AlphaVision ML User Manual

User manual
AlphaVision ML User manual Rev. 2.60 – 01-01-2015 2
Purpose of this manual ...................................................................................................................................4
General Guidelines ..........................................................................................................................................4
European norm and security Grade ................................................................................................................5
Zones and sections of the AlphaVision ML control panel ...............................................................................5
Function of the navigator keys when programming .......................................................................................8
Meaning of the LED’s of the keypad ...............................................................................................................9
Arming/Disarming with user codes .............................................................................................................. 10
Access control using a level 1 proximity tag ................................................................................................ 10
Arming with a level 2 user code ................................................................................................................... 11
Arming and disarming with a level 3 user code ........................................................................................... 11
Arming and disarming with a level 4 user code ........................................................................................... 11
Arming and disarming with a level 5 or 7 user code .................................................................................... 11
Incorrect or incomplete code ...................................................................................................................... 11
Arming and disarming with a proximity tag ................................................................................................. 11
Total arming ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Partial arming ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Disarming ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Switching from Partial to Total arming ........................................................................................................ 12
Stop exit delay when disarming ................................................................................................................... 12
Entry/Exit mode ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Quick arming ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Bypassing...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Screensaver .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Alarm in a 24 hour zone ............................................................................................................................... 13
Panic alarm ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Trigger output .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Internal buzzer ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Trouble buzzer ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Information Present ..................................................................................................................................... 14
LCD/Proximity keypad .................................................................................................................................. 14
Arming and disarming with a tag on an LCD/Proximity keypad .................................................................. 14
Proximity Reader .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Arming and disarming with a tag on an external proximity reader ............................................................. 15
Access control with a proximity tag on an external proximity reader ......................................................... 15
Arming and disarming with wireless keyfob transmitters ........................................................................... 16
Date and Time .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Time switch .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Users ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Valid days ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Sections ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
User name .................................................................................................................................................... 21
Enrolling proximity tags on an LCD/Proximity keypad ................................................................................. 21
Warning against double or conflicting user codes ....................................................................................... 21
Duress code .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Security against random entering codes ..................................................................................................... 21
Telephone .................................................................................................................................................... 21
Speech & Sounds .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Open zones .................................................................................................................................................. 23
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Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Walktest zones ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Test LED & LCD ............................................................................................................................................. 24
IP connection ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Remote Service ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Installer access ............................................................................................................................................. 25
Transmit testmessage .................................................................................................................................. 25
Access via App .............................................................................................................................................. 25
App key......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Bypassing zones ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Historic Log ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Acceptance mode ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Speech/Listen-in option ............................................................................................................................... 26
Inactivity ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Remote control of the AlphaVision ML ........................................................................................................ 27
Single ring-in................................................................................................................................................. 27
Double ring-in .............................................................................................................................................. 27
AlphaVision ML User manual Rev. 2.60 – 01-01-2015 4
Purpose of this manual
The purpose of this manual is to introduce the user to the AlphaVision ML burglary alarm system. The manual explains about controlling and dealing with the control panel. Several of the special options explained in this manual can only be executed by the main user.
By taking into account several guidelines, your system will function properly for a very long time:
Never panic when the alarm sounds. Simply disarm the system with your PIN code, proximity tag or wireless keyfob transmitter and view the information shown on the LCD display. The control panel is equipped with a keypad with LCD display, section LED’s and status LED’s. THE LCD and LED’s provide information about the system’s status. If the information on the display is not clear, consult your user manual first. Never give your PIN-code, proximity tag or keyfob transmitter to another user, this might lead to unpleasant situations. In case of a malfunction, first consult your user manual. When the malfunction persists, then immediately contact your installation company. The installation company will give you further instructions. Write down important events (false alarm, user errors, etc.) in a logbook, together with the zone number, date and time. Your installation company might be able to take additional steps to prevent the situation from occurring in the future.
