ALPS ALPINE WB1U345 user manual

JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 86 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006 /ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiff
Keep vehicle doors and
lu g g ag e com partm ent lock ed and k eep k ey s and rem ote transm it t ers ou t of a child’s reach. U nsu pervised children cou ld lock them selves in t he tru nk and risk inju ry . C hildren shou ld b e t au g ht not t o play in vehicles.
O n hot day s, the tem perat u re in the tru nk or vehicle int erior can
rise very q u ick ly . E x posu re of people or anim als t o these hig h tem perat u res for even a short tim e can cau se death or seriou s heat-related inju ries, inclu ding b rain dam ag e. S m all children are particu larly at risk .
T his device com plies w it h part 1 5 of t he F C C ru les and w it h R S S -2 1 0 of Indu stry C anada. O perat ion is su b ject to the follow ing t w o condit ions: ( 1 ) T his device m ay not cau se harm fu l interference, and ( 2 ) T his device m u st accept any int erf erence received, inclu ding interference that m ay cau se u ndesired operation.
T he rem ote entry sy stem allow s y ou to lock or u nlock all vehicle doors w ithou t a k ey .
T he rem ote entry feat u res operat e w ith the ig nit ion in any position, ex cept in the 3 ( O N ) , w ith the transm ission not in either P ( P ark ) or N ( N eu tral) .
If t here are prob lem s w it h the rem ot e entry sy stem , m ak e su re to tak e ALL remote entry tra ns mitters w ith y ou t o the au t horiz ed dealer in order to aid in trou b leshoot ing the prob lem .
CIMS #1379636 com_rem-entry.eno
DIFF-MARKED Review Copy —— (OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31)) (NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42)) 2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002), Market: USA (fus)
PAGE: 86 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1 DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36
JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiff
Locks and Security
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JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 87 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006 /ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiff
Unlocking the doors
1. Press and release to unlock the driver’s door. Note: The interior lamps will illuminate.
2. Press
and release again within five seconds to unlock all the doors.
Locking the doors
Press once to lock all the doors. The doors will lock upon first press.
again within three seconds to receive confirmation that the vehicle was successfully locked. Note: If all vehicle doors, the hood, and the trunk are closed upon the second press of the
, the horn will
chirp once and the parklamps/taillamps will flash once to confirm the successful locking.
Upon the second press of the
, if any door, the hood, or the trunk is
not securely closed the horn will chirp twice to warn that successfully locking was not complete. The park/taillamps will NOT flash if any door is ajar.
Car finder
twice within 3 seconds. The horn will chirp and the turn lamps will flash. It is recommended that this method be used to locate your
vehicle, rather than using the panic alarm.
Sounding a panic alarm
on the remote transmitter to activate the alarm. Note: The
panic alarm only works with the ignition in the 1 (OFF/L OCK) position. Press
a second time to deactivate the alarm. Y ou may also deactivate
the alarm by turning the ignition to the 3 (ON) position.
Opening the trunk
Press once to open the trunk.
Ensure that the trunk is closed and latched before driving your
vehicle. Failure to properly latch the trunk may cause objects to fall out or block the driver’s rear view.
This feature will not work with a vehicle speed greater than 3 mph (5 km/h) if the ignition is in the 2 (A CCESSORY ) or 3 (ON) position.
Replacing the battery
The remote entry transmitter uses one coin type three-volt lithium battery CR2032 or equivalent.
CIMS #1379639
CIMS #1379638
CIMS #1601186 com_car-finder itdseq=108
CIMS #1379640
CIMS #1379641
CIMS #998940
DIFF-MARKED Review Copy —— (OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31)) (NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42)) 2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002), Market: USA (fus)
PAGE: 87 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1 DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36
JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiff
Locks and Security
JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 88 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Mon Oct 30 18:36:45 2006 /ford_pdm/ford/own2002/cro/mpdiff
To replace the battery:
1. Twist a thin coin between the two halves of the remote entry transmitter near the key ring. D O NOT TAKE TH E RUB B ER COV ER AND CIRCUIT B OARD OFF TH E FRONT H OUSING OF TH E REM OTE ENTRY TRANSM ITTER.
2. D o not wipe off any grease on the battery terminals on the back surface of the circuit board.
3. Remove the old battery. Note: Please refer to local regulations when disposing of transmitter batteries.
4 . Insert the new battery. Refer to the diagram inside the remote entry transmitter for the correct orientation of the battery. Press the battery down to ensure that the battery is fully seated in the battery housing cavity.
5. Snap the two halves back together. Note: Replacement of the battery will not cause the remote transmitter
to become deprogrammed from your vehicle. The remote transmitter should operate normally after battery replacement.
Replacing lost transmitters
Take all your vehicle’s transmitters to your authorized dealer if service is required.
If a remote transmitter has been lost and you would like to remove it from the vehicle’s memory, or you would like to purchase additional remote transmitters and have them programmed to your vehicle:
Take all your vehicle’s transmitters to your authorized dealer for
programming, or
CIMS #1379642
DIFF-MARKED Review Copy —— (OLD=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) SME (#4545) (Sep-29-2006 15:15:31)) (NEW=2008 Crown Victoria fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) CHAMP REVIEW (#5656) (Oct-30-2006 18:31:42)) 2008 Crown Victoria (cro), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) (own2002), Market: USA (fus)
PAGE: 88 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1 DATE: OCT 30 2006 at 18:36
JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_cro/DIV_mpdiff
Locks and Security
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