ALTERA Stratix Service Manual

Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1

101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000
Copyright © 2006 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device des­ignations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Al­tera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the ap­plication or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published in­formation and before placing orders for products or services.
ii Altera Corporation


Chapter Revision Dates .......................................................................... vii
About This Handbook .............................................................................. ix
How to Find Information ........................................................................................................................ ix
How to Contact Altera ............................................................................................................................. ix
Typographic Conventions ........................................................................................................................ x
Section I. Stratix Device Family Data Sheet
Revision History ............................................................................................................................ Part I–1
Chapter 1. Introduction
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1–1
Features ................................................................................................................................................... 1–2
Chapter 2. Stratix Architecture
Functional Description .......................................................................................................................... 2–1
Logic Array Blocks ................................................................................................................................ 2–3
LAB Interconnects ............................................................................................................................ 2–4
LAB Control Signals ......................................................................................................................... 2–5
Logic Elements ....................................................................................................................................... 2–6
LUT Chain & Register Chain .......................................................................................................... 2–8
addnsub Signal ................................................................................................................................. 2–8
LE Operating Modes ........................................................................................................................ 2–8
Clear & Preset Logic Control ........................................................................................................ 2–13
MultiTrack Interconnect ..................................................................................................................... 2–14
TriMatrix Memory ............................................................................................................................... 2–21
Memory Modes ............................................................................................................................... 2–22
Clear Signals .................................................................................................................................... 2–24
Parity Bit Support ........................................................................................................................... 2–24
Shift Register Support .................................................................................................................... 2–25
Memory Block Size ......................................................................................................................... 2–26
Independent Clock Mode .............................................................................................................. 2–44
Input/Output Clock Mode ........................................................................................................... 2–46
Read/Write Clock Mode ............................................................................................................... 2–49
Single-Port Mode ............................................................................................................................ 2–51
Multiplier Block .............................................................................................................................. 2–57
Adder/Output Blocks ................................................................................................................... 2–61
Modes of Operation ....................................................................................................................... 2–64
Altera Corporation iii
Contents Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
DSP Block Interface ........................................................................................................................ 2–70
PLLs & Clock Networks ..................................................................................................................... 2–73
Global & Hierarchical Clocking ................................................................................................... 2–73
Enhanced & Fast PLLs ................................................................................................................... 2–81
Enhanced PLLs ............................................................................................................................... 2–87
Fast PLLs ........................................................................................................................................ 2–100
I/O Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 2–104
Double-Data Rate I/O Pins ......................................................................................................... 2–111
External RAM Interfacing ........................................................................................................... 2–115
Programmable Drive Strength ................................................................................................... 2–119
Open-Drain Output ...................................................................................................................... 2–120
Slew-Rate Control ........................................................................................................................ 2–120
Bus Hold ........................................................................................................................................ 2–121
Programmable Pull-Up Resistor ................................................................................................ 2–122
Advanced I/O Standard Support .............................................................................................. 2–122
Differential On-Chip Termination ............................................................................................. 2–127
MultiVolt I/O Interface ............................................................................................................... 2–129
High-Speed Differential I/O Support ............................................................................................ 2–130
Dedicated Circuitry ...................................................................................................................... 2–137
Byte Alignment ............................................................................................................................. 2–140
Power Sequencing & Hot Socketing ............................................................................................... 2–140
Chapter 3. Configuration & Testing
IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Support ............................................................................ 3–1
SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer ............................................................................................ 3–5
Configuration ......................................................................................................................................... 3–5
Operating Modes .............................................................................................................................. 3–5
Configuring Stratix FPGAs with JRunner .................................................................................... 3–7
Configuration Schemes ................................................................................................................... 3–7
Partial Reconfiguration .................................................................................................................... 3–7
Remote Update Configuration Modes .......................................................................................... 3–8
Stratix Automated Single Event Upset (SEU) Detection ................................................................ 3–12
Custom-Built Circuitry .................................................................................................................. 3–13
Software Interface ........................................................................................................................... 3–13
Temperature Sensing Diode ............................................................................................................... 3–13
Chapter 4. DC & Switching Characteristics
Operating Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 4–1
Power Consumption ........................................................................................................................... 4–17
Timing Model ....................................................................................................................................... 4–19
Preliminary & Final Timing .......................................................................................................... 4–19
Performance .................................................................................................................................... 4–20
Internal Timing Parameters .......................................................................................................... 4–22
External Timing Parameters ......................................................................................................... 4–33
Stratix External I/O Timing .......................................................................................................... 4–36
I/O Timing Measurement Methodology .................................................................................... 4–60
External I/O Delay Parameters .................................................................................................... 4–66
iv Altera Corporation
Contents Contents
Maximum Input & Output Clock Rates ...................................................................................... 4–76
High-Speed I/O Specification ........................................................................................................... 4–87
PLL Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 4–94
DLL Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 4–102
Chapter 5. Reference & Ordering Information
Software .................................................................................................................................................. 5–1
Device Pin-Outs ..................................................................................................................................... 5–1
Ordering Information ........................................................................................................................... 5–1
Altera Corporation v
Contents Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
vi Altera Corporation

