ADSP-2136x SHARC® Processor
Programming Reference
Analog Devices, Inc.
One Technology Way
Norwood, Mass. 02062-9106
Revision 1.1 , March 2007
Part Number
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© 2005 Analog Devices, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document may not be reproduced in any form without prior, express written
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The Analog Devices logo, Blackfin, EZ-KIT Lite, SHARC, the SHARC
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Purpose of This Manual .............................................................. xxiii
Intended Audience ...................................................................... xxiii
Manual Contents ......................................................................... xxiv
What’s New in This Manual ......................................................... xxvi
Technical or Customer Support .................................................... xxvi
Supported Processors ................................................................... xxvii
Product Information ................................................................... xxvii ..................................................................... xxviii
Processor Product Information .............................................. xxviii
Related Documents ................................................................ xxix
Online Technical Documentation ............................................ xxx
Accessing Documentation From VisualDSP++ .................... xxxi
Accessing Documentation From Windows .......................... xxxi
Accessing Documentation From the Web ........................... xxxii
Printed Manuals .................................................................... xxxii
VisualDSP++ Documentation Set ...................................... xxxii
Hardware Tools Manuals .................................................. xxxiii
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference iii
Processor Manuals ........................................................... xxxiii
Data Sheets ..................................................................... xxxiii
Conventions ............................................................................... xxxiv
ADSP-2136x Design Advantages ................................................... 1-1
ADSP-2136x Architectural Overview ............................................ 1-5
Processor Core ........................................................................ 1-6
Processing Elements ............................................................ 1-6
Program Sequence Control ................................................. 1-7
Processor Internal Buses .................................................... 1-10
Processor Peripherals ............................................................. 1-11
Internal Memory (SRAM) ................................................ 1-13
Timers ............................................................................. 1-14
JTAG Port ........................................................................ 1-14
Rom Based Security .......................................................... 1-14
Development Tools ..................................................................... 1-15
Differences From Previous SHARC Processors ............................. 1-15
Processor Core Enhancements ............................................... 1-16
Processor Internal Bus Enhancements .................................... 1-16
Memory Organization Enhancements .................................... 1-17
JTAG Port Enhancements ..................................................... 1-17
Instruction Set Enhancements ............................................... 1-17
iv ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Numeric Formats .......................................................................... 2-2
IEEE Single-Precision Floating-Point Data Format ................... 2-2
Extended-Precision Floating-Point Format ............................... 2-5
Short Word Floating-Point Format ........................................... 2-6
Packing for Floating-Point Data ............................................... 2-6
Fixed-Point Formats ................................................................ 2-8
Setting Computational Modes ..................................................... 2-11
32-Bit Floating-Point Format (Normal Word) ........................ 2-12
40-Bit Floating-Point Format ................................................. 2-13
16-Bit Floating-Point Format (Short Word) ........................... 2-13
32-Bit Fixed-Point Format ..................................................... 2-14
Rounding Mode .................................................................... 2-14
Using Computational Status ........................................................ 2-15
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) ...................................................... 2-16
ALU Operation ..................................................................... 2-17
ALU Saturation ..................................................................... 2-17
ALU Status Flags ................................................................... 2-18
ALU Instruction Summary .................................................... 2-19
Multiply Accumulator (Multiplier) .............................................. 2-22
Multiplier Operation ............................................................. 2-22
Multiplier Result Register (Fixed-Point) ................................. 2-23
Multiplier Status Flags ........................................................... 2-26
