American Audio
To Qualify You Must:
1. Purchase One [1) American Audio SDJ1 between
September 1 and September 30, 2008
2. Fill out coupon completely. Claims with imcomplete or
illegible writing will not be fulfilled.
3. Attach a photo copy of the dated receipt and the original
UPC bar code of qualifying product.
4. Mail To: American Audio
Attn: 4GB SD Card Offer
6122 S. Eastern Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90040
5. Rebate runs from 9-1-2008 through 9-30-2008
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Please read additional rules:
Products must be purchased from an authorized American Audio dealer between September 1, 2008 and September SO, 2008.
Coupon must be postmarked by December 31, 2008. Incomplete coupon or coupons postmarked after December 31,2008 will be
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were prohibited by law. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of SD Card. Product will be delivered by ground shipping.
Warning: Fradulant submission could result in federal prosecution under the mail fraud statutes (Title 18, USC Sections 1341 &
1342]. For questions on this offer please contact us toll free 9 am - 5 pm PST, 8DD-322-B337 ext. 529 or
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designed for the working dj.