Cooling-only (PBC092G00CB, PBC122G00CB, PBC093G00CB, PBC123G00CB) or
Heat pump (PBH092G12CB, PBH073G35CB, PBH093G35CB, PBH113G35CB) models
Wise Decision.
It’s an Amana® brand.
Through-the-wall design for flush-mount applications
Electric heat (PBE093G35CB, PBE123G35CB) or
Electronic touch pad with remote control
High energy efficiency with models up to 10.4 EER
saving you money when compared to lower EER models.
Easily removable condenser top that allows for quick
and complete cleaning of outdoor coils. This access for
cleaning the outdoor coil enables easy removal of dirt
and debris to help lengthen the life of the compressor
and other system sealed components. Remove six easy
access screws and let the cleaning begin.
Easy access slide out filter has a permanent
polypropylene filter mesh that is easy to remove
and clean.
Easy to set switches to configure check filter light,
temperature limiting capability, and fan auto cycle for
heating or cooling.
Amana is a registered trademark of Maytag Corporation or
its related companies and is used under license to Goodman
Company, L.P., Houston, TX, USA. All rights reserved.
Accessory wall sleeve: PBWS01A is a solid-sided,--
insulated metal sleeve. It includes a stamped aluminum
exterior grille with a weather-seal rear enclosure for
installation without the chassis. The sleeve has a solid
bottom for complete weather-tight installation. An
optional PBWMFC can be used when a more permanent
weather seal is needed for sleeves installed without
the chassis.
100% Full factory run test on all units for high
reliability and dependability. Units start the first time —
every time.
Quiet operation. Designed with guest comfort in mind
—providing reliable, quiet operation for years to come.
Complete Room Comfort
With Easy-To-Use Controls

Cooling Only Models Electric Heat Models Heat Pum p Models
Amana® brand Model
General Features:
Voltage 115 115 230 / 208 230 / 208 23 0 / 208 230 / 208 115 230 / 208 230 / 20 8 230 / 208
Approx. chassis weight 74 lb s 80 l bs 71 lbs 7 8 lbs 73 lbs 81 lbs 78 lbs 76 lbs 83 lb s 86 lbs
Approx. shipping weight 87 lbs 93 l bs 84 lbs 9 2 lbs 86 lbs 94 lbs 92 lbs 89 lbs 96 lbs 99 lbs
Temperature limiting Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye s
Check filter indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye s Ye s Ye s
Heat and co ol fan cycle Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye s Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye s
Capaci ty / BTUH 9,300 11,800 9,300 / 9,100 12,000 / 11,800 9, 300 / 9,100 12,000 / 11,800 9,000 7,400 /7,200 9,300 / 9,100 11,700 /11,500
Amps 8.7 11.0 4.3 / 4.7 5.7 / 6.1 4.3 / 4.7 5.7 / 6.1 8.4 3.2 / 3.5 4.4 / 4.8 5.6 / 6.1
Watts 950 1,200 950 / 930 1,220 / 1, 200 950 / 930 1,2 20 / 1,200 920 70 0 / 680 960 / 9 40 1,220 / 1,20 0
CFM 275 275 275 275 265 265 265 265 265 265
E.E.R. 9.8 9.8 9.8 / 9.8 9.8 / 9.8 9.8 / 9.8 9.8 / 9.8 9.8 10.4 / 10.4 9.7 / 9 .7 9.6 / 9.6
C.E.E.R. 9.7 9.7 9.7/ 9.7 9.7/ 9 .7 9.7/ 9 .7 9.7/ 9.7 9.7 10.4 / 10.4 9.6 / 9.6 9.5 / 9.5
Dehumidification - pt s/hr 2.3 3.4 2.3 3.4 2.3 3.4 2.3 1.4 2.3 3.4
Electric Heat:
Capaci ty / BTUH n/a n/a n/a n/a 11,000 / 9,000 11,000 / 9,000 3,900
Amps n/a n/a n/a n/a 15.2 / 14.0 15.2 / 14.0 11.0 15.2 / 14.0 15.2 / 14.0 15.2 / 14.0
Watts n/a n /a n/a n/a 3,50 0 / 2,900 3,500 / 2,9 00 1,150 3 ,500 / 2,90 0 3,50 0 / 2,900 3,500 / 2, 900
Heat Pum p: (Reverse cycle)
Capaci ty / BTUH n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8,500 6,8 00 / 6,600 8,800 / 8 ,600 11,400 / 11,200