Chapter Revision Dates

The chapters in this book, Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1, were revised on the following dates. Where chapters or groups of chapters are available separately, part numbers are listed.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Revised: July 2005 Part number: S51001-3.2
Chapter 2. Stratix Architecture
Revised: July 2005 Part number: S51002-3.2
Chapter 3. Configuration & Testing
Revised: July 2005 Part number: S51003-1.3
Chapter 4. DC & Switching Characteristics
Revised: January 2006 Part number: S51004-3.4
Chapter 5. Reference & Ordering Information
Revised: September 2004 Part number: S51005-2.1
Altera Corporation vii
Chapter Revision Dates Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
viii Altera Corporation

About This Handbook

This handbook provides comprehensive information about the Altera® Stratix family of devices.

How to Find Information

How to Contact Altera

Information Type USA & Canada All Other Locations
Technical support
Product literature
Altera literature services
Non-technical customer service
FTP site
You can find more information in the following ways:
The Adobe Acrobat Find feature, which searches the text of a PDF
document. Click the binoculars toolbar icon to open the Find dialog box.
Acrobat bookmarks, which serve as an additional table of contents in
PDF documents.
Thumbnail icons, which provide miniature previews of each page,
provide a link to the pages.
Numerous links, shown in green text, which allow you to jump to
related information.
For the most up-to-date information about Altera products, go to the Altera world-wide web site at For technical support on this product, go to For additional information about Altera products, consult the sources shown below.
(800) 800-EPLD (3753) (7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time)
(800) 767-3753 + 1 408-544-7000
+1 408-544-8767 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time
Altera Corporation ix

Typographic Conventions Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1

This document uses the typographic conventions shown below.
Visual Cue Meaning
Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters
bold type External timing parameters, directory names, project names, disk drive names,
Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters
Italic type Internal timing parameters and variables are shown in italic type.
Initial Capital Letters Keyboard keys and menu names are shown with initial capital letters. Examples:
“Subheading Title” References to sections within a document and titles of on-line help topics are
Courier type Signal and port names are shown in lowercase Courier type. Examples: data1,
1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., etc.
Bullets are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important.
v The checkmark indicates a procedure that consists of one step only. 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention.
r The angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.
f The feet direct you to more information on a particular topic.
Command names, dialog box titles, checkbox options, and dialog box options are shown in bold, initial capital letters. Example: Save As dialog box.
filenames, filename extensions, and software utility names are shown in bold type. Examples: f
Document titles are shown in italic type with initial capital letters. Example: AN 75:
High-Speed Board Designs.
Examples: t
Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and shown in italic type. Example: <file name>, <project name>.pof file.
Delete key, the Options menu.
shown in quotation marks. Example: “Typographic Conventions.”
, \qdesigns directory, d: drive, chiptrip.gdf file.
, n + 1.
tdi, input. Active-low signals are denoted by suffix n, e.g., resetn.
Anything that must be typed exactly as it appears is shown in Courier type. For example: actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (e.g., the AHDL keyword Courier.
Numbered steps are used in a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure.
c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also, sections of an
SUBDESIGN), as well as logic function names (e.g., TRI) are shown in
x Altera Corporation
Section I. Stratix Device
Family Data Sheet
This section provides the data sheet specifications for Stratix® devices. They contain feature definitions of the internal architecture, configuration and JTAG boundary-scan testing information, DC operating conditions, AC timing parameters, a reference to power consumption, and ordering information for Stratix devices.
This section contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Introduction
Chapter 2, Stratix Architecture
Chapter 3, Configuration & Testing
Chapter 4, DC & Switching Characteristics
Chapter 5, Reference & Ordering Information