The AlphaVision ML control panel has been designed and is tested according to all current regulations on stability, reliability and insensitivity from external electrical influences.
General Guidelines
The AlphaVision ML control panel can be used for detecting and reporting burglary, fire, hold up, tamper and social alarms. The control panel can be armed and disarmed using a PIN-code or with Proximity tag. If your AlphaVision ML has been equipped with the optional wireless receiver, up to eight wireless keyfob transmitters can be used for arming and disarming. The LCD or LCD/Proximity keypad has numerical keys and navigator keys. The navigator keys are used to arm and disarm the system and to navigate through the programming menu’s. The various status LED’s and the integrated LCD display give the user information on the system status.
The heart of your security system is a sophisticated electronic device placed in a metal casing, which has been professionally installed by your installer. This device is called the “control panel”. On this control panel the detectors, the sirens and flashlights, the telephone line and the power line is connected.
A detector is also known as a “sensor”. A detector is a device that is designed to detect a certain phenomenon. There are for instance, detectors that detect smoke. When such a detector detects smoke, it will report this to the control panel. There are also detectors that detect motion. When these detectors
‘see’ motion, they will report this to the control panel. For windows and doors, usually magnetic contacts
are used. These magnetic contacts are used to signal whether a door or window is open or closed.
When the control panel receives an alarm, it will take further actions. This can be for instance triggering the alarm sirens or flashlights or initiate a call to a central station or private (mobile) telephone number.
The detectors are connected to the “inputs” of the control panel, so that the control panel knows which detector triggered an alarm. These “inputs” are also called “zones”.
AlphaVision ML User manual Rev. 2.60 – 01-01-2015 5
European norm and security Grade
The Alpha Vision ML, the I/O module and associated components comply with the following European standards:
EMC emission: EN301489-3 2002
EMC Immunity: EN50130-4 2003
Radio: EN300220-3
Telephony: TBR21 1998
Safety class: European standard EN60950
Security grade: European standard EN50131-3 (2009), EN50131-1 (2006) and A1
(2009) as "grade 2 - low to medium risk" and "environmental class II
- Indoor general"
Zones and sections of the AlphaVision ML control panel
The AlphaVision ML control panel has 12 wired inputs and can be expanded to up to a maximum of 100 wired zones. Also 32 wireless zones can be used, these replace hardware zones. Each zone is programmed into the control panel and provides information about a certain event in a certain area of the house or building.
The AlphaVision ML control can control up to 4 sections. Sections are also known as ‘Groups’ or ‘Areas’. A section contains one or more zones and is used to arm and disarm a specific part of the house or building. The sections are displayed as digits 1 to 4 on the left hand side of the keypad. The section LED’s 1 to 4 are only visible once the section is armed.
The 8 sections (areas) of the AlphaVision ML can be armed and disarmed independently from each other or simultaneously depending on the arming method and user level. Arming and disarming is done using a PIN­code, a proximity tag or a keyfob transmitter. Which and how sections are armed/disarmed depends on the way the system is armed/disarmed and the user level that is programmed to the PIN code or proximity tag. The keypad has 4 navigator keys (the 4 keys on the right). The navigator keys can be used for two direct arming methods: a Total arming and a Partial arming. When the user is at home, part of the system can be armed (Partial, for example sections 1 and 2). In this way the premises can be secured, while the users can walk freely inside the premises. When the user leaves the home or building, the system can be armed totally (for example sections 1, 2, 3 and 4) by simply pressing the Total key. An extra ‘quick arming’ option can be programmed by your installer to be able to arm the system Partial or Total without having to enter a PIN-code. For disarming, a PIN-code or presenting a proximity tag is always required. The installer will program which sections and thus corresponding zones are active during Partial and Total arming.
