Versatile Analog Signal Conditioning Circuitry
On-Board Reference, Crystal Oscillator and Buffers
16-Bit Parallel Buffered Outputs
Ideal For DSP and Data Acquisition Card Interfaces
Analog and Digital Prototyping Area
PC Software for Control and Data Analysis
The EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB is an evaluation board
for the AD766X/AD767X 16-bit A/D converter family. The
AD766X/AD767X family ( see ordering guide for product list )
is a high speed, successive approximation based architecture
with very high performance, low power family of 16-Bit ADCs
which operate from a single +5V supply with a 100kSPS to
1MSPS throughput rate range, and a flexible parallel or serial
interface. The AD766X/AD767X evaluation board is designed
to demonstrate the ADC's performance and to provide an easy
to understand interface for a variety of system applications. A
full description of the AD766X/AD767X is available in the
Analog Devices AD766X/AD767X data sheets and should be
consulted when utilizing this evaluation board.
Evaluation Board AD766X/AD767X
The EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB is ideal for use with
either the Analog Devices EVAL-CONTROL BOARD, or as a
stand-alone evaluation board. The design offers the flexibility
of applying external control signals and is capable of generating
16-bit conversion results on a parallel buffered outputs.
On-board components include an AD780, a +2.5V ultrahigh
precision bandgap reference, a signal conditioning circuit
with two op-amps and digital logic. The board interfaces with
a 96-way connector for the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD, a
20-pin IDC connector for serial output interface, and a 40pin IDC connector for parallel output data. SMB connectors
are provided for the low noise analog signal source, an external master clock and an external start/convert input.
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its
use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties
which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
The EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB is a four-layer board
carefully laid out and tested to demonstrate the specific high
accuracy performance of the AD766X/AD767X. Figure 1
shows the schematics of the evaluation board. The layouts of
the board are given in :
Top side silk-screen - Figure 2
Top side layer - Figure 3
Ground layer - Figure 4
Shield layer - Figure 5
Bottom side layer - Figure 6
Bottom side silk-screen - Figure 7.
The EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB is a flexible design that
enables the user to choose among many different board configurations. A description of each selectable jumper/switch is
listed in Table II and the available test points are listed in
Table III. Note that the button of a switch in position A ( U3
side ) defines a low level.
The EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB is configured in factory
with 0 to 2.5 V ADC input range for the AD7660, AD7664,
and AD7675/7676/7677 and +/-5V for the AD7663/7665/
7671; front-end amplifiers U6 and U7 set with a gain of +1,
powered through the EVAL-CONTROL BOARD, and the
on-board CNVST generation used.
On-board or external CNVST could be used. When an external CNVST signal is applied, this signal should have very low
jitter and sharp edges to get the best noise performance of the
part. Meanwhile, it is recommended to use the on-board
CNVST generation which is done by dividing MCLK signal
(20MHZ) by the numbers shown in Table I, which are entered in the software. Activity on BUSY pin of the ADC
turns on the LED.
PartDivision FactorThroughput Rate
Conversion data is available at the output bus BD on U3, on
the 40-pin connector P2, and on the 96-pin connector P3.
Additionally, BD data is updated on the falling/rising edge of
DBUSY and BBUSY on P3, low when BD data is valid are
delayed from the BD data by about 20 ns to ease the interface. When either parallel or serial reading mode of the ADC
is used, the data is available on this parallel bus. When serial
reading mode of the ADC is used, the serial interface signals
of the ADC are buffered and available on the 20-pin connec-
tor P1. When slave serial reading mode of the
AD766X/AD767X is used, the external serial clock SCLK
applied to the ADC is at half the MCLK frequency.
Power Supplies and Grounding
The evaluation board ground plane is separated into two
sections: a plane for the digital interface circuitry and an analog plane for the analog input and external reference
circuitry. To attain high resolution performance, the board
was designed to ensure that all digital ground return paths do
not cross the analog ground return paths.
The EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB has three power supply
blocks: a single 5V supply VA
and the reference voltage circuitry, a digital 5V supply VL
for the digital interface circuitry and the digital section of the
ADC, and a selectable +/-12V (with a possibility of +/-15V
with control Brd2) or +/-5V supply for the analog signal conditioning circuitry (SJ3). All supplies are decoupled to ground
with 10 F tantalum and 0.1 F ceramic capacitors.
Analog Input Ranges
The analog front-end amplifier circuitry U6 and U7 allows
flexible configuration changes such as positive or negative
gain, input range scaling, filtering, addition of a DC component, use of different op-amp and supplies.
Figure 1 shows the front end op-amp configuration used with
the AD7660/7663/7664/7665/7671/7675/7676/7677.
