ew pieces of equipment in the kitchen
provide such a powerful payback.
• Reduces labor costs.
• Reduces product shrinkage.
Six 20lb Prime Ribs
• Provides product consistency.
• Increases product holding life.
• Requires less total energy consumption.
Four 25lb Whole Turkeys
Ten 10lb Hams
1000-TH Split Oven Series
Single Compartment
Manual + Electronic
• Eliminates exhaust hoods and outside venting.
• Permits maximum enzyme action to tenderize meat.
• Retains product moisture, protein, vitamins and minerals.
• Cooks safe with 95 to 100% humidity level without adding water.
From haute cuisine to pork ribs,
you’ll get a full measure of quality
with Halo Heat low temperature
cook and hold ovens and smokers —
in construction, performance, and the products
you cook. And since quality is a good deal, we
will prove it by providing a full 5-year warranty
on all cook and hold heating elements. That’s a
value on top of our standard warranty.
m a x i m u m r e t u r n o n i n v e s t m e n t
Whether you specialize in prime rib, corned beef
sandwiches, barbeque ribs, or salmon roulade,
your signature product will become an even
bigger stand-out with Halo Heat. You will come
out ahead with a promise of lower product
shrinkage, less labor and lower power costs.
The very best you offer can be made even
better, with a full pledge of support from
Alto-Shaam staff chefs available to assist you
with cooking instructions and techniques.
EcoSmart identifies
equipment that has been
engineered to save operation
costs in electrical power consumption to
help our customers drive down ownership
costs and protect the environment with
energy-efficient, eco-friendly products.
Twelve 20lb Prime Ribs
Eight 25lb Whole Turkeys
Two 80lb Steamship Rounds
1000-TH + 1200-TH Series
Double Compartment
Manual + Electronic
Eight 12lb Beef Briskets
Two 25lb Whole Turkeys
Thirty Whole Slab Pork Ribs
767-SK Smoker Oven Series
Single Compartment
Manual + Electronic