Altronix Maximal77D Installation Instructions

Access Power Controllers
Installation Guide
Models Include:
- Power Supply 1: 12VDC @ 3.5 amp or 24VDC @ 2.7 amp.
- Power Supply 2: 12VDC @ 3.5 amp or 24VDC @ 2.7 amp.
- Power Supply 1: 12VDC @ 5.5 amp or 24VDC @ 5.7 amp.
- Power Supply 2: 12VDC @ 5.5 amp or 24VDC @ 5.7 amp.
- Power Supply 1: 12VDC @ 9.5 amp.
- Power Supply 2: 12VDC @ 9.5 amp.
- Power Supply 1: 24VDC @ 9.7 amp.
- Power Supply 2: 24VDC @ 9.7 amp.
- Power Supply 1: 12VDC @ 9.5 amp.
- Power Supply 2: 24VDC @ 9.7 amp.
Altronix Corp.
140 58th St. Brooklyn, NY
Rev. DCB102512
More than just power.
Table of Contents:
MaximalD Series Overview ............................................................................................. 3
MaximalD Series Configuration Chart ............................................................................. 3
MaximalD Series Features ............................................................................................ 3-4
MaximalD Installation Instructions ............................................................................... 4-5
Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 6
Power Supply Board LED Diagnostics ............................................................................ 6
Access Power Controller LED Diagnostics ..................................................................... 6
Power Supply Board Terminal Identification .................................................................. 7
Access Power Controller Terminal Identification ............................................................ 7
Power Supply Board Stand-by Battery Specifications ...................................................... 8
Power Supply Board Output Voltage Settings ................................................................. 9
Access Power Controller Typical Application Diagram ................................................... 9
Maximal11D, Maximal33D and Maximal55D Battery Hookup
and Tamper Switch Installation ...................................................................................... 10
Maximal77D Battery Hookup and Tamper Switch Installation .................................... 11
Maximal75D Battery Hookup and Tamper Switch Installation .................................... 12
NEC Power-Limited Wiring Requirements for Maximal11D ........................................ 13
NEC Power-Limited Wiring Requirements for Maximal33D and Maximal55D ........... 14
NEC Power-Limited Wiring Requirements for Maximal77D ....................................... 15
NEC Power-Limited Wiring Requirements for Maximal75D ....................................... 16
FACP/Optional Power Supply Hook-up Diagrams........................................................ 17
Enclosure Dimensions .................................................................................................... 18
- 2 - Maximal11D/Maximal33D/Maximal55D/Maximal77D/Maximal75D Access Power Controllers (PTC)
MaximalD Series Overview:
Maximal Access Power/Controllers distribute and switch power to access control systems and accessories. They con­vert a 115VAC 60Hz input into sixteen (16) independently controlled 12VDC or 24VDC Class 2 Rated PTC protected power-limited outputs. These Fail-Safe/Fail-Secure power outputs may be converted to dry form “C” contacts. The outputs are activated by an open collector sink or normally open (NO) dry trigger input from an Access Control System, Keypad, Push Button, REX PIR, etc. Units will route power to a variety of access control hardware devices including: Mag Locks, Electric Strikes, Magnetic Door Holders, etc. The FACP Interface enables Emergency Egress, Alarm Monitoring, or may be used to trigger other auxiliary devices. The fire alarm disconnect feature is individually selectable for any or all of the sixteen (16) outputs. All interconnecting equipment must be UL Listed.
MaximalD Series Configuration Chart:
Altronix Model Number
Output Voltage Options
Power Supply 1 Power Supply 2
Total Output
AL400ULXB AL400ULXB ------
12VDC @ 3.5A 12VDC @ 3.5A 7A
12VDC @ 2.7A 24VDC @ 2.7A 5.4A
24VDC @ 3.5A 24VDC @ 2.7A 6.2A
AL600ULXB AL600ULXB ------
12VDC @ 5.5A 12VDC @ 5.5A 11A
12VDC @ 5.7A 24VDC @ 5.7A 11.4A
24VDC @ 5.5A 24VDC @ 5.7A 11.2A
12VDC @ 9.5A 12VDC @ 9.5A
19 2.5A 16 5.2A 5A/250V 15A/32V
12VDC @ 9.5A 24VDC @ 9.5A
19 2.5A 16 7.0A
24VDC @ 9.7A 24VDC @ 9.7A
(16 outputs)
Current per
Class 2 Rated PTC
Protected Power
Limited Outputs
115VAC 60 Hz
Input (current)
Power Supply
Board Input
Fuse Rating
Power Supply
2.5A 16 7A 5A/250V 15A/32V
2.5A 16 7A 5A/250V ------
2.5A 16 8.8A 5A/250V 15A/32V
Board Output
Fuse Rating
Agency Listings
UL File #
BP6714 UL 294
UL Listed
Fire Marshal
and File Numbers
Access Control System
Altronix Corp.
