AMX AXD-CV6, NXD-CA15, AXU-CA10, NXD-CA12, NXD-CV12 Instruction Manual

Design XPress ­Professional
version 1.1
instruction manual
Programmer’s Guide
Software License and Warranty Agreement
AMX grants to Licensee the non-exclusive right to use the AMX Software in the manner described in this License. The AMX Software is licensed, not sold. The AMX Software consists of generally available programming and development software, product documentation, sample applications, tools and utilities, and miscellaneous technical information. Please refer to the README.TXT file on the compact disc or download for further information regarding the components of the AMX Software. The AMX Software is subject to restrictions on distribution described in this License Agreement. YOU MAY NOT LICENSE, RENT, OR LEASE THE AMX SOFTWARE. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the AMX Software.
The AMX Software is owned by AMX and is protected by United States copyright laws, patent laws, international treaty provisions, and/or state of Texas trade secret laws. Licensee may make copies of the AMX Software solely for backup or archival purposes. Licensee may not copy the written materials accompanying the AMX Software.
In the event that AMX terminates this License, the Licensee shall return or destroy all originals and copies of the AMX Software to AMX and certify in writing that all originals and copies have been returned or destroyed.
Portions of the AMX Software may, from time to time, as identified in the AMX Software, include PRE-RELEASE CODE and such code may not be at the level of performance, compatibility and functionality of the final code. The PRE-RELEASE CODE may not operate correctly and may be substantially modified prior to final release or certain features may not be generally released. AMX is not obligated to make or support any PRE-RELEASE CODE. ALL PRE-RELEASE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES.
AMX warrants that the AMX Software will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. AMX DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO THE AMX SOFTWARE. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. Any supplements or updates to the AMX SOFTWARE, including without limitation, any (if any) service packs or hot fixes provided to you after the expiration of the ninety (90) day Limited Warranty period are not covered by any warranty or condition, express, implied or statutory.
AMX's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be repair or replacement of the AMX Software that does not meet AMX's Limited Warranty and which is returned to AMX. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the AMX Software has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement AMX Software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. Outside the United States, these remedies may not available.
U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The AMX Software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
This Agreement replaces and supercedes all previous AMX Software License Agreements and is governed by the laws of the State of Texas, and all disputes will be resolved in the courts in Collin County, Texas, USA. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or if you desire to contact AMX for any reason, please write: AMX
Corporation, 3000 Research Drive, Richardson, TX 75082.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................................................................1
New Features available within version 1.1 ........................................................................ 1
Supported Operating Systems .......................................................................................... 4
Minimum System Hardware Requirements....................................................................... 4
Minimum System Software Requirements ........................................................................ 4
Downloading the Application ............................................................................................. 4
Supported Touch Panels................................................................................................... 5
G4 Touch Panels ..................................................................................................................... 5
G3 Touch Panels ..................................................................................................................... 5
G3 Touch Panel Considerations .............................................................................................. 5
Supported Subsystems and Equipment ............................................................................ 6
Audio/Video Switchers ........................................................................................................... 6
Audio Conferencing Devices .................................................................................................. 7
AMX NetLinx Integrated Controllers ........................................................................................ 7
Cameras ................................................................................................................................ 7
CD (Compact Disc) Players .................................................................................................. 7
DVD (Digital Video Disc) Players .......................................................................................... 7
Lighting ................................................................................................................................... 8
MAX - Integrated Content Servers by AMX ............................................................................. 8
MP3 Players............................................................................................................................. 9
Plasma Displays ..................................................................................................................... 9
Serial-Interface Devices ........................................................................................................... 9
User Interfaces......................................................................................................................... 9
Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) ............................................................................................ 9
Video Conferencing Devices ................................................................................................ 10
Video Projection Devices ..................................................................................................... 10
User Information Splash-screen...................................................................................... 11
DXP-PRO Main Screen................................................................................................... 11
Project Selection List.............................................................................................................. 12
Project Selection List Context Menu ...................................................................................... 13
Main Screen Command Buttons ............................................................................................ 13
Copy Project dialog ................................................................................................................ 14
Version Information ................................................................................................................ 14
XP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
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DXP-PRO Menu Bar ....................................................................................................... 14
File Menu ............................................................................................................................... 14
Edit Menu ............................................................................................................................... 15
View Menu ............................................................................................................................. 15
Help Menu.............................................................................................................................. 15
Before You Begin ............................................................................................................ 16
Configuring your Program Preferences.................................................................................. 16
Getting Started with the Sample Project ................................................................................ 17
Using the DXP-PRO Wizard ...................................................................................19
Required Information for Building a System.................................................................... 19
Common Mistakes .......................................................................................................... 19
Launching the DXP-PRO Project Wizard........................................................................ 20
Project Wizard Navigation Controls ................................................................................ 21
System Information Dialog .............................................................................................. 22
Adding a Device to the Project............................................................................................... 24
Adding IR-Controlled Devices to the Project.......................................................................... 24
Adding Serial-Controlled Devices to the Project .................................................................... 25
Adding Ethernet-Controlled Devices to the Project................................................................ 27
Adding a MAX-IMS or MMS Server to the Project ................................................................. 28
Working with MAX Servers .................................................................................................... 28
Duplicating a Device .............................................................................................................. 29
Device Configuration Dialog............................................................................................ 29
Device Configuration dialog - Device Data tab ..................................................................... 30
How to setup external cameras (using Camera and Video Conference source types).......... 33
How to configure G4 Computer Control (G4CC).................................................................... 34
How to configure i!-Weather................................................................................................... 35
Device Configuration dialog - IR Mapping tab........................................................................ 36
Mapping a Function................................................................................................................ 36
Removing a Mapped Function ............................................................................................... 37
Device Configuration dialog - Control Configuration tab ........................................................ 37
Device Configuration dialog - Power Control tab ................................................................... 39
Device Considerations when using New Features.......................................................... 40
Which Screens? Dialog................................................................................................... 41
Integrated Applications Dialog ........................................................................................ 42
Lighting Presets Dialog ................................................................................................... 44
Note for ALD-D48 Lighting Systems ...................................................................................... 45
Note for Radia Lighting Systems............................................................................................ 46
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
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Touch Panel Interfaces Dialog ........................................................................................ 46
Choose Touch Panel Theme Dialog ............................................................................... 49
Choose Touch Panel Background dialog............................................................................... 50
Choose Touch Panel Buttons dialog...................................................................................... 50
Choose Touch Panel Text Colors dialog................................................................................ 51
Input Names dialog ......................................................................................................... 51
Switcher Inputs/Outputs Dialog ....................................................................................... 52
Switcher Inputs tab................................................................................................................. 52
Switcher Outputs tab.............................................................................................................. 54
Channel Preset Categories Dialog .................................................................................. 55
Channel Presets for...Dialogs.......................................................................................... 56
CD Titles for CD Dialog ................................................................................................... 57
