Am pSup ply Co.
Limited Warranty
imp Supply ( o, h~arru t tts to the original piw ftasct. that iJiiv jw d w / shitil he free from defects
in material fw e p t tubes and ttF ampul transistors) or workmanship fo r one (I f year frotn ¡he
(fate of angina] purchase.
f>urit\ii the warranty period the A mp Supply Co. or w t auth orized Amp Supp ly Co. service
fac ility w ill provide fr ee o f charge both ports {except tubes and ftF output transistors} t/nd
iniu>f it) corrert defects in m aterial w workmanship.
To ohtmn yjt /r warranty service, the original purchaser must:
fit t otnpfcle ami wnrf w the Warranty Registration Card.
\o tify -Imp Supply i n. or its nearest auihvrized' vr\'k'e fm H ity, as soon as possible after
tU'xi overy ttf a fw&sibie defeet, of:
fat The model number and serial number, i f wry;
ih} The identity o f the setter
(i 7 A detailed desi'riptiot1 o f tiw pnd th’tn, including details ok the electrical connection
to ussrHinted enuifftnettt anti (fe1 Ust o f such etfuqtu tcst.
.fjf th'Jhvr the prtMiurt tt> Am p Supply (*>, or the nearest authorized service fac itity. or
\hip the som e in us origiitai container or eyuivaltni, fu lly insured and shipping charges
( \>rra't maintenance, repair and use are imp ortant to obtain proper perform ance fro m this
protttift. Therefore, carcfuity read th e Instruction Manual* This warranty does n ot apply to
any tie fed that A m p Supply Co. determines is due to:
//> }mpro/h‘r m aintenance <v repair, incittding th e installation o f parts o r accessories that do
not conform to the t/uafity and specifications o f the original ports.
f2) ViiitfSf, abuse, neglect or improper installation,
li) A c tridental or intentional damage.
Ati iniftiivd warranties, i f any, term inate orte 11} year fro m the date of the original purchase.
The foregoing com tiiutes Amp S u pffy C o.rs entire obligation with respect to this product, an d
the original purchaser and any user of ow ner shall have no other remedy and n& daim fo r in
cidental or consetpuntiai damages Sottte Uufrs d o n ot alkxw limitations on how long an im
plied warranty lasts or dm not aikrw th e exclusion or limitation o f incidental or consequential
damages, so the above bmrtotion and exclusion m ay not apply ra yo u.
This warranty p m specific legal right t and yov m ay also Ikuv other rights which vary from
state to sttitt\
swwi the’ approximate dale 0/ purchase;
Amp Supply Co.
2071 Midway Dr ivp, P.O. Box 421, Twinsburg, Ohio 44087
(216) 425-2010* TLX 980131 WDMR
Amp Supply C o.
LA- 1000
Portable Kilowatt SSB or CW QS K Amplifier
r ^ O
Q, lgu
Frequency coverage: 3 . 5—2 1,5 MHz amateur bands
expo r t model Includes 10
meter band*
Power in p u t : 1000 W PEP SSB 700 W CW
QSK: full break- i n CW
Drive requirements: Typi cal l y 100 W PEP
Input impedance: 50 ohm tuned-i n pu t, low pass
pi-netw o rk type
Output impedance: ad ju s t a b l e pi- n etw ork , matches
50-70 ohm w it h SWR o f 2:1 or
les s .
Intermodu la tion dist ort i on products: In excess
of -30 dB below PEP
Power requi refnents: 120 VAC 50/60 He rt z
15 amps or 240 VAC 5 0/6 0
Hertz 7. 5 amps
Tubes: Four 6MJ6 - included wi t h a mp l ifier
Dimensions: W 11“ H 5. 00” D 9. 75 ”
Weight: 22 lbs .
For proper op e ra t io n of the coolin g system,
the LA-1000 must be placed on a flat smooth
surfa c e . Do not operate on a furf ac e such as
carpetin g as th is w ill impead the air flow
through the co oling holes located *n the bottom
of the chassis.
Make no attempt t o put t hi s amp l if ier i nt o
operation outside of It's cab inet . Contact w it h
voltages insi d e th i s ampl if ier can*be fat al.