Analog Devices ADM1062 prj Datasheet

Multisupply Supervisor/Sequencer with Margining
Control and Temperature Monitoring
Preliminary Technical Data
10 supply fault detectors enabling supervision of supplies to
better than 1% accuracy
5 selectable input attenuators allow supervision:
Supplies up to 14.4 V on VH Supplies up to 6 V on VP1-4
5 dual function inputs VX1-5:
High impedance input to supply fault detector with
thresholds between 0.573 V and 1.375 V
General-purpose logic input
Device powered by the highest of VP1–4, VH
2.048 V reference (±0.25%) on REFOUT pin 12-bit ADC for read-back of all supervised voltages Reference input, REFIN—2 input options:
Driven directly from REFOUT More accurate external reference for improved ADC
performance 6 voltage output 8-bit DACs (0.300 V to 1.551 V) Internal temperature sensor Remote temperature sensor 10 programmable output drivers (PDO1-10)
Open collector with external pull-up Push-pull output, driven to VDDCAP or VPn Open collector with weak pull-up to VDDCAP or VPn Internally charge pumped high drive for use with external
N-FET (PDO1–6 only) Sequencing Engine (SE) implements State Machine control
of PDO outputs:
State changes conditional on input events Can enable complex control of boards Power up and power down sequence control Fault event handling Interrupt generation on warnings Watchdog function can be integrated in SE
Program software control of sequencing through SMBus User EEPROM—256 Bytes Industry standard 2-wire bus interface (SMBus) Guaranteed PDO low with VH, VPn = 1.2V 40-lead LFCSP and 48-lead TQFP packages
Central office systems Servers/routers Multivoltage system line cards DSP/FPGA supply sequencing In circuit testing of margined supplies
Figure 1.
The ADM1062 is a configurable supervisory/sequencing device which offers a single chip solution for supply monitoring and sequencing in multiple supply systems.
(continued on Page 3)
Rev. PrJ
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.326.8703 © 2003 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
ADM1062 Preliminary Technical Data
General Description......................................................................... 3
Timeout Detector ....................................................................... 21
ADM1062 Specifications................................................................. 5
Pin Configurations and Functional Descriptions ........................ 8
Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 9
Thermal Characteristics .............................................................. 9
ESD Caution.................................................................................. 9
Typical Performance Characteristics........................................... 10
ADM1062 Inputs............................................................................ 13
Powering the ADM1062............................................................ 13
Supply Supervision .....................................................................14
Input Comparator Hysteresis.................................................... 14
Input Glitch Filtering ................................................................. 14
Supply Supervision with VXN Inputs...................................... 15
Supply Supervision Using the ADC .........................................15
VXN Pins as Digital Inputs....................................................... 16
ADM1062 Outputs......................................................................... 17
Closed Loop Supply Margining................................................ 21
Writ i ng to t he DACs .................................................................. 22
Choosing the Size of the Feedback Resistor ........................... 22
DAC Limiting/Other Safety Features ...................................... 22
Temperature Measurement System.............................................. 23
Remote Temperature Measurement ........................................ 23
Communicating with the ADM1062........................................... 25
Configuration Download at Power-Up................................... 25
Updating the Configuration of the ADM1062....................... 25
Updating the Sequencing Engine of the ADM1062.............. 26
Internal Registers of the ADM1062......................................... 26
ADM1062 EEPROM.................................................................. 26
Serial Bus Interface..................................................................... 27
Identifying the ADM1062 on the SMBUS.............................. 27
General SMBUS Timing............................................................ 27
ADM1062 Sequencing Engine...................................................... 19
Wa r ni n g s ...................................................................................... 19
SW Flow-Unconditional Jump ................................................. 19
End of Step Detector .................................................................. 20
Monitoring Fault Detector ........................................................ 20
Revision PrJ: Preliminary Version
SMbus Protocols for RAM and EEPROM .............................. 27
ADM1062 WRITE Operations................................................. 29
ADM1062 READ Operations................................................... 30
Outline Dimensions....................................................................... 32
Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 32
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Preliminary Technical Data ADM1062


