AMX NXD-CV17, NXD-CA15, NXD-CV7, NXT-CA12, NXT-CA15 Operation/reference Manual

Operation/Reference Guide
G4 PanelBuilder
Last Revised: 12/09/2008
AMX Software License and Warranty Agreement
LICENSE GRANT. AMX grants to Licensee the non-exclusive right to use the AMX Software in the manner described in this License. The AMX Software is licensed, not sold. This license does not grant Licensee the right to create derivative works of the AMX Software. The AMX Software consists of generally available programming and development software, product documenta­tion, sample applications, tools and utilities, and miscellaneous technical information. Please refer to the README.TXT file on the compact disc or download for further information regarding the components of the AMX Software. The AMX Software is sub­ject to restrictions on distribution described in this License Agreement. AMX Dealer, Distributor, VIP or other AMX authorized entity shall not, and shall not permit any other person to, disclose, display, loan, publish, transfer (whether by sale, assignment, exchange, gift, operation of law or otherwise), license, sublicense, copy, or otherwise disseminate the AMX Software. Licensee may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the AMX Software.
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LIMITED WARRANTY. AMX warrants that the AMX Software (other than pre-release code) will perform substantially in accor­dance with the accompanying written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. AMX DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE AMX SOFTWARE. THIS LIM­ITED WARRANTY GIVES LICENSEE SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. Any supplements or updates to the AMX SOFTWARE, including without limitation, any (if any) service packs or hot fixes provided to Licensee after the expiration of the ninety (90) day Limited Warranty period are not covered by any warranty or condition, express, implied or statutory.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
G4 PanelBuilder Overview ..................................................................................1
Welcome to G4 PanelBuilder .................................................................................... 1
System Requirements ............................................................................................... 1
Supported AMX (G4) touch panel types: .................................................................. 1
The G4 PanelBuilder Work Area ............................................................................... 2
G4 PanelBuilder Application Interface ............................................................................ 2
File Menu ........................................................................................................................ 3
Edit Menu........................................................................................................................ 3
Project Menu................................................................................................................... 3
Toolbox Menu ................................................................................................................. 3
Diagram Menu................................................................................................................. 4
View Menu ...................................................................................................................... 4
Help Menu....................................................................................................................... 4
Diagram Area .................................................................................................................. 5
Toolbar............................................................................................................................ 5
Tasks Pane....................................................................................................................... 6
Quick Links ...................................................................................................................... 7
Toolbox ........................................................................................................................... 7
Color Schemes ................................................................................................................ 8
Status Bar........................................................................................................................ 8
Viewing Panes ................................................................................................................. 8
Changing Visual Style...................................................................................................... 8
Basic Operations ................................................................................................9
Getting Started......................................................................................................... 9
Creating A New Project .................................................................................................. 9
Adding A Toolbox Element to The Diagram ................................................................... 9
Adding Elements via The Diagram Menu ...................................................................... 10
Connecting Elements .................................................................................................... 10
Editing Diagram Element Properties via The Diagram Menu ........................................ 11
Generating A TPDesign4 Project .................................................................................. 11
Saving A Project............................................................................................................ 11
Closing A Project........................................................................................................... 12
Templates ............................................................................................................... 12
Preview A Template via Template Manager.................................................................. 12
Opening A Most Recently Used Template .................................................................... 12
Install A Template via Template Manager ..................................................................... 12
Install Templates from .................................................................................. 12
G4 PanelBuilder
Table of Contents
Install A Template from File .......................................................................................... 13
Remove A Template from G4 PanelBuilder ................................................................... 13
Opening A Project .................................................................................................. 13
Changing Color Schemes ........................................................................................ 13
Creating A New Project from File ........................................................................... 14
Editing Project Properties....................................................................................... 14
Alternate Screen Names ......................................................................................... 14
Using Unicode Text................................................................................................. 14
Preview Diagram Element....................................................................................... 15
