Alphasmart Neo Quick Manual

Neo by AlphaSmart
The Neo from Renaissance Learning (previously AlphaSmart Inc.) is a portable word processor. Basic instructions for use, including printing, are provided on the back of every Neo unit. These instructions get you started, but the Neo has many features, including those outlined below. There are even more advanced features in the User Guide. The User Guide ships with each Neo, and is also available on-line at
FONT: There are 6 different font sizes on the Neo ranging from small (6 lines per screen), medium (5 lines), large (4 lines), very large (3 lines) to extra large (2 lines). To change font size simultaneously press ctrl, alt, cmd and F. Use the arrow key to place the cursor in front of the size you would like, then press enter. The font is only changed on the screen. When you send text to the computer, the size of the font depends on the word processing program you are using on the computer. If you print directly from the NEO it prints in 12 point font. Font style cannot be changed on the Neo.
Moving around within the text
The arrow keys are the primary way to move within a document on the Neo. The up and down arrows move the cursor one line, the left and right arrows move the cursor one space. In addition to the basic 4 directions the arrow key can be used in combination with the cmd key on the Neo ( ). Cmd and Ï or Ð arrows move up or down an entire screen. The cmd key with Í or Î will move the cursor to the beginning or end of the line. The home (to the beginning) and end (to the end) keys in the top row also are used to navigate within a document.
Selecting text
Selecting text within a document for editing purposes is accomplished with shift and the arrow keys. This is identical to making selections in word documents without using a mouse.
shift and Í selects one character to the left, shift and Î selects one character to the right.
HIAT AT Quick Guide – Neo – Rev. 10/06, ch p. 1 www.montgomeryschoolsmd. or g/ departments/hiat
Shift and alt and Í or Î selects the word before or after the cursor. To select the line from the cursor to the beginning of the line press shift, cmd and Í. To select from the cursor to the end of the line press shift and cmd and Î.
The Ï or Ð arrows in combination with shift also make selections. Shift and Ï selects one line up, shift and Ð selects one line down.
Select the entire file by pressing ctrl and A, just as you do with many word processing programs on a computer.
Cut, copy paste:
Use the standard word processing short cuts to cut, copy, and paste the text that you have selected:
Ctrl X to cut text
Ctrl C to copy text
Ctrl V to paste text
Deleting characters:
Use the backspace key to delete character to left of cursor
Use the delete key to delete character to the right
Clear file:
Press clear file and follow the prompt to press y to delete file and n if you have changed your mind.
SPELL CHECK: The spell check key is in the top row of tool keys. With your document showing press spell check and then enter if the suggested spelling is correct. Press I
to ignore the suggestion, E to edit if you would like to make a correction different than the one offered, C to see the word in the context of your file, A to add the word to the dictionary. Spell Check can be turned off (such as for a spelling test) but then requires a password to re-enable the spell check. Consult the User’s Guide for this advanced feature.
TYPING TIMER: The Neo has a built in typing timer. Simultaneously press cmd and find. Timing starts as soon as the first key is pressed and ends timing when the caps lock key is pressed.
FEATURES FOR STUDENTS WITH MOTOR DIFFICULTIES: Press option, cmd, K simultaneously and then press the key indicated for the feature you would like.
Auto Repeat allows a letter to be repeated if a key is held down. This can be turned off for keyboarders who have delayed response in removing their finger from a key. The default is on,
Sticky Keys is great for keyboarders who cannot press 2 keys at the same time. With Sticky Keys on, press the two keys in succession rather than holding them down at the same time. Sticky keys only work for shift, ctrl, alt and cmd. The default is off.
SCREEN CONTRAST: The screen contrast can be changed to make the screen easier to read in various lighting conditions. This feature is accessed by pressing the applets key, and then control panel, then arrow down to set screen contrast.
TWO-BUTTON ON: A great feature to solve backpack bump: when the Neo is being accidentally turned on by being bumped. This feature is accessed by pressing the applets key
HIAT AT Quick Guide – Neo – Rev. 10/06, ch p. 2 www.montgomeryschoolsmd. or g/ departments/hiat
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