140 58th St. Brooklyn, NY
MaximalD Series Features:
• Sixteen(16)independentlytriggercontrolledoutputs.
Output options: a) Sixteen (16) Fail-Safe filtered and electronically regulated power outputs. b) Sixteen (16) Fail-Secure filtered and electronically regulated power outputs. c) Sixteen (16) form “C” relay outputs (rated @ 5 amp/28VDC or VAC). d) Any combination of the above.
• Sixteen(16)AccessControlSystemtriggerinputs.
Input trigger options: a) Sixteen (16) normally open (NO) dry trigger inputs. b) Sixteen (16) open collector inputs. c) Any combination of the above.
• Sixteen(16)unswitchedfilteredandelectronicallyregulatedaux.poweroutputs(outputsarerated@2amp).
• ACM8CBmaximumcurrentis2ampperoutput.
Maximal11D/Maximal33D/Maximal55D/Maximal77D/Maximal75D Access Power Controllers (PTC) - 3 -
• RedLEDsonACM8CBboardindicateindividualoutputsaretriggered(relaysenergized).
• FireAlarmdisconnect(latchingornon-latching)isindividuallyselectableforanyorallofthesixteen(16)outputs.
Fire Alarm disconnect input trigger options: a) Normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) dry trigger input. b) Polarity reversal input from FACP signaling circuit.
• GreenLEDonACM8CBboardindicatesFACPdisconnectistriggered.
• FACP output relay indicates that FACP input is triggered (form “C” contact rated @ 1 amp/28VDC not evaluated by UL).
• Powersupplyinputoptions:
a) Factory installed power supplies provide common power for both ACM8CB boards and all connected access control devices. b) An optional UL Listed power-limited external access control power supply may be connected to isolate the ACM8CB boards from the access control devices (only applicable on Maximal11D).
• ACM8CBboardmainfusesarerated@10amp.OutputPTCsarerated@2amp.
• Built-inchargerforsealedleadacidorgeltypebatteries.
- Maximum charge current is 0.7 amp for AL400ULXB, AL600ULXB and AL1012ULXB power supply boards.
- Maximum charge current is 3.6 amp for AL1024ULXB power supply board.
• Automaticswitchovertostand-bybatterywhenACfails.
• Zerovoltagedropwhenunitswitchesovertobatterybackup(ACfailurecondition).
• Shortcircuitandthermaloverloadprotectionwithautoreset.
• GreenACinputandredDCoutputLEDindicatorsonpowersupplyboard(s).
• ACfailsupervision(form“C”contactrated@1amp/28VDC).
• Batteryfailandbatterypresencesupervision(form“C”contactrated@1amp/28VDC).
• Enclosureaccommodatesuptofour(4)12VDC/12AHbatteries.
Enclosure dimensions: 26” (660.4mm) x 19” (482.6mm) x 6.25” (158.75mm)
MaximalD Installation Instructions:
Wiring methods shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code/NFPA 70/ANSI, and with all local codes and authorities having jurisdiction. Product is intended for indoor use only.