Preview A Toolbox Element.................................................................................... 15
Globally Remove An Element Instance ................................................................... 15
Undo, Redo And Delete.......................................................................................... 15
Create Snapshots to Clipboard............................................................................... 16
Show and Hide Grid................................................................................................ 16
Snap To Grid........................................................................................................... 16
Zoom in And out of Diagram .................................................................................. 16
Using Web Updates ................................................................................................ 16
Exiting G4 PanelBuilder .......................................................................................... 16
Creating Templates for G4 PanelBuilder ..........................................................17
Overview ................................................................................................................ 17
Creating Templates with Alternate Screen Names ................................................. 19
Creating Templates with Color Schemes ................................................................ 19
Define The Color Scheme .............................................................................................. 19
Create A Preview Image................................................................................................ 19
Template Requirements.......................................................................................... 20
Required Template Elements.................................................................................. 20
Optional Template Elements .................................................................................. 22
Rules for Navigating A Template ............................................................................ 25
Template Wide Conventions................................................................................... 25
AMX Element Naming Conventions........................................................................ 26
Program Reference ...........................................................................................27
Dialogs.................................................................................................................... 27 Template Library dialog ................................................................................ 27
Close Project dialog ...................................................................................................... 28
Color Schemes dialog.................................................................................................... 28
Diagram Preview dialog ................................................................................................ 29
Diagram Properties dialog ............................................................................................ 29
Errors And Warnings Report dialog .............................................................................. 30
G4 PanelBuilder
Table of Contents
Generate TPDesign4 Project dialog .............................................................................. 30
Install Templates from File dialog ................................................................................. 31
New From File dialog .................................................................................................... 31
New Project dialog........................................................................................................ 32
Open Project dialog ...................................................................................................... 33
Project Properties dialog .............................................................................................. 33
Replace Template dialog............................................................................................... 34
Save As dialog............................................................................................................... 34
Template Manager dialog ............................................................................................. 35
Template Sample Images dialog ................................................................................... 36
Unicode Edit Window.................................................................................................... 36
Context Menus ....................................................................................................... 37
Diagram Area Context Menu ........................................................................................ 37
Toolbox Context Menu ................................................................................................. 37
View Context Menu....................................................................................................... 37
G4 PanelBuilder
Table of Contents
G4 PanelBuilder
G4 PanelBuilder Overview
Welcome to G4 PanelBuilder
With the advent of G4 PanelBuilder, AMX enables proficient G4 panel programmers to enjoy sleek touch panel designs without the need for a graphic artist. Dealers now have the choice of using AMX created panel templates or implementing their own TPDesign4 creations.
System Requirements
G4 PanelBuilder supports the following platforms:
Windows 2000 (Service Pack 3 or greater)
If you are installing on a Windows 2000 machine, you must have Administrator rights to install and run all required System files.
Windows XP Home and Professional (Service Pack 1 or greater)
Other PC requirements:
Pentium 233 MHZ processor (minimum requirement); 300 MHZ or faster recommended.
75 MB of free disk space (minimum requirement); 150 MB recommended.
128 MB of installed memory (RAM).
Minimum (VGA) screen resolution of 800x600
Windows-compatible CD-ROM drive.
Windows-compatible mouse (or other pointing device).
G4 PanelBuilder Overview
Supported AMX (G4) touch panel types:
MVP-7500: 7.5" Modero ViewPoint (wireless) Touch Panel
MVP-8400: 8.4" Modero ViewPoint (wireless) Touch Panel
NXT/NXD-1200V: Enhanced 12" Modero Touch Panel
NXT/NXD-1200VG: Enhanced 12" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
NXT/NXD-1500VG: Enhanced 15" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
NXT/NXD-1700VG: Enhanced 17" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
NXT/NXD-CV7: 7" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
NXT/NXD-CA12: 12" Modero Touch Panel
NXT/NXD-CV12: 12" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
NXT/NXD-CA15: 15" Modero Touch Panel
NXT/NXD-CV15: 15" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
NXT/NXD-CV17: 17" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
NXP-TPI/4: Touch Panel Interface 4
The nomenclature " NXT" indicates the table-top (tilt) model, and "NXD" represents the wall-mount version.
G4 PanelBuilder
G4 PanelBuilder Overview
The G4 PanelBuilder Work Area
G4 PanelBuilder Application Interface
The G4 PanelBuilder Application Interface is the main view you work with when creating a new panel file (*.PB4), as you can see it is visually driven.
Menu Bar
Status Bar
Instance Counter
Diagram Area
Tasks Pane
Quick Links
FIG. 1 G4 PanelBuilder Application Interface
G4 PanelBuilder Application Interface
Menu Bar The menu bar is the location of all functions for G4 PanelBuilder.
Toolbar The toolbar contains icons for the commonly used functions.