In some applications, it is desired to use a bipolar or wider
analog input range like, for instance, ± 10V, ± 5V, ± 2.5V, or
0 to +5V. For the AD76XX parts which do not have directly
those input ranges like the AD7660/7664/7675/7676/7677,
by simple modifications of the input driver circuitry of the
EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB, bipolar and wider input
ranges can be used without any performance degradation.
Components values required and resulting full-scale ranges
are shown in table IV and table V.
In factory, the analog input of U6 is set at mid-scale
(R6=R7=590⍀) for the AD7660/7664/7675/7676/7677. For
AD7663/7665/7671, R7 is not connected to maintain the
input at 0V (mid-scale). This allows a transition noise test
without any other equipment. An FFT test can be done by
applying a very low distortion AC source.
The EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB interfaces to the EVALCONTROL BRD2 through the 96-way connector.
Software Description
The EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB comes with software for
analyzing the AD766X/AD767X. Through the EVAL-CONTROL BRD2 one can perform a histogram to determine code
transition noise, and Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT's) to
determine the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Signal-to-Noiseplus-Distortion (SNRD) and Total-Harmonic-Distortion
(THD). The front-end PC software has four screens as
shown in Figure 8,9,10 and 11. Figure 8 is the Setup Screen
where input voltage range, sample rate, number of samples
are selected. Figure 9 is the Histogram Screen, which allows
the code distribution for DC input and computes the mean
and standard deviation.
(SJ1) for the AD766X/AD767X
Figure 10 is the FFT Screen, which performs an FFT on the
captured data, computes the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR),
Signal-to-Noise-plus-Distortion (SINAD) and total-Harmonic-Distortion (THD). Figure 11 is the time domain
representation of the output. When the on-board CNVST
generation is used, a synchronous FFT could be achieved by
synchronizing the external AC generator with the Fsync signal
(TP11) which is an exact division by 2 of MCLK.
JumperDefault positionFunction
Designation with the control
board ( Factory
JP1ASelection of the positive supply of the front-end amplifier U6. When JP1 is in posi-
tion A, the +12V supply from the control board is applied to JP3 otherwise VS+ on
SJ3 is used.
Software Installation
- Double-Click on Setup.exe from the CD-ROM and follow the
installation instructions.
NOTE: The software runs under Windows 95/98 only.
JP2ASelection of the negative supply of the front-end amplifier U6. When JP2 is in posi-
tion A, the -12V supply from the control board is applied to JP4 otherwise VS- on
SJ3 is used.
JP3ASelection of the positive supply of the front-end amplifier U6. When JP3 is in posi-
tion A, the +5V supply from the control board is used otherwise JP1 output is used.
JP4ASelection of the negative supply of the front-end amplifier U6. When JP4 is in posi-
tion A, the -5V supply from the control board is used otherwise JP2 output is used.
JP5not ASelection of the master clock MCLK signal. When JP5 is in position A, the signal on
J4 is used otherwise the on-board 20 MHz clock is used as a MCLK signal. MCLK
signal is used to generate the on-board CNVST signal and the external serial clock
JP6A, U3 sideSelection of RDC ( Read during convert ). When the button of the switch is close to
J4 connector ( not A position ) and when the serial reading mode is selected, the data
are read during conversion otherwise the data are read after conversion. JP6 has no
use in parallel reading mode.
JP7A, U3 sideSelection of PD ( Powerdown ). When the button of the switch is close to J4 connec-
tor ( not A position ), the ADC is in power-down mode.
JP8A, U3 sideSpare switch.
JP9A, U3 sideSelection of RESET. When the button of the switch is close to J4 connector ( not A
position ), the ADC is reset.
JP10A, U3 sideSelection of SER/PAR ( serial/parallel reading mode ). When the button of the switch
is close to J4 connector ( not A position ), the data are read in serial mode otherwise
the data are read in parallel mode.
JP11not A, SJ4 sideSelection of OC/2C ( coding ). When the button of the switch is close to J4 connector
( not A position ), the ADC uses a straight binary coding otherwise the twos complement coding is used.
JP12A, U3 sideSelection of WARP. When the button of the switch is close to J4 connector ( not A
position ), the ADC uses the WARP mode which is the fastest one. With the AD7660,
JP12 is a spare switch.
JumperDefault positionFunction
Designation with the control
board ( Factory
JP13A, U3 sideSelection of IMPULSE. When the button of the switch is close to J4 connector
( not A position ), the ADC uses the IMPULSE mode which is the mode with the
lowest power dissipation. With the AD7660, JP13 is a spare switch.
JP14A, U3 sideTEST1. For factory use only and it is pull down.
JP15A, U3 sideTEST0. For factory use only and it is pull down.