Multiplier Instruction Summary ............................................ 2-27
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference v
Barrel Shifter (Shifter) ................................................................ 2-30
Shifter Operation .................................................................. 2-30
Shifter Status Flags ................................................................ 2-34
Shifter Instruction Summary ................................................. 2-35
Data Register File ....................................................................... 2-37
Alternate (Secondary) Data Registers ........................................... 2-39
Multifunction Computations ...................................................... 2-41
Secondary Processing Element (PEy) ........................................... 2-45
Dual Compute Units Sets ...................................................... 2-46
Dual Register Files ................................................................ 2-48
Dual Alternate Registers ........................................................ 2-49
SIMD (Computational) Operations ....................................... 2-49
SIMD and Status Flags .......................................................... 2-52
Instruction Pipeline ...................................................................... 3-2
Memory Conflicts ........................................................................ 3-5
Bus Conflicts .......................................................................... 3-5
Block Conflicts ....................................................................... 3-7
Instruction Cache ......................................................................... 3-8
Using the Cache ...................................................................... 3-8
Optimizing Cache Usage ......................................................... 3-9
Instruction Pipeline Stalls ........................................................... 3-11
Structural Hazard Stalls ......................................................... 3-12
Data Access and Instruction Fetch on the PM Bus ............. 3-12
vi ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Data Access Over the DM and PM Buses .......................... 3-12
Update and Load Index Register ........................................ 3-13
Reading I, M, B, L Registers .............................................. 3-13
DMA Block Conflict with PM or DM Access .................... 3-13
Data and Control Hazard Stalls ............................................. 3-14
Address Generation ........................................................... 3-14
Branch .............................................................................. 3-16
Compute with Post-modify ............................................... 3-17
A JUMP With a LA Modifier Is Used To Abort a Loop ...... 3-18
Loops ............................................................................... 3-18
Stalls in Conditional Branches ............................................... 3-19
Address Generation Using I Registers After a CJUMP ........ 3-20
RFRAME Instruction ........................................................ 3-21
Other Instructions ............................................................ 3-22
Latency ....................................................................................... 3-22
Branches and Sequencing ............................................................ 3-26
Conditional Branches ............................................................ 3-28
Delayed Branches .................................................................. 3-29
Restrictions and Limitations When Using Delayed Branches 3-32
Other Jumps, or Calls With RTI, RTS ........................... 3-32
Pushes or Pops of the PC Stack ...................................... 3-33
Writes to the PC Stack or PC Stack Pointer ................... 3-34
IDLE Instruction .......................................................... 3-35
Stacks and Sequencing ................................................................ 3-35
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference vii
Loops and Sequencing ................................................................ 3-37
Counter Based Loops ............................................................ 3-37
Arithmetic Loops .................................................................. 3-39
Conditional Sequencing ........................................................ 3-40
Restrictions on Ending Loops ................................................ 3-43
Short Loops .......................................................................... 3-44
Restrictions on Short Loops .................................................. 3-46
Evaluation of NOT LCE Condition in Counter Based Loops 3-52
Arithmetic or Non-Counter Based Loops .......................... 3-53
Loop Address Stack ............................................................... 3-55
Loop Status ........................................................................... 3-56
SIMD Mode and Sequencing ...................................................... 3-58
Conditional Compute Operations ......................................... 3-61
Conditional Branches and Loops ........................................... 3-61
Conditional Data Moves ....................................................... 3-61
Case #1: Complementary Register Pair Data Move ............ 3-62
Example 1 – Register-to-Memory Move – PEx Explicit Register
Example 2 Register-to-Memory Move – PEy Explicit Register
Example 3 Register-to-Register Move – PEx Explicit Registers
Example 4 Register-to-Register Move – PEy Explicit Register .