Toolbox All elements available within a selected template reside in the toolbox. The toolbox is only
Status Bar In addition to giving you the current status of G4 PanelBuilder, i.e., Ready. The status bar
Instance Counter The instance counter tracks and displays the number of times an element is used within the
Diagram Area The Diagram area is the graphical representation of the flow your panel file will follow. After
Tasks Pane The tasks pane is a collection of links to commonly used functions. In addition to opening
Quick Links Located within the Tasks Pane is a small sub-section quick links. These links allow you
available when a template is open.
also provides a brief description of toolbar and menu items via mouse over.
current project.
pulling the elements from the Toolbox you can connect and develop the elements.
projects (both new and existing), tasks pane tracks recently opened projects and templates. To access anything listed in the tasks pane, click on any of the items listed.
quick access to adding and managing templates within G4 PanelBuilder.
G4 PanelBuilder
G4 PanelBuilder Overview
File Menu
The File menu serves as a location for file management, project information and template management.
File Menu
New Launches the New Project dialog.
New From File Launches the New From File dialog.
Open Launches the Open Project dialog.
Close Closes the project currently open.
Save Saves the current project. If the project has not been previously saved it will
launch the Save As dialog.
Save As Launches the Save As dialog.
Generate TPDesign4 Project Launches the Generate TPDesign4 Project dialog.
Install Templates From
Install Templates From File Launches the Install Templates from File dialog.
Template Manager Launches the Template Manager dialog.
Most Recently Used List A list of most recently opened project file names.
Exit Closes the G4 PanelBuilder application.
When an internet connection is present, connects to and launches the Template Library dialog.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu governs the actions within the Diagram area.
Edit Menu
Undo Undoes action taken in diagram area. Undo does not apply to text changes within elements.
Redo Reverses the undo action taken within the diagram area.
Delete Deletes the element currently selected in the Diagram area.
Project Menu
The Project menu is a set of features covering the project properties and related items.
Project Menu
Project Properties Launches the Project Properties dialog.
Project Template Sample Images Launches the Template Sample Images dialog.
Color Schemes Launches the Color Schemes dialog.
Toolbox Menu
The Toolbox menu is a set of features for interacting with the Toolbox area.
Toolbox Menu
Add Element To Diagram Adds the element currently selected within the Toolbox to the Diagram area.
Remove All Instances From Diagram
Element Preview Launches the Templates Sample Images dialog with the currently selected ele-
Removes all instances of the currently selected element from the Diagram area.
ment shown.
G4 PanelBuilder
G4 PanelBuilder Overview
Diagram Menu
The Diagram menu interacts directly with the Diagram area.
Diagram Menu
Add Element A complete list of available elements within your selected template. Select any
Properties Launches the Diagram Properties dialog. This feature views the properties of
Preview Launches the Diagram Preview dialog.
Show Grid Shows the grid in the Diagram area.
Snap To Grid Locks all element placements to grid lines.
Zoom Out Decreases the magnification of the diagram area. Increments are 150%, 125%,
Zoom In Increases the magnification of the diagram area. Increments are 150%, 125%,
Zoom A list of available increments to zoom into or out of the diagram area. Click on
Copy Snapshot To Clipboard Copies only the diagram area to your computer's clipboard.
View Menu
element to have it placed within the Diagram area.
the selected element within the Diagram area.
100%, 75% and 50% of work area.
100%, 75% and 50% of work area.
the desired magnification to implement.
The View menu allows you to toggle different aspects of the G4 PanelBuilder Application Interface on and off. Additionally, you can change the appearance of the application itself. A check next to the title indicates it is visible.
View Menu
Visual Style A list of visual appearances for the G4 PanelBuilder. Select one of the following:
• Default (Windows 2000®)
•Office XP®
• Office 2003®
Help Menu
The Help menu contains features for updating the application and connecting with AMX for a demo on how to use G4 PanelBuilder.
Help Menu
Contents Launches the G4 PanelBuilder help, Contents section.
AMX Training Demo Connects to for the online demo for using G4 PanelBuilder.
Web Update Launches the AMX Web Update utility. Internet connection is necessary.
About G4 PanelBuilder Displays the about G4 PanelBuilder dialog containing information pertaining to
version and copyright.
G4 PanelBuilder
G4 PanelBuilder Overview
Diagram Area
The Diagram area is the graphical representation of the flow your panel file will follow. After pulling the elements from the Toolbox you can connect and develop the elements. You can either click and drag or nudge the elements within the Diagram area. Select an element and use your arrow keys to nudge.
Exiting Node
Entering Node
Connection Line
FIG. 2 Diagram Area
Diagram Area
Entering Node This node receives the connection line from another element.