Adding a new CD title:............................................................................................................ 57
Editing CD Information ........................................................................................................... 58
Retrieving CD Information (from 58
Removing a CD Title .............................................................................................................. 58
Using the CD Titles Maintenance dialog................................................................................ 58
Adding a new Disc title (CD Titles Maintenance dialog) ........................................................ 58
Editing Disc Information (CD Titles Maintenance dialog)....................................................... 58
Retrieving CD Information from (CD Titles Maintenance dialog) .......................... 58
Removing a CD Title (CD Titles Maintenance dialog)............................................................ 59
DVD Titles for DVD Dialog .............................................................................................. 59
Relay Control Dialog ....................................................................................................... 59
Adding a Relay Control Definition to the list........................................................................... 61
Editing the Display Name for an existing Relay Control Definition......................................... 61
Deleting a Relay Control Definition from the list..................................................................... 61
Navigation and Routing Macros Dialog ........................................................................... 61
Editing an existing Macro within the Project........................................................................... 62
Using the Macro Steps for....dialog to edit the macro steps................................................... 63
System Macros Dialog .................................................................................................... 65
Adding a New System Macro to the Project........................................................................... 66
Using the Macro Steps for... dialog for System Macros ......................................................... 66
Editing Your Project......................................................................................................... 66
Creating an Existing Design XPress - Professional Project ................................................... 66
Opening an Existing Design XPress - Professional Project ................................................... 67
Copying a Design XPress - Professional Project ................................................................... 67
Importing a DXP-PRO Project................................................................................................ 67
Exporting a DXP-PRO Project ............................................................................................... 68
Deleting a DXP-PRO Project ................................................................................................. 68
Before you’re Finished .................................................................................................... 68
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Finishing a Project........................................................................................................... 69
Understanding the Report File ............................................................................................... 70
Uploading a completed touch panel file to a target panel ...................................................... 71
Working with your Project ............................................................................................... 73
The NetLinx Studio Project ............................................................................................. 74
Transferring CD/DVD Title Information to the Master via FTP........................................ 74
DXP-PRO Touch Panel Channel Maps .................................................................77
_keyboardVirtual ................................................................................................................. 77
Cable Menu .......................................................................................................................... 79
Cable Tuner .......................................................................................................................... 79
Cable Video ........................................................................................................................... 79
Camera ................................................................................................................................. 80
CD Changer ........................................................................................................................... 80
CD Changer Advanced .......................................................................................................... 80
CD List ................................................................................................................................... 81
CD List - Title Only ................................................................................................................. 81
CD List Action Picker ............................................................................................................. 82
CD List Keyboard ................................................................................................................... 82
Channel Preset Categories .................................................................................................... 82
Channel Presets..................................................................................................................... 82
ClearOne Incoming ................................................................................................................ 83
ClearOne Info......................................................................................................................... 83
ClearOne Main ....................................................................................................................... 83
ClearOne Presets................................................................................................................... 84
ClearOne TH2 Main ............................................................................................................... 84
ClearOne TH2 Speed Dial ..................................................................................................... 85
Conference Volume ............................................................................................................... 85
Controls ................................................................................................................................ 85
Debug..................................................................................................................................... 86
Display ................................................................................................................................... 86
Display Advanced .................................................................................................................. 86
Display Inputs......................................................................................................................... 87
Display Video ......................................................................................................................... 87
DSS Menu.............................................................................................................................. 88
DSS Tuner ............................................................................................................................. 88
DSS Video.............................................................................................................................. 88
DVD........................................................................................................................................ 89
DVD Changer Advanced........................................................................................................ 89
DVD Menu.............................................................................................................................. 90
DVD Video ............................................................................................................................. 90
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G4CC ................................................................................................................................... 90
HELP-ABOUT ........................................................................................................................ 90
KBKeyboard .......................................................................................................................... 90
KBShift .................................................................................................................................. 91
Lights...................................................................................................................................... 91
Logo ....................................................................................................................................... 91
Macros ................................................................................................................................... 91
Macros2 ................................................................................................................................. 92
Main Page ............................................................................................................................ 92
Main Page - Static.................................................................................................................. 92
MAX Audio ............................................................................................................................. 93
MAX CD Warning................................................................................................................... 93
MAX DVD Warning .............................................................................................................. 93
MAX Genre ............................................................................................................................ 93
MAX Media Search ................................................................................................................ 93
MAX Movie Search ................................................................................................................ 94
MAX Playlist ........................................................................................................................... 94
MAX Record CD..................................................................................................................... 95
MAX Record DVD .................................................................................................................. 95
MAX TrackList........................................................................................................................ 95
MAX Video ............................................................................................................................. 96
MAX Video Transport............................................................................................................. 96
Meeting Keyboard ................................................................................................................ 96
MessageBox .......................................................................................................................... 96
MM - Sources......................................................................................................................... 97
MM - Sources2 ..................................................................................................................... 97
MP3 Navigator ....................................................................................................................... 97
MP3 Player .......................................................................................................................... 98
mtgmAppointmentDetails ..................................................................................................... 99
mtgmHelpQuestion .............................................................................................................. 99
mtgmHelpMessage .............................................................................................................. 99
mtgmHelpResponse ............................................................................................................. 99
mtgmMaintenanceMessage ................................................................................................. 99
mtgmMeetingEndWarning .................................................................................................... 99
mtgmMeetingExtendWarning ............................................................................................... 99
mtgmMonthSelect .............................................................................................................. 100
mtgmMtgControl ................................................................................................................. 100
mtgmViewSchedule ............................................................................................................ 100
