iiDevelopment Board Version 1.0.0Altera Corporation
Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition Getting Started User GuidePreliminaryJune 2006
About this User Guide
Revision History ......................................................................................................................................... v
How to Contact Altera ............................................................................................................................... v
Typographic Conventions....................................................................................................................... vi
Before You Begin .................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Check the Kit’s Contents .................................................................................................................. 2-2
Inspect the Board............................................................................................................................... 2-2
Installing the Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition CD-ROM Contents 2-4
Installing the Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition Demo Application and
SMA Cable.......................................................................................................................................... 2-8
Power Supply Cable.......................................................................................................................... 2-8
Setting the Clock Circuit Switches ....................................................................................................... 2-9
Test the Transceiver Performance Using Pre-Defined Designs....................................................... 2-9
Pre-Defined Test Design Results................................................................................................... 2-10
Product literaturewww.altera.comwww.altera.com
Altera literature servicesliterature@altera.comliterature@altera.com
Non-technical customer
FTP siteftp.altera.comftp.altera.com
The table below displays the revision history for the chapters in this user
This user guide provides getting started information about the Altera
Stratix®II GX EP2SGX90 signal integrity development board.
For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, go to the
Altera world-wide web site at www.altera.com. For technical support on
this product, go to www.altera.com/mysupport. For additional
information about Altera products, consult the sources shown below.
(800) 800-EPLD (3753)
(7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time)
(800) 767-3753+ 1 408-544-7000
+1 408-544-8767
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (GMT -8:00)
Pacific Time
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (GMT -8:00)
Pacific Time
Altera Corporation 5
June 2006Preliminary
Typographic Conventions
This document uses the typographic conventions shown below.
Visual CueMeaning
Bold Type with Initial
Capital Letters
bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names,
Italic Type with Initial Capital
Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type.
Initial Capital LettersKeyboard ke ys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples:
“Subheading Title”References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are
Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1,
1., 2., 3., and
a., b., c., etc.
● •Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.
v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only.
1 The hand points to information that requires special attention.
r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.
f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic.
Command names, dialog box titles, chec kbox options, and dialog bo x options are
shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box.
filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold
type. Examples: f
Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN 75:
High-Speed Board Design.
Examples: t
Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type.
Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file.
Delete key, the Options menu.
shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.”
tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn.
Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For
actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL
Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is
important, such as the steps listed in a procedure.
The caution indicates required information that needs special consideration and
understanding and should be read prior to starting or continuing with the
procedure or process.
The warning indicates information that should be read prior to starting or
continuing the procedure or processes
c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an
SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in
6 Altera Corporation
PreliminaryJune 2006
1. About This Kit
Kit Features
The Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix®II GX Edition provides
everything you need to develop and test a complete signal integrity
system based on the Stratix II GX EP2SGX90 device.
This chapter briefly describes the kit’s features and documentation
■The Stratix II GX EP2SGX90 signal integrity development board
■Reference design
II Software, Development Kit Edition (DKE)
IP Library CD-ROM
The Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition features:
■The Stratix II GX EP2SGX90 Signal Integrity Development Board—a
prototyping platform that allows you to develop and prototype
high-speed bus interfaces as well as evaluate Stratix II GX
transceiver performance.
fFor specific information about board components and interfaces, refer to
the Stratix II GX Signal Integrity Development Board Reference Manual.
■Reference Design—The reference design is useful for a variety of
hardware applications and lets you quickly begin board prototyping
and device verification.
■Transceiver SI Development Kit Application & Drivers—The kit’s
application and drivers allow you to customize board designs by
choosing transceiver settings from a wide list of categories.
■Quartus II Software, Development Kit Edition (DKE)—The Quartus II
software provides a comprehensive environment for system-on-aprogrammable-chip (SOPC) design. The Quartus II software
integrates into nearly any design environment, with interfaces to
industry-standard EDA tools. The kit includes:
●The SOPC Builder system development tool
●A one-year Quartus II software license, Windows platform only
Altera Corporation Getting Started User Guide1–1
June 2006Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition
1The Quartus II DKE software license allows you to use the
product for 12 months. After 12 months, you must purchase
a renewal subscription to continue using the software. For
more information, refer to the Altera
■MegaCore IP Library CD-ROM, version 5.0—This CD-ROM contains
Altera IP MegaCore functions. You can evaluate the MegaCore
functions using the OpenCore
Plus feature, which allows you to do
the following:
●Simulate the behavior of a MegaCore function within your
●Verify the functionality of your design, as well as quickly and
easily evaluate its size and speed
●Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that
include MegaCore functions
●Program a device and verify your design in hardware
You only need to purchase a license for a MegaCore function when you
are completely satisfied with its functionality and performance, and want
to take your design to production.
1The OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation feature is an
evaluation tool for prototyping only. You must purchase a
license to use an Altera IP function in production designs.
website at
The Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition contains the
following documents:
■Readme file—Contains special instructions and points to the kit’s
■Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition Getting Started
User Guide—Describes how to start using the kit (this document).
■Stratix II GX EP2SGX90 Signal Integrity Development Board Reference
Manual—Provides specific information about the board’s
components and interfaces, steps for using the board, and pin-outs
and signal specifications.