Exiting Node This node connects out to another element.
Element The building block of the panel files, i.e., Modes, Navigation, Devices, and etc.
Connection Line The graphical representation of the connection between two elements. The color of the
connection line is dictated by the element it is exiting.
The toolbar contains icons for the commonly used functions:
New From File
Generate TPDesign4 Project
Color Schemes
Zoom Out
Zoom In
Copy Snapshot To Clipboard
Template Manager
FIG. 3
G4 PanelBuilder
G4 PanelBuilder Overview
New Launches the New Project dialog.
New From File Launches the New From File dialog.
Open Launches the Open Project dialog.
Save Saves the current project. If the project has not been previously saved it will
Generate TPDesign4 Project Launches the Generate TPDesign4 Project dialog.
Delete Deletes the element currently selected in the Diagram area.
Undo Undoes action taken in diagram area. Undo does not apply to text changes
Redo Reverses the undo action taken within the diagram area.
Color Schemes Launches the Color Schemes dialog.
Zoom Out Decreases the magnification of the diagram area. Increments are 150%, 125%,
Zoom In Increases the magnification of the diagram area. Increments are 150%, 125%,
Copy Snapshot To Clipboard Copies only the diagram area to your computer's clipboard.
Template Manager Launches the Template Manager dialog.
Tasks Pane
launch the Save As dialog.
within elements.
100%, 75% and 50% of work area.
100%, 75% and 50% of work area.
The tasks pane is a collection of links to commonly used functions. In addition to opening projects (both new and existing), tasks pane tracks recently opened projects and templates. To access anything listed in the tasks pane, click on any of the items listed.
Recently Opened Projects
Open Project
Recently Opened Templates
New File
New from File
Tasks Pane
FIG. 4
Tasks Pane
Recently Opened Projects A list of file names for recently opened existing projects.
Open Project Launches the Open Project dialog.
Recently Opened Templates A list of file names for recently opened templates.
New File Launches the New Project dialog.
New from File Launches the New From File dialog.
G4 PanelBuilder
G4 PanelBuilder Overview
Quick Links
Located within the Tasks Pane is a small sub-section quick of links. These links allow you quick access to adding and managing templates within G4 PanelBuilder. Template Library
Install Template from File
Open Template Manager
FIG. 5 Quick Links
Quick Links
Install Templates From
Install Templates From File Launches the Install Templates From File dialog.
Template Manager Launches the Template Manager dialog.
If a internet connection is available, G4 PanelBuilder connects to AMX's collection of online templates. The templates are found in Template Library dialog.
All elements available within a selected template reside in the toolbox. The toolbox is only available when a template is open.
Element (i.e., Mode Element with 3 items)
FIG. 6
Element Sections
As you can see, the toolbox is divided into elements with specific pages contained therein. Click on the element you would like to add, i.e., Navigation, Device, etc. All available elements will be shown. When available, a thumbnail representation of the page will appear within the toolbox; otherwise a general image will be shown for the thumbnail. Mouse-over the element to get a description. Once you have found the element you would like to use, you can right-click on the thumbnail to access the toolbox context menu or drag-and-drop the element into the diagram area.
Only contained within the template are represented within the toolbox. If the template does not contain a particular element, you will not see it in the toolbox.
G4 PanelBuilder
G4 PanelBuilder Overview
Color Schemes
Templates can contain multiple color palettes, allowing you to switch from one color scheme to another within one template. The current scheme is reflected in the element preview but the elements in the toolbox will remain the main color scheme.
Used either with Chameleon buttons or standalone, you can use a single template that can deliver different predefined color schemes.
Status Bar
Located at the bottom of the G4 PanelBuilder Application Interface is the status bar. In addition to giving you the current status of G4 PanelBuilder, i.e., Ready. The status bar also provides a brief description of toolbar and menu items via mouse over.
Viewing Panes
The G4 PanelBuilder Application Interface is composed of panes, sections containing tools for creating a panel project. To reveal or hide different panes:
Changing Visual Style
So, you love everything G4 PanelBuilder does for you and just could not be more impressed. Well, you would rather it fit in with the Windows 2000® theme you have. To change the appearance of G4 PanelBuilder:
Select View > (any of the panes listed; a check mark indicates the pane is in view) Toolbar, Tasks
Pane, Toolbox or Status Bar.
Select View > Visual Style and select from the following
Office XP®
Office 2003®
G4 PanelBuilder
+ 32 hidden pages