ALTERA Stratix II GX Service Manual

Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1

101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134
Copyright © 2009 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device des­ignations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Al­tera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make
changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liabil­ity arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest ver­sion of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.
ii Altera Corporation


Section I. Stratix II GX Device Data Sheet
Chapter 1. Introduction
Features ................................................................................................................................................... 1–1
Referenced Document ........................................................................................................................... 1–5
Document Revision History ................................................................................................................. 1–5
Chapter 2. Stratix II GX Architecture
Transceivers ............................................................................................................................................ 2–1
Transmitter Path ............................................................................................................................... 2–4
Receiver Path ................................................................................................................................... 2–14
Loopback Modes ............................................................................................................................ 2–30
Transceiver Clocking ..................................................................................................................... 2–35
Other Transceiver Features ........................................................................................................... 2–41
Logic Array Blocks .............................................................................................................................. 2–44
LAB Interconnects .......................................................................................................................... 2–45
LAB Control Signals ....................................................................................................................... 2–46
Adaptive Logic Modules .................................................................................................................... 2–48
ALM Operating Modes ................................................................................................................. 2–50
Arithmetic Mode ............................................................................................................................ 2–55
Shared Arithmetic Mode ............................................................................................................... 2–58
Shared Arithmetic Chain ............................................................................................................... 2–60
Register Chain ................................................................................................................................. 2–61
Clear and Preset Logic Control .................................................................................................... 2–63
MultiTrack Interconnect ..................................................................................................................... 2–63
TriMatrix Memory ............................................................................................................................... 2–69
M512 RAM Block ............................................................................................................................ 2–70
M4K RAM Blocks ........................................................................................................................... 2–73
M-RAM Block ................................................................................................................................. 2–75
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Block .............................................................................................. 2–81
Modes of Operation ....................................................................................................................... 2–85
DSP Block Interface ........................................................................................................................ 2–85
PLLs and Clock Networks .................................................................................................................. 2–89
Global and Hierarchical Clocking ................................................................................................2–89
Enhanced and Fast PLLs ............................................................................................................... 2–97
Enhanced PLLs ............................................................................................................................. 2–109
Fast PLLs ........................................................................................................................................ 2–109
I/O Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 2–110
Double Data Rate I/O Pins ......................................................................................................... 2–118
External RAM Interfacing ........................................................................................................... 2–122
Altera Corporation iii
Contents Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Programmable Drive Strength ................................................................................................... 2–124
Open-Drain Output ...................................................................................................................... 2–125
Bus Hold ........................................................................................................................................ 2–125
Programmable Pull-Up Resistor ................................................................................................ 2–126
Advanced I/O Standard Support .............................................................................................. 2–126
On-Chip Termination .................................................................................................................. 2–130
MultiVolt I/O Interface ............................................................................................................... 2–133
High-Speed Differential I/O with DPA Support .......................................................................... 2–136
Dedicated Circuitry with DPA Support .................................................................................... 2–138
Fast PLL and Channel Layout .................................................................................................... 2–141
Referenced Documents ..................................................................................................................... 2–142
Document Revision History ............................................................................................................. 2–143
Chapter 3. Configuration & Testing
IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG Boundary-Scan Support ............................................................................... 3–1
SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer ............................................................................................ 3–3
Configuration ......................................................................................................................................... 3–3
Operating Modes .............................................................................................................................. 3–4
Configuration Schemes ................................................................................................................... 3–6
Device Security Using Configuration Bitstream Encryption ..................................................... 3–7
Device Configuration Data Decompression ................................................................................. 3–7
Remote System Upgrades ............................................................................................................... 3–8
Configuring Stratix II GX FPGAs with JRunner .......................................................................... 3–8
Programming Serial Configuration Devices with SRunner ....................................................... 3–9
Configuring Stratix II FPGAs with the MicroBlaster Driver ..................................................... 3–9
PLL Reconfiguration ........................................................................................................................ 3–9
Temperature Sensing Diode (TSD) ................................................................................................... 3–10