Case #2: Uncomplimentary-to-Complementary
Register Move ................................................................ 3-65
viii ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Case #3: Complementary-to-Uncomplimentary
Register Move ................................................................ 3-66
Case #4: External Memory or IOP Memory Space Data Move 3-67
Example: Register-to-Memory Moves – IOP Memory
Space Data Move ........................................................ 3-68
Case #5: Uncomplimentary Register Data Move ................ 3-68
Case #6: Conditional DAG Operations ............................. 3-68
Interrupts and Sequencing ........................................................... 3-68
Sensing External Interrupts .................................................... 3-74
Masking Interrupts ................................................................ 3-76
Latching Interrupts ................................................................ 3-76
Stacking Status During Interrupts .......................................... 3-78
Nesting Interrupts ................................................................. 3-79
Reusing Interrupts ................................................................. 3-81
Interrupting IDLE ................................................................. 3-82
Summary .................................................................................... 3-83
Setting DAG Modes ...................................................................... 4-2
Circular Buffering Mode .......................................................... 4-4
Broadcast Loading Mode ......................................................... 4-5
Alternate (Secondary) DAG Registers ....................................... 4-6
Example 1 ........................................................................... 4-8
Example 2 ........................................................................... 4-8
Bit-Reverse Addressing Mode ................................................... 4-8
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference ix
Using DAG Status ........................................................................ 4-9
DAG Operations ........................................................................ 4-10
Addressing With DAGs ......................................................... 4-10
Data Addressing Stalls ........................................................... 4-12
Addressing Circular Buffers ................................................... 4-13
Modifying DAG Registers ..................................................... 4-19
Addressing in SISD and SIMD Modes ................................... 4-20
DAGs, Registers, and Memory .................................................... 4-20
DAG Register-to-Bus Alignment ........................................... 4-21
DAG Register Transfer Restrictions ....................................... 4-23
DAG Instruction Summary ......................................................... 4-24
Internal Memory .......................................................................... 5-3
Processor Memory Architecture ............................................... 5-3
Buses ............................................................................................ 5-5
Internal Address and Data Buses .............................................. 5-5
Internal Data Bus Exchange .................................................... 5-7
ADSP-2136x Memory Maps ....................................................... 5-12
Internal Memory ................................................................... 5-13
Shared Memory .................................................................... 5-16
External Memory .................................................................. 5-16
External Address Space ..................................................... 5-17
SDRAM Address Mapping ................................................ 5-18
Memory Organization and Word Size .................................... 5-19
x ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Placing 32-Bit and 48-Bit Words ....................................... 5-20
Mixing 32-Bit Words and 48-Bit Words ............................ 5-21
Restrictions on Mixing 32-Bit Words and 48-Bit Words ..... 5-23
Example: Calculating a Starting Address for 32-Bit Addresses 5-25
48-Bit Word Allocation ..................................................... 5-25
Using Boot Memory .............................................................. 5-26
Reading From Boot Memory ............................................. 5-26
Internal Interrupt Vector Table .............................................. 5-26
Internal Memory Data Width ................................................ 5-27
Secondary Processor Element (PEy) ........................................ 5-28
Broadcast Register Loads ....................................................... 5-28
Illegal I/O Processor Register Access ....................................... 5-29
Unaligned 64-Bit Memory Access .......................................... 5-29
Using Memory Access Status ....................................................... 5-30
Accessing Memory ...................................................................... 5-31
Access Word Size ................................................................... 5-32
Long Word (64-Bit) Accesses ............................................. 5-32
Instruction Word (48-Bit) and
Extended-Precision Normal Word (40-Bit) Accesses ........ 5-34
Normal Word (32-Bit) Accesses ......................................... 5-35
Short Word (16-Bit) Accesses ............................................ 5-35
Setting Data Access Modes .................................................... 5-35
SYSCTL Register Control Bits .......................................... 5-36
Mode 1 Register Control Bits ............................................ 5-36
Mode 2 Register Control Bits ............................................ 5-37
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xi
SISD, SIMD, and Broadcast Load Modes .............................. 5-37
Single- and Dual-Data Accesses ............................................. 5-37
Instruction Examples ........................................................ 5-38
Data Access Options ............................................................. 5-38