mtgmYearSelect ................................................................................................................. 103
mtgmViewSchedule1 ....................................................................................................... 103
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mtgmViewSchedule3 ....................................................................................................... 104
Polycom Bandwidth ............................................................................................................ 104
Polycom Call Control .......................................................................................................... 104
Polycom Call Status ........................................................................................................... 104
Polycom Camera ................................................................................................................ 105
Polycom Clear Bandwidth ................................................................................................. 105
Polycom Clear Hangup ...................................................................................................... 105
Polycom Directory .............................................................................................................. 106
Polycom Hangup ................................................................................................................ 106
Polycom Keyboard ............................................................................................................. 106
Polycom Keypad ................................................................................................................ 106
Polycom Main ..................................................................................................................... 106
Polycom Message .............................................................................................................. 107
Polycom Navigate .............................................................................................................. 107
Polycom Video Select ......................................................................................................... 107
Projector Video ................................................................................................................... 107
PVR...................................................................................................................................... 108
PVR Menu............................................................................................................................ 108
PVR Tuner ........................................................................................................................... 108
PVR Video............................................................................................................................ 109
Relays .................................................................................................................................. 109
Select ................................................................................................................................... 109
Splash .................................................................................................................................. 109
Switcher ........................................................................................................................... 110
Tandberg Answer .............................................................................................................. 111
Tandberg Call Status ........................................................................................................ 111
Tandberg Camera .............................................................................................................. 111
Tandberg Directory ............................................................................................................ 112
Tandberg DirSetup ............................................................................................................. 113
Tandberg DirSetupCAPS .................................................................................................... 113
Tandberg DirSetup 1 .......................................................................................................... 113
Tandberg Duo Source ........................................................................................................ 114
Tandberg Far End .............................................................................................................. 114
Tandberg Hangup .............................................................................................................. 115
Tandberg Keyboard ........................................................................................................... 115
Tandberg Keyboard CAPS ................................................................................................. 115
Tandberg Main ................................................................................................................... 115
Tandberg Manual Dial ........................................................................................................ 116
Tandberg Msgboard ............................................................................................................ 116
Tandberg Password ........................................................................................................... 116
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Table of Contents
TNadvancedControls ......................................................................................................... 116
TNcanvas ........................................................................................................................... 117
TNcolor picker .................................................................................................................... 117
TNkeypad ........................................................................................................................... 118
TNpenOptions .................................................................................................................... 118
TNshape ............................................................................................................................. 118
TNtext ................................................................................................................................. 119
VCR...................................................................................................................................... 119
VCR Menu............................................................................................................................ 119
VCR Tuner ........................................................................................................................... 120
VCR Video ........................................................................................................................... 120
Video ................................................................................................................................... 120
Volume ................................................................................................................................. 120
Vortex Codec ...................................................................................................................... 121
Vortex Gain ......................................................................................................................... 122
Vortex Incoming ................................................................................................................. 122
Vortex Mute ........................................................................................................................ 122
Vortex Presets .................................................................................................................... 123
Weather .............................................................................................................................. 124
WeatherBrowse .................................................................................................................. 125
WeatherConfig ................................................................................................................... 125
WeatherDownload .............................................................................................................. 125
Touch Panel Buttons using Strings ....................................................................127
String Output - CD List Keyboard .................................................................................... 127
String Output - KBKeyboard ........................................................................................... 128
String Output - KBShift ....................................................................................................... 129
String Output - MAX Keyboard ....................................................................................... 130
String Output - MAX Keyboard Shift .............................................................................. 131
String Output - Meeting Keyboard .................................................................................. 132
String Output - MP3 Keyboard ........................................................................................ 133
String Output - Polycom Keyboard .................................................................................. 134
String Output - Polycom Keypad ..................................................................................... 135
String Output - Tandberg Answer ................................................................................... 136
String Output - Tandberg Camera ..................................................................................... 136
String Output - Tandberg Codec ....................................................................................... 136
String Output - Tandberg Directory ................................................................................... 136
String Output - Tandberg DirSetup ................................................................................. 136
String Output - Tandberg DirSetupCAPS ........................................................................ 137
String Output - Tandberg DirSetup 1 .............................................................................. 138
String Output - Tandberg Far End ..................................................................................... 138
XP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
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String Output - Tandberg Keyboard ................................................................................ 138
String Output - Tandberg Keyboard CAPS ..................................................................... 139
String Output - Tandberg Manual Dial ............................................................................ 140
String Output - WeatherZipCode ......................................................................................... 141
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Design XPress - Professional (DXP-PRO)™ is a software package developed to assist AMX
dealers in quickly designing, installing, and programming a control system. The type of control
system created using DXP-PRO allows the selection and control of audio/video sources,
audio/video switchers, display devices, room lighting, and audio/video conference equipment
(among other functions).
DXP-PRO allows control from AMX's CV6 (6" wired touch panel), CA10, CV10 (10.4" wired
touch panels), as well as the entire line of Modero (G4) touch panels (refer to the Supported Touch
Panel s section on page 5). A wizard-based graphic user interface (GUI) helps a dealer quickly step
through the process of entering information specific to the system being created.
The DXP-PRO Project Wizard also allows you to specify the type of NetLinx Master Controller
used to control the system. DXP-PRO supports NetLinx Integrated Controllers such as: NI-700,
NI-2000, NI-3000, NI-4000, and the NXI equipped with an NXC-ME260/64 Master card. The
wizard only allows you to choose a NetLinx Master that is able to accommodate the devices and
functions specified within your project.
Once the steps outlined in the wizard are completed, it automatically generates all NetLinx program
files, touch panel files, and a comprehensive report file for the system. While these
auto-generated program files can be used as-is, they can also be modified using NetLinx Studio™
and TPDesign4. These applications allow you to customize the NetLinx code and touch panel files
to accommodate specific client desires as well as those unique requirements always found in
custom installations.
You can have multiple instances of DXP-PRO generated projects open in NetLinx Studio at any time.
This manual will take you through the steps required to generate a system using the DXP-PRO
New Features available within version 1.1
Enhanced Automation
This new feature is added as a selectable option within the Touch Panel Interfaces dialog
page. Enhanced Automation allows you to exclude specific buttons from the Navigation
menu, such as Display, Lights, Macros, and Relay buttons. It also allows you to
customize the DXP-PRO generated touch panel file information by copying buttons from
the underlying pages and providing that functionality onto the current page.
