Product Specification Sheet APS1039 - Rev. 12/2016
WSK500 Portable Site Survey Kit (AlphaEcall 200 Series)WSK500 Portable Site Survey Kit (AlphaEcall 200 Series)
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
The Site Survey Kit(s) shall be Alpha Communications® WSK500 or
approved equal. The WSK500 shall measure transmitter signal
strength and signal margin (dBm above background noise of
received signals). T he site survey kit shall be able to determine if
the performance of the transmitters to be installed, and if
necessary, the amount and locat ion(s) of WRL511 wireless
repeater/locators. T he site survey kit shall be portable and easy t o
Alpha Communicat ions® has designed the AlphaEcall 200 series
and AlphaEntry (v5.5 or later) to work as a system. The Master
Stat ions have been carefully designed and matched to work with
these wireless and wired peripherals. Alpha Communicat ions® will
not warrant or support components for these systems that are
purchased separately unless the components are add- ons t o
previously sold systems. Alpha Communicat ions® will also not
warrant or support a system that is a mix of Alpha
Communications® and Non-Alpha Communications® parts, unless
prior written permission has been obt ained. In order to t rack our
systems and t o inform fac ilities of soft ware upgrades, full site
information (site name, address and phone number) will be required
when ordering. Site information and WNC510 warranty number will
also be required when requesting tec hnical support.
WSK500 Portable Site Survey Kit (AlphaEcall 200WSK500 Portable Site Survey Kit (AlphaEcall 200
The Alpha Communicat ions® WSK500 is a portable, easy-to- use
site survey kit that takes the guesswork out of creating a wireless
installation plan with a quick and ac c urate site survey.
The WSK500 is used to determine the optimum locat ion for
transmitters and repeaters in an AlphaEcall (200 series) or
AlphaEntry (v5.5 or later) series Wireless Emergency Call
System. The WSK500 demonstrates t he superior
range, performance and reliability in virtually any environment. T he
WSK500 is powered by a rechargeable battery and is c omplete
The WSK500 can be purchased or can be rented, t ypically for a 2-
week period.
Survey any facility quickly and easily
Completely portable
Rechargeable battery operates up to 6 hours
Demonstrates t he range of EchoSt ream® transmitters
Powers the battery c harger when
plugged in. The Survey Kit can be
operated by 110VAC or by self-cont ained
batt ery.
Programs the transmitters, diagnoses
receivers, and determines signal margin.
A step-by-st ep det ailed guide t hrough
the survey process
Continuous Alarm
Turns site survey into a one-person job
Universal Contact
Activated by t he Continuous Alarm
Trigger, the Universal Transmitter sends
a near-c ontinuous stream of signals to
the rec eiver.
Processes radio signals from transmitters
and displays stat us.