Short Word Addressing of Single-Data in SISD Mode ....... 5-39
Short Word Addressing of Single-Data in SIMD Mode ...... 5-42
Short Word Addressing of Dual-Data in SISD Mode ......... 5-44
Short Word Addressing of Dual-Data in SIMD Mode ....... 5-46
32-Bit Normal Word Addressing of Single-Data in SISD Mode 5-48
32-Bit Normal Word Addressing of Single-Data in SIMD Mode
32-Bit Normal Word Addressing of Dual-Data in SISD Mode 5-52
32-Bit Normal Word Addressing of Dual-Data in SIMD Mode 5-54
Extended-Precision Normal Word Addressing of Single-Data 5-56
Extended-Precision Normal Word Addressing of Dual-Data in SISD
Mode ............................................................................ 5-58
Extended-Precision Normal Word Addressing of Dual-Data in SIMD
Mode ............................................................................ 5-60
Long Word Addressing of Single-Data ............................... 5-62
Long Word Addressing of Dual-Data in SISD Mode .......... 5-64
Long Word Addressing of Dual-Data in SIMD Mode ........ 5-66
Mixed-Word Width Addressing of Dual-Data in SISD Mode 5-68
Mixed-Word Width Addressing of Dual-Data in SIMD Mode 5-70
Broadcast Load Access ...................................................... 5-72
Shadow Write FIFO ................................................................... 5-81
xii ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Shadow Write FIFO Use in SIMD Mode ............................... 5-81
JTAG Test Access Port ................................................................... 6-1
Boundary Scan .............................................................................. 6-2
Background Telemetry Channel (BTC) .......................................... 6-4
User-Definable Breakpoint Interrupts ............................................ 6-4
Restrictions ............................................................................. 6-5
Silicon Revision ID ................................................................. 6-5
JTAG Related Registers ................................................................. 6-5
Instruction Register ................................................................. 6-6
Emulation Control Register (EMUCTL) .................................. 6-8
Breakpoint Control Register (BRKCTL) ................................ 6-11
Breakpoint Registers (PSx, DMx, IOx, and EPx) ................ 6-11
Enhanced Emulation Status Register (EEMUSTAT) ............... 6-13
EEMUIN Register ................................................................. 6-14
EEMUOUT Register ............................................................. 6-14
Emulation Clock Counter Registers (EMUCLK, EMUCLK2) 6-14
Boundary Register ................................................................. 6-15
EMUN Register .................................................................... 6-15
EMUIDLE Instruction .......................................................... 6-15
Operating System Process ID Register (OSPID) ..................... 6-16
Private Instructions ..................................................................... 6-17
References ................................................................................... 6-17
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xiii
Timer Architecture ....................................................................... 7-1
Timer and Sequencing .................................................................. 7-3
Timer Status and Control ............................................................. 7-5
Timer Interrupts ..................................................................... 7-7
Enabling a Timer .......................................................................... 7-8
Pulse Width Modulation Mode (PWM_OUT) ........................ 7-9
PWM Waveform Generation ............................................ 7-11
Single-Pulse Generation .................................................... 7-12
Pulse Width Count and Capture Mode (WDTH_CAP) ......... 7-12
External Event Watchdog Mode (EXT_CLK) ........................ 7-14
Timer Programming Examples .................................................... 7-15
Group I Instructions ..................................................................... 8-1
Type 1: Compute, Dreg«···»DM | Dreg«···»PM .............................. 8-3
Type 2: Compute .......................................................................... 8-6
Type 3: Compute, ureg«···»DM | PM, register modify .................... 8-8
Type 4: Compute, dreg«···»DM | PM, data modify ...................... 8-13
Type 5: Compute, ureg«··· »ureg | Xdreg<->Ydreg ........................ 8-18
Type 6: Immediate Shift, dreg«···»DM | PM ................................ 8-22
Type 7: Compute, modify ........................................................... 8-27
Group II Instructions ................................................................. 8-30
Type 8: Direct Jump | Call .......................................................... 8-31
xiv ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Type 9: Indirect Jump | Call, Compute ........................................ 8-35
Type 10: Indirect Jump | Compute, dreg«···»DM ......................... 8-42
Type 11: Return From Subroutine | Interrupt, Compute .............. 8-48
Type 12: Do Until Counter Expired ............................................ 8-53
Type 13: Do Until ....................................................................... 8-55
Group III Instructions ................................................................. 8-57
Type 14: Ureg«···»DM | PM (direct addressing) ........................... 8-59
Type 15: Ureg«···»DM | PM (indirect addressing) ........................ 8-62
Type 16: Immediate data···»DM | PM ......................................... 8-66
Type 17: Immediate data···»Ureg ................................................. 8-69
Group IV Instructions ................................................................. 8-71
Type 18: System Register Bit Manipulation .................................. 8-72
Type 19: I Register Modify | Bit-Reverse ...................................... 8-75
Type 20: Push, Pop Stacks, Flush Cache ....................................... 8-78
Type 21: Nop .............................................................................. 8-80
Type 22: Idle ............................................................................... 8-81
