitive devices incorporating:
a) Personal ground strap (wrist strap)
b) Conductive trays or shunts, etc.
c) Conductive work surface
d) Conductive floor or mat
e) A common ground point
All steel shelving or cabinets used to store devices
must be grounded.
The relative humidity should be controlled; the desir-
able range is 40 to 60 percent. Where high relative humidity levels cannot be maintained, the use of ion­ized air should be used to dissipate electrostatic charges.
All electrical equipment used in the area must be
Figure 5. Scanning Electron Microscope View of a Fused Metallization Site, as a Result of Electrical Overstress
Figure 6. Scanning Electron Microscope Cross­Sectional View of a CDM ESD Site. This subsurface site could not be viewed from the surface with an optical microscope.
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