Product Specification Sheet APS1065 - Rev. 05/2017
WSM537 Wireless Support Module (AEC200 Series)WSM537 Wireless Support Module (AEC200 Series)
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-559942 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.comTOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Reliable 900MHz frequency operation
3V Lithium battery included
Required ComponentsRequired Components
AlphaEcall™ 200 (AEC200) Series
Wireless Emergency Call System
WES537 Waterproof Emergency
Stat ion
WES539 Mushroom Head Emergency
Push Station
WSM537 Wireless Support ModuleWSM537 Wireless Support Module
The Alpha Communicat ions® WSM537 Wireless Support Module is for use with t he
AlphaEcall™ 200 (AEC200) Series Wireless Emergency Call System. When the WSM537 is
connected to the WES537 Waterproof Emergency Stat ion or the WES539 Mushroom Head
Push Station, the WES537 operates as a wireless devic e in the AlphaEcall™ 200 (AEC200)
system. When properly installed, the WSM537 / WES537 assembly may be located in a
shower, bath or tub room, regardless of environmental c onditions (stainless steel and ot her
metal fixtures may interfere with signal transmission).
The WSM537 is based on EchoStream® spread spec trum tec hnology and transmits signals
at the 900 MHz frequency. It includes a universal transmitter and a pre-assembled 7-pin
wiring harness for c onnect ion to the WES537 (or WES539) Emergency St ation. The
WSM537 requires no other wiring connec tions and is powered by a user-replaceable 3V
lithium batt ery.
For surface mount applications, t he WSM537 and WES537 (or WES539) assembly can be
mounted inside the optional model IH527 surfac e plastic housing.
Height: 3.60" (92mm)
Width: 1.70" (44mm)
Depth: 0.96" (25mm)
Construction: Att ract ive, flame retardant ABS plastic
Connections: Plug-in type
Battery Life: 4-5 Y ears (T ypical)
Housing: Plastic single-gang (2.65" deep) surface box model# IH527
Battery: 3V Lithium (replacement model# BA505)
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
The Wireless Support Module(s) shall be Alpha Communications® WSM537 or approved equal. When t he WSM537 is c onnected t o
the WES537 Wat erproof Emergency St ation or the WES539 Mushroom Head Push Station, the WES537 shall operate as a wireless device
when used with the AlphaEcall™ 200 (AEC200) Series Emergency Call System. T he WSM537 shall use the 900 MHz frequency for signal
transmission. The WSM537 shall include a 7-pin wiring harness for connection to t he WES537 Emergency St ation. The WSM537 shall require
no other wiring connec tions and shall be powered by a 3V lithium battery.
Alpha Communicat ions® has designed the AlphaEcall™ 200 (AEC200) Series to work as a fully integrated syst em. Its AEC200DM Master
Stat ion has been c arefully designed and matc hed t o work with AlphaEcall™ AEC200 wireless and wired peripherals. Alpha Communicat ions®
will not warrant or support c omponents of AlphaEcall™ AEC200 that are purchased separately unless t he c omponents are add-ons to
previously sold systems. Alpha Communicat ions® will also not warrant or support a syst em that is a mix of Alpha Communications® and NonAlpha Communicat ions® parts, unless prior written permission has been obt ained. In order to track our systems and t o inform fac ilities of
software upgrades, full site information (site name, address and phone number) will be required when ordering. Site information and
AEC200DM warranty number will also be required when requesting tec hnical support.