Pin # Mnemonic Function
1 FS ADJUST Full-Scale Adjust Control. A resistor (R
) is connected between this pin and AGND. This
determines the magnitude of the full-scale DAC current. The relationship between R
the full-scale current is as follows:
= 18 x V
= 1.20 V nominal, R
= 6.8 kΩ typical
2 REFOUT Voltage Reference Output. The AD9834 has an internal 1.20 V reference, which is made
available at this pin.
3 COMP A DAC Bias Pin. This pin is used for de-coupling the DAC bias voltage.
17 VIN Input to comparator. The comparator can be used to generate a square wave from the
sinusoidal DAC output. The DAC output should be filtered appropriately before being applied
to the comparator to improve jitter. When bits OPBITEN and SIGNPIB in the control
register are set to 1, the comparator input is connected to VIN.
19,20 IOUT, IOUTB Current Output. This is a high impedance current source. A load resistor of nominally 200 Ω
should be connected between IOUT and AGND. IOUTB should preferably be tied through an
external load resistor of 200 Ω to AGND but can be tied directly to AGND. A 20pF capacitor
to AGND is also recommended to prevent clock feedthrough.
4 AVDD Positive power supply for the analog section. AVDD can have a value from +2.3 V to +5.5 V.
A 0.1 µF decoupling capacitor should be connected between AVDD and AGND.
5 DVDD Positive power supply for the digital section. DVDD can have a value from +2.3 V to +5.5 V.
A 0.1 µF decoupling capacitor should be connected between DVDD and DGND.
6 CAP/2.5V The digital circuitry operates from a +2.5 V power supply. This +2.5 V is generated from
DVDD using an on board regulator (when DVDD exceeds +2.7 V). The regulator requires a
decoupling capacitor of typically 100 nF which is connected from CAP/2.5V to DGND. If
DVDD is equal to or less than +2.7 V, CAP/2.5 V should be shorted to DVDD.
7 DGND Digital Ground.
18 AGND Analog Ground.
8 MCLK Digital Clock Input. DDS output frequencies are expressed as a binary fraction of the
frequency of MCLK. The output frequency accuracy and phase noise are determined by this
9 FSELECT Frequency Select Input. FSELECT controls which frequency register, FREQ0 or FREQ1, is
used in the phase accumulator. The frequency register to be used can be selected using the pin
FSELECT or the bit FSEL. When the bit FSEL is being used to select the frequency register,
this pin, FSELECT, should be tied to CMOS high or low.
10 PSELECT Phase Select Input. PSELECT controls which phase register, PHASE0 or PHASE1, is added
to the phase accumulator output. The phase register to be used can be selected using the pin
PSELECT or the bit PSEL. When the phase registers are being controlled by the bit PSEL,
this pin, PSELECT, should be tied to CMOS high or low.
11 RESET Active high digital input. RESET resets appropriate internal registers to zero which
corresponds to an analog output of midscale. RESET does not affect any of the addressable
12 SLEEP Active high digital input. When this pin is high, the DAC is powered down. This pin has the
same function as control bit SLEEP12.
13 SDATA Serial Data Input. The 16-bit serial data word is applied to this input.
14 SC L K Serial Clock Input. Data is clocked into the AD9834 on each falling SCLK edge.
15 FSYNC Active Low Control Input. This is the frame synchronisation signal for the input data. When
FSYNC is taken low, the internal logic is informed that a new word is being loaded into
the device.
16 SIGN BIT OUT Logic Output. The comparator output is available on this pin or, alternatively, the MSB from
the NCO can be output on this pin. Setting bit OPBITEN in the control register to 1 enables
this output pin. Bit SIGNPIB determines whether the comparator output or the MSB from
the NCO is output on the pin.