Amazon Carrier Central User Manual

Carrier Central User Manual
Table of Contents
Requesting an Account..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Logging into the Website.......................................................................................................................................................................3
Menu Options........................................................................................................................................................................................4
Submitting an Appointment Request ....................................................................................................................................................4
Reviewing Appointments and POD .......................................................................................................................................................8
Editing, Rescheduling and Canceling an Appointment..........................................................................................................................9
Updating Account Information........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Managing Errors ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Seeking Support.................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Frequently Asked Questions............................................................................................................................................................... 12
APPENDIX 1: Dos & Don'ts.................................................................................................................................................................. 13
APPENDIX 2: Appointment Confirmation Email Sample .................................................................................................................... 14
APPENDIX 3: Appointment Re-Scheduled Email Sample.................................................................................................................... 14
Appointment Summary .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Shipments ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX 4: Appointment Edit Confirmation Email Sample ............................................................................................................. 15
Appointment Summary .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
APPENDIX 5: Appointment Edit Confirmation Email Sample ............................................................................................................. 16
Appointment Summary .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
APPENDIX 6: Appointment Edit Failure Email Sample........................................................................................................................ 17
Appointment Summary .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
APPENDIX 7: Troubleshooting Errors.................................................................................................................................................. 18
Carrier Central User Manual
Carrier Central is the primary portal for carriers to view and request appointments at any of Amazon’s Fulfillment centers. Carriers enter the details of the appointment including PO(s), pallet count, and delivery location, as well as a requested delivery date. Amazon then grants the suggested appointment time if possible or schedules to the next best available day or time. The link to Carrier Central is:
To ensure fair appointment access, Carriers are expected to show up for 90% of appointments that are booked or cancel more than 24 hrs prior. Failure to do so will result in removal from Carrier Central. Additionally, Carriers are expected to seek fidelity in the accuracy of their load attributes. Carriers who consistently deliver loads with greater than 30% or less than 30% accuracy to their unit counts, pallet counts or cubic ft attributes will be removed from the Carrier Central.
Requesting an Account
You can request an account by accessing the website and following the simple steps below:
Click on the link “Create your Amazon account”
Picture 1-Account creation prompt.
Fill in the following details, (Picture 2 shows input screen)
oAccount type: Carrier/Seller delivering freight or Amazon Vendor account. o Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC): Unique two-to-four-letter code used to identify transportation companies or your company name. o Contact Email: It is strongly suggested to use an email alias or distribution email instead of a personal email in order to improve communication. If operating for a company, please use company email address and not personal email addresses. o Purchase order Id: Amazon purchase order (Letters and numbers) provided as part of shipment. Purchase orders for account creation must be authentic and active orders in our system. o Fulfillment Center (FC) for purchase order: Amazon location where the freight associated to the PO will be delivered (I.e ABE2, MDW2)
Logging into the Website
Picture 2-Account creation screen
Once the account is created, carriers can log in to the website with their username, and password as shown on picture 3.
Menu Options
Picture 3-Login screen
Once logged into the website, the top of the page will provide a set of menu options as shown on picture 4.
Request-For requesting new appointments.
Search-Search past appointments requested.
Account-View/Edit current account information.
Submitting an Appointment Request
Picture 4-Main menu bar.
Upon reaching the “Request” screen, provide all the details of the freight as described below and the requested date and time (CRDD) for the appointment; for uploading multiple shipments please see the “Bulk shipment upload” section. Picture 5 shows the appointment request screen.
Picture 5-Appointment request screen.
Field Descriptions and Definitions
Destination Fulfillment Center (FC):
Choose appropriate FC (Amazon location where the freight will be delivered) from drop-down menu.
Freight Type:
Choose appropriate type from drop-down menu. **Please Note** if you’re a consolidation carrier bringing in 53’ trailers you can still mark LTL. Carriers delivering on trailers smaller than 53’, please use LTL.
Load Type:
Choose accordingly for Palletized or Floor loaded. **Please Note** incorrectly marking this box can cause your appointment to be rejected at the Fulfillment Center due to time and labor required to unload a floor load versus palletized load. It’s the Carrier Central account owner and operator’s responsibility to ensure this information provided is correct.
Is Freight Clampable:
Choose Yes or No depending on if the freight is not palletized and to be unloaded using a clamp truck. This is defined as having space between carton stacks and the trailer walls for mechanized equipment to extract the load versus hand offloading one carton at a time.
Trailer Number:
• **Each trailer being delivered must have a unique Inbound Shipment Appointment (ISA)** If available, provide the trailer number the appointment will be delivered on. When creating an appointment for an ocean or rail container, use the container owner abbreviation followed by the container number.
Trailer numbers are not required, however, if provided, must consist of at least 1 alpha-numeric character and may contain spaces.
CRDD (Carrier requested delivery date):
Preferred date for delivering freight to the Amazon FC.
Please note that the time is given in 24 hour (Military) Time format (I.e 0100 would be 1 AM and 1300 is 1 PM) as most Amazon
FC’s operate 24 hours.
ARN (Amazon reference number):
Mandatory for collect freight (not applicable for prepaid freight)
If provided, it must be a valid ARN known to Amazon TRANS systems
PRO (Progressive Rotating Order) Number:
• **Mandatory value** Provide the appropriate PRO numbers for all shipments being physically delivered under the ISA.
Each PRO entry is a single value field containing no spaces and no more than 30 characters.
• **Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) Only** FBA shipment ID’s can be used in this field to auto populate the purchase order and unit
information (I.E. FBA Shipment ID will always start with “FBAXXXXXXXX”). All FBA shipment ID’s physically delivering under the ISA must be entered into the appointment at time of creation.
BOL (Bill of Lading):
Provide the BOL number given by the vendor in this field.
Cannot contain any spaces (must be a single token)
Cannot be longer than 30 characters
Pallet Count:
Only necessary for appointment requests with Load Type "Palletized" and must be greater than 1.
Carton Count:
Value must be greater than 1
Unit Count:
Optional field, complete based on shipper provided BOL information or for FBA shipments the unit count can be provided via the auto populate feature.
PO List:
• **Mandatory field** Separate POs by a space or comma. Each PO must be a valid PO known to Amazon Transportation systems and match the destination FC on the appointment request. All POs must be the same freight terms on a single shipment line.
**Please Note** Freight Forwarders, Brokers, Carriers, and Sellers requesting appointments through non Amazon contracted carriers must ensure the PO list is accurate and reflects what will be physically delivered at time of appointment creation. Failure to do so can result in appointments being deleted without notice and for freight to be rejected at the Fulfillment Centers.
After filling all the details click on the submit button.
Once the request for an appointment is submitted to Amazon, you will get a message that the appointment request has been registered (But not confirmed/scheduled in the system). After being verified by our system, the request will then be scheduled and the actual appointment details will be communicated through the requestor’s email address.
Important Note:
You will receive an acknowledgement of the request immediately from the portal. However, you will have to wait for confirmation on the appointment. The confirmation email that you receive once the appointment is confirmed is shown in Appendix -2. You can check the status of the appointment in the portal itself. The appointment status will change from “Pending confirmation” to “Confirmed” once the appointment is confirmed.
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