Altec AL2094S User Manual

AL2094S Designers Guide
Analog Socket Modem
AL2094S Series
Designer’s Guide
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AL2094S Designers Guide
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AL2094S Designers Guide
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................5
1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................5
1.2 FEATURES ..................................................................................................................6
1.2.1 General Modem Features.........................................................................................6
1.2.2 SmartDAA Features .................................................................................................6
1.3 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW.............................................................................................7
1.3.1 General Description ..............................................................................................7
1.3.2 MCU Firmware......................................................................................................7
1.3.3 Operating Modes ..................................................................................................7
1.3.4 V.44 Data Compression........................................................................................7
1.3.5 Synchronous Access Mode (SAM) - Video Conferencing ....................................8
1.3.6 Worldwide Operation ............................................................................................8
2. Technical Specifications ...............................................................................................9
2.1 Serial DTE Interface Operation ....................................................................................9
2.1.1 Automatic Speed/Format Sensing............................................................................9
2.2 Establishing Data Modem Connections........................................................................9
2.2.1 Telephone Number Directory....................................................................................9
2.2.2 Dialing.......................................................................................................................9
2.2.3 Modem Handshaking Protocol ...............................................................................10
2.2.4 Call Progress Tone Detection.................................................................................10
2.2.5 Answer Tone Detection ..........................................................................................10
2.2.6 Ring Detection ........................................................................................................10
2.2.7 Billing Protection.....................................................................................................10
2.2.8 Connection Speeds ................................................................................................ 10
2.2.9 Automode ...............................................................................................................10
2.3 Data Mode ..................................................................................................................11
2.3.1 Speed Buffering (Normal Mode).............................................................................11
2.3.2 Flow Control ...........................................................................................................11
2.3.3 Escape Sequence Detection ..................................................................................11
2.3.4 BREAK Detection ...................................................................................................11
2.3.5 Telephone Line Monitoring .....................................................................................11
2.3.6 Fall Forward/Fallback (V.90/V.34/V.32 bis/V.32)....................................................11
2.3.7 Retrain ....................................................................................................................11
2.3.8 Programmable Inactivity Timer...............................................................................11
2.3.9 DTE Signal Monitoring (Serial DTE Interface Only)................................................11
2.4 Modem-on-Hold..........................................................................................................12
2.5 Error Correction and Data Compression ....................................................................12
2.5.1 V.42 Error Correction..............................................................................................12
2.5.2 MNP 2-4 Error Correction.......................................................................................12
2.5.3 V.44 Data Compression .........................................................................................12
2.5.4 V.42 bis Data Compression....................................................................................12
2.5.5 MNP 5 Data Compression......................................................................................12
2.6 MNP 10 Data Throughput Enhancement ...................................................................12
2.7 Telephony Extensions ................................................................................................13
2.7.1 Line In Use Detection .............................................................................................13
2.7.2 Extension Pickup Detection....................................................................................13
2.7.3 Remote Hangup Detection .....................................................................................13
2.8 Caller ID......................................................................................................................13
2.9 Worldwide Country Support........................................................................................13
2.10 Diagnostics .................................................................................................................14
Commanded Tests............................................................................................................14
2.11 Low Power Sleep Mode..............................................................................................14
3. Hardware Interface ..................................................................................................... 15
3.1 AL2094S Modem Hardware Pins and Signals ...........................................................15
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AL2094S Designers Guide
3.1.1 Phone Line Interface...................................................................................15
3.1.2 Call Progress Speaker Interface.................................................................15
3.1.3 Serial DTE Interface and Indicator Outputs ................................................15
3.1.4 External Reset Input ...................................................................................15
3.1.5 AL2094S Modem Pin Assignments and Signal Definitions ................................15
3.3 Electrical and Environmental Specifications...............................................................19
3.3.1 Operating Conditions, Maximum Ratings, Power Requirements........................19
3.3.2 Interface and Timing Waveforms............................................................................20 Serial DTE Interface................................................................................20