Power Supply Board LED Diagnostics (pg. 6) Access Power Controller LED Diagnostics (pg. 6) Power Supply Board Terminal Identification (pg. 6) Access Power Controller Terminal Identification (pg. 7) Power Supply Board Stand-by Battery Specifications (pg. 7) Power Supply Board Output Voltage Settings (pg. 8) Access Power Controller Typical Application Diagram (pg. 8) FACP/Optional Power Supply Hook-up Diagrams (pg. 16)
1. Mount unit in desired location. Mark and predrill holes in the wall to line up with the top three keyholes in the enclosure. Install three upper fasteners and screws in the wall with the screw heads protruding. Place the enclosure’s upper keyholes over the three upper screws, level and secure. Mark the position of the lower three holes. Remove the enclosure. Drill the lower holes and install the three fasteners. Place the enclosure’s upper keyholes over the three upper screws. Install the three lower screws and make sure to tighten all screws Enclosure Dimensions, pg.18).
2. The power supply is pre-wired to the ground (chassis). Connect main incoming ground to the provided green grounding conductor lead. Connect unswitched AC power (115VAC 60Hz) to terminals marked [L, N] on both
Keep power-limited wiring separate from non power-limited wiring. Minimum .25” spacing must be provided
(Figs. 6-9, pgs. 13-16).
3. Select desired DC output voltage by setting SW1 to the appropriate position on the power supply board (Maximal11D and Maximal33D), (Fig. 1, pg. 9). Maximal55D power supply is factory set at 12VDC. Maximal77D power supply is factory set at 24VDC. Maximal75D consists of one (1) power supply board that is factory set at 12VDC, and one (1) power supply board that is factory set at 24VDC.
4. Measure the output voltage of the unit before connecting any devices to ensure proper operation. Improper or high voltage will damage these devices.
5. Output options (Fig. 2, pg. 9): The unit will provide either sixteen (16) switched power outputs, sixteen (16) dry form “C” outputs, or any combination of both switched power and form “C” outputs.
- 4 - Maximal11D/Maximal33D/Maximal55D/Maximal77D/Maximal75D Access Power Controllers (PTC)
(a) Fail-Safe Switched Power outputs:
For Fail-Safe operation connect the positive (+) input of the access control devices to terminal marked [NC]. Connect the negative (-) input of the access control devices to terminal marked [COM]. (b) Fail-Secure Switched Power outputs: For Fail-Secure operation connect the positive (+) input of the access control devices to terminal marked [NO]. Connect the negative (-) input of the access control devices to terminal marked [COM].
(c) Form “C” outputs:
When form “C” outputs are desired the corresponding output PTCs (1-8) of each ACM8CB board must be removed.
6. Auxiliary Power outputs (unswitched): Connect access control devices that require constant power to terminals marked [C] positive (+) and [COM] negative (-).
7. Input trigger options (Fig. 2, pg. 9):
(a) Normally Open [NO] input trigger:
Inputs 1-8 are activated by normally open or open collector sink inputs.
(b) Open Collector Sink inputs:
Connect the access control panel open collector sink positive (+) to terminals marked [IN] and the negative (-) to
8. Fire Alarm Interface options (Figs. 10-15, pg. 17): A normally closed [NC] or normally open [NO] input trigger from a fire alarm control panel or a polarity reversal input from an FACP signaling circuit will affect selected outputs. To enable FACP Disconnect for an output open the corresponding switch(es) [SW1-SW8] on each ACM8CB board. To disable FACP disconnect for an output close the corresponding switch(es) [SW1-SW8] on each ACM8CB board.
(a) Normally Open [NO] input:
For non-latching hook-up refer to (Fig. 12, pg. 17). For latching hook-up refer to (Fig. 13, pg. 17).
(b) Normally Closed [NC] input:
For non-latching hook-up refer to (Fig. 14, pg. 17). For latching hook-up refer to (Fig. 15, pg. 17).
(c) FACP Signaling Circuit input trigger:
Connect the positive (+) and negative (-) from the FACP signaling circuit output to the terminals marked [+ INP -]. Connect the FACP EOL to the terminals marked [+ RET -] (polarity is referenced in an alarm condition). Jumper J3 must be cut (Fig. 11, pg. 17).
9. FACP Dry form “C” output (Fig. 2a, pg. 9): FACP form “C” contacts can be use to trigger reporting or signaling devices. These contact switch upon a fire alarm input trigger to the ACM8CB boards.
