Amprobe AT-2000-A Operating Manual

AT-2004-A AT-2005-A
Advanced Wire Tracer
Users Manual
AT-2004-A AT-2005-A
Advanced Wire Tracer
Users Manual
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AT-2000-A Series
Advanced Wire Tracer
PRECAUTIONS ............................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 4
AT-2000-A PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ............................................................. 5
COMPONENT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... 5
R2000 Receiver ......................................................................................... 9
S2600-A Load Signal Generat ors (LSG’s) ................................................ 8
T2200 Transmitter .................................................................................. 10
APPLICATION NOTES .................................................................................. 13
Finding Opens ........................................................................................ 13
Finding Ground Faults (See Fig.7) ......................................................... 14
Tracing Wires in Conduit (See Fig.8) ..................................................... 15
Tracing Energized Wires ........................................................................ 16
Tracing Non-energized Lines and Finding Shorts (See Fig.9) .............. 16
Locating Individual Wires in a Bundle .................................................. 17
Locating Outlets from the Breaker Panel (See Fig.10) ......................... 18
Locating Buried Conduit or Metal Pipe (See Fig.11) ............................ 18
SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................... 19
1. Before using any electrical instrument, it should be checked to make certain it is operating properly.
2. In many instances, you will be working with dangerous levels of voltages and/or current, therefore, it is important that you avoid direct contact with any uninsulated, current carrying surfaces. Appropriate insulated gloves, safety glasses and protective clothing should be worn.
3. Before attaching anything to the conductor, make sure the voltage present is not beyond the range of the instrument.
4. When not in use, keep the instrument in its carrying case.
5. When the R2000 or the T2200 will not be used for a period of time, remove the battery.
AMPROBE is dedicated to designing, manufacturing and marketing high quality, reliable instruments for the skilled professional. The AMPROBE Advanced Wire Tracer has a history of providing safe, reliable operation in tracing energized wires, locating circuit breakers, and locating shorted wires, and tracing non-energized wires, locating open breakers and locating open wires.
The AT-2000-A Advanced Tracing System combines both Current Tracing and Open Tracing into one versatile tool providing the ability to solve virtually all your tracing problems.
Having confidence in an instrument is an important part of using the instrument. All applications are different and special. An understanding of the system’s operation could be the difference between several minutes or several hours on the job.
Invest time learning the operation of the Advanced Tracer to build confidence in the unit. Please read this manual carefully. Take the time to learn how the instrument operates. Test it in a variety of
situations. You will soon have the confidence to use it on a daily basis to solve problems which were previously unsolvable.
The AT-2000-A System consists of different, yet fully compatible components that are combined into five interchangeable systems:
AT-2004-A Industrial Multipurpose Tracer — includes R2000, S2600 -A, T2200, and A2201 Clamp-On Accessory.
AT-2005-A Industrial Multipurpose Tracer — includes R2000, S2600 -A, T2200, A2201, B2024, B2025.
All components are described on the following pages. Each system contains all necessary cords and accessories.
R2000 Receiver
Has two built in sensors that are tuned to pick up the 32.768khz signals generated by any of the transmitters in the AT-2000 family: S2600-A, T2200. The R2000 is designed to indicate the signal’s strength in audio and visual ways to enable precise location of the conductor carrying the signal.
Changing Batteries
The battery compartment on the back of the R2000 and the T2200 is a new design that allows you to drop the battery in and out quickly and easily. Two holes on the bottom of the compar tment accept the round terminals of a 9 volt battery. Make sure to position batter y properly, otherwise the compartment will not close.
1. Mode Adjustment Switch ‘open’ mode is used for
open conductors. ‘SHORT’ mode is used on conductors that make up a complete circuit.
2. Range Switch Coarse sensitivity adjustment
3. Battery light Will illuminate when unit is turned ‘on’ provided the battery is in place and charged
4. Lanyard Attachment Hole Attach a wrist strap to prevent accidental dropping
5. Electromagnetic and Electrostatic sensors located in the tip
6. Signal Strength Indicator 10 LED’s positioned behind a red filter lens to allow readability in direct sunlight
7. Sensitivity Adjustment/ON­OFF thumbwheel On - Off switch combined with fine adjustment of sensitivity
8. Battery Compartment Drop-In-And-Close design automatically connects battery with the contacts. Batter y must be oriented properly to allow it to close.
Using the R2000 Receiver
1. Turn the R2000 ‘ON’ by rotating the thumbwheel and leave it around position ‘5’.
2. Move the range switch to x 1 (this is the least sensitive setting).
3. Place the mode switch into the appropriate position and aim the R2000 properly (see illustration below).
4. If there is no indication on the display. increase the sensitivity by moving the range switch to x10 or x100. The thumbwheel is used as a fine adjustment to maintain a midrange indication (3-9 LED’s).
IMPORTANT: Always try to keep the sensitivity low enough to a maximum of 9 LEDs on the indicator. Otherwise, you could waste a lot of time determining the proper signal source -- a weak signal may register 10 LEDs in the x 100 range, but so will a strong signal (typically the one you want to follow).
5. When tracing, move the R2000 back and forth over the path of the wire and adjust the sensitivity so that you can see the rise and fall of the signal level. The strongest signal confirms the path of the wire. NOTE: The R2000 will experience electromagnetic saturation when held up against wires carrying more than 500Amps. If this occurs, the signal strength indicator will go black. To remedy this, simply move the R2000 a few inches away from the wire. (See Fig.2) After the transmitter is connected and operating, but before beginning to trace wires or circuit breakers, take the receiver and hold it near the transmitters non-grounded lead, and get familiar with the double beep pattern that the transmitter emits. When tracing wires or circuit breakers, that is the pattern to look for. Ignore any other light and tone patterns that you might see.
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