Analog Devices ADMC300AN Application Notes

a Boot loading the ADMC300 from a Motorola M68HC11 SCI Port
In addition to its ability to boot load from a serial ROM or EEPROM, the ADMC300 DSP Motor Controller can be boot loaded from an external device configured as a standard Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART). This document describes how to boot load the ADMC300 from a Motorola M68HC11 microcontroller using its Serial Communications Interface (SCI).
UART Boot Load Requirements
To download code and data to the ADMC300 the external device’s transmit line (TxD) must be connected to the ADMC300’s SPORT1 receive line (DR1B pin). Similarly its receive line (RxD) must be connected to the ADMC300’s SPORT1 transmit line (DT1 pin). RS-232 line drivers can be used to convert from the data receive and transmit TTL signals to the RS-232 standard. The protocol used for asynchronous communication is 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
UART Boot Load Operation
At reset the ADMC300 ROM monitor program initializes and first tries to boot load from an SROM/EEPROM on its DR1A pin. If no device is present on DR1A, or an invalid program is detected, the monitor will fail this interface and switch its input to the DR1B pin. It takes approximately 1250 DSP cycles following reset for this to happen (50us @ 25 MHz CLKOUT). Next the monitor waits to receive 2 bytes of information on DR1B. For the monitor to recognize an external UART boot loading device these 2 bytes must be 0x70, 0x71 respectively.
The first byte received (0x70) is called the autobaud byte. It is used to calculate the baud rate at which the data is coming in. This is known as the autobaud feature. The ADMC300 will lock onto the baud rate of the external device automatically up to a maximum baud rate of 300 kHz for a 25 MHz CLKOUT.
The second byte received (0x71) is called the header byte. It tells the monitor what type of interface it is connected to. For the UART boot loader the header byte is 0x71.
Following these first two bytes the monitor then receives the code and data to be loaded into the ADMC300 program and data memory. The required syntax for the file being loaded is
shown in Table 1. Each row of the table represents 1 byte in the file.
Both the program and data memory portions of the boot load file contain checksums that are used by the monitor to verify correct loading operation. The PM checksum is calculated by accumulating, in the MR0 register, the upper 16 bits of each PM location received. The lower 8 bits are accumulated in the MR1 register. When all locations have been received, the MR1 register is masked with 0xFF, removing any overflow out of the 8 bits. The MR0 register is then compared to the upper 16 bits of the received checksum and the MR1 register is compared to the lower 8 bits of the received checksum. The DM checksum is calculated in the same way as the upper 16 bits of the PM checksum. You can use the MAKEPROM tool (included in the evaluation kit software) to calculate these expected checksums for you. Use the -c option and MAKEPROM will print out the expected checksums that you can then enter into your boot load file.
Each byte received by the ADMC300, including the header byte, is echoed back over DT1. The autobaud byte is not echoed back. The external device may use this echo as a means of synchronization and verification that the data has been received correctly. As the monitor receives the boot load file it extracts the program and data memory blocks, stores them in memory, and calculates the checksums. The monitor compares the checksums against the expected checksums that it receives. If the monitor detects a checksum miscompare it will fail the boot load and restart itself.
If the monitor successfully loads the program and data memories without error then it starts execution of the loaded program at location 0x0060.
Boot Loading Example 1 from the M68HC11
The program listed in Appendix A boot loads the program example1.dsp (included in the evaluation kit software) from the M68HC11 SCI port to the ADMC300. The data array “TESTFILE” was created by extracting the bytes from the example1.exe file. The checksums were calculated by running the MAKEPROM tool with the -c option on the example1.exe file.
As can be seen in the program the autobaud and header bytes seem different from the required 0x70, 0x71 as stated earlier.
REV. A Motion Control Group, Analog Devices, 1997
Analog Devices, Inc., 1997 Boot loading the ADMC300 from a Motorola M68HC11 SCI Port
This is because a UART sends and receives LSB first, while the SPORT on the ADMC300 sends and receives MSB first. Also the UART sends a start bit (0) first and a stop bit (1) last. Therefore a 0x87 written to the SCDAT register on the M68HC11 will be received by the ADMC300 as a 0x70. Likewise a 0xC7 sent by the M68HC11 will be received as a 0x71 by the ADMC300.
The program sci_ex1.asm was tested on a Motorola M68HC11EVB board connected to an ADMC300 evaluation board. A serial cable was connected from the host port connector on the M68HC11EVB to the UART connector on the ADMC300 evaluation board. The test procedure was as follows:
1. Reset the ADMC300 board.
2. Download the sci_ex1.s19 file to the M68HC11EVB.
3. Execute “call c400” on the M68HC11EVB.
4. Observe the PWM signals come alive on the ADMC300.
Number of PM Blocks PM Start Address Block 1 (MSB) PM Start Address Block 1 (LSB) Number of PM Lines in Block 1 (MSB) Number of PM Lines in Block 1 (LSB) . . Block 1 Code . PM Start Address Block N (MSB) PM Start Address Block N (LSB) Number of PM Lines in Block N (MSB) Number of PM Lines in Block N (LSB) . . Block N Code . PM Checksum (Upper Byte) PM Checksum (Middle Byte) PM Checksum (Lower Byte) Number of DM Blocks DM Start Address Block 1 (MSB) DM Start Address Block 1 (LSB) Number of DM Lines in Block 1 (MSB) Number of DM Lines in Block 1 (LSB) . . Block 1 Data . DM Start Address Block N (MSB) DM Start Address Block N (LSB) Number of DM Lines in Block N (MSB) Number of DM Lines in Block N (LSB) . . Block N Data . DM Checksum (Upper Byte) DM Checksum (Lower Byte)
Table 1. File Syntax For UART Boot Loading
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Analog Devices, Inc., 1997 Boot loading the ADMC300 from a Motorola M68HC11 SCI Port
M68HC11 Program Listing (sci_ex1.asm)
* Download's the example1 program to the ADMC300
HOSTCO EQU $E330 * connect sci to host port TARGCO EQU $E338 IODEV EQU $AA SCSR EQU $102E SCDAT EQU $102F FILESIZE EQU 164
ORG $C400 * connect to ADMC300 over host I/O port CLR IODEV * IODEV=SCI JSR HOSTCO * connect SCI to host I/O port
LDAA #$87 * send autobaud character JSR OUTBYTE
LDAA #$C7 * send header byte JSR OUTBYTE
JSR INBYTE * receive echo of header byte
* load the ADMC300 with the user program
JSR OUTBYTE * send 1 byte JSR INBYTE * receive echo
* disconnect from ADMC300 and return to BUFFALO program LDAA #$01 STAA IODEV * IODEV=ACIA JSR TARGCO * connect SCI to target on evb board
********** * INBYTE() - Read SCI. Returns a=char or 0. * NOTE: Routine is identical to BUFFALO INPUT routine except * no cop reset and only SCI portion of code is used. ********** INBYTE EQU *
********** * OUTBYTE() - Output character in A. * NOTE: Routine is identical to BUFFALO OUTPUT routine except * only SCI portion of code is used.
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