De-selecting these (Display, Lights, Macros, and Relay) radio boxes specifies which
buttons will be excluded from the output touch panel pages (within the project file) for
the chosen touch panel.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Support for NI-700 NetLinx Integrated Controller
This new controller is treated the same as any of the other NI Series of Integrated
Controllers. If the project calls for more ports than the NI-700 can provide (2 Serial and
1 IR), it is not selectable as a system controller via the DXP-PRO wizard.
Support for Cameras
This new far-end control of external cameras (using Serial control ports) is possible by
supporting them as a Source type (external to a video conferencing unit) using a remote
serial interface operating on a selected port. Their selection is added as a choice from a
drop-down selection list within the Camera Control section of the Device Data tab. These
cameras must first be added as a Source type within the same Device Data tab of the
Device Configuration dialog page before they can be used by other sources such as a
video display. This feature is only supported within G4 touch panels.
Support of remote serial interface usage (Display devices and External cameras)
This new support is added as way of providing far-end control of external cameras and
display devices using Serial control ports. This is accomplished by allowing you to choose either Camera or Display as a selectable Source Types within the Device Data
tab of the Device Configuration dialog page. This feature allows you to extend their
"reach" and control an external camera directly by parsing out Send Commands to the
external Serial control ports. Local control of cameras is done indirectly via the use of
AXB-PT15 camera controllers.
If either a Camera or Video Display (such as a Projector/Plasma and TV) are chosen to be controlled via Serial (RS-232), two new fields become available within the Device Data section. Place a checkmark in the Use remote serial interface field to indicate you are using an external serial interface or leave it unchecked to use a Serial port on the Master. If this option is checked, you can choose which port on the serial interface to use by choosing a port from the drop-down list. This was implemented to communicate to some cameras and display devices that are not located near the Master.
Support for MeetingManger
This new support is added as a selectable option within the Integrated Applications
dialog page. Enabling this option, provides the ability to enable touch panel pages to
support the on-screen display of room scheduling and appointments. All queriable
devices within the target environment such as: source/display/switching devices, and
AMX devices (touch panels and NXA-UPSs) can be monitored via the MeetingManager
No scheduling capabilities are available through the DXP-PRO touch panels and must be
done through the actual RMS (Resource Manager Suite) application interface.
To enable online/offline notification, the programmer would need to write custom
Resource Manager NetLinx code within the DXP-PRO project file that is downloaded
to the target Master. This custom code is written within the custom.axi file.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Support for i!-TimeManager
This new support is added as a selectable option within the Integrated Applications
dialog page. Enabling the Use i!-TimeManager option prompts you to select a time zone
and apply Daylight Savings Time rules.
Support for i!-Weather
This new support is added as a selectable Source Type within the Device Data tab of the
Device Configuration dialog page. i!-Weather is treated as a source type and not a controlled source. Only one instance of i!-Weather is allowed within the Source list.
Support for G4 Computer Control
This new support is added as a selectable Source Type within the Device Data tab of the
Device Configuration dialog page. G4 Computer Control (G4CC) can be configured as a
source type within a system and also available for use within every touch panel that
resides within the same system.
DXP-PRO natively supports G4 Computer Control from AMX. DXP-PRO is not intended to support 3rd party (free) VNC clients that are downloadable from the Internet. When using G4 Computer Control, it is important to understand that DXP-PRO does not setup the USB stick applications for you. It is necessary to configure the corresponding configCC and amxCC application information fields (regarding the Master and touch panels) prior to compiling the DXP-PRO project. Any Master code alterations and configCC field entries must be done prior to launching the amxCC executable.
Support for PictureFrame
This new support is added as a selectable option within the Touch Panel Interfaces dialog
page. Selecting this radio box specifies that the output project file for the chosen touch
panel will support the use of PictureFrame application on the panel's inactivity page.
Support for TakeNote!
This new support is added as a selectable option within the Touch Panel Interfaces dialog
page. Selecting this radio box specifies that the output project file for the chosen touch
panel will support TakeNote!
System Startup and Shutdown Macros
These new macros are added to the already existing list within the Navigation and
Routing Macros dialog page. These macros add their corresponding buttons to the initial
logo page and allow users to specify a series of actions (macro steps) that are performed
upon execution of the shutdown or startup macro buttons. These can be zero step macros;
if zero steps are used, the buttons are then removed from the touch panel interface.
Volume Level Adjustment for a Macro Step
This new feature is added as an available tab within the Macro Steps dialog page. This
feature allows you to set a volume level appropriate to the specific macro's function.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Supported Operating Systems
Windows 2000® (Service Pack 4 or greater)
Windows XP® Professional (Service Pack 1)
If you are installing NetLinx Studio on a Windows XP or 2000 machine, you must have Administrator rights to install and run all required System files.
Minimum System Hardware Requirements
Pentium 450 MHZ processor (Pentium 700 MHZ or faster recommended)
Recommended total installed memory (per OS):
Windows 2000: 128 MB
Windows XP (Pro): 256 MB
A VGA monitor running at a minimum resolution of 800 x 600
Windows-compatible CD-ROM drive
Mouse (or equivalent pointing device)
Minimum free disk space: 2 GB
Internet Access (for Web Update functionality)
Minimum System Software Requirements
Verify that you have downloaded the latest versions of these applications to your computer prior to
launching DXP-PRO.
Microsoft MDAC v2.6
NetLinx Studio 2.2
TPDesign 3.16
TPDesign4 2.3 (build 353 or higher)
DXP-PRO Image File - If the application fails to detect at least one valid set of
background images and at least on valid set of button images, a separate installation of
the Image File is required. This image installation is available on the DXP-PRO section of the Application Files page on If the application fails to detect at least
one valid set of background images and at least on valid set of button images the
following message box will be displayed and the application terminated.
Downloading the Application
Design XPress - Professional (DXP-PRO) can be downloaded from the AMX web site only after
you have successfully logged-in as a registered user. Upon entry to the site, navigate to the Software Center (Tech Center > Application Files) to download the application. You must download all of
the files in the Design XPress - Professional section, or you may download the compressed file,
which contains all of the other files in the directory.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
The two Adobe Acrobat files included (in addition to this one) are:
The On-Site Installer’s Guide is intended for the equipment installer.
The User-Interface Guide describes the Touch Panel UI, and is provided as a reference
for designers, installers, and end-users.
Select Help > Web Update to automatically check for program updates. The program prompts you to download and install any updates that are available.
