Altec MZX559 User Manual

Altec MZX559 User Manual

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Replaceable Ear Tips

Placetheearbudsmto thecaseto charge

.Charglng(lndlcatorsred) QFullyCharged(lnd1cator1soff)


TheLEDindicatorwlUf·*· leshwhencharglng·




To tum on, place the earbuds into the case then take the earbuds out of case. To turn off, place the earbuds into the case.

If the LEDs do not turn on when the earbuds are removed from the case, charge the case then try again.


Left Earbud:

Right Earbud:

Decrease Volume: Press Once

Increase Volume: Press Once

Previous Selection: Press Twice

Next Selection: Press Twice

Voice Assistant: Press & Hold 2 Sec.

Pause/ Play: Press & Hold 2 Sec.

Answer Call: Press Once

Answer Gall: Press Once

Decline Call: Press Twice

Decline Gall: Press Twice

Hang Up Call: Press & Hold 2 Sec.

Hang Up Call: Press & Hold 2 Sec.

Only do this function experiencing issues that are not solved by simply turning the earbuds on/off, or by

placing them back into the case.

1.Remove both earbuds from the case.

2.Hold down the left and right sensor for 9 seconds. Both earbuds will flash blue three times, then flash red and blue before resetting.

3.Place both earbuds back into the case to activate the earbuds and take both earbuds out of the case to re-pair the earbuds.

4.Reconnect the smartphone to your earbuds and continue to use.

'To use Siri or Google Assistant, you must have a phone that is compatible with one ofthose two voice assistants (iOS or Android, respectively).

ou must be within Bluetooth® range to use Siri or Google Assistant via your Wireless Earbuds.

Your Wireless Earbuds will not work with Siri or Google Assistant ifthe assistant is not first enabled within the settings on the phone. For more information, see your phone's user manual.

Char,;ies or roodiflcations notexpresslyapprCM!d byttie party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment:

This device complies with Part15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: ('l)this device maynot cause harmful interference, and (2}tf1is device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that


This equipment hasbeentested andfoundto complywitti the limits for a aass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These llmits ere designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful Interference in a resldentlal lnstalletlon. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyenergyand, If not Installed and used in accordance with the instructions, maycause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation.

In the event that the earbuds do not pair together, perform the Manual Reset

