807-8A & 808-8A Ihiver LwdspetJim
" Diaphragm
500-20,000 Hz Response
Smooth, Peak-Free Response
Extremely High Efficiency
Low Distortion
Faithful Reproduction
Edge-Wound Voice Coil
Greater Power Capacity
Compact — Easily Installed
Field Replaceable Diaphragm
and Voice Coil Assembly
The ALTEC 807-8A and 808-8A High-Frequency Driver Loudspeakers are designed for all professional
PLAYBACK applications requiring outstanding reproduction of sound over an extremely wide frequency
range at substantial Fюwer levels. Such conditions are readily fulfilled with unusually high efficiency and
exceptionally uniform response from 500 or 800 Hz (dependent on the dividing network and horn employed}
to over 20,(X)0 Hz.
When used in conjunction with the ALTEC 511A, 51 IB (500 Hz) or 81 IB (800 Hz) sectoral horn, the
N501-8A (500 Hz) or N801-8A (8(Ю Hz) network, and the 414, 515 or 416-8A low-frequency loudspeaker,
the 807-8A and 808-8A furnish the realistic reproduction demanded by all major broadcasting stations, re
cording studios, theatres, auditoriums and music halls.
Both the 807-8A and 808-8A transducers utilize a voice coil of notably large diameter (1-3/4"), edge wound
with aluminum ribbon and coupled to a large diaphragm. A mechanical phasing plug (i.e., pole
piece), having two exponential acoustic slots, is utilized to provide the proper phase relationship between the
sound emanating from the center and outer edges of the diaphragm and voice coil assembly, thus ensuring
maximum high-frequency reproduction while maintaining a smooth overall response. Either driver is capable
of uniform, peak-free reproduction to a point far above the range of human hearing. The entire diaphragm
and voice coil assembly of the 807-8A and 808-8A is field replaceable; no special tools are required.
For full range systems utilizing low-frequency loudspeakers of relatively low efficiency, located in non-
reverberant areas having moderate ambient noise levels, the 807-8A driver proves a perfect match. (Such
conditions would be analagous to the average listening room or smaller broadcast and recording studio.)
In instances wherein relatively high ambient noise is present, and where maximum efficiency of both vocal
speech and music must be reproduced with great clarity, the heavier magnet weight and greater flux density
of the 808-8A are preferred. The 808-8A represents one of the finest high-frequency transducers manu
factured by ALTEC; the 2 dB greater efficiency (over the 807-8A), coupled with the same precision accuracy
of minute production tolerances, make the 808-8A the industry standard for laboratory and professional
usage alike.
These factors, together with the all-important ALTEC criteria of engineering experience, combine to produce
the 807-8A and 808-8A high-frequency loudspeakers of virtually matchless quality and limitless application.
A quality company of LTV Ling Altec. Inc.
1515 S. Manchester Ave., Anaheim, Calif. 92803
New York
ALTEC ^07-8A
Power Rating:
Frequency Response:
Pressure Sensitivity:
Voice Coil Diameter:
Magnet Weight
Flux Density:
MODEL 807-8A
Up to 30 watts rms (based on continuous oper
ation with white noise 500 Hz to 20,000 Hz
and with ALTEC model N501-8A or N801-8A
dividing network)
500 to 20,000 Hz
109.5 dB w/1 watt input measured 4‘ from
mouth of 30" horn over warble frequency range
500-2500 Hz (Ref: 0.0002 dynes/cm^ for
1 watt input)
124.2 dB at 30 watts
8 ohms
HF Driver louc^peaker for wide-range, 2-way
studio 'Playback' systems
N501-8A dividing network and 511A or 51 IB
horn for 500-Hz cro^ver; N801-8A dividing
network and 811В liorn for 800-Hz crossover.
13 oz
13,000 Gauss
4-1/2" Diameter
3-1/4" Deep
5 lbs, 11 oz
Black matte
511A, 51 IB, 81 IB sectoral horns*; N501-8A.
N801-8A dividing networks;
70.7V transformers.
*For multicellular horns, use ALTEC driver loudspeaker models 730, 288,290 or 291.