Automated Single Event Upset (SEU) Detection ............................................................................ 3–12
Custom-Built Circuitry .................................................................................................................. 3–12
Software Interface ........................................................................................................................... 3–12
Referenced Documents ....................................................................................................................... 3–13
Document Revision History ............................................................................................................... 3–13
Chapter 4. DC and Switching Characteristics
Operating Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 4–1
Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................................................................................... 4–1
Recommended Operating Conditions .......................................................................................... 4–2
Transceiver Block Characteristics .................................................................................................. 4–3
DC Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................................ 4–42
I/O Standard Specifications ......................................................................................................... 4–43
Bus Hold Specifications ................................................................................................................. 4–56
On-Chip Termination Specifications ........................................................................................... 4–56
Pin Capacitance .............................................................................................................................. 4–58
Power Consumption ........................................................................................................................... 4–59
Timing Model ....................................................................................................................................... 4–59
Preliminary and Final Timing ...................................................................................................... 4–59
I/O Timing Measurement Methodology .................................................................................... 4–60
iv Altera Corporation
Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 Contents
Internal Timing Parameters .......................................................................................................... 4–69
Stratix II GX Clock Timing Parameters ....................................................................................... 4–76
Clock Network Skew Adders .......................................................................................................4–81
IOE Programmable Delay ............................................................................................................. 4–82
Default Capacitive Loading of Different I/O Standards .......................................................... 4–83
I/O Delays ....................................................................................................................................... 4–84
Maximum Input and Output Clock Toggle Rate ....................................................................... 4–98
Duty Cycle Distortion ....................................................................................................................... 4–118
DCD Measurement Techniques ................................................................................................. 4–118
High-Speed I/O Specifications ........................................................................................................ 4–126
PLL Timing Specifications ................................................................................................................ 4–130
External Memory Interface Specifications ..................................................................................... 4–132
JTAG Timing Specifications ............................................................................................................. 4–134
Referenced Documents ..................................................................................................................... 4–136
Document Revision History ............................................................................................................. 4–137
Chapter 5. Reference and Ordering Information
Device Pin-Outs ..................................................................................................................................... 5–1
Ordering Information ........................................................................................................................... 5–1
Referenced Documents ......................................................................................................................... 5–2
Document Revision History ................................................................................................................. 5–2
Altera Corporation v
Contents Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
vi Altera Corporation

Chapter Revision Dates

The chapters in this book, Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1, were revised on the following dates. Where chapters or groups of chapters are available separately, part numbers are listed.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Revised: October 2007 Part number: SIIGX51001-1.6
Chapter 2. Stratix II GX Architecture
Revised: October 2007 Part number: SIIGX51003-2.2
Chapter 3. Configuration & Testing
Revised: October 2007 Part number: SIIGX51005-1.4
Chapter 4. DC and Switching Characteristics
Revised: June 2009 Part number: SIIGX51006-4.6
Chapter 5. Reference and Ordering Information
Revised: August 2007 Part number: SIIGX51007-1.3
Altera Corporation vii
Chapter Revision Dates Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
viii Altera Corporation

About this Handbook

This handbook provides comprehensive information about the Altera® Stratix II GX family of devices.
How to Contact
For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, refer to the following table.
Contact Method
Contact (1)
Technical support Website
Technical training Website
Product literature Email
Altera literature services Website
Non-technical support (General)
(Software Licensing)
Note to table:
(1) You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative.
This document uses the typographic conventions shown below.
Visual Cue Meaning
Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters
bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names,
Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters
Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box.
filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold type. Examples: f
Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN 75:
High-Speed Board Design.
, \qdesigns directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file.
Altera Corporation ix
Typographic Conventions Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Visual Cue Meaning
Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type.
Examples: t
Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type. Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file.
Initial Capital Letters Keyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples:
Delete key, the Options menu.
“Subheading Title” References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are
shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.”
, n + 1.
Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1,
tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn.
Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For example: actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword Courier.
1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., etc.
Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.
v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only. 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention.
r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.
f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic.
Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure.
A caution calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can damage or destroy the product or the user’s work.
A warning calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can cause injury to the user.
c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an
SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in
x Altera Corporation
Section I. Stratix II GX
Device Data Sheet
This section provides designers with the data sheet specifications for Stratix® II GX devices. They contain feature definitions of the transceivers, internal architecture, configuration, and JTAG boundary-scan testing information, DC operating conditions, AC timing parameters, a reference to power consumption, and ordering information for Stratix II GX devices.
