Product Specification Sheet APS1059 - Rev. 03/2017
WES539 Wireless Emergency Push Station (Mushroom-Style)WES539 Wireless Emergency Push Station (Mushroom-Style)
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb:
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
The Wireless Emergency Push Stations shall be shall be Alpha
Communications® AlphaEcall™ 200 series model WES539, or
approved equal.. Operation of emergency signals shall be
accomplished by pushing on the RED Mushroom-st yle Button.
The Red "CALL PLACED" L.E.D. indicator shall light to assure the
patient that the call has been placed. Switc hing mechanism shall
consist of a reliable DPDT switc h.
The Emergency signal shall be canc elled by turning the loc king
mushroom-style button cloc kwise.
The WES539 is not designed to be used in wet or damp
All electronic components needed for these features shall be
mounted on a printed c ircuit board and all st ation c omponents
shall be mounted an a rugged ABS plastic fac eplate. The station(s)
shall be installed in a single gang ring with square box. Plug-in
connectors shall be provided for connec tions.
Contractor shall observe all local and national electrical and
building c odes.
Required ComponentsRequired Components
AlphaEcall™ 200 Master Station(s) and system components
WSM537 Plug-in Wireless Support Module
WES539 Wireless Emergency Push StationWES539 Wireless Emergency Push Station
The Alpha Communications® WES539 Emergency Push Station
includes a locking Mushroom-Style switc h, and is used in any area
where ac tivat ion of an emergency st ation is required. All electronic
components are mounted on a c ircuit board, including a reliable
industry-proven DPDT switc h for c ircuit initiation. T he WES539
includes a built-in RED indic at or call-placed LED.
The WES539 may be used as an emergency station or as a staff
assist emergency call station. T he large mushroom-style button is
easily activated, so that calls may be placed using an elbow,
shoulder, et c., when using the hands is inconvenient or
inappropriate. Calls are cancelled by turning the locking mushroomstyle button cloc kwise.
The WES539 is used primarily with t he WSM537 Wireless Support
Module on the AlphaEcall™ 200 series wireless emergency-c all
system(s), but can be used and is backwards compatible with
some older systems as well, as well as the AlphaEntry™ series
(v5.5 or later).
Simple and flexible operation.
RED L.E.D. "Called Placed" indicator
0.945" diameter (24mm) RED Mushroom-Style Butt on
Call cancel only at point of origin.
Flame Retardant t ype ABS White Plastic Fac eplate
Height: 4.50" (114mm)
Width: 2.75" (69mm)
Depth: 1.75" (44mm)
Projects: 0.44" (11mm) from mounting surfac e
(less IH527 back box)
Surface mounts (along with the WSM537 support
module) using the IH527 surface back box
Flame retardant type ABS plastic
fac eplate. Switc hes and electronic components
are circuit board mounted.
Connections: Plug-in connec tors.
Optional ComponentsOptional Components
IH527 Surface (White) plastic bac k box