Supported Touch Panels
G4 Touch Panels
DXP-PRO (version 1.1 or higher) supports the following AMX (G4) touch panel types:
Modero CV7: 7" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
MVP-7500: 7.5" Modero ViewPoint Touch Panel
MVP-8400: 8.4" Modero ViewPoint Touch Panel
Modero CA12: 12" Modero Touch Panel
Modero CV12: 12" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
Modero CA15: 15" Modero Touch Panel
Modero CV15: 15" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
Modero CV17: 17" Modero Touch Panel (with video capabilities)
Unless otherwise specified, these panels encompass both NXD and NXT models (when available). The nomenclature "NXD" represents the Wall Mount version and "NXT" indicates the Table Top (tilt) model.
G3 Touch Panels
Supported G3 touch panel types:
CV6: 6" touch panel with video
CA10: 10.4" touch panel (both NXD and NXT models)
CV10/CG10: 10.4" touch panel with video (both NXD and NXT models)
G3 Touch Panel Considerations
The AXD/AXT CA10, CG10, and CG10 panels do not support the following devices:
MAX Integrated Content Server
Video Conferencing devices
G4 Computer Control
Take Note
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Resource Management (RMS)
The AXD-CV6 has the same considerations as the other G3 panels, but it also does not support the following devices:
Audio Conferencing
Supported Subsystems and Equipment
DXP-PRO (v1.1) supports the following subsystems and equipment:
Audio/Video Switchers
• ADA Suite 16
• Autopatch 1YDM
• Autopatch Half-Y
• Autopatch Modula
• Autopatch Precis
• Extron Crosspoint 124
• Extron Crosspoint 128
• Extron Crosspoint 1616
• Extron Crosspoint 168
• Extron Crosspoint 84
• Extron Crosspoint 88
• Extron Crosspoint Plus 124
• Extron Crosspoint Plus 128
• Extron Crosspoint Plus 1616 HV
• Extron Crosspoint Plus 1616 HVA
• Extron Crosspoint Plus 168
• Extron Crosspoint Plus 84
• Extron Crosspoint Plus 88
• Extron MAV 128
•Extron MAV 84
• Extron Maxtrix 3200
• Extron Maxtrix 50
• Extron Maxtrix 6400
• Extron MSV Series (Inline)
•Extron SW Series
• Key Digital Systems KDMSW8x3
• Key Digital Systems KDSW4x1
• Network Communications Vikinx Media8
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Audio Conferencing Devices
• ClearOne XAP400
• ClearOne XAP800
• ClearOne XAP800/ XAPTH2
• Polycom Vortex EF2241
• Polycom Vortex EF2280
• Polycom Vortex EF2280/EF2201
The supported Audio conference units are controlled only via Serial (RS-232).
AMX NetLinx Integrated Controllers
• NI-700
• NI-2000
• NI-3000
• NI-4000
• NXI equipped with a NXC-ME260/64 Master card
• Canon VC-C4
• Epson ELPDC202
• Kalatel Cyberdome
• Sony DXC-990/390
• Sony DXC-950/970
• Sony EVI-D100
• Sony EVI-D70
• Wolfvision VZC10
CD (Compact Disc) Players
• Denon DN-C635
• Denon DN-T625
• Denon DN-T645
• Marantz PMD325
DVD (Digital Video Disc) Players
• Adcom GDV850
• Denon DVD2900
• Denon DVD3800
• Denon DVD9000
• Faroudja DVP-1500
• Integra DPS9.1
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
• Integra RDV1
• Kenwood DV5900M
• Marantz DV8400
• Marantz PMD930
• Marantz VC5400
• Onkyo DVS939
• Philips Pro DVD 175
• Sony DVP-CX777ES
• Yamaha DVD-C940
• Yamaha DVD-S2300MK2
• AMX Radia
• Clipsal C-Bus Note: The Clipsal C-Bus and Dynalite lighting systems
• DynaLite - Any DTK Series
• Lehigh DX2
• LiteTouch 5000LC
• Lutron GRAFIK Eye
• Lutron Homeworks Interactive
• Lutron RadioRA
• Vantage Qlink
• Tridonic DALI Note: The Tridonic Lighting System type does not have
• Other Ethernet - user supplied/modified light
• Other Serial - user supplied/modified lights.axi
(DXP-PRO v1.1 or higher) are primarily used outside the U.S.
feedback; therefore, the buttons in DXP will not depress to reflect feedback.
MAX - Integrated Content Servers by AMX
MAX-MMS and MAX-IMS media servers are supported for G4 touch panels only, via Ethernet
• MAX-MMS MultiMedia Servers (MAX-MMS125/200/300/350/400M/900M)
• MAX-IMS Integrated Music Servers (MAX-IMS500/1000/1500/2500)
DXP-PRO treats these devices essentially the same as any other Ethernet-controlled device (such as
MP3 players). To add MAX servers to a DXP-PRO project be aware that:
The MAX-MMS and MAX-IMS servers are controlled only by Ethernet and must be
used with AMX G4 touch panels.
The MAX-AVM A/V Module(s) connected to a MAX-MMS server must each be set to a
unique zone number (per server).
Refer to the MAX-MMS and MAX-IMS Installation Guides (available online at for details.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
If multiple MAX-MMS or MAX-IMS servers are used in a project, each server must have its own unique IP Address. An identical IP Address can't be assigned to more than one device, with the exception of a MAX. A MAX unit can ONLY have an identical IP only if it uses different zones per display name entry. Ex: A MAX-IMS assigned to IP Address - Zone 1 can exist in the same project as another MAX-IMS assigned to IP Address ­Zone 2. If you assign to max units with the same IP Address and Output Zone, you will receive an error message.
MP3 Players
• Audio ReQuest ARQ2
• Imerge SoundServer·
• Integra NAS-2.3 Net-Tune
• Marantz DH9300·
Plasma Displays
• Hitachi CMP4201
• Hitachi CMP5000
• Marantz PD5020D
• NEC 42VP4
• Runco PL43HDX
• Runco PL50HDX
• Runco PL61GX
• Samsung SyncMaster 403T
• Sharp LCM3700
Serial-Interface Devices
For a more concise list of supported A/V Switchers, Audio Conferencing, Video Conferencing, Compact Disc Players, DVD Players, Plasma Displays, VCRs and Video Projectors, refer to the DXP-PRO Supported Devices document, available online at
User Interfaces
AMX Touch Panels (see the listing in the previous section).