This section includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Introduction
Chapter 2, Stratix II GX Architecture
Chapter 3, Configuration & Testing
Chapter 4, DC and Switching Characteristics
Chapter 5, Reference and Ordering Information

Revision History

Altera Corporation Section I–1
Refer to each chapter for its own specific revision history. For information on when each chapter was updated, refer to the Chapter Revision Dates section, which appears in the full handbook.
Stratix II GX Device Data Sheet Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Section I–2 Altera Corporation

1. Introduction

The Stratix® II GX family of devices is Altera’s third generation of FPGAs to combine high-speed serial transceivers with a scalable, high-performance logic array. Stratix II GX devices include 4 to 20 high-speed transceiver channels, each incorporating clock and data recovery unit (CRU) technology and embedded SERDES capability at data rates of up to 6.375 gigabits per second (Gbps). The transceivers are grouped into four-channel transceiver blocks and are designed for low power consumption and small die size. The Stratix II GX FPGA technology is built upon the Stratix II architecture and offers a 1.2-V logic array with unmatched performance, flexibility, and time-to-market capabilities. This scalable, high-performance architecture makes Stratix II GX devices ideal for high-speed backplane interface, chip-to-chip, and communications protocol-bridging applications.
This section lists the Stratix II GX device features.
Main device features:
TriMatrix memory consisting of three RAM block sizes to
implement true dual-port memory and first-in first-out (FIFO) buffers with performance up to 550 MHz
Up to 16 global clock networks with up to 32 regional clock
networks per device region
High-speed DSP blocks provide dedicated implementation of
multipliers (at up to 450 MHz), multiply-accumulate functions, and finite impulse response (FIR) filters
Up to four enhanced PLLs per device provide spread spectrum,
programmable bandwidth, clock switch-over, real-time PLL reconfiguration, and advanced multiplication and phase shifting
Support for numerous single-ended and differential I/O
High-speed source-synchronous differential I/O support on up
to 71 channels
Support for source-synchronous bus standards, including SPI-4
Phase 2 (POS-PHY Level 4), SFI-4.1, XSBI, UTOPIA IV, NPSI, and CSIX-L1
Support for high-speed external memory, including quad data
rate (QDR and QDRII) SRAM, double data rate (DDR and DDR2) SDRAM, and single data rate (SDR) SDRAM
Altera Corporation 1–1 October 2007
Support for multiple intellectual property megafunctions from
MegaCore® functions and Altera Megafunction Partners
Altera Program (AMPPSM) megafunctions
Support for design security using configuration bitstream
Support for remote configuration updates
Transceiver block features:
High-speed serial transceiver channels with clock data recovery
(CDR) provide 600-megabits per second (Mbps) to 6.375-Gbps full-duplex transceiver operation per channel
Devices available with 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 high-speed serial
transceiver channels providing up to 255 Gbps of serial bandwidth (full duplex)
Dynamically programmable voltage output differential (V
and pre-emphasis settings for improved signal integrity
Support for CDR-based serial protocols, including PCI Express,
Gigabit Ethernet, SDI, Altera’s SerialLite II, XAUI, CEI-6G, CPRI, Serial RapidIO, SONET/SDH
Dynamic reconfiguration of transceiver channels to switch
between multiple protocols and data rates
Individual transmitter and receiver channel power-down
capability for reduced power consumption during non-operation
Adaptive equalization (AEQ) capability at the receiver to
compensate for changing link characteristics
Selectable on-chip termination resistors (100, 120, or 150 Ω) for
improved signal integrity on a variety of transmission media
Programmable transceiver-to-FPGA interface with support for
8-, 10-, 16-, 20-, 32-, and 40-bit wide data transfer
1.2- and 1.5-V pseudo current mode logic (PCML) for 600 Mbps
to 6.375 Gbps (AC coupling)
Receiver indicator for loss of signal (available only in PIPE
Built-in self test (BIST)
Hot socketing for hot plug-in or hot swap and power
sequencing support without the use of external devices
Rate matcher, byte-reordering, bit-reordering, pattern detector,
and word aligner support programmable patterns
Dedicated circuitry that is compliant with PIPE, XAUI, and
Built-in byte ordering so that a frame or packet always starts in
a known byte lane
Transmitters with two PLL inputs for each transceiver block
with independent clock dividers to provide varying clock rates on each of its transmitters
1–2 Altera Corporation Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 October 2007
8B/10B encoder and decoder perform 8-bit to 10-bit encoding
and 10-bit to 8-bit decoding
Phase compensation FIFO buffer performs clock domain
translation between the transceiver block and the logic array
Receiver FIFO resynchronizes the received data with the local
reference clock
Channel aligner compliant with XAUI
f Certain transceiver blocks can be bypassed. Refer to the Stratix II GX
Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX Device Handbook for
more details.