3.4 DAA Interface .............................................................................................................21
4. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................23
4.1 PC Board Layout Guidelines ......................................................................................23
4.1.1 General...................................................................................................................23
4.1.2 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Considerations...............................................24
4.2 Other Considerations..................................................................................................24
4.3 Manufacturing Considerations....................................................................................25
5. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ..........................................................................................26
6. SOCKET MODEM APPROVALS ............................................................................... 27
6.1 Considerations for Telecom Approvals.......................................................................27
6.1.1 PSTN Connection...................................................................................................27
6.2 Considerations for Electrical Safety............................................................................27
6.2.1 Conditions for Maintaining Safety Compliance (European Countries)....................27
6.2.2 Power Supply [EN60950-1:2001, 1.6] ....................................................................28
6.2.3 Clearances, Creepage Distances and Distances through Insulation [EN60950-
1:2001, 2.10.3 and 2.10.4] ................................................................................................28
6.3 Considerations for EMC .............................................................................................30
6.3.2 Installation in Host Systems (European Countries) ...............................................30
List of Figures
FIGURE 3-1. AL2094S MODEM HARDWARE SIGNALS................................................................16
IGURE 3-5. WAVEFORMS - SERIAL DTE INTERFACE ................................................................20
IGURE 5-1. AL2094S SOCKET MODEM PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS ...............................................26
List of Tables
Table 2-1. +MS Command Automode Connectivity ...............................................................10
Table 3-1. AL2094S Modem DIL-40 Pin Signals....................................................................16
Table 3-2. Signal Descriptions ...............................................................................................17
Table 3-3. Signal Descriptions (Cont'd)..................................................................................18
Table 3-4. AL2094S Modem I/O Type Definitions..................................................................18
Table 3-5. AL2094S Modem DC Electrical Characteristics....................................................18
Table 3-9. Operating Conditions ............................................................................................19
Table 3-10. Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................19
Table 3-11. Current and Power Requirements.......................................................................19
Table 3-7. DAA Part List.........................................................................................................22
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AL2094S Designers Guide
1.1 Overview
Altec’s AL2094S Socket Modem Family provides the OEM with a complete V.92, V.34 and V.32bis data/fax/voice modem in a compact socket-mountable DIL-40 module. This designer's guide describes the modem hardware. AT commands and S registers are defined in the AT Command Reference Manual.
The compact size and high level of integration of the Socket Modem minimizes real estate and cost for motherboard and box modem applications. Its low power consumption makes it ideal for portable applications such as pocket modems or laptop, notebook and palmtop computers, and for a wide variety of embedded control applications. The pin compatibility between the full range of AL Series Socket Modems, ISDN and GSM Socket Modems allows upgrading and production configurability without hardware changes.
Data compression (V.44/V.42 bis/MNP 5) and error correction (V.42/MNP 2-4) modes are supported to maximize data throughput and data transfer integrity. V.44 is a more efficient data compression than V.42 bis that significantly increases downstream throughput thus reducing the download time for the types of files associated with Internet use, such as Web pages and uncompressed files such as graphics, image, audio, and document files. V.44 data compression can achieve compression rates of more than 25% over V.42bis. Typical compression ratio for V.44 on Web type data is approximately 6-1 resulting in overall effective data throughput rate up to 300 kbps for a 56 kbpsconnection. Non-error-correcting mode is also supported.
In V.22 bis fast connect mode, the modem can connect at 2400 bps with a very short training time, which is very efficient for small data transfers.
The SmartDAA system-powered DAA operates reliably without drawing power from the line, unlike line-powered DAAs which operate poorly when line current is insufficient due to long lines or poor line conditions. Enhanced features, such as monitoring of local extension status without going off-hook, are also supported.
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AL2094S Designers Guide
1.2.1 General Modem Features
Data modem
- QuickConnect and Modem-on-hold functions
- ITU-T V.92 , V.34 , V.32bis, V.32,
- V.22 bis, V.22, V.23, and V.21; Bell 212A and Bell 103
- V.250 and V.251 commands
V.22 bis fast connect
Data compression and error correction
- V.44 data compression
- V.42 bis and MNP 5 data compression
- V.42 LAPM and MNP 2-4 error correction
Hardware-based modem controller
Hardware-based digital signal processor (DSP)
Worldwide operation
- Complies to TBR21 and other country requirements
- Caller ID detection for many countries
- Call progress, blacklisting
- Internal ROM includes default values for 29 countries
- Additional modified country profiles can be stored in internal SRAM
Caller ID detect
- On-hook Caller ID detection
- Off-hook Call Waiting Caller ID detection during data mode in V.90, V.34,
V.32bis, and V.32
Distinctive ring detect
Built-in DTE interface
Serial ITU-T V.24 (EIA/TIA-232-E) logical interface up to 115.2 kbps
Direct mode (serial DTE interface)
Flow control and speed buffering
Automatic format/speed sensing
Serial async/sync data
+3.3V operation with +5V tolerant digital inputs
Typical power use
- 220 mW (Normal Mode)
- 56 mW (Sleep Mode)
1.2.2 SmartDAA Features
System side powered DAA operates under poor line current supply conditions
Modem Wake-on-Ring
Ring detection
Line polarity reversal detection
Line current loss detection
Pulse dialing
Line-in-use detection during on-hook operation
Remote hang-up detection for efficient call termination
Extension pickup detection
Call waiting detection
Digital PBX line protection
Meets worldwide DC VI masks requirements
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AL2094S Designers Guide
1.3.1 General Description
Modem operation, including dialing, call progress, telephone line interface, telephone handset interface, and host DTE interface functions are supported and controlled through the V.250, V.251, and V.253-compatible command set.
