Four Complete Voltage Output DACs
Data Register Readback Feature
“Reset to Zero” Override
Multiplying Operation
Double-Buffered Latches
Surface Mount and DIP Packages
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available
Automatic Test Equipment
Process Control
Disk Drives
The AD664 is four complete 12-bit, voltage-output DACs on
one monolithic IC chip. Each DAC has a double-buffered input
latch structure and a data readback function. All DAC read and
write operations occur through a single microprocessor-compatible
I/O port.
The I/O port accommodates 4-, 8- or 12-bit parallel words allowing simple interfacing with a wide variety of microprocessors.
A reset to zero control pin is provided to allow a user to simultaneously reset all DAC outputs to zero, regardless of the contents
of the input latch. Any one or all of the DACs may be placed in
a transparent mode allowing immediate response by the outputs
to the input data.
The analog portion of the AD664 consists of four DAC cells,
four output amplifiers, a control amplifier and switches. Each
DAC cell is an inverting R-2R type. The output current from
each DAC is switched to the on-board application resistors and
output amplifier. The output range of each DAC cell is programmed through the digital I/O port and may be set to unipolar or bipolar range, with a gain of one or two times the reference
voltage. All DACs are operated from a single external reference.
The functional completeness of the AD664 results from the
combination of Analog Devices’ BiMOS II process, laser-trimmed
thin-film resistors and double-level metal interconnects.
1. The AD664 provides four voltage-output DACs on one chip
offering the highest density 12-bit D/A function available.
2. The output range of each DAC is fully and independently
3. Readback capability allows verification of contents of the internal data registers.
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its
use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties
which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or
otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
12-Bit Quad DAC
44-Pin Package
28-Pin DIP Package
4. The asynchronous RESET control returns all D/A outputs
to zero volts.
5. DAC-to-DAC matching performance is specified and tested.
6. Linearity error is specified to be 1/2 LSB at room temperature and 3/4 LSB maximum for the K, B and T grades.
7. DAC performance is guaranteed to be monotonic over the
full operating temperature range.
8. Readback buffers have tristate outputs.
9. Multiplying-mode operation allows use with fixed or variable, positive or negative external references.
10. The AD664 is available in versions compliant with MILSTD-883. Refer to the Analog Devices Military Products
Databook or current AD664/883B data sheet for detailed
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 617/329-4700Fax: 617/326-8703
= +5 V, VCC = +15 V, VEE = –15 V, V
unless otherwise noted)
= +10 V, TA = +258C
Voltage Range
UNI Versions0VCC – 2.02**Volts
BIP VersionsVEE + 2.0
Differential Linearity–3/43/4–1/21/2LSB
Differential Linearity T
to T
Monotonic @ All TemperaturesMonotonic @ All Temperatures
Gain Error Drift
Unipolar 0 V to +10 V Mode–12±712–10±510ppm of FSR5/°C
Bipolar –5 V to +5 V Mode–12±712–10±510ppm of FSR/°C
Bipolar –10 V to +10 V Mode–12±712–10±510ppm of FSR/°C
Unipolar Offset Drift
Unipolar 0 V to +10 V Mode–3± l.53–2±l2ppm of FSR/°C
Bipolar Zero Drift
Bipolar –5 V to +5 V Mode–12±712–10±510ppm of FSR/°C
Bipolar –10 V to +10 V Mode–12±712–10±510ppm of FSR/°C
Input Resistance1.32. 6**kΩ
Voltage Range
VEE + 2.0
VCC – 2.02**Volts
@ VIH, VIL = 5 V, 0 V0.11**mA
@ VIH, VIL = 2.4 V, 0.4 V36**mA
A minimum power supply of ±12.0 V is required for 0 V to +10 V and ±10 V operation. A minimum power supply of ±11.4 V is required for –5 V to +5 V operation.
For VCC < +12 V and V
Bipolar zero error is the difference from the ideal output (0 volts) and the actual output voltage with code 100 000 000 000 applied to the inputs.
Linearity error is defined as the maximum deviation of the actual DAC output from the ideal output (a straight line drawn from 0 to F.S. – 1 LSB).
FSR means Full-Scale Range and is 20 V for ±10 V range and 10 V for ±5 V range.
A minimum power supply of ±12.0 V is required for a 10 V reference voltage.
Analog Ground Current is input code dependent.
Gain error matching is the largest difference in gain error between any two DACs in one package.
Offset error matching is the largest difference in offset error between any two DACs in one package.
Bipolar zero error matching is the largest difference in bipolar zero error between any two DACs in one package.