Table 1–1 lists the Stratix II GX device features.
Table 1–1. Stratix II GX Device Features (Part 1 of 2)
ALMs 13,552 24,176 36,384 53,016
Equivalent LEs 33,880 60,440 90,960 132,540
Transceiver channels
Transceiver data rate 600 Mbps to
Source-synchronous receive channels (1)
Source-synchronous transmit channels
M512 RAM blocks (32 × 18 bits)
M4K RAM blocks (128 × 36 bits)
M-RAM blocks (4K × 144 bits)
Total RAM bits 1,369,728 2,544,192 4,520,448 6,747,840
Embedded multipliers (18 × 18)
DSP blocks 16 36 48 63
PLLs 4 4 4 8 8 8
Maximum user I/O pins
48 4 812 12 16 20
6.375 Gbps
31 31 31 42 47 59 73
29 29 29 42 45 59 71
202 329 488 699
144 255 408 609
12 46
64 144 192 252
361 364 364 534 558 650 734
600 Mbps to 6.375 Gbps 600 Mbps to
6.375 Gbps
600 Mbps to
6.375 Gbps
Altera Corporation 1–3 October 2007 Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Table 1–1. Stratix II GX Device Features (Part 2 of 2)
Package 780-pin
FineLine BGA
Note to Ta b le 1 – 1 :
(1) Includes two sets of dual-purpose differential pins that can be used as two additional channels for the differential
receiver or differential clock inputs.
FineLine BGA
FineLine BGA
Stratix II GX devices are available in space-saving FineLine BGA packages (refer to Table 1–2). All Stratix II GX devices support vertical migration within the same package. Vertical migration means that you can migrate to devices whose dedicated pins, configuration pins, and power pins are the same for a given package across device densities. For I/O pin migration across densities, you must cross-reference the available I/O pins using the device pin-outs for all planned densities of a given package type to identify which I/O pins are migratable. Table 1–3 lists the Stratix II GX device package sizes.
Table 1–2. Stratix II GX Package Options (Pin Counts and Transceiver Channels)
EP2SGX30C 4 31 29 361
EP2SGX60C 4 31 29 364
EP2SGX30D 8 31 29 361
EP2SGX60D 8 31 29 364
EP2SGX60E 12 42 42 534
EP2SGX90E 12 47 45 558
EP2SGX90F 16 59 59 650
EP2SGX130G 20 73 71 734
Note to Ta b le 1 – 2 :
(1) Includes two differential clock inputs that can also be used as two additional channels for the differential receiver.
Receive (1) Transmit
FineLine BGA
Maximum User I/O Pin Count
FineLine BGA
(29 mm)
(35 mm)
FineLine BGA
(40 mm)
1–4 Altera Corporation Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 October 2007
Table 1–3. Stratix II GX FineLine BGA Package Sizes
Dimension 780 Pins 1,152 Pins 1,508 Pins
Pitch (mm) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Area (mm
Length width (mm × mm) 29 × 29 35 × 35 40 × 40
841 1,225 1,600
Referenced Document
This chapter references the following document:
Stratix II GX Architecture chapter in volume 1 of the Stratix II GX
Device Handbook
Table 1–4 shows the revision history for this chapter.
Revision History
Table 1–4. Document Revision History
Date and Document
October 2007, v1.6 Updated “Features” section.
Minor text edits.
August 2007, v1.5 Added “Referenced Documents” section.
Minor text edits.
February 2007, v1.4
June 2006, v1.3
April 2006, v1.2
February 2006, v1.1
October 2005 v1.0
Changed 622 Mbps to 600 Mbps on
page 1-2 and Table 1–1.
Deleted “DC coupling” from the
Transceiver Block Features list.