Video Cassette Recorder (VCR)
• JVC SR-S365U
• Marantz MV8300
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Video Conferencing Devices
• Polycom VS4000
• Polycom VSX8000
• Tandberg Tandberg 2500
• Tandberg Tandberg 6000
The supported Polycom Videoconference units are controlled only via Serial (RS-232). Tandbergs have RS-232 and IP control available.
Video Projection Devices
• Barco IQG300
• Barco IQR300
• ChristieDigital DS30
• ChristieDigital RoadRunnerL6
• ChristieDigital VistaS3
• Digital Projection iVision SXGA
•Eiki LCXG200
• Epson PowerLite7800p
• Epson PowerLite811P
• Epson PowerLite 8150i
• Epson PowerLite8300i
• Hewlett Packard XP8010
• Infocus SP7200
• Marantz VP12S1
• Marantz VP12S2
• NEC GT Series
•NEC LT Series
• NEC MT Series
• NEC SX Series
• Optoma EzPro H55
• Optoma EzPro750
• Optoma EzPro753
• Optoma EzPro755
• Runco CL710
• Runco DTV1200
• Runco VX1000ci
• Runco VX5000c
• Sharp PGA10S
• Sharp Electronics PGC45X
• Sharp Electronics XGV10XU
• Sharp Electronics XGC50X
• Sharp Electronics XGC60X
• SIM2 HT300
• Yamaha DPX1000
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
User Information Splash-screen
This dialog appears the first time DXP-PRO is launched, and prompts you to enter the user
information that will be used to identify the designer of the DXP-PRO project (Created By,
Company Name, Phone, and E-mail Address).
Once the information is entered, this dialog will not automatically be shown again at startup, but can always be accessed via the Edit menu.
The checkbox at the bottom of this dialog can be selected to prevent the dialog from automatically
appearing when the program is started, even if no data has been entered.
This dialog is used by the Design XPress Professional software application to fill-in some data within the project. This means that if you do an initial installation of DXP-PRO you will be asked to enter your information into the User Information dialog. Once this data has been entered, you will not be asked for it again. Consecutive launches of the application display the User Information dialog already populated with the pre-entered data. If the application is at some point un-installed and then re-installed, you will be prompted to re-enter you information. If the No longer show on startup selection has been chosen/enabled, you will no longer be asked to enter any user data into the User Information dialog.
DXP-PRO Main Screen
When Design XPress - Professional (DXP-PRO) is initially launched, the second dialog displayed
is the Main Screen (FIG. 1). Use the Main Screen as the starting point for creating new projects and
opening existing projects. The Main Screen also contains command buttons for copying projects
and deleting projects.
There are three main areas on the Main Screen: the Menu Bar, the Project Selection List, and the
Project Maintenance - Command buttons.
FIG. 1 Design XPress - Professional Main Screen
Version and build information for this version of DXP-PRO is listed in the lower right
corner of the Main Screen.
Before creating a new project, you should consider opening the sample project and
quickly going through the various Wizard dialogs to become familiar with the program.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Project Selection List
The Project Selection List is displayed on the DXP-PRO Main Screen (FIG. 1), along with the Main menu and the Create New Project, Open Project, Copy Project, Delete Project, and Exit
command buttons.
Each Project is listed by Job Name, Revision, Description, and the date the project was Last
Updated. The projects can be sorted in ascending or descending order for each column. Sorting the
projects makes it easier to locate the current revision of a project or the last modified project. To
sort a column, click on the header cell for the desired column.
Clicking on the header cell will toggle the sort order between ascending and descending orders. You can also set the sort order by selecting View > Sort Projects.
To open a project, select the project and click on the Open Project command button or
double-click on the selected project.
To delete a project, click on the project then press the Delete Project command button, or
the delete key on the keyboard. The Confirm Delete Request dialog requires you to
confirm deletion.
If a project is not exported before deleting, you will not be able to bring the project back into DXP-PRO for modifications at a later date.
Right-click anywhere in the Project Selection List to open the Project Selection List
context menu (page 13), and select Sort to access the Project Sorting feature. The listed
projects can be sorted by up to four criteria in either ascending or descending order.
• None: By default, the sort options are all set to none (no sorting).
• Job Name: Sorts the projects by their Job Names.
• Revision: Sorts the projects by their Revision numbers.
• Description: Sorts the projects alphabetically based on the first character of the project
• Last Updated: Sorts the projects by their most recent save date and time.
Use the four sets of radio buttons to specify up to four sorting operations, in
sequential order.
After the desired settings have been selected click the Sort button to return to the
sorted project list.
Each of the sort criteria options is based on project data that is either entered or displayed on the System Information dialog.
Once a project has been selected, you can use the File menu or the Command buttons to Open,
Copy or Delete the project.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Project Selection List Context Menu
Right-click anywhere inside the Project Selection List (on the Main Screen) to open the Project
Selection List context menu, containing shortcuts to several project-related operations:
•New: Launches the Design XPress - Professional Project Wizard to create a new project. This
•Open: Opens an existing project. This is the same as clicking the Open Project command but-
•Copy: Launches the Copy Project dialog, which allows you to save a copy of the selected
• Delete: Deletes the selected Project file. The program prompts you to confirm this action before
•Import: Invokes the Select Import Design XPress Professional File dialog, which allows you to
•Export: Invokes the Export Project dialog, which allows you to specify a name and target
•Sort: Displays the Sort Options window, containing the various sort criteria that can be used
is the same as clicking the Create New Project command button (or selecting File > New).
ton (or selecting (File > Open).
Project file under a new name. Use the options in the Copy Project dialog to specify a Job Name and enter a description of the file copy. This is the same as clicking the Copy Project command button (or selecting File > Copy).
the project file is deleted. This is the same as clicking the Delete Project command button (or selecting File > Delete).
Note: If a project is not exported before deleting, you will not be able to bring the project back into Design XPress - Professional for modifications at a later date.
locate and select a Project file to import. This is the same as selecting File > Import Project.
location for the exported Project file. This is the same as selecting File > Export Project.
to sort the Project Selection List. This is the same as selecting View > Sort Projects.
Main Screen Command Buttons
Create New Project: Click this command button to launch the Design XPress -
Professional Project Wizard. Use the Project Wizard to step through the process of
designing and configuring the system.
Open Project: Click to highlight a project in the Project Selection List, and click the
Open Project command button to open the selected Project. When a project is opened, the
first Wizard dialog (System Information) is displayed.
Copy Project: This option creates a copy of an existing Project, and allows you to give
the copy a new name (via the Copy Project dialog).
