Installation Guide
NXC-VAI4 Voltage Output/Analog Input Card
NetLinx Control Cards and NetModules
NetLinx Control Cards can be installed in either the NXF CardFrame, NI-4000, or
NetModules. This document provides basic specifications and wiring information for
the NetLinx Control cards. For detailed information on the cards, refer to the NetLinx
CardFrame, Control Cards, and NetModules Instruction Manual available on-line via
NXC-VAI4 Analog Voltage Control Card
The NXC-VAI4 Analog Voltage Control Card (FG2025) provides 4 independent
analog-to-digital inputs and four independent digital-to-analog outputs, which are
controllable over the ICSP network. Each port can be configured for a variety of DC
input and output signals. The NXC-VAI4 incorporates the functionality of the AXC-VAI2
and AXC-VRG AXlink cards.
NXC-VAI4 Specifications
Power Requirements: 330 mA @ 12 VDC
Inputs: Four high-impedance analog DC inputs.
Outputs: Four analog DC outputs (user-configurable).
D/A, A/D conversion: 0-bit A/D and D/A converters for analog sampling and
Available input voltages: 0 V to +12 V.
Available output voltages:
-12 V to +12 V: The output voltage may be software-configured for any min
External reference: A user supplied external reference voltage can be used to
External reference input:
(EREF, 1 for each output)
Internal reference output:
I/O Status LEDs 1-8:
(two LEDs per channel)
Wiring: Captive-wire connectors.
Device ID: 0x010D
Firmware ID: • 0x0113 (Download)
Pinouts and Functions:
NXC-VAI4 Pinouts, Signals, and Functions
Pin Function Pin Function Pin Function
1 Output #1 (GND) 9 Input #1 (GND) 17 +5 V Reference output (GND)
2 Output #1 10 Input #1 18 +5 V Reference output
3 Output #2 (GND) 11 Input #2 (GND) 19 External Reference input (GND)
4 Output #2 12 Input #2 20 External Reference input
5 Output #3 (GND) 13 Input #3 (GND)
6 Output #3 14 Input #3
7 Output #4 (GND) 15 Input #4 (GND)
8 Output #4 16 Input #4
Channel Assignments:
Off = 50% voltage, and all channel assignments are mutually exclusive.
Note: PU, PN and PX must be set for all eight levels before using the card.
and max levels between -12 and +12 VDC.
• Maximum output current = 60 mA per output.
• Over-voltage protection to +28 VDC.
set the maximum voltage range for the D/A outputs. The full
analog output range is scaled to fit the maximum range set
by the external reference.
Output voltage may be set to any level between 0-12 VDC,
referenced to the external reference voltage input and the
NXC-VAI4 power supply GND.
Maximum external reference input voltage = +12VDC.
Over-voltage protection to +28 VDC.
+5 V reference output, maximum current = 60 mA.
This output is intended to drive a ground-referenced load.
LEDs light to indicate ON status.
4 yellow LED's (one per channel) light to indicate input signal
changes reported to the Master.
4 red LED's (one per channel) light to indicate output signal
changes. Output LEDs blink to indicate that the power-up or
limit levels have not been set.
• LED 1: Output #1 (red)
• LED 2: Input #1 (yellow)
• LED 3: Output #2 (red)
• LED 4: Input #2 (yellow)
• LED 5: Output #3 (red)
• LED 6: Input #3 (yellow)
• LED 7: Output #4 (red)
• LED 8: Input #4 (yellow)
• 0x0114 (Boot)
NXC-VAI4 Channel Assignments
Channel State Function
Channel 1 ON While channel 1 is ON, the voltage on Output 1 will ramp up at the
Channel 2 ON While channel 2 is ON the voltage on Output 2 will ramp up at the
Channel 3 ON While channel 3 is ON the voltage on Output 3 will ramp up at the
Channel 4 ON While channel 4 is ON the voltage on Output 4 will ramp up at the
Channel 5 ON While channel 5 is ON the voltage on Output 1 will ramp down at the
Channel 6 ON While channel 6 is ON the voltage on Output 2 will ramp down at the
Channel 7 ON While channel 7 is ON the voltage on Output 3 will ramp down at the
Channel 8 ON While channel 8 is ON the voltage on Output 4 will ramp down at the
Channel 9 ON Reserved [do not use].
Channel 10 ON While channel 10 is ON the voltage on Output 1 is set to 100%.
Channel 11 ON While channel 11 is ON, the voltage on Output 2 is set to 100%.
Channel 12 ON While channel 12 is ON, the voltage on Output 3 is set to 100%.
Channel 13 ON While channel 13 is ON, the voltage on Output 4 is set to 100%.
Channel 14 ON While channel 14 is ON, the voltage on Output 1 is set to 0%.
Channel 15 ON While channel 15 is ON, the voltage on Output 2 is set to 0%.