Linearity error matching is the difference in the worst ease linearity error between any two DACs in one package.
44-pin versions only.
*Specifications same as JN/JP/AD/AJ/SD.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Specifications shown in boldface are tested on all production units at final electrical test. Results from those tests are used to calculate outgoing quality levels. All min
and max specifications are guaranteed, although only those shown in boldface are tested on all production units.
> –12 V. Voltage not to exeeed 10 V maximum.
VLL to DGND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 V to +7 V
ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Unused devices must be stored in conductive foam
or shunts. The protective foam should be discharged to the destination socket before devices are
to DGND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 V to +18 V
to DGND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –18 V to 0 V
≤±10 V and V
≤ (V
– 2 V, VEE + 2 V)
to VEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to +36 V
Digital Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –0.3 V to +7 V
*Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause
permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the
operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
, VEE and GND
Figure 1a. 44-Pin Block Diagram
The AD664 combines four complete 12-bit voltage output D/A
converters with a fast, flexible digital input/output port on one
monolithic chip. It is available in two forms, a 44-pin version
shown in Figure 1a and a 28-pin version shown in Figure 1b.
44-Pin Versions
Each DAC offers flexibility, accuracy and good dynamic performance. The R-2R structure is fabricated from thin-film resistors
which are laser-trimmed to achieve 1/2 LSB linearity and guaranteed monotonicity. The output amplifier combines the best
features of the bipolar and MOS devices to achieve good dynamic performance and low offset. Settling time is under 10 µs
and each output can drive a 5 mA, 500 pF load. Short-circuit
protection allows indefinite shorts to V
, VCC, VEE and GND.
The output and span resistor pins are available separately. This
feature allows a user to insert current-boosting elements to increase the drive capability of the system, as well as to overcome
Digital circuitry is implemented in CMOS logic. The fast, low
power, digital interface allows the AD664 to be interfaced with
most microprocessors. Through this interface, the wide variety
of features on each chip may be accessed. For example, the input data for each DAC is programmed by way of 4-, 8-, 12- or
16-bit words. The double-buffered input structure of this latch
allows all four DACs to be updated simultaneously. A readback
feature allows the internal registers to be read back through the
same digital port, as either 4-, 8- or 12-bit words. When disabled, the readback drivers are placed in a high impedance
(tristate) mode. A TRANSPARENT mode allows the input data
to pass straight through both ranks of input registers and appear
at the DAC with a minimum of delay. One D/A may be placed
in the transparent mode at a time, or all four may be made
transparent at once. The MODE SELECT feature allows the
output range and mode of the DACs to be selected via the data
bus inputs. An internal mode select register stores the selec-
tions. This register may also be read back to check its contents.
A RESET-TO-ZERO feature allows all DACs to be reset to 0
volts out by strobing a single pin.
Figure 1b. 28-Pin Block Diagram
28-Pin Versions
The 28-pin versions are dedicated versions of the 44-pin
AD664. Each offers a reduced set of features from those offered
in the 44-pin version. This accommodates the reduced number
of package pins available. Data is written and read with 12-bit
words only. Output range and mode select functions are also
not available in 28-pin versions. As an alternative, users specify
either the UNI (unipolar, 0 to V
to V
) models depending on the application require-
) models or the BIP (bipolar,
ments. Finally, the transparent mode is not available on the
28-pin versions.
Table I. Transfer Functions
Mode = UNIMode = BIP
000000000000 = 0 V000000000000 = – V
Gain = 1100000000000 = V
111111111111 = V
/2100000000000 = 0 V
– 1 LSB111111111111 = V
000000000000 = 0 V000000000000 = V
Gain = 2100000000000 = V
111111111111 = 2 × V
– 1 LSB111111111111 = +V
LINEARITY ERROR: Analog Devices defines linearity error as
the maximum deviation of the actual, adjusted DAC output
from the ideal analog output (a straight line drawn from 0 to FS
– 1 LSB) for any bit combination. This is also referred to as
relative accuracy. The AD664 is laser-trimmed to typically
maintain linearity errors at less than ±1/4 LSB.
MONOTONICITY: A DAC is said to be monotonic if the output either increases or remains constant for increasing digital
inputs such that the output will always be a nondecreasing function of input. All versions of the AD664 are monotonic over
their full operating temperature range.