Delete Project: This option allows you to delete a Project from the Project Selection List,
and from your hard drive.
To remove a Project from the Project Selection List, without deleting the file from your hard drive, export the file before deleting. Once exported, you can import the file back into DXP-PRO later. To export a DXP-PRO project, select File > Export Project.
If a project is not exported before deleting, you will not be able to bring the project back into DXP-PRO for modifications at a later date.
Exit: Click to exit the application.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Copy Project dialog
Click on the Copy Project command button (on the Main Screen) to invoke the Copy Project
dialog and save a copy of the selected file under a new name. Use the fields in this dialog to specify
a name for the copied project file (in the Job Name field), and to enter a description of the project if
desired (in the Description field).
Job Name is required, the Job Description is optional.
Version Information
Program version information is located on the DXP-PRO Main screen (under the Exit button). It is
important to have the version information when calling AMX Technical Support. The version
information will allow Tech Support to determine if software updates or patches may be available.
The top number (for example, c1.1.6) is the version number of the Configuration
Database. The Configuration Database determines what options are available in wizard
for different pieces of equipment.
The lower number (for example, v1.1 Build 103) is the version and build number of the
actual DXP-PRO application. A change in the Version number indicates a change in the
functionality of the application. A change in the Build number indicates an enhancement
in the current functionality of the current revision. Every change to the Version number
will also change the build number, but not every change to the Build number will change
the Version number.
DXP-PRO Menu Bar
There are four items in the menu bar (on the Main Screen):
File menu
Edit menu
View menu
Help menu
File Menu
The Design XPress - Professional (DXP-PRO) File menu contains several file control options:
•New: Launches the Project Wizard, to create a new DXP-PRO project file.
•Open: Opens an existing DXP-PRO project file.
•Copy: Allows you to copy the active project file. This option launches the Copy
Project dialog (see the above section for more information).
• Delete: Allows you to delete the selected Project from your hard drive.
• Import Project: Allows you to import a file into the Project Selection List.
• Export Project: Allows you to export the active Project.
•Exit: Exits the DXP-PRO application.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
DXP-PRO maintains all of its projects in a single database. To move a project from one DXP-PRO
installation to another (for example moving a project from your desktop computer to your laptop), you must Export the project from one computer and import the project on the other computer.
The New, Open, Copy, Delete and Exit options are also available via the command buttons along the bottom of the Main Screen.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu provides several customizable settings for DXP-PRO:
• User Information:
• CD Titles Maintenance:
• Preferences: Opens the Preferences dialog, containing various global preference settings for
Opens the User Information dialog, where you can enter and save basic user information for the active Project (User Name, Company Name, Phone and E-mail Address).
The user's name and company are used to auto complete the Name and Company fields within the Project Information dialog. The user's phone number and e-mail address are not currently used, but are included for future DXP­PRO features.
Opens the CD Titles Maintenance dialog, where you can add/remove and edit CD information (Artist and Title), as well as automatically retrieve CD information from an on-line CD database (via, on an Internet-enabled computer).
For more information on this dialog, refer to the Using the CD Titles Mainte- nance dialog section on page 58.
DXP-PRO, including enable/disable warning messages within the wizard, setting a default NetLinx Master IP Address, selecting a progress bar style, and selecting default folders for Projects and IR files.
View Menu
The View menu contains options for sorting the Project list:
•Sort Projects:
Click to access the Project Sorting window. The listed projects can be sorted by up to four criteria in either ascending or descending order.
Help Menu
The Help menu contains the following options:
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
• Contents: Opens the online help file.
•Web Update:
• About: Displays the DXP-PRO splash screen. This screen displays the version and build
Launches the Web Update application to search the AMX site for an update to the DXP-PRO software. Selecting Yes will close DXP-PRO, begin the download of the update, and run the installation of the update.
You must have an active Internet connection for Web Update to work.
numbers for DXP-PRO. The version and build numbers can also be found in the lower right hand corner of the Main Screen.
Before You Begin
The first step in defining the system is to run the Design XPress - Professional (DXP-PRO)
application. This Windows
site. With this wizard you define the locations of all equipment, the number of user interface
devices, lighting scenes, source equipment, etc.
There is one important note related to the use of lighting addresses. Lighting addresses consist of
both a keypad address and button. The keypad address is the address of the keypad for the lighting
system being used and must be represented in the format for that lighting system. The formats for
the supported lighting systems are listed below:
Lighting Address Formats
Lighting Controller Address Format DXP-PRO Example
AMX ALD-D48 Lighting System N/A 1 (greyed-out)
AMX Radia AXlink Device ID (1-255) 96
Clipsal C-Bus Group Address:Network Address (using a
Dynalite DynaLite area 18
Lehigh DX2 Lehigh area (valid range 1 - 16) 1
Lutron GRAFIK Eye Master 17
Lutron Homeworks Interactive Processor:Link:Keypad 1:4:9
Lutron RadioRA Keypad Address
LiteTouch 5000 Keypad Address
Tridonic DALI Tridonic group address
Vantage Qlink Master:Keypad 1:5
based wizard should be run in the office well in advance of going on-
C1:00 hexadecimal value and a local network address)
Note: Keypad address 12 is reserved as the Serial RadioRA interface. This interface is a virtual keypad, and does not contain any buttons.
(3-digit hexadecimal value)
(valid range is 0 - 15)
Once the application entries are completed, the touch panel files, source code, NetLinx Studio
project file, text files (CD titles, etc.), and report file are all created.
Configuring your Program Preferences
Select Edit > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog, where you can specifically set various
user preferences for DXP-PRO. The options in this dialog include:
Show Splash Screen on Startup: A toggling option to show the DXP-PRO splash screen
when the program is started. If this item is not checked the splash screen can be viewed by selecting Help > About.
Warning on duplicate Channel Preset Names and Channels: Alerts you to the creation
of duplicate channel preset names and channels. All Channel Preset names and channels
must be unique.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Warning on duplicate IP Addresses: Alerts you to the assignment of duplicate IP
Address to a device being controlled via an Ethernet connection. All IP Addresses being
used by Ethernet-capable devices must be unique.
Warn on duplicate IR Functions and Channels: Alerts you to the creation of duplicate
IR functions and Channels. All IR Function and Channel assignments must be unique.
Warn on duplicate Lighting Scene Names: Alerts you to the creation of duplicate
Lighting Scene names. All Lighting Scene names must be unique.