Channel 16 ON While channel 16 is ON, the voltage on Output 3 is set to 0%.
Channel 17 ON While channel 17 is ON, the voltage on Output 4 is set to 0%.
Channel 18 ON While channel 18 is ON, the voltage on Output 1 is set to 75%.
Channel 19 ON While channel 19 is ON, the voltage on Output 2 is set to 75%.
Channel 20 ON While channel 20 is ON, the voltage on Output 3 is set to 75%.
Channel 21 ON While channel 21 is ON, the voltage on Output 4 is set to 75%.
Channel 22 ON While channel 22 is ON, the voltage on Output 1 is set to 25%.
Channel 23 ON While channel 23 is ON, the voltage on Output 2 is set to 25%
Channel 24 ON While channel 24 is ON, the voltage on Output 3 is set to 25%
Channel 25 ON While channel 25 is ON, the voltage on Output 4 is set to 25%
"CURRENT OUTPUT 1 RAMP UP TIME" rate. The voltage ramp
stops if the maximum is reached.
OFF Stops voltage ramping on Output 1 at current value.
"CURRENT OUTPUT 2 RAMP UP TIME" rate. The voltage ramp
stops if the maximum is reached.
OFF Stops voltage ramping on Output 2 at current value.
"CURRENT OUTPUT 3 RAMP UP TIME" rate. The voltage ramp
stops if the maximum is reached.
OFF Stops voltage ramping on Output 3 at current value.
"CURRENT OUTPUT 4 RAMP UP TIME" rate. The voltage ramp
stops if the maximum is reached.
OFF Stops voltage ramping on Output 4 at current value.
ramp stops if the minimum is reached.
OFF Stops voltage ramping on Output 1 at current value.
ramp stops if the minimum is reached.
OFF Stops voltage ramping on Output 2 at current value.
ramp stops if the minimum is reached.
OFF Stops voltage ramping on Output 3 at current value.
ramp stops if the minimum is reached.
OFF Stops voltage ramping on Output 4 at current value.
OFF Reserved [do not use].
OFF Sets Output 1 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 2 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 3 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 4 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 1 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 2 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 3 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 4 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 1 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 2 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 3 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 4 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 1 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 2 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 3 voltage to 50%.
OFF Sets Output 4 voltage to 50%.
NXC-VAI4 Level Assignments:
NXC-VAI4 Level Assignments
Level Description
1 I/O 1 (Output 1). The range is from 0 (min) to 255 (max).
Conflicts with channels 1, 5, 10, 14, 18, 22.
2 I/O 2 (Output 2). The range is from 0 (min) to 255 (max).
Conflicts with channels 2, 6, 11, 15, 19, 23.
3 I/O 3 (Output 3). The range is from 0 (min) to 255 (max).
Conflicts with channels 3, 7, 12, 16, 20, 24.
4 I/O 4 (Output 4). The range is from 0 (min) to 255 (max).
Conflicts with channels 4, 8, 13, 17, 21, 25.
5 A level from the VAI4 card returns the current input voltage for I/O 5 (input 1).
Range: 0 - 255 (0 - 65,535)
6 A level from the VAI4 card returns the current input voltage for I/O 6 (input 2).
Range: 0 - 255 (0 - 65535)
7 A level from the VAI4 card returns the current input voltage for I/O 7 (input 3).
Range: 0 - 255 (0 - 65535)
8 A level from the VAI4 card returns the current input voltage for I/O 8 (input 4).
Range: 0 - 255 (0 - 65535)
Notes On Levels
For levels 5 - 8, the AD MODE command is used to set the level size to 8 or 16 bits.
The VAI4 card will send a CHANNEL OFF STATUS message for any conflicting ON
The Input and output Level Values will not be sent until a 'LEVON' Command
message is received by the VAI4 card. A transmission of levels will cease after the
receipt of a 'LEVOFF' Command message.
The values of Levels 1 through 8 (inputs) will be sent at power-up or whenever the
level changes by more than the selected amount.
Programming Information
These NetLinx Send_Commands control the NXC-VAI4:
Sets the format for data
reporting to either 8 or 10
significant bits (16 bit format with 10 significant bits).
The default format is 8 bits.
Sets the slowdown distance and slowdown
Sets the maximum allowable deviation of final servo
position when executing
the GL command.
The default is 2, (the position as read at corresponding input I/O <x+4> can be
within +/-2 from the specified position).
This command puts the
card in servo (positional)
control mode. Range = 0255 (if AD MODE is set to
'8'), or 0-65535 (if AD
MODE is set to '10').
See AD MODE for details.
Sets the speed variable to
be used for future positional (GL) commands.
Speed '0' is slowest (no
movement) and speed
'127' (default) is the fastest.