Type 25: Cjump/Rframe ............................................................. 8-82
Compute Field .............................................................................. 9-1
ALU Operations ........................................................................... 9-3
ALU Fixed-Point Operations ................................................... 9-3
ALU Floating-Point Operations ............................................... 9-4
Rn = Rx + Ry ................................................................................ 9-6
Rn = Rx – Ry ................................................................................ 9-7
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xv
Rn = Rx + Ry + CI ........................................................................ 9-8
Rn = Rx – Ry + CI – 1 .................................................................. 9-9
Rn = (Rx + Ry)/2 ........................................................................ 9-10
COMP(Rx, Ry) .......................................................................... 9-11
COMPU(Rx, Ry) ....................................................................... 9-12
Rn = Rx + CI .............................................................................. 9-13
Rn = Rx + CI – 1 ........................................................................ 9-14
Rn = Rx + 1 ................................................................................ 9-15
Rn = Rx – 1 ................................................................................ 9-16
Rn = –Rx .................................................................................... 9-17
Rn = ABS Rx .............................................................................. 9-18
Rn = PASS Rx ............................................................................ 9-19
Rn = Rx AND Ry ....................................................................... 9-20
Rn = Rx OR Ry .......................................................................... 9-21
Rn = Rx XOR Ry ........................................................................ 9-22
Rn = NOT Rx ............................................................................ 9-23
Rn = MIN(Rx, Ry) ..................................................................... 9-24
Rn = MAX(Rx, Ry) ..................................................................... 9-25
Rn = CLIP Rx BY Ry .................................................................. 9-26
Fn = Fx + Fy ............................................................................... 9-27
Fn = Fx – Fy ............................................................................... 9-28
Fn = ABS (Fx + Fy) .................................................................... 9-29
Fn = ABS (Fx – Fy) .................................................................... 9-30
Fn = (Fx + Fy)/2 ......................................................................... 9-31
xvi ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
COMP(Fx, Fy) ........................................................................... 9-32
Fn = –Fx ..................................................................................... 9-33
Fn = ABS Fx ............................................................................... 9-34
Fn = PASS Fx .............................................................................. 9-35
Fn = RND Fx ............................................................................. 9-36
Fn = SCALB Fx BY Ry ................................................................ 9-37
Rn = MANT Fx .......................................................................... 9-38
Rn = LOGB Fx ........................................................................... 9-39
Rn = FIX Fx
Rn = FIX Fx BY Ry
Rn = TRUNC Fx BY Ry ........................................................... 9-40
Fn = FLOAT Rx ....................................................................... 9-42
Fn = RECIPS Fx ......................................................................... 9-43
Fn = RSQRTS Fx ........................................................................ 9-45
Fn = Fx COPYSIGN Fy .............................................................. 9-47
Fn = MIN(Fx, Fy) ....................................................................... 9-48
Fn = MAX(Fx, Fy) ...................................................................... 9-49
Fn = CLIP Fx BY Fy ................................................................... 9-50
Multiplier Operations ................................................................. 9-50
Multiplier Fixed-Point Operations ......................................... 9-51
Multiplier Floating-Point Operations ..................................... 9-52
Mod1 and Mod2 Modifiers .................................................... 9-52
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xvii
Rn = Rx * Ry mod2
MRF = Rx * Ry mod2
MRB Rx * Ry mod2 ................................................................ 9-54
Rn = MRF + Rx * Ry mod2
Rn = MRB + Rx * Ry mod2
MRF = MRF + Rx * Ry mod2
MRB = MRB + Rx * Ry mod2 ................................................. 9-55
Rn = MRF – Rx * Ry mod2
Rn = MRB – Rx * Ry mod2
MRF = MRF – Rx * Ry mod2
MRB = MRB – Rx * Ry mod2 ................................................. 9-56
Rn = SAT MRF mod1
Rn = SAT MRB mod1
MRF = SAT MRF mod1
MRB = SAT MRB mod1 .......................................................... 9-57
Rn = RND MRF mod1
Rn = RND MRB mod1
MRF = RND MRF mod1
MRB = RND MRB mod1 ........................................................ 9-58
MRF = 0
MRB = 0 ................................................................................. 9-59
MRxF/B = Rn/Rn = MRxF/B ..................................................... 9-60
Fn = Fx * Fy ............................................................................... 9-62
Shifter Operations ...................................................................... 9-62
Shifter Opcodes .................................................................... 9-62
Rn = LSHIFT Rx BY <data8> .................................................. 9-64
Rn = Rn OR LSHIFT Rx BY <data8> ...................................... 9-65
xviii ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Rn = ASHIFT Rx BY <data8> .................................................. 9-66
Rn = Rn OR ASHIFT Rx BY <data8> ...................................... 9-67