Revision History

The table below shows the revision history for Chapters 1 through 5.
Chapter Date/Version Changes Made
1 July 2005, v3.2 Minor content changes.
September 2004, v3.1
April 2004, v3.0
January 2004, v2.2
October 2003, v2.1
July 2003, v2.0
Altera Corporation Section I–1
Updated Table 1–6 on page 1–5.
Main section page numbers changed on first page.
Changed PCI-X to PCI-X 1.0 in “Features” on page 1–2.
Global change from SignalTap to SignalTap II.
The DSP blocks in “Features” on page 1–2 provide dedicated
implementation of multipliers that are now “faster than 300 MHz.”
Updated -5 speed grade device information in Table 1-6.
Add -8 speed grade device information.
Format changes throughout chapter.
Stratix Device Family Data Sheet Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
Chapter Date/Version Changes Made
2 July 2005 v3.2 Added “Clear Signals” section.
Updated “Power Sequencing & Hot Socketing” section.
Format changes.
September 2004, v3.1
April 2004, v3.0
November 2003, v2.2
October 2003, v2.1
Updated fast regional clock networks description on page 2–73.
Deleted the word preliminary from the “specification for the maximum
time to relock is 100 µs” on page 2–90.
Added information about differential SSTL and HSTL outputs in
“External Clock Outputs” on page 2–92.
Updated notes in Figure 2–55 on page 2–93.
Added information about m counter to “Clock Multiplication &
Division” on page 2–101.
Updated Note 1 in Table 2–58 on page 2–101.
Updated description of “Clock Multiplication & Division” on
page 2–88.
Updated Table 2–22 on page 2–102.
Added references to AN 349 and AN 329 to “External RAM
Interfacing” on page 2–115.
Table 2–25 on page 2–116: updated the table, updated Notes 3 and
4. Notes 4, 5, and 6, are now Notes 5, 6, and 7, respectively.
Updated Table 2–26 on page 2–117.
Added information about PCI Compliance to page 2–120.
Table 2–32 on page 2–126: updated the table and deleted Note 1.
Updated reference to device pin-outs now being available on the web
on page 2–130.
Added Notes 4 and 5 to Table 2–36 on page 2–130.
Updated Note 3 in Table 2–37 on page 2–131.
Updated Note 5 in Table 2–41 on page 2–135.
Added note 3 to rows 11 and 12 in Table 2–18.
Deleted “Stratix and Stratix GX Device PLL Availability” table.
Added I/O standards row in Table 2–28 that support max and min
Row clk [1,3,8,10] was removed from Ta bl e 2 – 30 .
Added checkmarks in Enhanced column for LVPECL, 3.3-V PCML,
LVDS, and HyperTransport technology rows in Table 2–32.
Removed the Left and Right I/O Banks row in Table 2–34.
Changed RCLK values in Figures 2–50 and 2–51.
External RAM Interfacing section replaced.
Added 672-pin BGA package information in Table 2–37.
Removed support for series and parallel on-chip termination.
Termination Technology renamed differential on-chip termination.
Updated the number of channels per PLL in Tables 2-38 through 2-
Updated Figures 2–65 and 2–67.
Updated DDR I information.
Updated Table 2–22.
Added Tables 2–25, 2–29, 2–30, and 2–72.
Updated Figures 2–59, 2–65, and 2–67.
Updated the Lock Detect section.
Section I–2 Altera Corporation
Stratix Device Family Data Sheet
Chapter Date/Version Changes Made
2 July 2003, v2.0
3 July 2005, v1.3
January 2005, v1.2
September 2004, v1.1
April 2003, v1.0
4 January 2006, v3.4
July 2005, v3.3
Added reference on page 2-73 to Figures 2-50 and 2-51 for RCLK
Updated ranges for EPLL post-scale and pre-scale dividers on page
Updated PLL Reconfiguration frequency from 25 to 22 MHz on page
New requirement to assert are set signal each PLL when it has to re-
acquire lock on either a new clock after loss of lock (page 2-96).
Updated max input frequency for CLK[1,3,8,10] from 462 to 500,
Table 2-24.
Renamed impedance matching to series termination throughout.