Even though the output is specified in the command, the format change really applies to the corresponding input. Input
level changes will be reported in this format. In 'servo' mode
commanded positions will be in this format. The reporting of
the output levels is unaffected.
• I/O: Any Output I/O ('1', '2, '3', 4').
When these variables are set, and a GL command is in progress, the speed output on Output <x> will be reduced to that
specified when the position as read on Output <x+4> is
within the distance specified away from the target position.
• OUTPUT: Any Output '1', '2', '3', or '4'.
• DISTANCE: 0-127.
• SPEED: 0-127.
The input or output level will only be reported when a change
greater than this deviation occurs. Deviation 0 is most accurate, but can have some oscillation
• I/O: Any input or output ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'. '8').
• DEVIATION: Number between 0 and 127 (default = 2).
Position 0 is the low end of the potentiometer (lowest voltage) and position 255 (or 65535) is the high end (highest
voltage) with 128 (or 32768) as the middle of the range.
• I/O: Any Output ('1', '2, '3', 4').
• POSITION: Number between 0-255 or 0-65535 (depends
on AD MODE).
The change of speed takes place immediately even if a positional change operation is currently in progress. The voltage
output for speed 0 (i.e. no motion) is at the mid-point
between the Min and Max output voltages. The positive
speed 127 is the max and negative speed 127 is the min.
Other speeds are scaled proportionately.
• I/O: Any Output ('1', '2, '3', 4').
• SPEED: A fixed output value in the range of 0-127.
Sets all card settings (except for calibration) back to their
original factory settings.
The VAI4 will not transmit
any level value messages
until after the receipt of this
This variable sets the
shape of the Output <x>
voltage ramps.
Selects which voltage reference (if any) is to be
used for scaling of the output voltage. The specified
output will then remain proportional to the specified
Ramps the specified output
from its current level value
to the specified level value
or percentage of maximum
at the rate specified by
RAMP UP TIME" or optionally in the specified amount
of time.
Sets the value of either the
minimum output voltage
allowed for an output, or
the minimum position voltage expected for an input.
TIME of the specified Output where TIME is the time
to ramp the full range.
Sets the level to which this
Output is set immediately
after power-up and before
any Output is commanded.
Sets the value of "I/O <x>
MAXIMUM" which is either
the maximum output voltage allowed for an Output,
or the maximum position
voltage expected for an
Sets one of the two "set
variables "I/O <x> SET
POINT H|L". (high or low)
These variables are used
to calculate calibration
parameters for I/O <x>
(input or output).
Sets all card settings back to their original factory settings.
The VAI4 will not transmit any level value messages after the
receipt of this command until the receipt of the LEVON command.
This command is sent automatically when the
CREATE_LEVEL command is executed.
• I/O: Any Output ('1', '2', '3', or '4')
• CURVE: 'N' - Normal linear
'L' - Logarithmic
'I' - Inverted logarithmic
• I/O: any Output ('1', '2', '3', or '4')
• Reference selection:
’N’ - Normal/None: Uses no reference scaling.
’E’ - External: Use the External Reference input to scale
the output.
’I’ - Input: Use the corresponding <x+4> input as the
reference for the output.
• B|U: Bipolar or Unipolar (has no meaning for reference
selection 'N')
Bipolar mode sets the output voltage range to between -reference voltage and + reference voltage.
Unipolar mode sets the voltage range to between 0V and +
reference voltage.
• I/O: Any Output ('1', '2', '3', or '4')
• LEVEL VALUE: 0 - 255 or 0 - 100% (where 0 is low
• TIME (optional): 0 - 255 in 0.1 second increments
Voltage settings are rounded to the nearest D/A or A/D code.
Voltage settings for Outputs are absolute levels and are
unaffected by any software scaling functions. Negative voltages are not valid for Input 3.
• I/O: Any input or output ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8')
• LEVEL VALUE: -12.000V to +12.000V
The ramp time can be set to ramp both down to up and up to
down or just down to up or just up to down.
• I/O: Any Output '1', '2', '3', or '4'
• TIME: 0 - 255 in 0.1 second increments
• I/O: Any Output ('1', '2', '3', or '4')
• LEVEL VALUE: 0-255
Voltage settings are rounded to the nearest D/A or A/D code.
Voltage settings are absolute levels and are unaffected by
any scaling functions.
Negative voltages are not valid for Inputs.
• I/O: Any input or output ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8')
• LEVEL VALUE: 12.000V to +12.000V
Receiving this command with no voltage specified returns
the specified set point to the default value.
I/O: Any input or output ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8' plus '0' for
VOLTAGE: The current actual/measured voltage at the I/O.
For full warranty information, refer to the AMX Instruction Manual(s) associated with your Product(s).
©2007 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX and the AMX logo are registered trademarks of AMX.
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AMX reserves the right to alter specifications without notice at any time.
93-2025 REV: D