02 About the Watch
Power button
Note: Pre ss and ho ld the powe r button to t urn on the w atch. If th e watch can not be
turne d on, ple ase cha rge it and then try a gain.
Hear t rate sens or
Chargi ng plates
03 Pairing the Watch
Scan th e QR code on the In struction Man ual with your mobi le phon e to download the
app to your m obile phone . You can also d ownload the latest version o f App from t he
Googl e Play Store or Apple A pp store.
Open th e APP, registe r an acco unt and log in.
Follow th e steps in th e app to pai r your watch co rrectl y.
Once pa iring is complete , the watch wi ll displ ay the
correc t time.
You can set th e other watc h funct ions as ne eded .
Download Zepp App
For a bet ter user ex perie nce, pl ease use the most re cent vers ion of the a pp.
The ope rating s ystem ne eds to be An droid 5 .0, iOS 1 0.0, or a bove.
Do not pa ir the watch d irectly u sing your mobile p hone’s B luetooth. Foll ow the
steps in th e app to pai r your watch co rrectl y.
04 Charging the Watch
Conne ct the watc h's charg ing cab le to a power a dapter or a compute r's USB port.
Put the watch into the ch arging b ase. Pay at tentio n to the direc tion an d positio n of
the watch , and make s ure that th e metal co ntact s on the ba ck of the watc h fit
closel y with the ch arging b ase.
When ch arging s tart s, the watc h screen d isplays th e
charging progress.
1.2.Please use the charging base that co mes with th e watch.
Make sure that the ch arging b ase is dr y before ch arging .
Please use a 1A or ab ove power ad apter.
05 Disa ssembly and Assembly of the Watch Strap
Please refer to the il lustra tions to dis assem ble or as sembl e the watch strap.
Once the strap is assembled, pull the strap properly to ensure it is installed successfully.