Changed 4 to 6 in the PLLs row
(columns 3 and 4) of Table 1–1.
Added the “Document Revision History” section to this chapter.
Updated Table 1–2.
Updated Table 1–1.
Updated Table 1–2.
Updated Table 1–1.
Added chapter to the Stratix II GX Device Handbook.
Changes Made Summary of Changes
Added support information for the Stratix II GX device.
Updated numbers for receiver channels and user I/O pin counts in Table 1–2.
Altera Corporation 1–5 October 2007 Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Document Revision History
1–6 Altera Corporation Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 October 2007
8B/10B Encoder
FIFO Buffer
FIFO Buffer
PCS Digital Section
FPGA Fabric
PMA Analog Section

2. Stratix II GX Architecture

Stratix®II GX devices incorporate dedicated embedded circuitry on the right side of the device, which contains up to 20 high-speed 6.375-Gbps serial transceiver channels. Each Stratix II GX transceiver block contains four full-duplex channels and supporting logic to transmit and receive high-speed serial data streams. The transceivers deliver bidirectional point-to-point data transmissions, with up to 51 Gbps (6.375 Gbps per channel) of full-duplex data transmission per transceiver block.
Figure 2–1 shows the function blocks that make up a transceiver channel
within the Stratix II GX device.
Figure 2–1. Stratix II GX Transceiver Block Diagram
Notes to Figure 2–1:
(1) n represents the number of bits in each word that need to be serialized by the transmitter portion of the PMA or have
been deserialized by the receiver portion of the PMA. n = 8, 10, 16, or 20.
(2) m represents the number of bits in the word that pass between the FPGA logic and the PCS portion of the transceiver.
m = 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, or 40.
Transceivers within each block are independent and have their own set of dividers. Therefore, each transceiver can operate at different frequencies.
Altera Corporation 2–1 October 2007
Each block can select from two reference clocks to provide two clock domains that each transceiver can select from.
There are up to 20 transceiver channels available on a single Stratix II GX device. Table 2–1 shows the number of transceiver channels and their serial bandwidth for each Stratix II GX device.
Table 2–1. Stratix II GX Transceiver Channels
EP2SGX30C 4 51 Gbps
EP2SGX60C 4 51 Gbps
EP2SGX30D 8 102 Gbps
EP2SGX60D 8 102 Gbps
EP2SGX60E 12 153 Gbps
EP2SGX90E 12 153 Gbps
EP2SGX90F 16 204 Gbps
EP2SGX130G 20 255 Gbps
Number of Transceiver
Serial Bandwidth
(Full Duplex)
Figure 2–2 shows the elements of the transceiver block, including the four
transceiver channels, supporting logic, and I/O buffers. Each transceiver channel consists of a receiver and transmitter. The supporting logic contains two transmitter PLLs to generate the high-speed clock(s) used by the four transmitters within that block. Each of the four transmitter channels has its own individual clock divider. The four receiver PLLs within each transceiver block generate four recovered clocks. The transceiver channels can be configured in one of the following functional modes:
PCI Express (PIPE)
OIF CEI PHY Interface
Gigabit Ethernet (GIGE)
Basic (600 Mbps to 3.125 Gbps single-width mode and 1 Gbps to
6.375 Gbps double-width mode)
SDI (HD, 3G)
CPRI (614 Mbps, 1228 Mbps, 2456 Mbps)
Serial RapidIO (1.25 Gbps, 2.5 Gbps, 3.125 Gbps)
2–2 Altera Corporation Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 October 2007
Stratix II GX Architecture
Channel 1
Channel 0
Channel 2
Supporting Blocks
(PLLs, State Machines,
Channel 3
Transceiver BlockStratix II GX
Logic Array
Figure 2–2. Elements of the Transceiver Block
Each Stratix II GX transceiver channel consists of a transmitter and receiver. The transceivers are grouped in four and share PLL resources. Each transmitter has access to one of two PLLs. The transmitter contains the following:
Transmitter phase compensation first-in first-out (FIFO) buffer
Byte serializer (optional)
8B/10B encoder (optional)
Serializer (parallel-to-serial converter)
Transmitter differential output buffer
The receiver contains the following:
Receiver differential input buffer
Receiver lock detector and run length checker
Clock recovery unit (CRU)
Pattern detector
Word aligner
Lane deskew
Rate matcher (optional)
8B/10B decoder (optional)
Altera Corporation 2–3 October 2007 Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Byte deserializer (optional)
Byte ordering
Receiver phase compensation FIFO buffer
Designers can preset Stratix II GX transceiver functions using the
Quartus differential output voltage (V Stratix II GX transceiver channel supports various loopback modes and is
II software. In addition, pre-emphasis, equalization, and
) are dynamically programmable. Each
capable of built-in self test (BIST) generation and verification. The ALT2GXB megafunction in the Quartus II software provides a step-by-step menu selection to configure the transceiver.