1–2Getting Started User GuideAltera Corporation
Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition June 2006
2. Getting Started
The Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix®II GX Edition is a complete
signal integrity prototyping and testing kit based on the
Stratix II GX device. With this kit, you can perform device qualification
testing, transceiver performance testing at data rates ranging from
622 Mbps to 6.375 Gbps, and characterization testing of high-speed serial
interfaces. You can also configure the FPGA with one of the kit’s
pre-defined designs.
In addition to providing a signal integrity development board, the kit also
includes all of the hardware and software development tools, as well as
the documentation and accessories you need to begin developing signal
integrity systems using the Stratix II GX device.
This user guide will familiarize you with the contents of the kit and walk
you through setting up a signal integrity development environment.
In this guide, you will do the following:
■Inspect the contents of the kit
■Install the development tools software
■Set up licensing
■Connect the cables to the board and your computer
■Setting the clock circuit switches
■Test transceiver performance using pre-defined designs
■Use the demo application to change transceiver parameters and
observe performance
■Measure signal eye diagrams on differential data streams
Before You
Altera Corporation Getting Started User Guide2–1
June 2006Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition
Before using the kit or installing the software, be sure to check the kit’s
contents and inspect the board to verify that you received all of the items
listed in this section. If any of the items are missing, contact Altera
you proceed. You should also verify that your computer’s hardware and
software meet the kit’s system requirements.
Before You Begin
Check the Kit’s Contents
The Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition contains the
following items:
■Stratix II GX transceiver signal integrity development board with an
EP2SGX90EF1152C3NES Stratix II GX device (ordering code:
■Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition CD-ROM, version
1.0.0, which includes:
●Reference design
●Stratix II GX signal integrity development kit application and
device driver
■One-year license of Quartus
(DKE), Windows only platform
■On-line training module, offering signal integrity and board layout
IP Library CD-ROM
■Power supply and adapters for North America, Europe, the United
download cable
Kingdom, and Japan
■Complete documentation
●Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition Getting
Started User Guide (this document)
●Stratix II GX EP2SGX90 Transceiver Signal Integrity Development
Board Reference Manual
II Software Development Kit Edition
Inspect the Board
Place the board on an anti-static surface and inspect it to ensure that it has
not been damaged during shipment. Verify that all components are on the
board and appear intact.
wWithout proper anti-static handling, the Stratix II GX
transceiver signal integrity development board can be damaged.
2–2Getting Started User GuideAltera Corporation
Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition June 2006
Figure 2–1 shows the Stratix II GX EP2SGX90 transceiver signal integrity
development board.
Figure 2–1. Stratix II GX Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Board
Temperature Sensor
with Alarm (U17)
Stratix II GX Device (U20)
SMA Transmit &
Receive Connectors
(J26 through J49)
SMA Output Clock Connectors
Reference Clock for Quad 1
Transceivers (J7, J8)
SMA Output Clock Connectors
Reference Clock for Quad 3
Transceivers (J9, J10)
Done LED (D14)
Oscillator (U9)
50-MHz Oscillator
Used for System Clock (U10)
Optional Power Input
Connection Jacks (J15, J17-21)
Crystal (U6)
Buffer (U8)
Differential to
Buffer (U7)
Generator (U5)
Switch (S9)
DIP Switch
Bank (S8)
Header (J1)
EPCS64 Device (U22)
Jumper Header for
VCCH Voltage (J50)
User Push-Button
Switches (S1 through S6)
User LEDs
(D1 through D8)
Getting Started
SMA Input Clock
Connectors for FPGA (J12, J14)
Power LED (D13)
10-pin Configuration Header
for EPCS64 Device (J23)
10-pin JTAG Configuration
Header for FPGA (J24)
Power Switch (S10)
Power Supply Input
Dual 7-Segment
Displays (D9, D10)
USB Interface (U2)
USB Connector (J2)
16 Mbytes Flash
Memory (U19)
User DIP Switch
Bank (S7)
fRefer to the Stratix II GX EP2SGX90 Transceiver Signal Integrity
Development Board Reference Manual (available on the Transceiver SI
Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition CD-ROM) for information on the
board’s components.
Hardware Requirements
All of the hardware that you need to use the board is provided with the
Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition.
Altera Corporation Getting Started User Guide2–3
June 2006Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition
Before You Begin
Software Requirements
To use the kit’s demo application, you must be running Windows XP.
Install the following software before you begin developing designs for
the kit:
■The Quartus II software version 6.0. See “Installing the Quartus II
Software and MegaCore Functions” on page 2–7.
■Internet Explorer 4.01 with Service Pack 2 or later to use Quartus II
Help. You need a web browser to register the Quartus II software and
request license files.
To license the Quartus II software, you will need:
■Your network identification card (NIC) ID.
■The kit’s serial number, which is adhered to both the outside of the
development kit’s box and the CD-ROM.
1Your NIC ID is a 12-digit hexadecimal number that identifies
your computer. Networked (or floating-node) licensing requires
a NIC ID or server host ID. When obtaining a license file for
network licensing, you should use the NIC ID from the
computer that will issue the Quartus II licenses to distributed
users over a network. You can find the NIC ID for your card by
typing "ipconfig /all" at a command prompt. Your NIC ID
is the number on the physical address line, without the dashes.
Quartus II System Requirements
To use the Transceiver SI Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition CD-ROM
with the Quartus II software provided with the kit, your system must
meet the Quartus II software minimum requirements.
fFor system requirements, refer to the Quartus II Installation & Licensing
for PCs at www.altera.com.
2–4Getting Started User GuideAltera Corporation
Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix II GX Edition June 2006
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