JP16A, U3 sideSelection of EXT/INT ( use of external or internal serial clock ). When the button of
the switch is close to J4 connector ( not A position ) and when the serial reading
mode is selected, the data are read with an external serial clock SCLK generated from
the master clock MCLK otherwise the data are read with the ADC serial clock. When
external serial clock reading mode is selected, MCLK has to be fast enough to be able
the read the data properly as explained in the AD766X data sheet. JP16 has no use in
parallel reading mode.
JP17A, U3 sideSelection of INVSYNC ( SYNC active level ). When the button of the switch is close
to J4 connector ( not A position ) and when the master serial reading mode is se
lected, the SYNC signal is active Low. JP17 has no use in parallel reading mode or
slave serial reading mode.
JP18A, U3 sideSelection of INVSCLK ( SCLK active edge ). When the button of the switch is close
to J4 connector ( not A position ) and when the serial reading mode is selected,
INVSCLK is high. JP18 has no use in parallel reading mode.
JP19not ASelection of CNVST signal. When JP19 is in position A, the signal on J3 is used
otherwise the on-board CNVST generation is used. MCLK signal is used to generate
the on-board CNVST signal.
JP20not ASelection of REF signal. When JP20 is in position A, the REF is buffered. When
JP20 is not in position A, the REF is not buffered.
Table III. EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB Test Points
Test PointAvailable Signal
TP1DGND Digital ground
TP2DGND Digital ground
TP3SIG+ADC Analog input
TP4AGND Analog ground close to SIG+
TP 5REFADC Reference input
TP7RDADC RD signal
TP8CSADC CS signal
TP9AGND Analog ground close to REF
TP12OVDD ADC digital output supply
TP13DVDD ADC digital core supply
TP14VANA1 ADC analog supply
TP15AGND Analog ground close to SIGTP16SI G-ADC Analog input
MCLK divided by 2
Table IV. Component values Vs. Input ranges ( AD7660 )
Input rangeR1R3R6R7
± 10V8k⍀ 1k⍀8k⍀10k⍀
± 5V8k⍀ 2k⍀6.67k⍀ 10k⍀
0 to -5V8k⍀ 8k⍀0⍀none
Table V. Component values Vs. Input ranges ( AD7664 )
Input rangeR1R3R6R7
± 10V2k⍀ 250⍀8k⍀10k⍀
± 5V2k⍀ 500⍀6.67k⍀ 10k⍀
0 to -5V1k⍀ 1k⍀0⍀none
To perform a histogram test, apply a DC signal to the input. It
is advised to filter the signal to make the DC Source noise compatible with that of the ADC. C26 provides this filtering.
AC Testing
To perform an AC test, apply a sinusoidal signal to the
evaluation board. Low distortion, better than 100dB, is required
to allow true evaluation of the part. One possibility is to filter the
input signal from the AC source. There is no suggested
bandpass filter but consideration should be taken in the choice.
Furthermore, when the full-scale input range is more than a few
Vpp, it is recommended that you use the on board amplifier to
amplify the signal, thus preventing the filter from distorting the
input signal.
Please refer to Figures 8,9,10 and 11 to see the screens of the
Software Description
The AD16bit.exe is the software which allows you to analyze
different performance characteristics of the AD766X,
AD767X, AD97X and AD67X 16-bit ADC family. The software allows you to test the histogram as well as perform
different AC tests.
Setup Requirements
- Evaluation Control Board 2 (ADSP2189)
- Evaluation Board
- Power Supply (AC 15V/1A source could be bought from
- Parallel Port Cable (provided with the evaluation control
- AC Source (low distortion)
- DC Source (low noise)
- Bandpass Filter (value based on your signal frequency, low
You have the option of using the
EVAL-AD766XCB/AD767XCB as a stand-alone evaluation
board. This method does not require the control board, nor does
it require use of the accompanied software. The digital output
will now be available on P1 (20-pin connector, for use in serial
mode) or P2 (40-pin connector, for use in parallel mode). Certain modifications have to be made on the board to allow proper
operation of the evaluation board. Refer to Table II to obtain
the jumper positions for stand-alone operation. When in standalone, CNVST could be externally applied or is generated
internally according to Table I.
Please refer to Figure 1 to obtain the data output pins on the
Data is updated on the falling edge of BUSY. BCS and BWR
are inputs to the FPGA and are connected to P1 and P2.
When BCS, CONTROL are low and BWR is high, which is
the default value defined by the on-board pull-up/pull-down
resistors, the data bus BD available on the P2 connector is
SJ1 is the analog supply. Connect VA+ to +5V and AGND to
GND. SJ2 is the digital supply. SJ2 requires the same values as
SJ1, and SJ2 may be connected to SJ1. SJ3 is the supply for the
front end amplifier (U6). Connect +12V to VS+, GND to
AGND, and -12V to VS-.
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