User Codes: you can program up to 90 users codes (more than one code can be programmed as supervisior code), the use of a duress code is optional. In addition there is one installer code. Users have the choice of a PIN-code or a proximity tag (optional). The total of both is 90. Assuming six-digit PIN codes are 999999 valid codes. PIN 000000 is invalid. If the duress code option is used, there are 499999 valid codes. The code of a proximity pass is automatically translated into a 6-digit PIN-code. From software V2.0 and above it is possible to program all PIN codes as 4-digit, a fundamental choice must be made to between all PIN-codes as 4-digit or 6-digit.
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Mobile application: a mobile application (APP) is available to arm and disarm the alarm system using a smartphone. Ask your installer for the availability and capabilities of the mobile application.
! The use of a mobile application (APP) is not permitted in certified installations.
Both to the left and to the right side of the LCD display, status LED’s can be found.
LED’s 1 to 8 on the left side of the display indicate which sections are armed or disarmed. When all LED’s are off, the system is disarmed. When one or more LED’s are on, those specific sections are armed. Not all
situations will require 8 separate sections. When the system is armed Partial or Total with the navigator keys, this is also shown by the status LED’s on the right side of the LCD display. The meaning of all the status LED’s is explained further in this manual.
Example of an installation with sections:
An installation in a house has 8 zones. Zones 1 to 6 are used for detectors on the first floor and are programmed to section 1. Zones 7 and 8 are used on the second floor and are programmed to section 2. When the users leave the house, both sections are armed so that all detectors are active. When the users go to bed, they can use Partial arming for arming section 1. In this case only zones 1 to 6 on the first floor are active and the users can walk freely on the second floor, without activating the alarm.
When the installer programs the detectors, he will assign a “zone type” to each zone, depending on which
detector is used and at what location it has been installed. The following zone types can be programmed:
A direct zone has no entry or exit delay and will, if the system is armed, cause an alarm as soon as the detector is triggered.
A delayed zone has an entry and exit delay. The delay times can be programmed as desired. When the system is armed and a delayed zone is triggered, the entry delay will start. During the entry delay time, the system must be disarmed or an alarm will follow. The same occurs during the exit delay. When you arm the system, the exit delay starts. Depending on the programming your installer has done, delayed zones must be closed before arming the system. In some cases delayed zones may be open during arming, for instance the front door can be open during arming.
A follower zone will respond as a direct or as a delayed zone, depending on whether the control panel’s entry or exit delay is triggered or not. When the entry delay time is triggered, a follower zone will function like a delayed zone (thus not causing a direct alarm when triggered). When the entry delay is not triggered, the zone will function like a direct zone and cause an alarm as soon the zone is triggered. Your installer can inform you which zones are programmed as follower zones.
A Follower delayed zone is equal to the regular follower zone, with the exception that the follower delayed zone always functions as a delayed zone when the system is Partial armed. The system must be armed with the Partial key. The installer will program the appropriate sections.
An Emergency Door zone is a zone type used for emergency doors. An emergency door zone is a 24-hour loud zone type but will only activate the alarm outputs when the system is disarmed. When the system is armed, this zone type will activate the alarm outputs and also report the alarm to the monitoring station.
A 24-hour zone is always triggered, regardless if the control panel is armed or not. This zone type can be used for glass break detectors or emergency push buttons. The AlphaVision ML control panel has a 24H silent and a 24H loud zone type. Only with the 24H loud zone type the siren and flashlight will be activated. In both cases an alarm will be reported directly to the monitoring station or to the programmed private telephone number.
AlphaVision ML User manual Rev. 2.60 – 01-01-2015 7
A fire zone is also a 24-hour type zone and is used for smoke and fire detectors. When the fire zone is triggered, the control panel will sound an intermitting alarm sound, known as a slow-whoop sound.
A social alarm zone is a 24-hour silent zone and can be used with emergency pushbuttons for social alarm purposes. When required, the user can be notified that the emergency pushbutton was pressed by a speech text. For this, an optional speech board and speaker is required.