Rn = ROT Rx BY Ry
Rn = ROT Rx BY <data8> ........................................................ 9-68
Rn = BCLR Rx BY Ry
Rn = BCLR Rx BY <data8> ...................................................... 9-69
Rn = BSET Rx BY Ry
Rn = BSET Rx BY <data8> ....................................................... 9-70
Rn = BTGL Rx BY Ry
Rn = BTGL Rx BY <data8> ...................................................... 9-71
BTST Rx BY <data8> ............................................................... 9-72
Rn = FDEP Rx BY Ry
Rn = FDEP Rx BY <bit6>:<len6> ............................................. 9-73
Rn = Rn OR FDEP Rx BY Ry
Rn = Rn OR FDEP Rx BY <bit6>:<len6> ................................. 9-75
Rn = FDEP Rx BY Ry (SE)
Rn = FDEP Rx BY <bit6>:<len6> (SE) ..................................... 9-77
Rn = Rn OR FDEP Rx BY Ry (SE)
Rn = Rn OR FDEP Rx BY <bit6>:<len6> (SE) ......................... 9-79
Rn = FEXT Rx BY Ry
Rn = FEXT Rx BY <bit6>:<len6> ............................................. 9-81
Rn = FEXT Rx BY Ry (SE)
Rn = FEXT Rx BY <bit6>:<len6> (SE) ..................................... 9-83
Rn = EXP Rx .............................................................................. 9-85
Rn = EXP Rx (EX) ...................................................................... 9-86
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xix
Rn = LEFTZ Rx ......................................................................... 9-87
Rn = LEFTO Rx ......................................................................... 9-88
Rn = FPACK Fx ......................................................................... 9-89
Fn = FUNPACK Rx ................................................................... 9-90
Multifunction Computations ...................................................... 9-91
Operand Constraints ............................................................. 9-91
Parallel Add and Subtract ............................................................ 9-93
Parallel Multiplier and ALU ........................................................ 9-95
Parallel Multiplier With Add and Subtract ................................... 9-98
Chapter Overview ........................................................................ A-1
Compute and Move/Modify Summary .......................................... A-2
Program Flow Control Summary ................................................... A-4
Immediate Move Summary ........................................................... A-5
Miscellaneous Operations Summary .............................................. A-7
Register Types Summary ............................................................... A-9
Memory Addressing Summary .................................................... A-13
Instruction Set Notation Summary .............................................. A-14
Conditional Execution Codes Summary ...................................... A-16
SISD/SIMD Conditional Testing Summary ................................. A-18
Instruction Opcode Acronym Summary ...................................... A-19
Universal Register Codes ............................................................. A-23
ADSP-2136x Instruction Opcode Map ....................................... A-28
xx ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Control and Status System Registers ............................................. B-2
Mode Control 1 Register (MODE1) ....................................... B-3
Mode Mask Register (MMASK) .............................................. B-7
Mode Control 2 Register (MODE2) ..................................... B-11
Arithmetic Status Registers (ASTATx and ASTATy) ............... B-12
Sticky Status Registers (STKYx and STKYy) .......................... B-17
User-Defined Status Registers (USTATx) .............................. B-21
Processing Element Registers ...................................................... B-22
Data File Data Registers (Rx, Fx, Sx) ..................................... B-22
Multiplier Results Registers (MRFx, MRBx) ......................... B-22
Program Memory Bus Exchange Register (PX) ...................... B-23
Program Sequencer Registers ...................................................... B-24
Flag Value Register (FLAGS) ................................................ B-25
Program Counter Register (PC) ............................................ B-30
Program Counter Stack Register (PCSTK) ............................ B-30
Program Counter Stack Pointer Register (PCSTKP) .............. B-31
Fetch Address Register (FADDR) .......................................... B-31
Decode Address Register (DADDR) ...................................... B-32
Loop Address Stack Register (LADDR) ................................. B-32
Current Loop Counter Register (CURLCNTR) .................... B-32
Loop Counter Register (LCNTR) ......................................... B-33
Timer Period Register (TPERIOD) ....................................... B-33
Timer Count Register (TCOUNT) ....................................... B-33
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xxi
Data Address Generator Registers ................................................ B-34
Index Registers (Ix) ............................................................... B-34
Modify Registers (Mx) .......................................................... B-34
Length and Base Registers (Lx, Bx) ........................................ B-34
Timer Registers .......................................................................... B-35
Timer Configuration Registers (TMxCTL) ............................ B-35
Timer Counter Registers (TMxCNT) .................................... B-36
Timer Period Registers (TMxPRD) ........................................ B-36
Timer Width Register (TMxW) ............................................ B-37
Timer Global Status and Control Register (TMSTAT) ........... B-37
Power Management Registers ...................................................... B-38
Power Management Control Register (PMCTL) .................... B-38
Revision ID Register (REVPID) ............................................ B-42
I/O Processor Registers ............................................................... B-43
xxii ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Thank you for purchasing and developing systems using the ADSP-2136x
SHARC® processor from Analog Devices.