1.3.2 MCU Firmware
MCU firmware performs processing of general modem control, command sets, data modem, error correction and data compression (ECC), fax class 1, fax class 1.0, voice/audio/TAM, worldwide, V.80, and serial DTE host interface functions according to modem models (Table 1-1).
1.3.3 Operating Modes
In V.90 data modem mode (V.92 models), the modem can receive data from a digital source using a V.92-compatible central site modem at line speeds up to 56 kbps. Asymmetrical data transmission supports sending data at line speeds up to V.34 rates. This mode can fallback to full-duplex V.34 mode and to lower rates as dictated by line conditions. The following modes are also supported in V.92 models:
QuickConnect which allows quicker subsequent connection to a server using stored line parameters obtained during the initial connection. The server must support quick connect profiles.
Modem-on-Hold which allows detection and reporting of incoming phone calls on the PSTN with enabled Call Waiting. If the incoming call is accepted by the user, the user has a pre-defined amount of time of holding the data connection for a brief conversation. The data connection resumes upon incoming call termination. The server must support Modem-on-Hold functionality.
In V.34 data modem mode (V.90+ and V.34 models), the modem can operate in 2-wire, full­duplex, asynchronous modes at line rates up to 33.6 kbps. Data modem modes perform complete handshake and data rate negotiations. Using V.34 modulation to optimize modem configuration for line conditions, the modem can connect at the highest data rate that the channel can support from 33600 bps down to 2400 bps with automatic fallback. Automode operation in V.34 is provided in accordance with PN3320 and in V.32 bis in accordance with PN2330. All tone and pattern detection functions required by the applicable ITU or Bell standards are supported.
In V.32 bis data modem mode, the modem can operate at line speeds up to 14.4 kbps.
In V.22 bis fast connect data mode, the modem can connect at 2400 bps with a very short training time, which is very efficient for small data transfers.
1.3.4 V.44 Data Compression
V.44 provides more efficient data compression than V.42 bis that significantly decreases the download time for the types of files associated with Internet use. This significant improvement is most noticeable when browsing and searching the web since HTML text files are highly compressible. (The improved performance amount varies both with the actual format and with the content of individual pages and files.)
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AL2094S Designers Guide
1.3.5 Synchronous Access Mode (SAM) - Video Conferencing
V.80 Synchronous Access Mode between the modem and the host/DTE is provided for host­controlled communication protocols, e.g., H.324 video conferencing applications. Voice-call­first (VCF) before switching to a videophone call is also supported.
1.3.6 Worldwide Operation
The modem operates in TBR21-compliant and other countries. Country-dependent modem parameters for functions such as dialing, carrier transmit level, calling tone, call progress tone detection, answer tone detection, blacklisting, caller ID, and relay control are programmable. SmartDAA technology allows a single PCB design and single BOM to be homologated worldwide. Advanced features such as extension pickup detection, remote hang-up detection, line-in-use detection, and digital PBX detection are supported. Country code IDs are defined by ITU-T T.35. Internal ROM includes default profiles for 29 countries including TBR21-compliant profiles. Additional country profiles can be stored in internal SRAM (request additional country profiles from a Conexant Sales Office). Duplicate country profiles stored in internal SRAM will override the profiles in internal RAM firmware. The default countries supported are listed in Table 1-2.
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AL2094S Designers Guide
2.1 Serial DTE Interface Operation
2.1.1 Automatic Speed/Format Sensing
Command Mode and Data Modem Mode. The modem can automatically determine the
speed and format of the data sent from the DTE. The modem can sense speeds of 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000, 14400, 16800, 19200, 21600, 24000, 26400, 28800, 38400, 57600, and 115200 bps and the following data formats:
The modem can speed sense data with mark or space parity and configures itself as follows:
Fax Modem Mode. In V.17 fax mode, the modem can sense speeds up to 115.2 kbps.
2.2 Establishing Data Modem Connections
2.2.1 Telephone Number Directory
The modem supports four telephone number entries in a directory that can be saved in a serial NVRAM. Each telephone number can be up to 32 characters (including the command line terminating carriage return) in length. A telephone number can be saved using the &Zn=x command, and a saved telephone number can be dialed using the DS=n command.
2.2.2 Dialing
DTMF Dialing. DTMF dialing using DTMF tone pairs is supported in accordance with ITU-T
Q.23. The transmit tone level complies with Bell Publication 47001.
Pulse Dialing. Pulse dialing is supported in accordance with EIA/TIA-496-A.
Blind Dialing. The modem can blind dial in the absence of a dial tone if enabled by the X0,
X1, or X3 command.
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