Amana 9QZ22RC, 10QZ22RC, 12QZ22RC, 9QZ22RC1, 10QZ22RC1 QZ22RC Rotary Switch Conversion Service Kit

QZ22RC Rotary Switch
The Rotary Switch Conversion Kit convert QZ model window units from electronic control to rotary switch control. The kit consists of a rotary control switch, thermostat, escutcheon plate, parts label and wiring diagram.
Kit # Model #
10QZ22RC 12QZ22RC 9QZ22RC1 10QZ22RC1 12QZ22RC1
Unit Preparation
To avoid death or personal injury due to electrical shock, turn fan control off and unplug power cord before performing maintenance. After performing the re­quired maintenance, reconnect power.
Service Kit
Discharge a capacitor through a 20 to 30 ohm resistor before handling.
6. Disconnect the black BK-10 wire from the capacitor (“C” terminal) on the terminal housing.
7. Cut the remaining five (5) wires on the terminal housing and discard terminal housing.
8. Strip the wires and place and crimp a quick connect terminal on each wire.
9. Attach the new rotary control switch (2 screws) to the control panel with the knob stem through the same hole that the temperature control knob stem was located, and orient switch such that the side with the four terminals will be beside the evaporator coil, and the side with the single terminal will be on your right.
10.Attach the new thermostat body to the control panel (2 screws) with knob stem through the same hole that the fan control knob stem was located, and orient the thermostat body with the wiring terminals on the bottom.
1. Remove horizontal insert (indoor grill), filter, elec­tronic board selector knobs (2), and front (4 screws).
2. Remove sensing bulb and bulb clips from coil.
3. Remove the control panel (3 screws) and unplug the control board from the terminal housing.
4. Remove the four screws connecting the control board to the control panel. Discard the board.
As a professional servicer you have an obligation to know the product better than the customer. This includes all safety precautions and related items.
Prior to actual installation, thoroughly familiarize your­self with these instructions. Pay special attention to all safety warnings. Often during installation or repair it is possible to place yourself in a position which is more hazardous than when the unit is in operation.
Remember, it is your responsibility to install the product safely and to know it well enough to be able to instruct a customer in its safe use.
Safety is a matter of common sense...a matter of thinking before acting. Most dealers have a list of specific good safety practices...follow them.
The precautions listed in these instructions should not supersede existing practices but should be considered as supplemental information.
September 1997
11.Wire per attached wiring diagram. On the left side (single terminal) of the switch attach L1 lead of the power cord. On the right side of the switch from top to bottom attach red motor lead (rd-17), new pink jumper wire (PK-41), black motor lead (BK-16), and blue motor lead (BU-28). Attach other end of new pink jumper wire (PK-41) to either side of the thermostat, and attach violet compressor lead (VT-12) to the other thermostat terminal.
12.Remove chassis retaining clip (1 screw) on basepan, slide chassis forward, adhere new wiring diagram on top of old, and adhere new parts label beside wiring diagram, slide chassis back in and replace retaining clip. It is important for future service that these labels be placed on unit!
13.Place bulb clips on each end of the thermostat bulb, run the thermostat bulb tube through the same open­ing as the power cord, orient bulb in front of coil, and push clips into coil between 2 tubes until they catch.
14.Place alteration sticker “THIS UNIT HAS BEEN AL­TERED TO USE MECHANICAL PARTS” on base pan beside serial plate.
15.Re-attach control box panel (3 screws).
16. Remove backing from new escutcheon plate, and place the new escutcheon over the old on the front.
17.Re-attach front (4 screws), knobs (2 new), filter, and grill.