DIFFERENTIAL LINEARITY: Monotonic behavior requires
that the differential linearity error be less than 1 LSB both at
25°C as well as over the temperature range of interest. Differential nonlinearity is the measure of the variation in analog value,
normalized to full scale, associated with a 1 LSB change in digital input code. For example, for a 10 V full-scale output, a
change of 1 LSB in digital input code should result in a
2.44 mV change in the analog output (V
= 10 V, Gain = 1,
1 LSB = 10 V × 1/4096 = 2.44 mV). If in actual use, however, a
1 LSB change in the input code results in a change of only
0.61 mV (1/4 LSB) in analog output, the differential nonlinearity error would be –1.83 mV, or –3/4 LSB.
GAIN ERROR: DAC gain error is a measure of the difference
between the output span of an ideal DAC and an actual device.
/2 –1 LSB
100000000000 = 0 V
– 1 LSB
UNIPOLAR OFFSET ERROR: Unipolar offset error is the difference between the ideal output (0 V) and the actual output of
a DAC when the input is loaded with all “0s” and the MODE is
BIPOLAR ZERO ERROR: Bipolar zero error is the difference
between the ideal output (0 V) and the actual output of a DAC
when the input code is loaded with the MSB = “1” and the rest
of the bits = “0” and the MODE is bipolar.
SETTLING TIME: Settling time is the time required for the
output to reach and remain within a specified error band about
its final value, measured from the digital input transition.
CROSSTALK: Crosstalk is the change in an output caused by
a change in one or more of the other outputs. It is due to
capacitive and thermal coupling between outputs.
REFERENCE FEEDTHROUGH: The portion of an ac reference signal that appears at an output when all input bits are low.
Feedthrough is due to capacitive coupling between the reference
input and the output. It is specified in decibels at a particular
REFERENCE 3 dB BANDWIDTH: The frequency of the ac
reference input signal at which the amplitude of the full-scale
output response falls 3 dB from the ideal response.
GLITCH IMPULSE: Glitch impulse is an undesired output
voltage transient caused by asymmetrical switching times in the
switches of a DAC. These transients are specified by their net
area (in nV-sec) of the voltage vs. time characteristic.
28-Pin DIP Package
44-Pin Package
Grounding Recommendations
The AD664 has two pins, designated ANALOG and DIGITAL
ground. The analog ground pin is the “high quality” ground reference point for the device. A unique internal design has
resulted in low analog ground current. This greatly simplifies
management of ground current and the associated induced voltage drops. The analog ground pin should be connected to the
analog ground point in the system. The external reference and
any external loads should also be returned to analog ground.
The digital ground pin should be connected to the digital
ground point in the circuit. This pin returns current from the
logic portions of the AD664 circuitry to ground.
Analog and digital grounds should be connected at one point in
the system. If there is a possibility that this connection be broken or otherwise disconnected, then two diodes should be connected between the analog and digital ground pins of the
AD664 to limit the maximum ground voltage difference.
Power Supplies and Decoupling
The AD664 requires three power supplies for proper operation.
powers the logic portions of the device and requires
+5 volts. V
and VEE power the remaining portions of the cir-
cuitry and require +12 V to +15 V and –12 V to –15 V, respectively. V
and VEE must also be a minimum of two volts greater
then the maximum reference and output voltages anticipated.
Decoupling capacitors should be used on all power supply pins.
Good engineering practice dictates that the bypass capacitors be
located as near as possible to the package pins. V
bypassed to digital ground. V
and VEE should be decoupled to
should be
analog ground.
Driving the Reference Input
The reference input of the AD664 can have an impedance as
low as 1.3 kΩ. Therefore, the external reference voltage must be
able to source up to 7.7 mA of load current. Suitable choices
include the 5 V AD586, the 10 V AD587 and the 8.192 V
The architecture of the AD664 derives an inverted version of
the reference voltage for some portions of the internal circuitry.
This means that the power supplies must be at least 2 V
greater than both the external reference and the inverted external reference.
Output Considerations
Each DAC output can source or sink 5 mA of current to an
external load. Short-circuit protection limits load current to a
maximum load current of 40 mA. Load capacitance of up to
500 pF can be accommodated with no effect on stability.
Should an application require additional output current, a current boosting element can be inserted into the output loop with
no sacrifice in accuracy. Figure 3 details this method.
Figure 3. Current-Boosting Scheme
AD664 output voltage settling time is 10 µs maximum. Figure 4
shows the output voltage settling time with a fixed 10 V reference, gain = 1 and all bits switched from 1 to 0.
Figure 4. Settling Time; All Bits Switched from On to Off
Alternately, Figure 5 shows the settling characteristics when the
reference is switched and the input bits remain fixed. In this
case, all bits are “on,” the gain is 1 and the reference is switched
from –5 V to +5 V.