10. Stand-by Battery Connections (Figs. 3-5, pgs. 10-12): For Access Control applications batteries are optional. If batteries are not used a loss of AC will result in the loss of output voltage. Batteries must be lead acid or gel type. Connect one (1) 12VDC battery to the terminals marked [+ BAT -] for 12VDC operation (Figs. 3, 5, pgs. 10, 12). Use two (2) 12VDC batteries wired in series for 24VDC operation (Figs. 3-5, pgs. 10-12).
11. Battery and AC Supervision outputs (Figs. 3-5, pgs. 10-12): It is required to connect supervisory trouble reporting devices to outputs marked [AC Fail, BAT FAIL] supervisory
AC Fail & Low/No Battery reporting.
12. Installation of tamper switch (Not Included) (Figs. 3a, 4a, 5a, pgs. 10-12): Mount UL Listed tamper switch (Sentrol model 3012 or equivalent) at the top of the enclosure. Slide the tamper switch bracket onto the edge of the enclosure approximately 2” from the right side. Connect tamper switch wiring to the Access Control Panel input or the appropriate UL Listed reporting device. To activate alarm signal open the door of the enclosure.
13. Multiple power supply inputs (Fig. 2, pg. 9): When using an additional UL Listed external power supply, jumpers J1 and J2 located on corresponding ACM8CB boards must be cut (Fig. 2b, pg. 9 & Fig. 10, pg. 17). Connect external UL Listed power-limited access control power supply to the terminals marked [- Power +] (only applicable on Maximal11D). When using DC power
Maximal11D/Maximal33D/Maximal55D/Maximal77D/Maximal75D Access Power Controllers (PTC) - 5 -
supplies polarity must be observed. When using AC power supplies polarity need not be observed. All field wiring connections must be made employing suitable gauge CM or FPL jacketed wire (or equivalent substitute), (Fig. 6a-9a, pgs. 13-16).
Unit should be tested at least once a year for the proper operation as follows: FACP Supervision: To insure proper connection and operation of the Fire Alarm disconnect hookup. Please follow the appropriate procedure below: Normally Open Input: Placing a short between terminals marked [T] and [+ INP] will trigger the Fire Alarm Disconnect. Remove the short to reset. Normally Closed Input: Remove the wire from terminal marked [INP -- ] will trigger the Fire Alarm Disconnect. Replace the wire to terminal marked [INP -- ] to reset. FACP Signal Circuit Input: It is necessary to trigger the Fire Alarm System.
 InalloftheabovescenariosthegreenTRGLEDoftheACM8CBswillilluminate.Alloutputsselectedfor
Fire Alarm Disconnect will activate releasing locking devices. Note: All outputs [OUT 1 - OUT 8] must be in a normal (de-energized) condition prior to testing. When the unit is configured for Normally Open (Fig. 13, pg. 17) or Normally Closed (Fig. 15, pg. 17) latching operation it is necessary to reset the Fire Alarm Disconnect by activating the Normally Closed reset switch. Output Voltage Test: Under normal load conditions, the DC output voltage should be checked for proper voltage level
(Power Supply Board Stand-by Battery Specifications, pg. 8).
Battery Test: Under normal load conditions check that the battery is fully charged, check specified voltage at the battery terminals and at the board terminals marked [+ BAT – ] to insure that there is no break in the battery connection wires. Note: AL400ULXB, AL600ULXB and AL1012ULXB Power Supply Board maximum charge current is 0.7 amp. AL1024ULXB Power Supply Board maximum charge current is 3.6 amp. Expected battery life is 5 years, however it is recommended to change batteries within 4 years or less if necessary.
Power Supply Board LED Diagnostics:
Red (DC) Green (AC)
ON ON Normal operating condition. ON OFF Loss of AC, Stand-by battery supplying power. OFF ON No DC output. Short circuit or thermal overload condition. OFF OFF No DC output. Loss of AC. Discharged battery.
Red (Bat) Battery Status
ON Normal operating condition. OFF Battery fail/low battery.
Power Supply Status
Access Power Controller LED Diagnostics:
LED 1- LED 8 (Red) Output relay(s) energized. Output relay(s) de-energized.  Trg(Green) FACP input triggered (alarm condition). FACP normal (non-alarm condition).
- 6 - Maximal11D/Maximal33D/Maximal55D/Maximal77D/Maximal75D Access Power Controllers (PTC)
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