MODEL 808-8A
Up to 30 watts rms (based on continuous oper
ation with white noise 500 Hz to 20,000 Hz
and with ALTEC model N501-8A or IMSOI-^A
dividing network)
500 to 20,000 Hz
111.7 dB w/1 watt input measured 4' from
mouth of 30" horn over warble frequency range
500-2500 Hz (Ref: 0.0002 dvnes/cm2 for
1 watt input)
126.4 dB at 30 watts
8 ohms
HF Driver loudspeaker for wide-range, 2-way
studio 'Playback' systems
N501-8A dividing network and 511A or 51 IB
horn for 500-Hz crossover; N801 ^A dividing
network and 81 IB horn for 800-Hz crossover.
1.2 lbs
15,250 Gauss
4-1/2" Diameter
3-11/16" Deep
Black matte
511A,- 511B, 811B sectoral horns*
N801-8A dividing networks;
70.7V transformers.
(FOR ALTEC 807-8A)
The high-frequency driver loudspeaker shall utilize a diaphragm coupled to a voice coil that shall be edge-wound of
aluminum ribbon arxl that shall be 1-3/4" in diameter. The voice coil gap shall have a flux density of at least 13,000 Gauss, produced
by a magnet having a weight of 13 ounces. A machined phasing plug, which also serves as the pole piece, shall have two exponential
aodustic slots and shall be utilized to provide the proper phase relationship between the sound emanating from the center and edges
of the diaphragm and voice coil assembly, thus ensuring maximum high-frequency reproduction while maintaining a smooth overall
response. The entire diaphra^ ar>d voice coil assembly shall be field replaceable without requiring special tools or skills; this shall be
interpreted to mean that the loudspeaker shall incorporate self-centering dowels to ensure proper spacing and alignment of the dia
phragm and voice coil assembly.
The HF driver loudspeaker shall produce a sound pressure level of at least 109.5 dB with 1 watt input and 124.2 dB with 30 watts
input at a distance of 4 feet from the mouth of a 30" trumpet when a warble band of 500 to 25(X) Hz is used. Single frequency
measurements shall not be acceptable under this specification. The frequency response of the HF driver shall be uniform over the
range of (specify one):
500 to 20,000 Hz with the ALTEC 511A or 51 IB sectoral horn and N501-8A dividing network.
800 to 20.000 Hz with the ALTEC 81 IB sectcxal horn and N801-8A dividing network.
Any high-frequency driver loudspeaker not meeting all of the foregoing requirements shall not be acceptable under this specification.
The high-frequency driver loudspeaker shall be ALTEC Lansing model 807-8A.
(FOR ALTEC 808-8A)
The high-frequency driver loudspeaker shall utilize a diaphragm coupled to a voice coil that shall be edge-wound of
aluminum ribbon and that shall be 1-3/4" in diameter. The voice coil gap shall have a flux density of at least 15,250 Gauss, produced
by a magnet having a weight of 1.2 pounds. A machined phasing plug, which also serves as the pole piece, shall have two exponential
acoustic slots and shall be utilized to provide the proper phase relationship between the sound emanating from the center and edges
of the diaphragm and voice coil ^sembly, thus ensuring maximum high-frequency reproduction while maintaining a smooth overall
response. The entire diaphragm and voice coil assembly shall be field replace^le without requiring special tools or skills; this shall be
interpreted to mean that the loudspeaker shall incorporate self-centering dowels to ensure proper spacing and alignment of the dia
phragm and voice coil assembly.
The HF driver loudspeaker shall produce a sound pressure level of at least 111.7 dB with 1 watt input and 126.4 dB with 30 watts in
put at a distance of 4 feet from the mouth of a 30" trumpet when a warble teind of 500 to 2500 Hz is used. Single frequency meas
urements shall not be acceptable under this specification. The frequency response of the HF driver shall be uniform over the range of
(specify one):
500 to 20,000 Hz with the ALTEC 511Aor511B sectoral horn and N501-8A dividing network.
800 to 20,000 Hz with the ALTEC 81 IB sectoral horn and N801-8A dividing network.
Any high-frequency driver loudspeaker not meeting all of the foregoing requirements shall not be acceptable under this specification.
The high-frequency driver loudspeaker shall be ALTEC Lansing model 806-8A.
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Specifications and components subject to change without
notice. Overall performance will be maintained or improved.