Amprobe AT-1000 User Manual

Users Manual
Advanced Wire Tracer
Advanced Wire Tracer
Users Manual
Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability
Your Amprobe prod uct will be free from defect s in mate rial and w orkma nship for 2 years from the d ate of purchase. This warrant y does n ot cover f uses , disp osable batteries or damage from accident , neglect, misus e, alteration, contaminatio n, or abnormal conditi ons of opera tion or handling. Rese llers a re not au thorize d to extend any other war ranty on Amprobe’s be half. To obtai n service dur ing the wa rrant y perio d, return the produc t with proof of p urchase to an authorize d Ampro be Test Tools Service Cen ter or to an Ampro be dealer o r distributo r. See Repair Sec tion for d etail s. THIS WARR ANT Y IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY. ALL OTHER WARR ANTIES - WHE THER E XPRESS, IM PLIED O R STAUTORY - INCLUDING IMPLI ED WARR ANTIES OF FI TNESS FOR A PARTICUL AR PURPOSE O R MERCH ANTABI LIT Y, ARE HEREBY DI SCL AIMED. MANU FACTURER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, IN DIREC T, INCID ENTAL OR CO NSEQU ENTI AL DAMAG ES OR LOSSES, ARISIN G FROM AN Y CAUS E OR TH EOR Y. Since some states or countrie s do not all ow the exclusion or limit ation of a n implie d warrant y or of incidental or con sequ ential d amage s, thi s limita tion of liabilit y may not apply to you.
All test tools returne d for war ranty o r non- warran ty rep air or for calibration sh ould be accomp anied by the following: yo ur name , company’s nam e, address , telep hone nu mber, and proof of purchase. Additio nally, ple ase include a brief descript ion of the p roble m or the ser vice re ques ted an d include the test lead s with th e meter. Non-wa rrant y repair or replac ement c harge s shoul d be remi tted i n the form of a check, a mone y order, credit ca rd with expiration date, or a purcha se order made p ayable to Ampro be® Test Tools.
In-Warranty R epair s and Replacement – All Countr ies
Please read the warrant y statemen t and che ck your battery bef ore requesting repair. During the warra nty period any defec tive te st too l can be re turne d to your Amprob e® Test Tools distributor f or an exchange fo r the same or like produc t. Plea se che ck the “Where to Buy” section on w ww.amprob fo r a list of d istri butor s near you. Additionally, in the United States a nd Canada In-Warranty repair and re placement units can also be s ent to a Am probe® Test Tools Service Center (see ad dress below).
Non-Warrant y Repairs and Replacement – US and Can ada
Non- warranty repairs in th e Unite d State s and Canada should be sent to a Amprobe ® Test Tools Ser vice Ce nter. Call A mprobe® Test Tool s or inquire at your point of p urcha se for curren t repair a nd repl aceme nt rates.
In USA In Canada
Amprobe Test Tools Amprobe Test Tools Everett, WA 98203 Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X9 Tel: 877-AMPROBE (267-7623) Tel: 905- 890-7600
Non-Warrant y Repairs and Replacement – Eu rope
Europea n non- warran ty uni ts can b e repla ced by you r Amprobe® Tes t Tools distributor for a nominal charge. Please check the “Wh ere to Buy” sec tion on w ww. ampro for a list of distributor s near yo u.
R1000 Receiver
X1000 Transmitter
Symbols ....................................................................................................................................................
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................
Safety Precautions and Warnings ..........................................................................................................
Unpacking and inspection ......................................................................................................................
Component Description ..........................................................................................................................
R1000 Receiver ...................................................................................................................................
X1000 Transmitter ..............................................................................................................................
Replacing Batteries: R1000 and X1000 ..................................................................................................
Operation ................................................................................................................................................
Tracing Energized Wires .........................................................................................................................
Locating Opens ........................................................................................................................................
Locating Shorts ........................................................................................................................................
Fuse Replacement ...................................................................................................................................
Specifications ...........................................................................................................................................
Advanced Wire Tracer
+ 11 hidden pages