Congratulations on purchasing your new SAS -1 an d SA- 4 "SLOPER
ANTENNA SYSTEM." Following a few simple steps you will be on the
air with the new system. Yo ur entire to w e r will be turned into a
dynamic low frequency antenna system. You may also mount the
SAS-1 a nd SA -4 on the ground with the antenna supported from a
tree.This be co m e s a ground mounted vertical and of course be sure
to put radials under the system. Take so me time to read "A LOOK
AT THE S LO PER ." This a rticle is from the "AMP LETTER" a nd will
give you insight into the basic SA S-1 SLOPER SYSTEM.
Attach the SA S-1 matching network to the tower at the 30 to 50
foot level. Use the "U- BdL T " supplied and tighten firmly to one
of the tower legs as sh ow n in the diagram.
Attach a 14" length of #14 stranded wire to the terminal marked
tower/ground. The other end of this wire should be clamped to
the tower leg. At this sa m e connection on the tower a wire
should be run to the mast coming out of the top of the tower.
Also from this common point run a #14 wire down t h e to w e r to a
ground stake at the bottom of the tower. This common ground is
very important to the operation of the antenna. The final step
is to hook up the coax to the S A S -1 . Simply attach the coax
using a PL-259 and run the coax down the tower to your radio
ro o m . This completes the basic installation of the SA S - 1.
You are now ready to install the antenna. Follow the chart and
assemble the SA -4 sloper elements. The 30 meter element is the
simplest and is hooked to the "30 MTR" terminal on the S AS-1 box.
The 160, 80 and 40 meter element is attached to terminal marked
"160/80 40 MTR" on t h e S A S - 1 . T a ke care to follow the pictorals
in this manua1.
Start with the antenna hung at a 45 degree angle. This is the
best angle to mount the antenna. Apply a 10.1 MHz signal to the
system and resonate the 30 meter element for the lowest SWR as
read on a wattmeter or SWR bridge. The next ba n d is 40 meters.
Adjust the 40 meter element for lowest SWR on the portion you
desire to use the most. Next proceed with 80 and then finish the
adjustments for 160 meters. Now solder all the connections and
permanently mount the antenna. A counterpoise m ayb e run under the
antenna if you desire. The counterpoise will increase the
performance of your new sloper antenna. The counterpoise should
be connected to the ground rod at the b a s e of the tower. Rem em ber
wh en the antenna is tuned properly an obvious SWR dip will occur
at resonance. The use of an antenna tuner with the sloper will
allow greater flexibility on complete ba n d coverage.