Bandwidth >400 MHz
Low Insertion Loss and On Resistance: 2.2 Typical
On-Resistance Flatness 0.3 Typical
Single 3 V/5 V Supply Operation
Very Low Distortion: <0.3%
Low Quiescent Supply Current (1 nA Typical)
Fast Switching Times
6 ns
3 ns
TTL/CMOS Compatible
The ADG774A is a monolithic CMOS device comprising four
2:1 multiplexer/demultiplexers with high impedance outputs.
The CMOS process provides low power dissipation yet gives
high switching speed and low on resistance. The on-resistance
variation is typically less than 0.5 Ω over the input signal range.
The bandwidth of the ADG774A is typically 400 MHz and this,
coupled with low distortion (typically 0.3%), makes the part
suitable for switching of high-speed data signals.
The on-resistance profile is very flat over the full analog input
range ensuring excellent linearity and low distortion. CMOS construction ensures ultralow power dissipation.
The ADG774A operates from a single 3.3 V/5 V supply and is
TTL logic compatible. The control logic for each switch is shown
in the Truth Table.
These switches conduct equally well in both directions when
ON. In the OFF condition, signal levels up to the supplies are
blocked. The ADG774A switches exhibit break-before-make
switching action.
with 3 ns Switching Time
1. Wide bandwidth data rates >400 MHz.
2. Ultralow Power Dissipation.
3. Low leakage over temperature.
4. Break-Before-Make Switching.
This prevents channel shorting when the switches are configured as a multiplexer.
5. Crosstalk is typically –70 dB @ 10 MHz.
6. Off isolation is typically –65 dB @ 10 MHz.
REV. 0
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