Amps n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7. 6 2.9 / 3.2 4.0 / 4 .3 5.4 / 5.9
Watts n/a n /a n/a n/a n/a n/a 830 64 0 / 620 860 / 8 40 1,160 / 1,140
C.O.P n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.0 3.1 / 3.1 3.0/ 3.0 2. 9 / 2.9
Thermostatic drain valve Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ye s Ye s Ye s
Electrical Data:
NEMA plug configuration 5-15 P 5-1 5P 6-15P 6-1 5P 6-2 0P 6-2 0P 5-1 5P 6-20P 6-2 0P 6 -20P
Plug type Parallel Parallel Tand em Tan dem Perpendicular Perpendicular Parallel Perpendicular Perpendicular Perpendicular
Power cord l ength 8.0' w/LCDI 8.0' w/ LCDI 6.0' w/ LCDI 6.0' w/ LCDI 6.0 ' w/LCDI 6.0' w/ LCDI 8. 0' w/LCDI 6. 0' w/LCDI 6. 0' w/LCDI 6. 0' w/LCDI
11,000 / 9,000 11,000 / 9,000 11,000 / 9,000
Features: (all model s)
Agency Approval U.L (Under writers La boratory) li sted; USA and Can ada
Chassis Type Slide -out for easy in stallation an d service acce ssibility
Fan speeds: 2 spee ds: High & Low
Fan ONLY Yes - High Spe ed
Exhaust CFM 30
Discharge air Top disch arge with 4-wa y adjustable air t hrow
Slide-out-filter Top Pull-ou t Polypropylen e - Permanent f ilter that is washab le
Condensate Yes - exte rnal drain spout o n the PBWS01A opt ional wall sleeve
Dimensions: Height Width Depth
Chassis Dimensions: 15 5/8" 26.0" 16 7/ 8"
With cha ssis installe d Depth with chassis
Sleeve Cut-outs: 15 13/16" 26 3/16" Maximum wall
Plug Type:
Parallel Tandem Perpendicular
15 Amps 15 Amp s 2 0 Amps
12 5 Volts 250 Volt s 2 50 Volts
drain spout
installed and room front
cover at tached = 21 7/8"
thickn ess = 16 3/8"
Optional Acce ssories:
PBWS 01A Insulat ed metal sleeve f or installati on of 26" Built-In Air Co nditioners ;
PBAGK01TB Arch itectural gr ille kit for use wi th PBWS01A slee ve and 26"
PBAGK01SB Arc hitectural gr ille kit for use wi th PBWS01A slee ve and 26"
PBWM FC01A An insula ted metal cover fo r use when PBWS01 A is installed wi thout 26"
PBFAK01A S leeve adapter k it; convert s Fedders BS AOOC & Friedric h WSC 27" wall
* All Unit s Meet or Excee d 06-01-14 D.O.E. CEER Minimums
Secon dary heat sou rce recommende d to be used in conju nction with uni t during
electric heat operation
Note: Units s hip without the o ptional PBWS01 A wall sleeve and re quire a solid-s ide
sleeve fo r field insta llation. If inst alling into exis ting sleeves, c all your Amana bra nd
sales pe rson for compat ibility ass essment or ada pter kits. Dam age caused by impr oper
sleeve s, or by use of impro per grilles, i s not covered by the p roduct warr anty.
solid sid e and solid bott om with weather b oard and stamp ed
aluminum grille.
Built-In Air conditioners in beige.
Built-In A ir conditione rs in custom color s
Built-In Air Conditioner
sleeve s for use with Aman a 26" Built-In Air Con ditioners
Call your Amana brand PTAC sales representative at 800-647-2982 for complete details.
Before purchasing this appliance, read important information about its estimated annual energy
consumption, yearly operating cost, or energy eiciency rating that is available from your retailer.
Our cont inuing commitment to qualit y products may mean a change in specifications wit hout notice. © 2014 Goodman Company, L.P.
Amana is a re gistered trademark of Maytag Corpor ation or its related companies and is used under license to Goodman Company, L.P., Houston, T X, USA. All rights reser ved.
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