Preliminary Technical Data
- ASM51: 8051 Cross Assembler
- ADSIM812: ADuC812 Windows Simulator
- DEBUG812: ADuC812 Debugger
- DLOAD812: ADuC812 Serial Downloader
- QuickStart: Hardware Development System
Software Development Tools
The ADuC812 set of development tools incorporate a
complete suite of software and hardware design tools that
allow you quickly and efficiently design, program, simulate ,
download and debug your MicroConverter application.
Figure 1. below, shows how the tools are used in a typical
ADuC812 development environment.
Windows' Simulator
Assembler Source Files
Executable Hex File
Serial Downloader
Windows' Debu
User Target
™ MicroConverter is a Trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.
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otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood. MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 617/329-4700 Fax: 617/326-8703

Preliminary Technical Data
The suite of Development Tools include the following
components :
- ASM51- ASM51
- ASM51
- ASM51- ASM51
Takes an assembly language source file created with a text
editor and translates it into a machine language object file in
Intel Hex standard format.
- ADSIM812- ADSIM812
- ADSIM812
- ADSIM812- ADSIM812
The ADSIM812 is a Windows' application that fully simulates
all ADuC812 functionality including ADC and DAC
peripherals. The simulator provides an easy to use, intuitive
interface to the ADuC812 functionality and integrates many
standard debug features including multiple breakpoints, single
stepping and code execution trace capability.
This tool can be used both as a tutorial guide to the silicon as
well as an effecient way to prove code functionality before
moving to a hardware platform.
Figure 2 below shows a typical screen shot from the
ADSIM812 environment during a software debug session
: 8051 Cross Assembler: 8051 Cross Assembler
: 8051 Cross Assembler
: 8051 Cross Assembler: 8051 Cross Assembler
: ADuC812 Windows Simulator: ADuC812 Windows Simulator
: ADuC812 Windows Simulator
: ADuC812 Windows Simulator: ADuC812 Windows Simulator
- DEBUG812- DEBUG812
- DEBUG812
- DEBUG812- DEBUG812
The DEBUG812 is a Windows' application that allows the
user to debug code execution on silicon using the ADuC812
UART serial port. This debugger provides access to all on-chip
peripherals during a typical debug session as well as basic break
point capability. Figure 3 below shows a screen shot from the
DEBUG812 environment during a typical hardware debug
: ADuC812 Serial Port Debugger: ADuC812 Serial Port Debugger
: ADuC812 Serial Port Debugger
: ADuC812 Serial Port Debugger: ADuC812 Serial Port Debugger
Figure 2. Typical Simulator Debug Session
- DLOAD812- DLOAD812
- DLOAD812
- DLOAD812- DLOAD812
The DLOAD812 is a software program that allows you to
easily download an assembled program to the on-chip program
FLASH memory via the serial COM1 port on a standard PC.
: ADuC812 Serial Downloader: ADuC812 Serial Downloader
: ADuC812 Serial Downloader
: ADuC812 Serial Downloader: ADuC812 Serial Downloader
Figure 3. Typical Debug Session
- QuickStart Development System- QuickStart Development System
- QuickStart Development System
- QuickStart Development System- QuickStart Development System
The Quickstart Development System consists of the above
components as well as a fully featured evaluation board on
which a user can prove system functionality as well
debugging application code before moving to a final target
hardware platform. A typical configuration of the Quickstart
Development System is shown below in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Typical QuickStart System
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