(continued from Page 1)
In addition to these functions the ADM1062 integrates a 12-bit ADC and six 8-bit voltage output DACs. These circuits can be used to implement a closed loop margining system. This enables supply adjustment by altering either the feedback node or reference of a DC/DC Converter using the DAC outputs. The supply margining can be performed, with a minimum of external components, to an accuracy of 0.5%. The margining loop can be used at In Circuit Testing of a board during production (to verify the board’s functionality at say −5% of nominal supplies), or can be used dynamically to accurately control the output voltage of a DC/DC converter.
up to a +12V output for driving the gate of an N- Channel FET which may be placed in the path of a supply.
Temperature measurement is possible with the ADM1062. The device contains one internal temperature sensor and a differential input for a remote thermal diode. These are measured using the 12- bit ADC.
The logical core of the device is a Sequencing Engine. This is a state machine based construction, providing up to 63 different states. This enables very flexible sequencing of the outputs, based on the condition of the inputs.
The device also provides up to ten programmable inputs for monitoring Under, Over, or out-of-window faults on up to ten supplies. In addition, ten programmable outputs are provided. These can be used as logic enables. Six of them can also provide
The device is controlled via configuration data which can programmed into an EEPROM. All of this configuration can be programmed using an intuitive GUI based software package provided by ADI.
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ADM1062 Preliminary Technical Data
Figure 2. Detailed Block Diagram
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VH = 3.0 V to 14.4 V, VPn = 3.0 V to 6.0 V2, TA = −40°C to 85°C, unless otherwise noted.
Table 1.
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
POWER SUPPLY ARBITRATION VH, VPn 3.0 V Min. of VDDCAP=2.7V required VP 6.0 V Max VDDCAP= 5.1V, Typical VH 14.4 V VDDCAP = 4.75V POWER SUPPLY Supply Current, IVH, I Temp Sensor and ADC off) 6 mA
Additional Currents All PDO FET Drivers on 4 mA VDDCAP=4.75V, (loaded with 1µA), no PDO pullups to VDDCAP. Current available from
VDDCAP DAC’s Supply Current 2 mA 6 DAC’s on with 100µA max load on each ADC Supply Current 1 mA Running Round Robin loop EEPROM Erase Current 10 mA 1ms duration only
Input Impedance 26.7 kΩ From VH to GND Input attenuator error 0.25 % Low, Mid and High ranges on VH, VPn Detection Ranges
High Range 6 14.4 V
Mid Range 2.5 6 V VPn Pins Input Impedance 80 kΩ From VPn to GND Detection Ranges
Mid Range 2.5 6 V
Low Range 1.25 3 V
Ultra Low Range 0.573 1.375 V VX Pins Input Impedance 1 MΩ Detection Ranges
Ultra Low Range 0.573 1.375 V Absolute Accuracy 1 % Input attenuator error + Vref Error + DAC Non Linearity + Comparator Offset Error Threshold Resolution 8 bits Digital Glitch Filter 0 100 µs See Figure x. 8 filter length options Temperature Sensor Local Sensor Accuracy ±2 °C
Remote Sensor Accuracy ±2 °C 0°C <= T Remote Sensor Source Current 200 µA High Level 12 µA Low Level Temperature for 800h code out 0 °C Temperature for C00h code out 128 °C
VDDCAP=4.75V, no PDO FET Drivers on, no loaded PDO pullups to VDDCAP
2 mA
Max. additional load that can be drawn from PDO pullups to VDDCAP
Die temp higher than ambient due to ADM1062 power consumption
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ADM1062 Preliminary Technical Data
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
Analog to Digital Converter Signal Range 0 V
Input reference voltage on
2.048 TBD V VDDCAP=2.7V
REFIN pin, VREFIN TBD V VDDCAP=4.75V Resolution 12 bits INL ±1.5 lsb End-point corrected, V DNL ±1 lsb V Gain Error ±2 lsb V Offset Error ±2 lsb V Input Noise 0.25 lsb Buffered voltage output DACs Resolution 8 bits Code 80h output voltage
Range 1 0.6 V Range 2 0.8 V Range 3 1 V
Range 4 1.25 V Output voltage range 601.25 mV Same range independent of centre point lsb step size 2.36 mV INL 0.25 lsb DNL 0.2 lsb Mid code error 0.5 lsb Gain Error 0.4 % Max Load Current (source) 100 µA Max Load Current(sink) 100 C Max load Capacitance 50 pF Settling time into 50pF load
2 µs Load regulation 2.5 mV per mA PSRR3 80 dB DC 40 dB 100mV step in 20ns with 50pF load Absolute Accuracy on any code 3 mV Reference Output Reference Output 2.044 2.048 2.052 V No Load Max load current (source) 200 µA Max load current (sink) 100 µA Min load capacitance 100 nF Cap required for decoupling, stability Load regulation 20 mA per mA PSRR3 75 dB DC Programmable Driver Outputs High Voltage (Charge Pump)
Mode (PDO1-6)
Output Impedance 500 kΩ V
11 12.5 14 V IOH =0
10.5 12 V IOH =1µA I
Standard (Digital Output Mode
20 µA 2V < VOH< 7V
2.4 V VPU(Pullup to VDDCAP or VPN) = 2.7V, IOH = 0.5mA