Updated naming convention for DQS pins on page 2-112 to match pin
Added DDR SDRAM Performance Specification on page 2-117.
Added external reference resistor values for terminator technology
(page 2-136).
Added Terminator Technology Specification on pages 2-137 and 2-
Updated Tables 2-45 to 2-49 to reflect PLL cross-bank support for
high speed differential channels at full speed.
Wire bond package performance specification for “high” speed
channels was increased to 624 Mbps from 462 Mbps throughout chapter.
Updated “Operating Modes” section.
Updated “Temperature Sensing Diode” section.
Updated “IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Support” section.
Updated “Configuration” section.
Updated limits for JTAG chain of devices.
Added new section, “Stratix Automated Single Event Upset (SEU)
Detection” on page 3–12.
Updated description of “Custom-Built Circuitry” on page 3–13.
No new changes in Stratix Device Handbook v2.0.
Added Table 4–135.
Updated Tables 4–6 and 4–30.
Updated Tables 4–103 through 4–108.
Updated Tables 4–114 through 4–124.
Updated Table 4–129.
Added Table 4–130.
Altera Corporation Section I–3
Stratix Device Family Data Sheet Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
Chapter Date/Version Changes Made
4 January 2005, 3.2 Updated rise and fall input values.
September 2004, v3.1
Updated Note 3 in Table 4–8 on page 4–4.
Updated Table 4–10 on page 4–6.
Updated Table 4–20 on page 4–12 through Table 4–23 on
page 4–13. Added rows V
Updated Table 4–26 on page 4–14 through Table 4–29 on
and V
to each table.
page 4–15.
Updated Table 4–31 on page 4–16.
Updated description of “External Timing Parameters” on page 4–33.
Updated Table 4–36 on page 4–20.
Added signals t
Added rows t
, TXZ, and TZX to Figure 4–4 on page 4–33.
and t
to Table 4–40 on
page 4–24.
Added rows t
Updated Note 2 in Table 4–54 on page 4–35.
Added rows t
and t
and t
to Table 4–41 on page 4–24.
to Table 4–42 on
page 4–25.
Updated Table 4–46 on page 4–29.
Updated Table 4–47 on page 4–29.
Section I–4 Altera Corporation
Stratix Device Family Data Sheet
Chapter Date/Version Changes Made
4 Table 4–48 on page 4–30: added rows t
and updated symbol names.
Updated power-up current (ICCINT) required to power a Stratix
device on page 4–17.
Updated Table 4–37 on page 4–22 through Table 4–43 on
page 4–27.
Table 4–49 on page 4–31: added rows t
, and t
updated symbol names.
Table 4–50 on page 4–31: added rows t
Table 4–52 on page 4–34: updated table, deleted “Conditions”
, and t
, and updated symbol names.
column, and added rows t
Table 4–52 on page 4–34: updated table, deleted “Conditions”
column, and added rows t
Table 4–53 on page 4–34: updated table and added rows t
Updated Note 2 in Table 4–53 on page 4–34.
Table 4–54 on page 4–35: updated table, deleted “Conditions”
column, and added rows t
Updated Note 2 in Table 4–54 on page 4–35.
Deleted Note 2 from Table 4–55 on page 4–36 through Table 4–66 on
page 4–41.
Updated Table 4–55 on page 4–36 through Table 4–96 on
page 4–56. Added rows T
Added Note 4 to Table 4–101 on page 4–62.
Deleted Note 1 from Table 4–67 on page 4–42 through Table 4–84 on
page 4–50.
Added new section “I/O Timing Measurement Methodology” on
page 4–60.
Deleted Note 1 from Table 4–67 on page 4–42 through Table 4–84 on
page 4–50.
Deleted Note 2 from Table 4–85 on page 4–51 through Table 4–96 on
page 4–56.
Added Note 4 to Table 4–101 on page 4–62.
Table 4–102 on page 4–64: updated table and added Note 4.
Updated description of “External I/O Delay Parameters” on
page 4–66.
Added Note 1 to Table 4–109 on page 4–73 and Table 4–110 on
page 4–74.
Updated Table 4–103 on page 4–66 through Table 4–110 on
page 4–74.
Deleted Note 2 from Table 4–103 on page 4–66 through Table 4–106
on page 4–69.
Added new paragraph about output adder delays on page 4–68.
Updated Table 4–110 on page 4–74.
