Product Specification Sheet APS647 - Rev. 07/2013
VVDTMF DTMF to RS232 Decoder Board (for AlphaEntry™)VVDTMF DTMF to RS232 Decoder Board (for AlphaEntry™)
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-559942 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.comTOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The DTMF to RS232 Decoder Board(s) shall
be Alpha Communications® VVDTMF or
equivalent. The VVDTMF shall be act ivated by
capturing the DTMF t ones generated by a
telephone entry type master stat ion and sending
the proper RS232 data to a PC which is running
AlphaEntry™ (or other) Alpha
Communications® soft ware.
The cont ract or shall also furnish and install
the required VV100D input board, 12VDC
power supply, and RS232 cable to connect the
VVDTMF t o the PC's serial input port (or USB
port with the proper adapter).
All wiring to relay shall be low-voltage Class
II wiring, installed as per all federal, stat e, and
local elec trical and building c odes.
VVDTMF DTMF to RS232 Decoder BoardVVDTMF DTMF to RS232 Decoder Board
The Alpha Communicat ions® VVDTMF DTMF to RS232 Decoder Boards are used for a
variety of applications. The primary use is for c apturing the DTMF tones generated
by a t elephone entry type master st ation and sending the proper RS232 data t o a PC
which is running AlphaEntry™ (or other) Alpha Communications® software. The
VVDTMF is powered from the (required) VV100D input board.
The VVDTMF boards are designed to easily surfac e mount right onto t he finished wall
by using the mounting holes provided for sc rew mounting, along with t he provided
plastic stand- offs.
Connect ions are positive sc rew t erminal and plug-in type.
Easily Installs Right on Finished Wall Surfac e
Operates on Safe Low- Voltage Class II Wiring
Convenient Sc rew Terminal and Plug-in Connect ions
Decodes all 16 DTMF t ones (0- 9, A- D, #, *)
RCA Audio input jack ac c epts line level audio input direct ly
Central office quality DTMF decoder IC
LED indicator shows when a tone is det ec ted
DB9 female connect or for RS232 hookup
Dimensions: 3.00"W (77mm) x 1.375"H (35mm) x .75"D (20mm).
Connections: Screw Terminal and Plug-in Connectors
Power Required: 12VDC, provided by the model VV100D Input Board