Welcome to the Altera® Stratix®III Development Kit, which includes a full-featured
field-programmable gate array (FPGA) development board, hardware and software
development tools, documentation, and accessories needed to begin FPGA
The kit provides an integrated control environment that includes a USB command
controller, a multi-port SRAM/DDR SDRAM/flash memory controller, Ethernet, an
on-board meter, and example designs with demonstration circuitry specified in
Verilog HDL code to help you get started quickly with your own designs.
The development board includes an Altera Stratix III FPGA configured with a
hardware reference design stored in flash memory. You can use the development
board, along with example designs included in the kit, as a platform to prototype
complex embedded systems.
The development kit includes these kit features and documentation:
Kit Features
■ Stratix III development board
■ Altera Complete Design Suite DVD containing:
■ Stratix III Development Kit CD-ROM including design examples
■ Accessory daughter cards
■ Power supply, cables, and documentation
II Software, Development Kit Edition (DKE)
IP Library
II Embedded Design Suite
This section briefly describes the following Stratix III Development Kit features:
■ Stratix III Development Board—a prototyping platform that allows you to
develop and prototype hardware designs running on the Stratix III FPGA.
fFor specific information about board components and interfaces, refer to
the Stratix III Development Board Reference Manual.
■ Quartus II Software, Development Kit Edition (DKE)—The Quartus II software
(available on the DVD) provides a comprehensive environment for
system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) design. The Quartus II software
integrates into nearly any design environment, with interfaces to
industry-standard EDA tools. The kit includes:
■The SOPC Builder system development tool
■A one-year Quartus II software license (Windows platform only)
fThe Quartus II DKE software license allows you to use the product for
12 months. After 12 months, you must purchase a renewal subscription to
continue using the software. For more information, refer to the Altera
website at www.altera.com.
■ MegaCore IP Library—This library (available on the DVD) contains Altera IP
MegaCore functions. You can evaluate MegaCore functions by using the
■Simulate behavior of a MegaCore function within your system
■Verify functionality of your design, and quickly and easily evaluate its size and
Plus feature to do the following:
■Generate time-limited device programming files for designs that include
MegaCore functions
■Program a device and verify your design in hardware
1The OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation feature is an evaluation tool for
prototyping only. You must purchase a license to use a MegaCore function
in production.
■ Nios II Embedded Design Suite—This full-featured set of tools (available on the
■ Stratix III Development Kit Design Examples—The design examples (available
You only need to purchase a license for a MegaCore function when you are
completely satisfied with its functionality and performance, and want to take your
design to production.
The Stratix III Development Kit CD-ROM contains the following documents:
■ Readme.txt—Contains special instructions and refers to the kit documentation.
■ Stratix III Development Kit User Guide (this document)—Describes how to use the
■ Stratix III Development Board Reference Manual—Provides specific information
fFor more information about OpenCore Plus, refer to AN 320: OpenCore
Plus Evaluation of Megafunctions.
DVD) allows you to develop embedded software on the Nios II processor running
on Altera FPGAs.
on the CD-ROM) are useful for a variety of hardware applications and let you
quickly begin board prototyping and device verification.
about the board components and interfaces, steps for using the board, and
pin-outs and signal specifications.
This user guide familiarizes you with the contents of the kit and guides you through
the Stratix III development board setup. Using this guide, you can do the following:
■ Inspect the contents of the kit
■ Install the Altera Complete Design Suite Tools
■ Set up licensing
■ Install the Stratix III Development Kit CD-ROM
■ Set up, power up, and verify correct operation of the development board
■ Configure the Stratix III FPGA
■ Find and use the tutorials
■ Set up and run included application examples and demonstrations
fFor complete information about the development board, refer to theStratix III
Development Board Reference Manual.
Before You Begin
Before using the kit or installing the software, check the kit contents and inspect the
board to verify that you received all of the items listed in this section. If any of the
items are missing, contact Altera before you proceed.
Check the Kit Contents
The Stratix III Development Kit (ordering code: DK-DEV-3SL150N) contains the
following items:
■ Stratix III development board with an EP3SL150C3N Stratix III device
■ Altera Complete Design Suite DVD containing:
■One-year license of Quartus II Software (DKE), Windows platform only
■16 character × 2 line Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
■128 × 64 dot matrix graphics LCD
■ 16-V DC Power supply and adapters for North America, Europe, the United
Before You Begin
Kingdom, and Japan.
fTo ensure that you have the most up-to-date information about this product, go to the
Inspect the Board
wWithout proper anti-static handling, the Stratix III development board can be
1In typical applications with the Stratix III development board, a heatsink is not
fFor more information about power consumption and thermal modeling, refer to
Altera website at www.altera.com/products/devkits/altera/kit-siii-host.html.
Place the board on an anti-static surface and inspect it to ensure that it has not been
damaged during shipment.
Verify that all components are on the board and appear intact.
necessary. However, under extreme conditions the board may require additional
cooling to stay within operating temperature guidelines. You may wish to perform
power consumption and thermal modeling to determine whether your application
requires additional cooling.
The Quartus II software has some minimum system requirements. Otherwise, the
Stratix III development kit provides all of the hardware needed to use the board.
fFor Quartus II software requirements, refer to the Altera website at:
The instructions in this section explain how to install the following:
■ Stratix III Development Kit CD-ROM
■ Stratix III Development Kit demo application and drivers
■ The Quartus II Software (DKE) on the DVD, including MegaCore functions from
the MegaCore IP Library
1Before starting the installation, verify that you have complied with the conditions
described in “Software Requirements” on page 2–3.
Installing the Development Kit CD-ROM
The Stratix III Development Kit CD-ROM contains the following items:
3. Software Installation
■ The sample design and board design files
■ Quick Start Guide
■ My First FPGA Tutorial
■ My First Nios II Software Tutorial
■ Stratix III Development Kit User Guide (this document)
■ Stratix III Development Board Reference Manual
To install the Stratix III Development Kit CD-ROM, perform the following steps:
1. Insert the Stratix III Development Kit CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
1The CD-ROM should start an auto-install process. If it does not, browse to
the CD-ROM drive and double-click on the setup.exe file.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
The installation program copies the Stratix III development kit files to an installation
directory on the computer hard disk and creates a Programs > Altera > Stratix III Development Kit <version#> Windows Start menu shortcut. Use this shortcut later to
launch the development kit graphical user interface (GUI).
The installation program creates the directory structure shown in Figure 3–1 for the
Stratix III development kit files. In this user guide, <path> refers to <installation directory>\stratixIII_3sl150_dev when locating the development kit files.