Added Note 1 to Table 4–111 through Table 4–113 on page 4–75.
deleted rows t
, deleted rows t
and tZX.
and tZX.
and t
, TZX, T
and t
, and T
and t
, t
, t
, and
Altera Corporation Section I–5
Stratix Device Family Data Sheet Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
Chapter Date/Version Changes Made
4 Updated Table 4–123 on page 4–85 through Table 4–126 on
page 4–92.
Updated Note 3 in Table 4–123 on page 4–85.
Table 4–125 on page 4–88: moved to correct order in chapter, and
updated table.
Updated Table 4–126 on page 4–92.
Updated Table 4–127 on page 4–94.
Updated Table 4–128 on page 4–95.
April 2004, v3.0
November 2003, v2.2
Table 4–129 on page 4–96: updated table and added Note 10.
Updated Table 4–131 and Table 4–132 on page 4–100.
Updated Table 4–110 on page 4–74.
Updated Table 4–123 on page 4–85.
Updated Table 4–124 on page 4–87. through Table 4–126 on
page 4–92.
Added Note 10 to Table 4–129 on page 4–96.
Moved Table 4–127 on page 4–94 to correct order in the chapter.
Updated Table 4–131 on page 4–100 through Table 4–132 on
page 4–100.
Deleted t
Waveform was added to Figure 4–6.
The minimum and maximum duty cycle values in Note 3 of Table 4–8
and tZX from Figure 4–4.
were moved to a new Tab l e 4 – 9 .
Changes were made to values in SSTL-3 Class I and II rows in
Table 4–17.
Note 1 was added to Table 4–34.
Added t
Changed Table 4–55 title from “EP1S10 Column Pin Fast Regional
and t
rows in Table 4–38.
Clock External I/O Timing Parameters” to “EP1S10 External I/O Timing on Column Pins Using Fast Regional Clock Networks.”
Changed values in Tables 4–46, 4–48 to 4–51, 4–128, and 4–131.
Added t
Deleted -5 Speed Grade column in Tables 4–117 to 4–119 and 4–122
row in Tables 4–127 to 4–132.
to 4–123.
Fixed differential waveform in Figure 4–1.
Added “Definition of I/O Skew” section.
Added t
Values changed in the t
Values changed in the t
Values changed in the t
Added Ta b l e 4 – 5 1 to “Internal Timing Parameters” section.
The timing information is preliminary in Tables 4–55 through 4–96.
Table 4–111 was separated into 3 tables: Tables 4–111 to 4–113.
Updated Tables 4–127 through 4–129.
and t
rows and made changes to values in t
rows in Table 4–46.
and tH rows in Table 4–47.
row in Table 4–49.
row in Table 4–50.
Section I–6 Altera Corporation
Stratix Device Family Data Sheet
Chapter Date/Version Changes Made
4 October 2003, v2.1 Added -8 speed grade information.
Updated performance information in Table 4–36.
Updated timing information in Tables 4–55 through 4–96.
Updated delay information in Tables 4–103 through 4–108.
Updated programmable delay information in Tables 4–100 and
July 2003, v2.0
5 September 2004, v2.1
April 2003, v1.0
Updated clock rates in Tables 4–114 through 4–123.
Updated speed grade information in the introduction on page 4-1.
Corrected figures 4-1 & 4-2 and Table 4-9 to reflect how VID and VOD
are specified.
Added note 6 to Table 4-32.
Updated Stratix Performance Table 4-35.
Updated EP1S60 and EP1S80 timing parameters in Tables 4-82 to 4-
93. The Stratix timing models are final for all devices.
Updated Stratix IOE programmable delay chains in Tables 4-100 to 4-
Added single-ended I/O standard output pin delay adders for loading
in Table 4-102.
Added spec for FPLL[10..7]CLK pins in Tables 4-104 and 4-107.
Updated high-speed I/O specification for J=2 in Tables 4-114 and 4-
Updated EPLL specification and fast PLL specification in Tables 4-
116 to 4-120.
Updated reference to device pin-outs on page 5–1 to indicate that
device pin-outs are no longer included in this manual and are now available on the Altera web site.
No new changes in Stratix Device Handbook v2.0.
Altera Corporation Section I–7
Stratix Device Family Data Sheet Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
Section I–8 Altera Corporation