A hold-up zone is also a 24-hour silent zone and can be used for hold-up push buttons. The alarm will be reported to the monitoring station or private telephone, but no further indications on the display or outputs will be shown or heard.
A tamper zone is also a 24-hour zone and is used in tamper situations, e.g. when a detector cover is opened or a siren of flashlight is tampered with.
A technical alarm zone is also a 24-hour silent zone and can be used to report technical malfunctions, e.g. a malfunction of the central heating system, etc.
A gas alarm zone is also a 24-hour loud zone and is used for reporting alarms from carbon monoxide or other gas detectors.
A water alarm zone is a 24-hour loud zone used for reporting alarms from water detectors. Water detectors are commonly used in cellars and near washing machines.
A temperature alarm zone is a 24-hour loud zone used for reporting alarms from temperature sensors. These sensors are used to detect and signal too high or too low temperatures.
A direct dialer input is used to report alarm messages directly to a monitoring station or private telephone. When this type of input is activated, the alarm outputs will not be activated and nothing will be displayed on the keypad. When the input restores, a separate restore-message will be sent.
A keyswitch input is used in situations when an external keyswitch or device is used to arm and disarm the system. A keyswitch or external device can only be used for Total arming and disarming.
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The AlphaVision ML control panel is supplied with an LCD or LCD/Proximity keypad. Both types of keypad have an LCD display, section LED’s, status LED’s and silicon keys. The keys are divided in numerical and navigator keys (the 4 right most keys). The numerical keys are mainly used for arming/disarming with a PIN­code. The navigator keys are used for easy Partial arming, Total arming, disarming and for navigating through the user menu.
When using an LCD keypad, the AlphaVision ML is armed and disarmed with a 6-digit PIN code. The LCD/Proximity keypad has an integrated proximity reader for arming/disarming with a coded tag, known as a proximity tag. The integrated proximity is located right above the microphone hole, at the bottom center of the keypad.
When the AlphaVision ML control panel is expanded with a wireless receiver module, the system can also be armed and disarmed with wireless keyfob transmitters.
The keypads have an LCD display, section LED’s and status LED’s. The LCD display is used to display
messages from the control panel. Next to the LCD display there are status LED’s, each with their own meaning. Both the LCD display and the silicon keys have a backlight which can be programmed to ‘always on’ or ‘turn off after 20 seconds’.
Besides optical indications the keypad has an integrated buzzer which is used for audible signaling of the entry and exit delays and for error indications.
When the AlphaVision ML is expanded with a speech plug-on board, alarm and alert messages can be reported as speech messages to a (mobile) telephone. One of the LCD or LCD/Proximity keypad can also be expanded with integrated speakers and microphone. This keypad can be used for vocal assistance.
Navigator keys
The 4 navigator keys on the right hand side are used for Partial and Total arming, disarming and for navigating through the user menu.
Function of the navigator keys when programming
When programming, the four keys on the right of the keypad have different meanings. To enter the programming menu, use the <#/OK> key. The four keys on the right are now used for going Left , Up
, Down and Right
Operating: Navigating:
= Partial arming (Partial) = left
= Show information = up/previous menu item
= Disarm = down/next menu item
= Total arming (Total) = right
AlphaVision ML User manual Rev. 2.60 – 01-01-2015 9
Meaning of the LED’s of the keypad
In idle state the top line of the display shows the House Identity (default ALPHAVISION ML). Your installer can program the system to show the family name or company name. The second line displays the date (European style Day-Month-Year) and time (Hours:Minutes).
The keypad has two rows of LED’s, placed on the left and right sides of the display and keys. On the left side, eight LED’s 1 to 8 show the status of the eight sections (Illuminated when armed).
On the right side, several status LED’s are place. These LED’s indicate the following:
The green OK LED is used for indicating that all zones are closed and that the system is ready to be armed. Each keypad can be linked to specific sections or areas of the building. The OK LED will only show the status of the zones programmed in this section(s). When any of the zones in the section are open, the green OK LED will be off. In this case the system cannot be armed; when trying to arm the system will display “open zones” in the display. Before arming, close these open zones first.
