Altera Temperature Sensor User Manual

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Altera Temperature Sensor IP Core User Guide
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The Altera Temperature Sensor IP core configures the temperature sensing diode (TSD) block to utilize the temperature measurement feature in the FPGA.
Note: Beginning from the Quartus II software version 14.0, the name of this IP core has been changed
Related Information
Introduction to Altera IP Cores
Provides general information about Altera IP cores.

Altera Temperature Sensor Features

The following table lists the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core features.
Table 1: Altera Temperature Sensor Features
Device Features
Stratix® V, Stratix IV, Arria® V, and Arria V GZ
• An internal TSD with built-in 8-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) circuitry to monitor die temperature
• A clock divider to reduce the frequency of the clock signal to 1 MHz or less before clocking the ADC
• An asynchronous clear signal to reset the TSD block
Arria 10
• An internal TSD with built-in 10-bit ADC circuitry clocked by 1 MHz internal oscillator to monitor die temperature
• Does not require external clock source
• An asynchronous clear signal to reset the TSD block
Note: The Altera Temperature Sensor IP core does not have simulation model files and cannot be
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Altera Temperature Sensor Functional Description

Altera Temperature Sensor Functional Description

Temperature Sensing Operation for Arria 10 Devices

Figure 1: Altera Temperature Sensor IP Core Top-Level Diagram for Arria 10 Devices
The following lists the features for Altera Temperature Sensor IP core for Arria 10 devices:
• For Arria 10 devices, the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core supports the instantiation of temperature sensor block in your design from the IP Catalog.
• The Arria 10 temperature sensor block runs at 1 MHz, where the clock signal is coming from the internal oscillator. Within the block, 10-bit ADC circuitry is included for converting sensor’s reading to digital output.
• The corectl signal is used as an enable signal. When asserting the corectl signal, the ADC starts the conversion and 10-bit data is available at tempout after 1,024 clock cycles. The eoc signal goes high for one clock cycle indicating end of conversion. You can latch the data on tempout at the falling edge of
• You can reset the temperature sensor anytime by asserting the reset signal.
Related Information
Transfer Function for Internal TSD
Provides more information on how to calculate the temperature from the tempout[9:0] value.
Altera Corporation
Altera Temperature Sensor IP Core User Guide
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Altera Temperature Sensor IP Core
Temperature Sensing Operation for Arria V, Arria V GZ, Stratix IV, and Stratix V

Temperature Sensing Operation for Arria V, Arria V GZ, Stratix IV, and Stratix V Devices

Figure 2: Altera Temperature Sensor Block Diagram
This figure shows the top-level ports and the basic building blocks of the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core.
The Altera Temperature Sensor IP core runs at the frequency of the clk signal. The clk signal can run at a frequency of 80 MHz and below. The clock divider divides the clk signal to 1 MHz or less to feed the ADC. You can set the value of the clock divider using the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core parameter editor.
The ce signal connects to the output enable (oe) port of the clock divider block. Assert the ce signal to enable the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core. When you deassert the ce signal, the IP core disables the ADC, and maintains the previous values of the tsdcalo[7..0] and tsdcaldone signals unless you assert the clr signal, or reset the device. The clr signal is asynchronous, and you must assert the clr signal at least one clock cycle of the adcclk signal to clear the output ports.
Enabling the ADC allows you to measure the device temperature only once. To perform another tempera‐ ture measurement, assert the clr signal, or reset the device. The clr signal is asynchronous, and you must assert the clr signal at least one clock cycle of the ADC clk signal to clear the output ports.
When you choose not to create the ce port, the IP core connects the ce port to VCC. In this case, the ADC circuitry is always enabled. Altera recommends that you disable the ADC by deasserting the ce signal when the ADC is not in use to reduce power consumption.
During device power-up or when you assert the asynchronous clr signal, the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core sets the tsdcaldone port to 0 and the tsdcalo[7:0] signal to 11010101 or 0xD5. After 10 clock cycles of the adcclk signal, the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core asserts the tsdcaldone signal to indicate that the temperature sensing operation is complete and that the value of the tsdcalo[7:0] signal is valid. The value of the tsdcalo[7:0] signal corresponds to the device temperature range. For more information about the value of tsdcalo[7:0] signals, refer to the Related Information. To start another temperature sensing operation, assert the clr signal for at least one clock cycle of the adcclk signal, or reset the device.
Altera Temperature Sensor IP Core User Guide
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Altera Corporation

Generating the Altera Temperature Sensor IP

Note: When you choose not to create the clr port , the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core connects the
clr port to GND. In this case, you must reset the device to clear the output signals or start a
temperature sensing operation. Altera recommends that you generate the clr port if you are planning to run the temperature sensing operation more than once.
If a derived PLL output clock is used to drive the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core, a minimum pulse violation might occur. When using the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core, you must ensure the clock applied must be less than or equal to 1 MHz. If you are using a higher frequency clock, the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core allows you use the 40 or 80 clock divider to reduce the clock frequency to be less than or equal to 1.0MHz.
Related Information
Altera Temperature Sensor Signals on page 8
Provides more information about the value of tsdcalo[7:0] that corresponds to the device temperature range.
Generating the Altera Temperature Sensor IP
To generate the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core, follow these steps:
1. Open the file and extract alttemp_sense_ex1.qar.
2. In the Quartus II software, open the alttemp_sense_ex1.qar file and restore the archive file into your
working directory.
3. On the IP Catalog window, search and click Altera Temperature Sensor.
4. In the New IP Instance dialog box, type tsd_s4 as your top-level file name.
5. In the Device family field, select Stratix IV.
6. Then, select your FPGA device family from the Device Family pull-down list. Click OK.
7. In the Parameter Editor, set the following parameter settings.
Table 2: Configuration Settings for the Altera Temperature Sensor IP Core
Option Value
What is the input frequency? 40 MHz What is the clock divider value? 80 MHz Create a clock enable port Turned on Create an asynchronous clear port Turned on
Click Finish. The tsd_s4 module is built.

Compiling the Altera Temperature Sensor IP

To compile the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core in the Quartus II software, follow these steps:
1. Open the top-level file alttemp_sense_ex1.bdf in the Quartus II Block Editor software. This file contains the input and output assignments and a placeholder for the tsd_s4 module.
2. To insert the tsd_s4 module, double-click on the Block Editor window. The Symbol window appears.
3. Under Name, browse to the tsd_s4.bsf file.
4. Click OK.
5. Place the tsd_s4 module onto the INSERT TSD_S4 BLOCK HERE placeholder so that the module
aligns with the input and output ports.
Altera Corporation
Altera Temperature Sensor IP Core User Guide
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