Purpose of This Manual
The ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference provides archi-
tectural and programming information about the ADSP-2136x SHARC
processor. The architectural descriptions cover the processor’s functional
blocks and buses, including features and processes that they support. The
programming information covers the Instruction Set and Compute opera-
tions. The companions to this manual are the ADSP-2136x SHARC
Processor Hardware Reference for the ADSP-21362/3/4/5/6 Processors and
the ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Hardware Reference for the
ADSP-21367/8/9 Processors . These manuals provide information on the
I/O capabilities and peripherals supported on these processors. For tim-
ing, electrical, and package specifications, see the processor specific data
sheet listed in “Related Documents” on page xxix .
Intended Audience
The primary audience for this manual is a programmer who is familiar
with Analog Devices processors. This manual assumes that the audience
has a working knowledge of the appropriate processor architecture and
instruction set. Programmers who are unfamiliar with Analog Devices
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xxiii
Manual Contents
processors can use this manual, but should supplement it with other texts
(such as the appropriate hardware reference manuals and data sheets) that
describe your target architecture.
Manual Contents
This manual provides detailed information about the ADSP-2136x processor family in the following chapters:
• Chapter 1, “Introduction”
Provides an architectural overview of the ADSP-2136x processors.
• Chapter 2, “Processing Elements”
Describes the arithmetic/logic units (ALUs), multiplier/accumulator units, and shifter. The chapter also discusses data formats, data
types, and register files.
• Chapter 3, “Program Sequencer”
Describes the operation of the program sequencer, which controls
program flow by providing the address of the next instruction to be
executed. The chapter also discusses loops, subroutines, jumps,
interrupts, exceptions, and the IDLE instruction.
• Chapter 4, “Data Address Generators”
Describes the Data Address Generators (DAGs), addressing modes,
how to modify DAG and pointer registers, memory address alignment, and DAG instructions.
• Chapter 5, “Memory”
Describes aspects of processor memory including internal memory,
address and data bus structure, and memory accesses.
xxiv ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
• Chapter 6, “JTAG Test Emulation Port”
Discusses the JTAG standard and how to use the ADSP-2136x
processors in a test environment. Includes boundary-scan architecture, instruction and boundary registers, and breakpoint control
• Chapter 7 “Timer”
Describes the three general purpose timers that can be configured
in any of three modes: pulse width modulation, pulse width count
and capture, and external event watchdog modes.
• Chapter 8, “Instruction Set”
Provides reference information for the machine language opcode
for the processor.
• Chapter 9, “Computations Reference”
Describes each compute operation in detail, including its assembly
language syntax and opcode field. Compute operations execute in
the multiplier, the ALU, and the shifter.
• Appendix A, “Instruction Set Quick Reference”
The instruction set summary provides a syntax summary for each
instruction and includes a cross reference to each instruction’s reference page.
• Appendix B, “Registers”
Provides register and bit descriptions for all of the registers that are
used to control the operation of the ADSP-2136x processor core.
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xxv
This programming reference is a companion document to the
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Hardware Reference for the
ADSP-21362/3/4/5/6 Processors and the ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Hardware Reference for the ADSP-21367/8/9 Processors.
What’s New in This Manual
What’s New in This Manual
This is revision 1.1 of the ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming
Reference. The only changes for this revisions are corrections to cross references
(and links in the online version of the book).
