GSM Mobile Phone
Press this button to return home from any
application or interface.
Press it to open recently opened application
Press it to start the menu,which allows you to perform
actions in the current interface or options’ menu.
Press it to return to the previous interface or to close dialog box 、options’ menu、notification panel or
the keypad.
Press it to open the phone’s menu ,then you could
choose to lock the screenturn off the phone
or set it to the silent mode .
USING MEMORY CARD AS U DISK ........................................................... 2
1. Appearance and Keypad Operations
Press it to increase the volume
Press it to turn the phone to vibration mode from
the silent mode.
Press it to decrease the volume.
Cover it, and then the phone’s backlight
will turn off.
Entering the camera interface, switched to
the front camera can photo yourself.
LED Light
Display mobile phone status and prompt unread
Using Memory Card as U Disk
If you want to send music, pictures or other files to the phone’s memory card from the
computer,you should set memory card as u disk first.
Set memory card as u disk
1) Connect the phone to the computer with USB cable. The notification icon
will appear in the status box.
2) Open the notification panel.
3) In the notification panel, touch USB is connected then touch“Open the
Notices:If you connect your phone to the computer then choose open the USB device,
the phone can’t read the memory card. You temporarily can not use some applications, such as
Uninstall the U Disk from computer
The same as the method of connecting itsee the following picture:
3. Wifi
Wi-Fi provides as far as 300feet (100M) range of wireless network access. If you use cell phone to connect wifi, you should connect to the wireless access point or 「hot spots」.
NoticesThe availability and coverage of Wi-Fi signal depend on the
number, infrastructure and other objects penetrated by the signal.
Open Wi-fi and to connect to the wireless network
1) Press home>menuthen touch settings>wifi and internet
2) Select the wi-fi box,to open Wi-Fi. Phone will automatically scan for available wireless networks.
3) Touch Wi-Fi settings. Then a list of Wi-Fi network will show the founded network name and security settings. (open network or WEP、WPA/WPA2 with password).If you enable the notification in
Wi-Fi settings, The status box will show this icon ( ) when open available wireless network founded.
4) Touch one of the Wi-Fi choices to connect the network. When you choose open network, phone will connect to it automatically. If you choose WEPWPA/WPA2 with password, you should type the password first, then touch to connect it.
Noticeswhen the phone is connected to the wireless network,
The status box will show this Wi-Fi icon( ), and the approximate
signal strengthen (the number of lit bars).If touch the connected
USB Storage Device”.
network,will display the name of Wi—Fi network, status, speed, signal,
strength, security, information and IP address. If you want to delete the wireless settings, please touch “not reserve” as in the right picture. If you want to connect to this network, you should re-enter these settings.
Unless you choose not to reserve the network, otherwise, there is no need to re-enter the corresponding password when next time connecting to the previously encrypted wireless network. Wi-Fi will search automatically, that is, phone needn’t to perform additional steps to connect Wi-Fi networks.
Unless you choose not to reserve the network with password, otherwise, there is no need to re-enter the corresponding password when next time connecting to the previously encrypted wireless network. Wi-Fi will search automatically, that is, phone needn’t to perform additional steps to connect Wi-Fi networks.
Connect to other Wi-Fi networks
1) In the interface of wireless and network, touch Wi-Fi settings. The founded Wi-Fi networks will show on the Wi-Fi network list.
2) Touch other Wi-Fi networks, and then you can connect to this network.
Notices:in addition, you can surf the internet via GPRS. We default
that the GPRS in SIM1 is opened after started, users can select manually ,the specific location is settings>wireless and internet>data connection”, touch SIM1SIN2no data connection”, when the dot turns green, it’s already opened.
4. Bluetooth
Turn on Bluetooth or set the phone can be detected
2) Touch wireless and internet, then choose Bluetooth box to open the Bluetooth function.
After started, the status box will show this icon ( ). Touch “scan for devices”the it starts to scan for all devices within range.
3) Touch Bluetooth settings, all the devices founded will d isplay in the list under the icon.
Bluetooth devices will be able to find the phone. importantthe maximum detecting time of the phone is 2 minutes.
Pairing and connection of Bluetooth headset
1) Press home>menu, then touch settings.