1. Introduction

The Stratix® fa mi ly of FPGAs is based o n a 1.5-V, 0.13-µm, all-layer copper SRAM process, with densities of up to 79,040 logic elements (LEs) and up to 7.5 Mbits of RAM. Stratix devices offer up to 22 digital signal processing (DSP) blocks with up to 176 (9-bit × 9-bit) embedded multipliers, optimized for DSP applications that enable efficient implementation of high-performance filters and multipliers. Stratix devices support various I/O standards and also offer a complete clock management solution with its hierarchical clock structure with up to 420-MHz performance and up to 12 phase-locked loops (PLLs).
The following shows the main sections in the Stratix Device Family Data Sheet:
Section Page
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2
Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–1
Logic Array Blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3
Logic Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–6
MultiTrack Interconnect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–14
TriMatrix Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–21
Digital Signal Processing Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–52
PLLs & Clock Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–73
I/O Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–104
High-Speed Differential I/O Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–130
Power Sequencing & Hot Socketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–140
IEEE Std. 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Support. . . . . . . . . . 3–1
SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–5
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–5
Temperature Sensing Diode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–13
Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–1
Power Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–17
Timing Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–19
Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–1
Device Pin-Outs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–1
Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–1
Altera Corporation 1–1 July 2005
The Stratix family offers the following features:
10,570 to 79,040 LEs; see Table 1–1
Up to 7,427,520 RAM bits (928,440 bytes) available without reducing
logic resources
memory consisting of three RAM block sizes to implement true dual-port memory and first-in first-out (FIFO) buffers
High-speed DSP blocks provide dedicated implementation of
multipliers (faster than 300 MHz), multiply-accumulate functions, and finite impulse response (FIR) filters
Up to 16 global clocks with 22 clocking resources per device region
Up to 12 PLLs (four enhanced PLLs and eight fast PLLs) per device
provide spread spectrum, programmable bandwidth, clock switch­over, real-time PLL reconfiguration, and advanced multiplication and phase shifting
Support for numerous single-ended and differential I/O standards
High-speed differential I/O support on up to 116 channels with up
to 80 channels optimized for 840 megabits per second (Mbps)
Support for high-speed networking and communications bus
standards including RapidIO, UTOPIA IV, CSIX, HyperTransportTM technology, 10G Ethernet XSBI, SPI-4 Phase 2 (POS-PHY Level 4), and SFI-4
Differential on-chip termination support for LVDS
Support for high-speed external memory, including zero bus
turnaround (ZBT) SRAM, quad data rate (QDR and QDRII) SRAM, double data rate (DDR) SDRAM, DDR fast cycle RAM (FCRAM), and single data rate (SDR) SDRAM
Support for 66-MHz PCI (64 and 32 bit) in -6 and faster speed-grade
devices, support for 33-MHz PCI (64 and 32 bit) in -8 and faster speed-grade devices
Support for 133-MHz PCI-X 1.0 in -5 speed-grade devices
Support for 100-MHz PCI-X 1.0 in -6 and faster speed-grade devices
Support for 66-MHz PCI-X 1.0 in -7 speed-grade devices
Support for multiple intellectual property megafunctions from
Altera MegaCore® functions and Altera Megafunction Partners
Program (AMPP
Support for remote configuration updates
) megafunctions
1–2 Altera Corporation Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1 July 2005
Table 1–1. Stratix Device Features — EP1S10, EP1S20, EP1S25, EP1S30
Feature EP1S10 EP1S20 EP1S25 EP1S30
LEs 10,570 18,460 25,660 32,470 M512 RAM blocks (32 × 18 bits) 94 194 224 295 M4K RAM blocks (128 × 36 bits) 60 82 138 171 M-RAM blocks (4K × 144 bits) 1 2 2 4
Total RAM bits 920,448 1,669,248 1,944,576 3,317,184
DSP blocks 6 101012
Embedded multipliers (1) 48 80 80 96
PLLs 6 6 6 10
Maximum user I/O pins 426 586 706 726
Table 1–2. Stratix Device Features — EP1S40, EP1S60, EP1S80
Feature EP1S40 EP1S60 EP1S80
LEs 41,250 57,120 79,040 M512 RAM blocks (32 × 18 bits) 384 574 767 M4K RAM blocks (128 × 36 bits) 183 292 364 M-RAM blocks (4K × 144 bits) 4 6 9
Total RAM bits 3,423,744 5,215,104 7,427,520
DSP blocks 14 18 22
Embedded multipliers (1) 112 144 176
PLLs 12 12 12
Maximum user I/O pins 822 1,022 1,238
Note to Ta b le s 1 – 1 and 1–2:
(1) This parameter lists the total number of 9 × 9-bit multipliers for each device. For the total number of 18 × 18-bit
multipliers per device, divide the total number of 9 × 9-bit multipliers by 2. For the total number of 36 × 36-bit multipliers per device, divide the total number of 9 × 9-bit multipliers by 8.
Altera Corporation 1–3 July 2005 Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
Stratix devices are available in space-saving FineLine BGA® and ball-grid array (BGA) packages (see Tables 1–3 through 1–5). All Stratix devices support vertical migration within the same package (for example, you can migrate between the EP1S10, EP1S20, and EP1S25 devices in the 672­pin BGA package). Vertical migration means that you can migrate to devices whose dedicated pins, configuration pins, and power pins are the same for a given package across device densities. For I/O pin migration across densities, you must cross-reference the available I/O pins using the device pin-outs for all planned densities of a given package type to identify which I/O pins are migrational. The Quartus automatically cross reference and place all pins except differential pins for migration when given a device migration list. You must use the pin­outs for each device to verify the differential placement migration. A future version of the Quartus II software will support differential pin migration.
Table 1–3. Stratix Package Options & I/O Pin Counts
II software can
EP1S10 345 335 345 426
EP1S20 426 361 426 586
EP1S25 473 473 597 706
EP1S30 683 597 726
EP1S40 683 615 773 822
EP1S60 683 773 1,022
EP1S80 683 773 1,203
Note to Ta b le 1 –3 :
(1) All I/O pin counts include 20 dedicated clock input pins (clk[15..0]p, clk0n, clk2n, clk9n, and clk11n)
that can be used for data inputs.
Table 1–4. Stratix BGA Package Sizes
Dimension 672 Pin 956 Pin
Pitch (mm) 1.27 1.27
Area (mm Length × width (mm × mm) 35 × 35 40 × 40
1,225 1,600
1–4 Altera Corporation Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1 July 2005
Table 1–5. Stratix FineLine BGA Package Sizes
Dimension 484 Pin 672 Pin 780 Pin 1,020 Pin 1,508 Pin
Pitch (mm) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Area (mm Length × width
(mm × mm)
529 729 841 1,089 1,600
23 × 23 27 × 27 29 × 29 33 × 33 40 × 40
Stratix devices are available in up to four speed grades, -5, -6, -7, and -8, with -5 being the fastest. Table 1–6 shows Stratix device speed-grade offerings.
Table 1–6. Stratix Device Speed Grades
EP1S10 -6, -7 -5, -6, -7 -6, -7 -5, -6, -7
EP1S20 -6, -7 -5, -6, -7 -6, -7 -5, -6, -7
EP1S25 -6, -7 -6, -7, -8 -5, -6, -7 -5, -6, -7
EP1S30 -5, -6, -7 -5, -6, -7, -8 -5, -6, -7
EP1S40 -5, -6, -7 -5, -6, -7, -8 -5, -6, -7 -5, -6, -7
EP1S60 -6, -7 -5, -6, -7 -6, -7
EP1S80 -6, -7 -5, -6, -7 -5, -6, -7
Altera Corporation 1–5 July 2005 Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
1–6 Altera Corporation Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1 July 2005