Auto Map IR Function on File Selection: With this option enabled, the Auto Map IR
Functions option (in the IR Mapping tab of the Device Configuration dialog) is enabled
by default.
Progress Status Size: Use the radio buttons to select the size and style of the progress
Small (animated progress list): By default, the program uses the small progress
Large (gears): This option displays an animated graphic (representing working
gears) instead of the progress bar.
Detailed Import/Export Status: This option displays the name of each file as it is being
imported or exported, along the bottom of the progress bar window.
Project Folder: Click the Browse button to navigate to the desired target folder for all
Project saves. By default, the Project Folder is set to: Program Files\AMX Control Disc\Design XPress Professional\Projects.
If you select a root directory (i.e. C:\) as the target directory, DXP-PRO automatically creates a "Projects" folder for the project files. This folder is only created if you target a root directory (as apposed to any other existing directory).
IRLib Path: Click the Browse button to navigate to the desired target folder for all IR
(*IRL) files. By default, the IR Folder is set to:
Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\IRLs.
Default NetLinx Master: The IP Address field allows you to enter the IP Address of the
target NetLinx Master receiving the Project Files.
Getting Started with the Sample Project
To launch the DXP-PRO Project Wizard:
1. Select the sample project (highlight "DXP-PRO Sample" in the Project Selection List (on the
Main Screen).
2. Click the Open Project command button. This invokes the first Project Wizard dialog: System
Information, containing a summary of the system information for this project.
Once all the required information is entered in this dialog, you can proceed to the next dialog by selecting the Next>> button. When no additional dialogs are required this button will be inactive.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
When creating a new project it is important to go through each dialog in order, using the Next>>
button. This helps to insure that no information is missed and that the project configuration is
complete. Later, when editing the project, the Jump to list allows quicker and easier access to
specific dialogs.
When you create a new project, the Wizard dialogs become available as selections in the Jump To list only after they have been populated with the required data. In this case of the sample project, all Wizard dialogs are available since the project is complete.
To Create a New Project:
1. Click on the Create New Project command button. This launches the Design XPress -
Professional Project Wizard, which steps you through the process of designing and configuring
a control system. Refer to the Launching the DXP-PRO Project Wizard section on page 20 for
more information.
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Using the DXP-PRO Wizard
Design Xpress - Professional (DXP-PRO) uses a Project Wizard to step you through the process of designing a control system. To launch the Wizard, click the Create New Project button on the
Main Screen.
Required Information for Building a System
Before you can begin to use Design XPress - Professional (DXP-PRO) to build a system you must
first gather information about the installation. The most obvious is the project name and a
description of the project. Additionally, you will need the following information:
A list of user interfaces (Touch Panels) models being used.
A list of the audio and/or video sources that will be used (along with a list of their
input/output locations on the switcher(s)). The type of DSS system and a list of channel/
music favorites, if a DSS receiver is included in the system. (DXP-PRO can include
either a DirecTV or Dish Network system.)
If a CD changer is included in the system a list of the installed CDs or the CD collection
should be available while creating the system.
Using the DXP-PRO Wizard
The following information is needed for each type of lighting system supported by
DXP-PRO: system type, baud rate (if applicable), system address, and button or preset
The lighting system should be configured and programmed before button or preset numbers are entered into DXP-PRO.
This information can be collected in multiple lists or in some instances can be drawn on a floor
plan. Several worksheets are included in the DXP-PRO help file to assist you in collecting this
Common Mistakes
The most common mistake made is modifying the software and then using the application to make
changes. As mentioned before, all software changes outside of the special CUSTOM.AXI file will
be overwritten. Only modify the source code generated by DXP-PRO if there is a strong desire to
alter the behavior of the code. To add features, new subsystems, etc. make the changes in the
custom file to avoid the frustration.
DXP-PRO is not a "simple" NetLinx program. Because of the scope and number of features
designed into the system, the code can be quite daunting to someone looking at it, even an
experienced NetLinx programmer. Installers with NetLinx experience should not expect to be able
to modify the software the first time they see it. Most of the features are tied into another feature or
affect another part of the software. The architecture of the system design and the function of the file
being modified should be understood prior to proceeding with changes.
Another common mistake is forgetting to properly address a device. Unless all devices are
addressed as defined in the report file the system will not work as desired.
XP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
Using the DXP-PRO Wizard
Launching the DXP-PRO Project Wizard
Design XPress - Professional (DXP-PRO) uses a Project Wizard to step you through the process of
designing and configuring a business-room oriented control system. This is done through the use of
configuration dialogs (described in the following sections).
There are three ways to approach launching the DXP-PRO Project Wizard:
This invokes the first Project Wizard dialog: System Information, containing a summary of the
system information for this project. If you are starting a new project, the Created By and Company
fields are pre-populated with the information entered in the User Information dialog at startup.
Also, there are two default devices (an A/V Switcher and a Video Projector) present in the Device
Information table, ready for you to configure (see the System Information topic for details).
To create a new project, click on the Create New Project command button. This launches the
Project Wizard, which steps you through the process of designing a control system.
Select File > New.
Click the Create New Project command button (in the lower-left corner of the Main
Double-click on the sample project ("DXP-PRO Sample Project") in the Project Selection
At the lower-left corner of this and all Wizard dialogs is a drop-down list titled Jump To.
Click the down-arrow to open a list of all Wizard dialogs, and select any dialog from this
list to jump to that dialog.
Additionally, all of the dialogs in the Project Wizard have a set of Navigation Control
buttons along the bottom of the dialog to allow you move back and forth through the
wizard dialogs, and save or cancel your changes.
When you create a new project, the Wizard dialogs become available as selections in the Jump To list only after they have been populated with the required data. In this case of the sample project, all Wizard dialogs are available since the project is complete.
Some of the Project Wizard configuration dialog include:
System Information (page 22)
Which Screens? (page 41)
Integrated Applications (page 42)
Lighting Presets (page 44)
Touch Panel Interfaces (page 46)
Choose Touch Panel Theme (page 49)
Selecting a custom touch panel theme adds 3 more Choose Touch Panel…options to the Which
Screens dialog and to the Jump to drop-down menu
Choose Touch Panel Background (page 50)
Choose Touch Panel Buttons (page 50)
DXP-PRO v1.1 - Programmer’s Guide
+ 122 hidden pages