Figure 2–1 shows the block diagram for the Stratix II GX transceiver
channel. Stratix II GX transceivers provide PCS and PMA implementations for all supported protocols. The PCS portion of the transceiver consists of the word aligner, lane deskew FIFO buffer, rate matcher FIFO buffer, 8B/10B encoder and decoder, byte serializer and deserializer, byte ordering, and phase compensation FIFO buffers.
Each Stratix II GX transceiver channel is also capable of BIST generation and verification in addition to various loopback modes. The PMA portion of the transceiver consists of the serializer and deserializer, the CRU, and the high-speed differential transceiver buffers that contain pre-emphasis, programmable on-chip termination (OCT), programmable voltage output differential (V
), and equalization.
Transmitter Path
This section describes the data path through the Stratix II GX transmitter. The Stratix II GX transmitter contains the following modules:
Transmitter PLLs
Access to one of two PLLs
Transmitter logic array interface
Transmitter phase compensation FIFO buffer
Byte serializer
8B/10B encoder
Serializer (parallel-to-serial converter)
Transmitter differential output buffer
Transmitter PLLs
Each transceiver block has two transmitter PLLs which receive two reference clocks to generate timing and the following clocks:
High-speed clock used by the serializer to transmit the high-speed
differential transmitter data
Low-speed clock to load the parallel transmitter data of the serializer
The serializer uses high-speed clocks to transmit data. The serializer is also referred to as parallel in serial out (PISO). The high-speed clock is fed to the local clock generation buffer. The local clock generation buffers divide the high-speed clock on the transmitter to a desired frequency on a per-channel basis. Figure 2–3 is a block diagram of the transmitter clocks.
2–4 Altera Corporation Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 October 2007
Figure 2–3. Clock Distribution for the Transmitters Note (1)
Transmitter PLL Block
Central Clock
Divider Block
TX Clock
Gen Block
TX Clock
Gen Block
Transmitter Channel [3..2]
Transmitter Channel [1..0]
Transmitter High-Speed &
Low-Speed Clocks
Transmitter High-Speed &
Low-Speed Clocks
Transmitter Local Clock Divider Block
Transmitter Local Clock Divider Block
Reference Clocks (refclks, Global Clock
, Inter-Transceiver Lines)
Central Block
Note to Figure 2–3:
(1) The global clock line must be driven by an input pin.
Stratix II GX Architecture
The transmitter PLLs in each transceiver block clock the PMA and PCS circuitry in the transmit path. The Quartus II software automatically powers down the transmitter PLLs that are not used in the design.
Figure 2–4 is a block diagram of the transmitter PLL.
The transmitter phase/frequency detector references the clock from one of the following sources:
Reference clocks
Reference clock from the adjacent transceiver block
Inter-transceiver block clock lines
Global clock line driven by input pin
Two reference clocks, REFCLK0 and REFCLK1, are available per transceiver block. The inter-transceiver block bus allows multiple transceivers to use the same reference clocks. Each transceiver block has
Altera Corporation 2–5 October 2007 Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
one outgoing reference clock which connects to one inter-transceiver block line. The incoming reference clock can be selected from five inter-transceiver block lines IQ[4..0] or from the global clock line that is driven by an input pin.
Figure 2–4. Transmitter PLL Block Note (1)
Transmitter PLL 0
Inter-Transceiver Block Routing (IQ[4:0])
Dedicated Local
Inter-Transceiver Block Routing (IQ[4:0])
Dedicated Local
From PLD
To Inter-Transceiver Block Line
From PLD
Note to Figure 2–4:
(1) The global clock line must be driven by an input pin.