The green Power / 230V LED gives the following indications:
When the Power LED is on, the 230V power line is connected and available. When the LED flashes, the power is cut off; this will also be displayed with the “Information Present” message.
= Total armed
= Partial armed
= Disarmed
= IP dialer transmitting
= GSM/GPRS dialer transmitting
= PSTN dialer transmitting
= OK (all zones closed)
= Power (230V)
= Unread information available
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The various dialer LED’s (IP, GSM/GPRS or PSTN) are only on when the corresponding dialer is busy sending a message from the buffer. When the dialer failed to deliver the message to the monitoring station or private telephone, the dialer will automatically stop (after the programmed number of dial-attempts has passed) and the dialer LED will start flashing. The next time the dialer has a message to send, the LED will turn on again. When the message can be delivered this time, the LED will turn off.
When the system is disarmed with a DURESS code, the dialer LED’s will be disabled automatically for 15 minutes. Also the “Information Present” message will not be shown on the display and the trouble buzzer will be disabled. DURESS codes are only used for disarming under threat and transmit a silent alarm to the monitoring station/ telephone. For more information on Duress codes, see chapter ‘Duress codes’.
Arming/Disarming with user codes
By default, the AlphaVision ML is armed and disarmed from the keypad with 6-digit user codes (PIN-codes). From software V2.0 and above it is possible to program all PIN codes as 4-digit, a fundamental choice must be made to between all PIN-codes as 4-digit or 6-digit, your installer will discuss this with you during installation.There are two types of keypads available for the AlphaVision ML, the LCD keypad and the LCD/Proximity keypad. The LCD/Proximity keypad has an integrated proximity reader for arming/disarming with a coded tag, known as a proximity tag. The integrated proximity is located right above the microphone hole, at the bottom center of the keypad. Both keypads allow arming and disarming with user codes. For obvious reasons is it very important that this code remains SECRET.
Up to 90 user codes can be programmed in the AlphaVision ML (100.000 possible combinations). User number 90 is dedicated for the supervisor and can be used for both arming/disarming, entering and executing functions from the user menu and view available system information.
The proximity TAG is a different type of user code. The proximity tag contains a chip with a fixed code. When enrolling the TAG it is automatically translated into a PIN-code, thus presenting the tag to the internal reader is considered similar to entering a PIN-code.
To separate different types of authorization each user code is programmed to a specific LEVEL. Level 1 is the level with lowest authorization and level 7 with the highest. Level 6 does not exist in the AlphaVision ML. For more information about the user codes and the levels, please refer to the User menu / Change Codes chapter.
User code number 90 is the supervisor code and is set to default code: 445566. After entering six invalid codes an alarm message is sent to the monitoring station (if programmed) and the keypad is locked for 90 seconds.
The AlphaVision ML can be armed and disarmed with a duress code. The duress code is used when the user is forced under threat to disarm the system and can only be used with PIN-codes (not with proximity keys). Duress codes can only used when reporting alarm messages to a monitoring station are not displayed on the display of the keypad. When the duress code is used, the dialer LED, Information message and trouble buzzer are not shown or heard on the keypad for 15 minutes.
Access control using a level 1 proximity tag The Alpha Vision ML panel can be expanded with an external proximity reader for outdoor access control.
Users with a level 1 proximity tag can gain access to the house or building by presenting the proximity tag to the external proximity reader. A level 1 user code cannot be used to arm the system and therefore does not make sense to associate it to a PIN-code. Once the user's presents his/her proximity tag (level 1) to the external proximity reader the system will first check if the section (s) assigned to this proximity tag are disarmed. If the Section (s) are disarmed the external proximity reader will activate its internal o.c. output for 3 seconds to unlock the door. If the Section (s) are armed, the door will remain locked.
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