2)Touch wireless and internet>Bluetooth settings, then select Bluetooth box, then your phone will scan for the Bluetooth devices within range ,and show the founded devices in the list under the icon.
a. If the list can’t find your equip ment, touch scanning equipment to re-scan it. b. Make sure that the devices wanted are under the detected mode.
3) Touch headset in the equipment list to finish the connection.
1) Press home>menu, the touch settings.
select the box “can be detected”, set it to be detected, the other
Noticesgenerally Bluetooth devices need password to be paired, often
use0000as the default password.4)The pairing and connecting status will show under the headset in the Bluetooth devices list. When the headset
connected to your phone, the status box will show this icon ( )means connected. Then you can use the headset to make or receive callings..
Cut the connection to the Bluetooth
1) Press home>menu>settings>wireless and internet>Bluetooth settings.
2) In th e list of Bluetooth equipment, touch or tap and hold th e connected hand-free headset.
3) Press and select “cancel the pairing”.
Bluetooth proximity sensor
After pairing the two device,you can test out the signal is strong or weak by the Bluetooth proximity sensor device
5. Mail
5.1 Gmail
Create an electronic mail account
Select mail> settings. You can activate or edit existing e-mail accounts as well as create a new e-mail account. a. Select mail, Google account setting interface appears. Then touchnext step> create account>enter namelast name and e-mail account. b. Google ser vers determine whether the name can be used, if so, new interface appears prompting enter password, then judge the password’ security, users who doesn’t meet the requirements need to re-enter the password. c. Successfully register a new Gmail account, a messenger created automatically for testing.
Loading mail account
a. Open Gmail skip introduction screen>loading interface appears >select load
b. Enter name, password then load
E-mail account initialization ,prompting “login successful” All Google accounts will be synchronized.
Creating and sending ,mails
When creating mails, select mail > creating mails. Enter the address(recipient)、theme and contents. Press MENU you could append’、‘Add Cc/Bcc, select send or d iscarded.
Receive mails
There is tone for new mails, in the status box will show this bu tton
Press Menu >refresh’, refresh and update the number of the unread
mails in a proper way.
Delete mails
When loading a mail accountif you want to delete ityou need to restore factory settings . When loading a second oneyou could press the menu button to delete it. Noticesmany functions depend o n Gmail Accountfor exampleElectronic MarketGoogle TalkSync Contact and Calendar.
5.2 Email
Load Email
Enter the correct address and password >settings correct port and POP server, check the server settings automatically.
Set the correct SMTP server, check the mails server’s sending and receiving
settings, then enter the specified account name and displayed name on the outing e-mail.> Finish.
Create and send mails
When creating mails, select mails > create mails. Enter the address(recipient) theme and contents. Press MENU you could append’、‘Add Cc/Bcc’, select send or discarded or save as draft.
6. Dialling
When the icon of internet server appears in the screen, you could dial or receive callings. The signal bar on the top right corner show the strength of network signal (the maximum with 4 signal bars) .
Start dialing
Open application’s main menu>dial. You could choo se SIM1 or SIM2 to do the dialing.
At the interface of dialer”, enter the phone numberand then click the dialing key , after that,you should choose one SIM card or internet call. If needed to call the extension,you could click the “dial pad” in the bottom of the screen to open the interface or press menu key to select delay 2 secondsand then enter the number of the extension.
Telephone calls in the call log
Every telephone number called and received in“SIM1、SIM2”will reserved in phone’s menu of call log. On the top left of every call record will show “SIM1 or SIM2 All numbers in the call log can be dialed by clicking the button ”dial” on the right side of the screen.
When number list appearing,click it to catch details;press it for long you
could dial via SIM1 or SIM 2”, meanwhile you can edit, delete, save the number or do other operations.
Receive callings
When calling comes(top left will show from which SIM card)press“Answer” and slide towards right until the middle button, then you can receive callings.
Proximity sensor
According to the distance between phone and human body,it will adjust automatically the switch of the backlight. During the call, close the phone to the ear, the backlight will turn off automaticallywhich could save batteries and prevent inadvertently touching.
Refuse to answer the phone
a. When standby, calling comespress refusebutton and slide towards left side until the middle button, then you could refuse the calling. b. When using,calling comes,click on the refusebutton to refuse the calling.
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