The transmitter PLLs support data rates up to 6.375 Gbps. The input clock frequency is limited to 622.08 MHz. An optional pll_locked port is available to indicate whether the transmitter PLL is locked to the reference clock. Both transmitter PLLs have a programmable loop bandwidth parameter that can be set to low, medium, or high. The loop bandwidth parameter can be statically set in the Quartus II software.
Transmitter PLL 1
Transmitter PLL0 Clock
Transmitter PLL Cloc
Transmitter PLL1 Clock
Table 2–2 lists the adjustable parameters in the transmitter PLL.
Table 2–2. Transmitter PLL Specifications
Parameter Specifications
Input reference frequency range 50 MHz to 622.08 MHz
Data rate support 600 Mbps to 6.375 Gbps
Multiplication factor (W) 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 25
Bandwidth Low, medium, or high
2–6 Altera Corporation Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 October 2007
Stratix II GX Architecture
Transmitter Phase Compensation FIFO Buffer
The transmitter phase compensation FIFO buffer resides in the transceiver block at the PCS/FPGA boundary and cannot be bypassed. This FIFO buffer compensates for phase differences between the transmitter PLL clock and the clock from the PLD. After the transmitter PLL has locked to the frequency and phase of the reference clock, the transmitter FIFO buffer must be reset to initialize the read and write pointers. After FIFO pointer initialization, the PLL must remain phase locked to the reference clock.
Byte Serializer
The FPGA and transceiver block must maintain the same throughput. If the FPGA interface cannot meet the timing margin to support the throughput of the transceiver, the byte serializer is used on the transmitter and the byte deserializer is used on the receiver.
The byte serializer takes words from the FPGA interface and converts them into smaller words for use in the transceiver. The transmit data path after the byte serializer is 8, 10, 16, or 20 bits. Refer to Table 2–3 for the transmitter data with the byte serializer enabled. The byte serializer can be bypassed when the data width is 8, 10, 16, or 20 bits at the FPGA interface.
Table 2–3. Transmitter Data with the Byte Serializer Enabled
Input Data Width Output Data Width
16 bits 8 bits
20 bits 10 bits
32 bits 16 bits
40 bits 20 bits
If the byte serializer is disabled, the FPGA transmit data is passed without data width conversion.
Altera Corporation 2–7 October 2007 Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Table 2–4 shows the data path configurations for the Stratix II GX device
in single-width and double-width modes.
1 Refer to the section “8B/10B Encoder” on page 2–8 for a
description of the single- and double-width modes.
Table 2–4. Data Path Configurations Note (1)
Single-Width Mode Double-Width Mode
Without Byte Serialization/
Fabric to PCS data path width (bits) 8 or 10 16 or 20 16 or 20 32 or 40
Data rate range (Gbps) 0.6 to 2.5 0.6 to 3.125 1 to 5.0 1 to 6.375
PCS to PMA data path width (bits) 8 or 10 8 or 10 16 or 20 16 or 20
Byte ordering (1)
Data symbol A (MSB)
Data symbol B
Data symbol C
Data symbol D (LSB)
Note to Ta bl e 2 – 4 :
(1) Designs can use byte ordering when byte serialization and deserialization are used.
With Byte
Without Byte
With Byte
8B/10B Encoder
There are two different modes of operation for 8B/10B encoding. Single-width (8-bit) mode supports natural data rates from 622 Mbps to
3.125 Gbps. Double-width (16-bit cascaded) mode supports data rates above 3.125 Gbps. The encoded data has a maximum run length of five. The 8B/10B encoder can be bypassed. Figure 2–5 diagrams the 10-bit encoding process.
2–8 Altera Corporation Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 October 2007
Figure 2–5. 8B/10B Encoding Process
Cascaded 8B/10B Conversion
G' F' E' D' C' B' A'H' G F E D C B AH
Parallel Data
CTRL[1..0] 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
g' f' i' e' d'
b' a'
h' g f iedc bajh
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
8B/10B Conversion
Stratix II GX Architecture
MSB sent last
In single-width mode, the 8B/10B encoder generates a 10-bit code group from the 8-bit data and 1-bit control identifier. In double-width mode, there are two 8B/10B encoders that are cascaded together and generate a 20-bit (2 × 10-bit) code group from the 16-bit (2 × 8-bit) data + 2-bit (2 × 1-bit) control identifier. Figure 2–6 shows the 20-bit encoding process. The 8B/10B encoder conforms to the IEEE 802.3 1998 edition standards.