2. Stratix Architecture

Functional Description
Stratix® devices contain a two-dimensional row- and column-based architecture to implement custom logic. A series of column and row interconnects of varying length and speed provide signal interconnects between logic array blocks (LABs), memory block structures, and DSP blocks.
The logic array consists of LABs, with 10 logic elements (LEs) in each LAB. An LE is a small unit of logic providing efficient implementation of user logic functions. LABs are grouped into rows and columns across the device.
M512 RAM blocks are simple dual-port memory blocks with 512 bits plus parity (576 bits). These blocks provide dedicated simple dual-port or single-port memory up to 18-bits wide at up to 318 MHz. M512 blocks are grouped into columns across the device in between certain LABs.
M4K RAM blocks are true dual-port memory blocks with 4K bits plus parity (4,608 bits). These blocks provide dedicated true dual-port, simple dual-port, or single-port memory up to 36-bits wide at up to 291 MHz. These blocks are grouped into columns across the device in between certain LABs.
M-RAM blocks are true dual-port memory blocks with 512K bits plus parity (589,824 bits). These blocks provide dedicated true dual-port, simple dual-port, or single-port memory up to 144-bits wide at up to 269 MHz. Several M-RAM blocks are located individually or in pairs within the device’s logic array.
Digital signal processing (DSP) blocks can implement up to either eight full-precision 9 × 9-bit multipliers, four full-precision 18 × 18-bit multipliers, or one full-precision 36 × 36-bit multiplier with add or subtract features. These blocks also contain 18-bit input shift registers for digital signal processing applications, including FIR and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. DSP blocks are grouped into two columns in each device.
Each Stratix device I/O pin is fed by an I/O element (IOE) located at the end of LAB rows and columns around the periphery of the device. I/O pins support numerous single-ended and differential I/O standards. Each IOE contains a bidirectional I/O buffer and six registers for registering input, output, and output-enable signals. When used with
Altera Corporation 2–1 July 2005
Functional Description
dedicated clocks, these registers provide exceptional performance and interface support with external memory devices such as DDR SDRAM, FCRAM, ZBT, and QDR SRAM devices.
High-speed serial interface channels support transfers at up to 840 Mbps using LVDS, LVPECL, 3.3-V PCML, or HyperTransport technology I/O standards.
Figure 2–1 shows an overview of the Stratix device.
Figure 2–1. Stratix Block Diagram
M512 RAM Blocks for Dual-Port Memory, Shift Registers, & FIFO Buffers
DSP Blocks for Multiplication and Full Implementation of FIR Filters
M4K RAM Blocks for True Dual-Port Memory & Other Embedded Memory Functions
IOEs Support DDR, PCI, GTL+, SSTL-3, SSTL-2, HSTL, LVDS, LVPECL, PCML, HyperTransport & other I/O Standards
DSP Block
M-RAM Block
2–2 Altera Corporation Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1 July 2005
The number of M512 RAM, M4K RAM, and DSP blocks varies by device along with row and column numbers and M-RAM blocks. Table 2–1 lists the resources available in Stratix devices.
Table 2–1. Stratix Device Resources
Stratix Architecture
EP1S10 4 / 94 2 / 60 1 2 / 6 40 30
EP1S20 6 / 194 2 / 82 2 2 / 10 52 41
EP1S25 6 / 224 3 / 138 2 2 / 10 62 46
EP1S30 7 / 295 3 / 171 4 2 / 12 67 57
EP1S40 8 / 384 3 / 183 4 2 / 14 77 61
EP1S60 10 / 574 4 / 292 6 2 / 18 90 73
EP1S80 11 / 767 4 / 364 9 2 / 22 101 91
M512 RAM
Logic Array Blocks
DSP Block
LAB Rows
Each LAB consists of 10 LEs, LE carry chains, LAB control signals, local interconnect, LUT chain, and register chain connection lines. The local interconnect transfers signals between LEs in the same LAB. LUT chain connections transfer the output of one LE’s LUT to the adjacent LE for fast sequential LUT connections within the same LAB. Register chain connections transfer the output of one LE’s register to the adjacent LE’s
register within an LAB. The Quartus
II Compiler places associated logic within an LAB or adjacent LABs, allowing the use of local, LUT chain, and register chain connections for performance and area efficiency.
