Altech CTC4U, CTS4U-TM, CDL4U-TM Catalog Page

CTC4U Tab Connection ter­minals offer quick connec­tion. Connection is achieved by pushing the lug onto the tab blade of the terminal block.The ter­minal housing is so designed that the wall pro­trudes beyond the tab blades.
Connection Points
The CTS4U-TM single level and the CDL4U-TM double level terminal blocks have a provision for clip connec­tion according to DIN 41611-4.Three wires (0.5 sq. mm) can be connected with a clip onto the pin using a special tool
for information). These termi-
(contact Altech
nal blocks provide high wiring density without extension of the mounting rail.
CTC4U is used primarily in railway systems. The CTS4U-TM and the CDL4U­TM is used mostly in the telecommunications indus­try.
(other than grey standard)
When ordering please add color suffix to Cat. No.
Example: CTS2.5U-N/R
Color Ordering Suffix
Red R Blue BU Black BL Orange O Green G Yellow Y White W Beige BG Dark Brown DB
Terminal Width
Height x Length
Stripping Length
Insulation Material
Type of Connection
Rated Cross Section
Voltage Rating
Current Rating
Tab Blade Size (mm)
Terminal Block
End Plate
DIN Rail
for ordering information refer to page 62
End Stop
for ordering information refer to page 63
Internal Jumper
Insulated Internal Jumper
Current Bars
10 pole (breakable)
Shorting Sleeve & Screw
External Jumper
Marking Tags (MT Type)
2 way 3 way 4 way
10 way
2 way 3 way 4 way
10 way
2 way 3 way 4 way
10 way
100 pole
2 pole 3 pole 4 pole
10 pole
6 mm
49.5 x 47 mm
9 mm
Polyamide 6.6
5 tab connection points and 1 tapped hole for cross connection
0.5-4 22-12 AWG
250 V 300 V
32 A 25 A
6.3 x 0.8 6.3 x 0.8
Cat No. Std. Pk.
CTC4U 100
CA702 50 CA802 50
CA727/2 100 CA727/3 50 CA727/4 50 CA727/10 10
CA747/2 100 CA747/3 50 CA747/4 50 CA747/10 10
CA703/1 100 CA704/1 100 CA705/1 100 CA732/10 100 CA732/10-A 100 CA732/100 10
CA607/S/Q 100
MT6 100
6 mm
67 x 43 mm
9 mm
Polyamide 6.6
1 srew connection and 1 blade for 3 (0.5 sq. mm) connections
0.5-4 22-12 AWG
250 V 300 V
10 A 10 A
0.8 x 1.6 0.8 x 1.6
Cat No. Std. Pk.
CTS4U-TM 100
EP2.5/4UN 50
CA702 50 CA802 50
CA722/2 100 CA722/3 50 CA722/4 50 CA722/10 10
CA742/2 100 CA742/3 50 CA742/4 50 CA742/10 10
CA703/1 100 CA704/1 100 CA705/1 100 CA732/10 100 CA732/10-A 100 CA732/100 10
CA707/S/Q/01 100
CA713/2 100 CA713/3 100 CA713/4 50 CA713/10 25
MT6 100
6 mm
84 x 55.5 mm
9 mm
Polyamide 6.6
2 srew connections and 2 blades for 6 (0.5 sq. mm) connections
0.5-4 22-12 AWG
250 V 300 V
10 A 10 A
0.8 x 1.6 0.8 x 1.6
Cat No. Std. Pk.
CDL4U-TM 100
CA702 50 CA802 50
CA727/2 10 CA727/3 10 CA727/4 10 CA727/10 10
CA747/2 100 CA747/ 50 CA747/ 50 CA747/10 10
CA703/1 100 CA704/1 100 CA705/1 100 CA732/10 100 CA732/10-A 100 CA732/100 10
CA607/S/Q 100
CA714/2 100 CA714/3 100 CA714/4 50 CA714/10 25
MT2 100