The ADC can convert signals presented to the VH, VPn and VX_GPIn pins.VPn and VH input signals are attenuated depending on selected range. A signal at the pin corresponding to the selected range will be between 0.573V and 1.375V at the ADC input.
= 2.048V
= 2.048V
= 2.048V
Direct input (no attenuator)
6 DAC’s are individually selectable to be centered on one of four output voltage ranges
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Preliminary Technical Data ADM1062
Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
4.5 V V V V
−0.3 V VPU< = 2.7V, IOH = 1mA
0.1 V IOL = 4mA
0.25 V IOL = 10mA
0.5 V IOL = 20mA I
(VPn) 2 mA
Tristate Output Leakage
20 mA Max sink current per PDO pin 60 mA Max total sink for all PDOs 20 kΩ Internal pullup
10 µA V
DIGITAL INPUTS (VXn,A0,A1) Input High Voltage, V Input Low Voltage, V Input High Current, I Input Low Current, I
2.0 V Max. VIN=5.5V
0.8 V Max. VIN=5.5V
−1 µA VIN= 5.5V
1 µA VIN= 0 Input Capacitance TBD pF Programmable Pulldown
Current, I
10 µA If known logic state required
SERIAL BUS DIGITAL INPUTS (SDA,SCL) Input High Voltage, V Input Low Voltage, V Output Low Voltage, V
2.0 V
0.8 V
0.4 V I SERIAL BUS TIMING Clock Frequency, f Bus Free Time, t Start Setup Time, t Start Hold Time, t SCL Low Time, t SCL High Time, t
SCL, SDA Rise Time, t SCL, SDA Fall Time, t Data Setup Time, t Data Hold Time, t
400 KHz
4.7 µs
4.7 µs
4 µs
4.7 µs
4 µs 1000 µs 300 µs 250 ns 300 ns
These are target specifications and subject to change.
At least one of the VH, VP1-4 pins must be 3.0V to maintain device supply on VDDCAP.
Guaranteed by Characterization.
Guaranteed by Design.
to Vpn = 6.0V, IOH = 0mA
Current Load on any VPn pull- ups (ie) total source current available through any number of PDO pull-up switches configured on to any one
= 14.4V
= -3.0mA
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Figure 3. LFCSP Pin Configuration
Table 2. Pin Functional Descriptions
Pin Number
1 NC No connection. 1–5 2-6 VX1–5
6–9 7-10 VP1–4
10 11 VH
12-13 NC No connection. 11 14 AGND Ground return for input attenuators. 12 15 REFGND Ground return for on-chip reference circuits. 13 16 REFIN Reference input for ADC, nominally 2.048V. 14 17 REFOUT 2.048V reference output. 15–20 18-23 DAC1–6 Voltage output DACs. Default to high impedance at power-up. 24-25 NC No connection. 21–30 26-35 PDO10–1 Programmable output drivers. 36-37 NC No connection. 31 38 PDOGND Ground return for output drivers 32 39 VCCP
33 40 A0 Logic input which sets the 7th bit of the SMBus interface address. 34 41 A1 Logic input which sets the 6th bit of the SMBus interface address. 35 42 SCL SMBus clock pin. Open drain output requiring external resistive pull-up. 36 43 SDA SMBus data i/o pin. Open drain output requiring external resistive pull-up. 37 44 DN External Thermal Diode Cathode Connection 38 45 DP External Thermal Diode Anode Connection 39 46 VDDCAP
40 47 GND Supply ground. 48 NC No connection.
Mnemonic Description
High impedance inputs to supply fault detectors. Fault thresholds can be set at between
0.573V and 1.375V. Alternatively these pins can be used as general purpose digital inputs. Low voltage inputs to supply fault detectors. Three input ranges can be set by altering the
input attenuation on a potential divider connected to these pins, the output of which connects to a supply fault detector; these allow thresholds between 2.5V-6V, 1.25V-3V and 0.573V-
1.375V. High voltage input to supply fault detectors. Three input ranges can be set by altering the
input attenuation on a potential divider connected to this pin, the output of which connects to a supply fault detector; these allow thresholds between 6V-14.4V,2.5V-6V and 1.25V-3V.
Central charge pump voltage of 5.25V. A reservoir capacitor must be connected between this pin and GND.
Device supply voltage. Linearly regulated from the highest of the VP1-4,VH pins and clamped to a maximum of 4.75V
Figure 4. TQFP Pin Configuration
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Table 3.
Parameter Rating
Voltage on VH Pin 17 V Voltage on VP Pins 7 V Voltage on Any Other Input −0.3 V to +6.5 V Input Current at any pin ±5 mA Package Input Current ±20 mA Maximum Junction Temperature (T Storage Temperature Range −65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature, Soldering
Vapor Phase, 60 s 215°C
ESD Rating all pins 2000 V
) 150°C


ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.


40-pin LFCSP Package:
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ADM1062 Preliminary Technical Data


Figure 5. DNL for on- chip 12- bit ADC
Figure 6. INL for on- chip 12- bit ADC
Figure 8. IDD vs. VVP1 (Supply)
Figure 9. IVP1 vs. VVP1 (Not Supply)
Figure 7. VVDDCAP vs. VVH and VVP1
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Figure 10. IDD vs. VVH
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