Figure 2–2 shows the Stratix LAB.
Altera Corporation 2–3 July 2005 Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
Logic Array Blocks
Figure 2–2. Stratix LAB Structure
Direct link interconnect from adjacent block
Row Interconnects of Variable Speed & Length
Direct link interconnect from adjacent block
Direct link interconnect to adjacent block
Direct link interconnect to adjacent block
Local Interconnect
Three-Sided Architecture—Local Interconnect is Driven from Either Side by Columns & LABs, & from Above by Rows
Column Interconnects of Variable Speed & Length
LAB Interconnects
The LAB local interconnect can drive LEs within the same LAB. The LAB local interconnect is driven by column and row interconnects and LE outputs within the same LAB. Neighboring LABs, M512 RAM blocks, M4K RAM blocks, or DSP blocks from the left and right can also drive an LAB’s local interconnect through the direct link connection. The direct link connection feature minimizes the use of row and column interconnects, providing higher performance and flexibility. Each LE can drive 30 other LEs through fast local and direct link interconnects.
Figure 2–3 shows the direct link connection.
2–4 Altera Corporation Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1 July 2005
Figure 2–3. Direct Link Connection
Stratix Architecture
Direct link interconnect from
left LAB, TriMatrix memory
block, DSP block, or IOE output
Direct link
to left
Direct link interconnect from right LAB, TriMatrix memory block, DSP block, or IOE output
Direct link interconnect to right
LAB Control Signals
Each LAB contains dedicated logic for driving control signals to its LEs. The control signals include two clocks, two clock enables, two asynchronous clears, synchronous clear, asynchronous preset/load, synchronous load, and add/subtract control signals. This gives a maximum of 10 control signals at a time. Although synchronous load and clear signals are generally used when implementing counters, they can also be used with other functions.
Each LAB can use two clocks and two clock enable signals. Each LAB’s clock and clock enable signals are linked. For example, any LE in a particular LAB using the labclk1 signal will also use labclkena1. If the LAB uses both the rising and falling edges of a clock, it also uses both LAB-wide clock signals. De-asserting the clock enable signal will turn off the LAB-wide clock.
Each LAB can use two asynchronous clear signals and an asynchronous load/preset signal. The asynchronous load acts as a preset when the asynchronous load data input is tied high.
Altera Corporation 2–5 July 2005 Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1
Logic Elements
With the LAB-wide addnsub control signal, a single LE can implement a one-bit adder and subtractor. This saves LE resources and improves performance for logic functions such as DSP correlators and signed multipliers that alternate between addition and subtraction depending on data.
The LAB row clocks [7..0] and LAB local interconnect generate the LAB­wide control signals. The MultiTrack allows clock and control signal distribution in addition to data. Figure 2–4 shows the LAB control signal generation circuit.
Figure 2–4. LAB-Wide Control Signals
Dedicated Row LAB Clocks
Local Interconnect
Local Interconnect
Local Interconnect
Local Interconnect
Local Interconnect
Local Interconnect
Logic Elements
The smallest unit of logic in the Stratix architecture, the LE, is compact and provides advanced features with efficient logic utilization. Each LE contains a four-input LUT, which is a function generator that can implement any function of four variables. In addition, each LE contains a programmable register and carry chain with carry select capability. A single LE also supports dynamic single bit addition or subtraction mode selectable by an LAB-wide control signal. Each LE drives all types of interconnects: local, row, column, LUT chain, register chain, and direct link interconnects. See Figure 2–5.
interconnect’s inherent low skew
or labpre
2–6 Altera Corporation Stratix Device Handbook, Volume 1 July 2005
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