IP Control Units
8450-03 (3 port version)
8455-03 (1 port version)
8460-03 (3 port version with real-time clock)
8465-03 (1 port version with real-time clock)
8701 control system with IP interface
Installation Guide
IP Control Unit Installation Guide V1.1
February 2008
1. Introduction to the AMX IP Control Unit......................................................................................................... 2
1.1 General Description ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Electrical Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 2
2. Getting Started............................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Physical Connections............................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Using the loop through facility.................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Example installation ................................................................................................................................. 4
3 Connecting your IP Control Unit to a network ................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Connecting the Control Unit via a crossover cable.................................................................................. 5
3.2 Connecting the Control Unit to a network with a DHCP server ............................................................... 7
3.3 Connecting the Control Unit using a static IP address (single subnet network)...................................... 8
3.4 Connecting to a network with multiple subnets........................................................................................ 9
Appendix A – Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 10
A.1 I have connected my Control Unit but can’t see it in Site Manager....................................................... 10
A.2 The interface has not picked up the correct IP address via DHCP....................................................... 10
A.3 The ‘link’ light does not light when the network cable is inserted.......................................................... 10
A.4 Why is the ‘link’ light red sometimes? ................................................................................................... 10
Appendix B – Revision History ........................................................................................................................ 11
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IP Control Unit Installation Guide V1.1
February 2008
1. Introduction to the IP Control Unit
1.1 General Description
The AMX IP Control Unit allows you to connect your RS232 controlled products to an IP infrastructure and
control them from a single point using the AMX Site Manager software.
There are five variants of the AMX IP Control Unit available, all of which have the following features. See
table 1.1 for a comparison chart of the differences between the variants.
• DHCP or manually configured IP address, subnet mask & default gateway.
• Built in e-mail server so alerts are sent even when Site Manager software is not running.
• 2 available e-mail addresses for multiple alerting.
• Closed loop that can trigger an e-mail alert when the loop is broken, allows hardware to act as a
security measure for expensive audio visual equipment.
• 2 built in timers that can trigger alerts for measuring usage, i.e. e-mail gets sent when the filter on a
projector needs changing.
• Projector lamp expiration alert (uses one of the timers), sends an e-mail to notify that a projector
lamp has passed a preset duration and needs changing (requires Site Manager software to be
• Built in scheduling that operates from the onboard clock allowing events to occur without Site
Manager software.
8450-02 8455-02 8460-02 8465-02 8701-03
Number of RS232 ports 3 1 3 1 2
Loop through port √ √ √ √ x
Power extension port √ x √ x x
Battery backed rtc x x √ √ √
RS232 Interface 13 pin phoenix D9 male 13 pin phoenix D9 male 3 pin phoenix
Closed loop interface 13 pin phoenix 2 pin phoenix 13 pin phoenix 2 pin phoenix 2 pin phoenix
Table 1.1 Comparison of the IP Control Unit variants
1.2 Electrical Specifications
8450-02 8455-02 8460-02 8465-02 8701-03
Supply voltage 12V 12V 12V 12V mains
Supply current (@12V) 250mA 300mA 250mA 300mA X
Power supply included 9V 500mA 9V 500mA 9V 500mA 9V 500mA X
Current drawn with
8416-03 AMX Control
Panel attached to
power loop through.
Operating temperature 0° - 70° F 0° - 70° F 0° - 70° F 0° - 70° F 0° - 70° F
Table 1.2 Electrical specifications of the IP Control Unit variants
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IP Control Unit Installation Guide V1.1
February 2008
2. Getting Started
2.1 Physical Connections
Network / Power Connections
Item Description
9VDC Socket for the 2.1mm connector on the power supply
Network Cat 5 socket accepts standard network cable
Power LED Indication that the unit has got power supplied
Link LED Indicator to show that the interface is connected to a network
Activity LED Indicator blinks when data is being sent / received over the network
8450 / 8460 Connections
Item Description
Power 9VDC Can be used as either a loop through power supply if the 9VDC socket is used on
the front of the interface or alternatively can be used to supply the interface with
9V @ 500mA if an alternative power source to the one supplied is required.
CL A connection between this point and ground (▼) signifies a closed loop, once this
connection is broken from ground then an alarm will trigger if required.
Port 1 Bi-directional connection to the first RS232 controlled device. Connect the ‘TX’ to
the ‘RX’ of the device to control and the ‘RX’ to the ‘TX’ of the device to control
with the ground connections commoned together.
Loop This port is input only and any RS232 signals received will be transmitted back out
of Port 2. See section on interface operations.
Port 2 See Port 1 for connection to the second RS232 device.
Loop This port is input only and any RS232 signals received will be transmitted back out
of Port 3. See section on interface operations.
Port 3 See Port 1 for connection to the third RS232 device.
8455 / 8465 Connections
Item Description
CL A connection between these two pins signifies a closed loop, once this connection
is broken an alarm will trigger if required.
Port 1 Connect the D9 cable from this port to the device that you are going to control.
Loop This port is input only and any RS232 signals received will be transmitted back out
of the RS232 Port. See section on interface operations.
8701 Connections
Item Description
CL A connection between this point and ground (▼) signifies a closed loop, once this
connection is broken from ground then an alarm will trigger if required.
P3 Bi-directional connection to the first RS232 controlled device. Connect the ‘TX’ to
the ‘RX’ of the device to control and the ‘RX’ to the ‘TX’ of the device to control
with the ground connections commoned together.
P4 Bi-directional connection to the 2nd RS232 controlled device. Connect the ‘TX’ to
the ‘RX’ of the device to control and the ‘RX’ to the ‘TX’ of the device to control
with the ground connections commoned together
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