Figure 2–6. 16-Bit to 20-Bit Encoding Process
LSB sent firs
Upon power on or reset, the 8B/10B encoder has a negative disparity which chooses the 10-bit code from the RD-column. However, the running disparity can be changed via the tx_forcedisp and tx_dispval ports.
Altera Corporation 2–9 October 2007 Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Transmit State Machine
The transmit state machine operates in either PCI Express mode, XAUI mode, or GIGE mode, depending on the protocol used. The state machine is not utilized for certain protocols, such as SONET.
In GIGE mode, the transmit state machine converts all idle ordered sets (/K28.5/, /Dx.y/) to either /I1/ or /I2/ ordered sets. /I1/ consists of a negative-ending disparity /K28.5/ (denoted by /K28.5/-) followed by a neutral /D5.6/. /I2/ consists of a positive-ending disparity /K28.5/ (denoted by /K28.5/+) and a negative-ending disparity /D16.2/ (denoted by /D16.2/-). The transmit state machines do not convert any of the ordered sets to match /C1/ or /C2/, which are the configuration ordered sets. (/C1/ and /C2/ are defined by [/K28.5/, /D21.5/] and [/K28.5/, /D2.2/], respectively). Both the /I1/ and /I2/ ordered sets guarantee a negative-ending disparity after each ordered set.
The transmit state machine translates the XAUI XGMII code group to the XAUI PCS code group. Table 2–5 shows the code conversion.
Table 2–5. Code Conversion
XGMII TXC XGMII TXD PCS Code-Group Description
0 00 through FF Dxx.y Normal data
1 07 K28.0 or K28.3 or
1 07 K28.5 Idle in ||T||
1 9C K28.4 Sequence
1 FB K27.7 Start
1 FD K29.7 Terminate
1 FE K30.7 Error
1 See IEEE 802.3
reserved code
1 Other value K30.7 Invalid XGMII character
See IEEE 802.3
reserved code groups
Idle in ||I||
Reserved code groups
The XAUI PCS idle code groups, /K28.0/ (/R/) and /K28.5/ (/K/), are
automatically randomized based on a PRBS7 pattern with an x
+ x6 + 1 polynomial. The /K28.3/ (/A/) code group is automatically generated between 16 and 31 idle code groups. The idle randomization on the /A/, /K/, and /R/ code groups is done automatically by the transmit state machine.
2–10 Altera Corporation Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 October 2007
Stratix II GX Architecture
parallel clock
serial clock
Serial data out (to output buffer)
Serializer (Parallel-to-Serial Converter)
The serializer converts the parallel 8, 10, 16, or 20-bit data into a serial data bit stream, transmitting the least significant bit (LSB) first. The serialized data stream is then fed to the high-speed differential transmit buffer.
Figure 2–7 is a diagram of the serializer.
Figure 2–7. Serializer Note (1)
Note to Figure 2–7:
(1) This is a 10-bit serializer. The serializer can also convert 8, 16, and 20 bits of data.
Transmit Buffer
The Stratix II GX transceiver buffers support the 1.2- and 1.5-V PCML I/O standard at rates up to 6.375 Gbps. The common mode voltage (V of the output driver is programmable. The following V available when the buffer is in 1.2- and 1.5-V PCML.
= 0.6 V
= 0.7 V
values are
Altera Corporation 2–11 October 2007 Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1
Output Buffer
Output Pins
f Refer to the Stratix II GX Transceiver Architecture Overview chapter in
volume 2 of the Stratix II GX Handbook.
The output buffer, as shown in Figure 2–8, is directly driven by the high-speed data serializer and consists of a programmable output driver, a programmable pre-emphasis circuit, a programmable termination, and a programmable V
Figure 2–8. Output Buffer
Programmable Output Driver
The programmable output driver can be set to drive out differentially 200 to 1,400 mV. The differential output voltage (V
) can be changed
dynamically, or statically set by using the ALT2GXB megafunction or through I/O pins.
The output driver may be programmed with four different differential termination values:
100 Ω
2–12 Altera Corporation Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 1 October 2007
120 Ω
150 Ω
External termination
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