Technical or Customer Support
You can reach Analog Devices, Inc. Customer Support in the following
• Visit the Embedded Processing and DSP products Web site at
• E-mail tools questions to
• E-mail processor questions to (World wide support) (Europe support) (China support)
• Phone questions to 1-800-ANALOGD
• Contact your Analog Devices, Inc. local sales office or authorized
• Send questions by mail to:
Analog Devices, Inc.
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P.O. Box 9106
Norwood, MA 02062-9106
xxvi ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
Supported Processors
The following is the list of Analog Devices, Inc. processors supported in
TigerSHARC® (ADSP-TSxxx) Processors
The name TigerSHARC refers to a family of floating-point and fixed-point
[8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit] processors. VisualDSP++ currently supports the
following TigerSHARC families: ADSP-TS101 and ADSP-TS20x.
SHARC (ADSP-21xxx) Processors
The name SHARC refers to a family of high-performance, 32-bit,
floating-point processors that can be used in speech, sound, graphics, and
imaging applications. VisualDSP++ currently supports the following
SHARC families: ADSP-2106x, ADSP-2116x, ADSP-2126x, and
Blackfin® (ADSP-BFxxx) Processors
The name Blackfin refers to a family of 16-bit, embedded processors.
VisualDSP++ currently supports the following Blackfin families:
ADSP-BF53x and ADSP-BF56x.
Product Information
You can obtain product information from the Analog Devices Web site,
from the product CD-ROM, or from the printed publications (manuals).
Analog Devices is online at
mation about a broad range of products—analog integrated circuits,
amplifiers, converters, and digital signal processors.
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xxvii Our Web site provides infor-
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Processor Product Information
For information on embedded processors and DSPs, visit our Web site at, which provides access to technical publica-
tions, data sheets, application notes, product overviews, and product
You may also obtain additional information about Analog Devices and its
products in any of the following ways.
• E-mail questions or requests for information to (World wide support) (Europe support) (China support)
xxviii ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference
• Fax questions or requests for information to
1-781-461-3010 (North America)
+49-89-76903-157 (Europe)
• Access the FTP Web site at
ftp (or ftp
Related Documents
The following publications that describe the ADSP-2136x processors can
be ordered from any Analog Devices sales office:
• ADSP-21362 SHARC Processor Data Sheet
• ADSP-21363 SHARC Processor Data Sheet
• ADSP-21364 SHARC Processor Data Sheet
• ADSP-21365 SHARC Processor Data Sheet
• ADSP-21366 SHARC Processor Data Sheet
• ADSP-21367 SHARC Processor Preliminary Data Sheet
• ADSP-21368 SHARC Processor Preliminary Data Sheet
• ADSP-21369 SHARC Processor Preliminary Data Sheet
• ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Hardware Reference for the
ADSP-21362/3/4/5/6 Processors
• ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Hardware Reference for the
ADSP-21367/8/9 Processors
ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference xxix
Product Information
For information on product related development software and Analog
Devices processors, see these publications:
• VisualDSP++ User’s Guide
• VisualDSP++ C/C++ Compiler and Library Manual
• VisualDSP++ Assembler and Preprocessor Manual
• VisualDSP++ Linker and Utilities Manual
• VisualDSP++ Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
Visit the Technical Library Web site to access all processor and tools
manuals and data sheets:
Online Technical Documentation
Online documentation comprises the VisualDSP++ Help system, software
tools manuals, hardware tools manuals, processor manuals, the Dinkum
Abridged C++ library, and Flexible License Manager (FlexLM) network
license manager software documentation. You can easily search across the
entire VisualDSP++ documentation set for any topic of interest. For easy
printing, supplementary .PDF files of most manuals are also provided.
Each documentation file type is described as follows.
File Description
.CHM Help system files and manuals in Help format
.HTM or
.PDF VisualDSP++ and processor manuals in Portable Documentation Format (PDF).
Dinkum Abridged C++ library and FlexLM network license manager software documentation. Viewing and printing the .HTML files requires a browser, such as
Internet Explorer 4.0 (or higher).
Viewing and printing the
Reader (4.0 or higher).
.PDF files requires a PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat
xxx ADSP-2136x SHARC Processor Programming Reference