Alpha XP-DSM User Manual

XP-DSM Network Confi guration Quick Start Guide
XP-DSM Network Confi guration Quick Start Guide
The following instructions cover basic network confi guration for operation of the XP-DSM using a single IP address. Additional information is available in the XP-DSM Technical Manual available at
To prepare your network to read incoming data from fi eld installed XP-DSMs, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Prepare a DOCSIS Confi guration File
Prepare a type-length-value confi guration fi le for the cable modem. The fi le should include the modem’s community strings settings. If a DSM Setup File is going to be used to distribute transponder settings (see step 5), then the parameter docsDevSwServer must be set in the DOCSIS Confi guration File with the IP address of the TFTP server on which the DSM Setup File is saved. This entry may be defi ned as either type 21 or type 11.
Sets Read-Write Community string. Set the IP addresses and community strings to fi t your system.
Sets Read-Only Community string. Set the IP addresses and community strings to fi t your system.
Specifi es location of DSM Setup File atidoc01.cfg
Example File
SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=21]:docsDevNmAccessStatus.1/4 SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=21]:docsDevNmAccesslp.1/ SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=21]:docsDevNmAccesslpMask.1/ SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=25]:docsDevNmAccessCommunity.1/"RW STRING" SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=21]:docsDevNmAccessControl.1/3
SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=21]:docsDevNmAccessStatus.2/4 SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=21]:docsDevNmAccesslp.2/ SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=21]:docsDevNmAccesslpMask.2/ SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=25]:docsDevNmAccessCommunity.2/"RO STRING" SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=21]:docsDevNmAccessControl.2/2
SNMP MIB Object (11) [Len=21]:docsDevSwServer.0/
The XP-DSM will inherit the cable modem community string settings provided by the DOCSIS confi guration fi le. If the cable modem is left unsecured, the XP-DSM uses the default community strings AlphaSet and AlphaGet.
Step 2: Provision the DHCP Server with the XP-DSM's RF MAC Address
On the DHCP Server, assign the RF MAC Address the DOCSIS Confi guration File created in Step 1. The RF MAC Address is located on front of the XP-DSM. The XP-DSM accepts either a static or dynamic IP address assignment.
Step 3: Install the XP-DSM Hardware
Refer to the XP-DSM Hardware Installation Quick Start or the XP-DSM Technical Manual, both available at
Step 4: Compile the MIB fi les on the SNMP Management Server
Download the Alpha MIB (ATI-TABLES-MGMT-MIB) from; type XP-DSM in the search box to bring up the fi le. The Alpha MIB is used to set DSM specifi c settings. The SCTE-HMS MIB fi les are required for the SNMP management server to collect data from the transponders. The fi les are available on the Society of Cable Telecommunications (SCTE) Web site ( They must be compiled in the following order: SCTE-ROOT, SCTE-
Step 5: Set Communication Options
There are three ways to set the XP-DSM communication options: using SNMP in a MIB Browser, using the Local port, and using a DSM Setup File. Before proceeding, verify UDP ports 161, 162, and TCP port 80 are not blocked.
Transponder Communications Parameters
SNMP Parameter Local Port
atiMgmtSnmpTrapTable OID:
atiMgmtSysHttpAccess OID:
atiCibDiscTable OID:
[Discretes] TRAP ON NORMAL
[Discretes] HTTP SERVER
[Discretes] BLOCK CPE
Type Description Value
Integer Send SNMP trap when
alarmed condition returns to normal state
IP Address SNMP Trap Table (up to
four entries)
Integer HTTP Web Server SNMP Local Port
Integer Access Mode(Single
IP/Dual IP)
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled (default)
1 = Disable 1 = Enable (default) 2 = Enable (default) 0 = Disable 0 = Dual IP 0 = Dual IP 1 = Single IP (default) 1 = Single IP (default)
See the XP-DSM Technical Manual available at for complete Alpha MIB parameter defi nitions.
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Total Power Solutions
Setting Options Locally
The local port allows a technician to monitor and set XP-DSM parameter values directly using a personal computer and a Local Port Adapter Cable (Alpha P/N 745-826-21). Terminal emulation software is necessary (HyperTerminal is recom­mended). Serial communication settings are:
Baud: 19200 Data Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: None
To change settings:
1. Launch the terminal emulation software
and hit ENTER to display the menu of CIB tables.
2. Enter >[fi rst three letters of table] and ENTER to display the contents of a table.
To disable the HTTP Server, which appears in the DISCRETE Table as:
3. To set a parameter value, enter: >[table] [subsystem] [Index] [Value], and hit ENTER.
Enter: >dis sys 1 10 0 and hit ENTER. The result will be:
NOTE: Entries in the TEXT Table do not have
subsystems. Example: To set a SNMP Trap Target to Enter Command:
>tex 20 and hit ENTER.
Setting Options with a DSM Setup File
An optional DSM Setup File, atidoc01.cfg, distributes settings automatically to XP-DSMs on a network. The XP-DSM is programed to look for atidoc01.cfg at initialization and after every twenty-four hours of operation. If the fi le is not present the XP-DSM will retain its settings. To build a DSM Setup File, enter SNMP parameters from the Alpha MIB and their desired values inside a TLV fi le using a TLV editor. The entry atiMgmtSysDownloadCfgCheckProgress with the value of 3 is the fi le marker that the XP-DSM looks for to begin reading entries and must be the fi rst entry in the fi le. Name the le atidoc01.cfg and place it in the Root Directory of the TFTP Server specifi ed by the docsDevSwServer parameter in the DOCSIS Confi guration File. See the XP-DSM Technical Manual for complete instructions on building a DSM Setup File and for Alpha MIB parameter defi nitions.
Example Command
Step 6: Test the Connection
There are two methods to test whether a connection has been established: Method One: Type the IP address of the transponder into a Web browser.
Click a link to see the associated power supply data.
Example of the Analogs power supply window
Method Two: To check connectivity and verify power supply data, the XP-DSM can be accessed with SNMP. Check data within the psIdent MIB branch of the SCTE-HMS Tree by performing anzzz SNMP MIB walk to the SCTE-HMS-MIB branch Verify that power supply data measurements are present.
See the XP-DSM Technical Manual available at for extensive network confi guration and option setting instructions, including MIB parameter defi nitions.
For more information visit
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