Product Specification Sheet A PS010 - Rev. 09/2013
V.I.P. Series Stainless Steel Directory Units
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
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VIP056D Stainless Steel (Shown)
Architects' And Engineers'
The alphabetical directory unit(s) shall be
Alpha Communications® Model VIP0XXD
(for 06,10, 22, 32, 36, 44, 56 or 72
names), or approved equal, and shall be
mounted right on t he surface of the wall.
Contract or shall fasten the direct ory
unit(s) sec urely to t he wall. No back box
shall be required. Directory unit(s) shall
be made of heavy- gauge brushed
stainless st eel (or polished brass-add
suffix 'BR), with the name st rips protect ed
by a sheet of clear Polycarbonate. Name
insertion and maintenance shall require
the use of a 'Star' head type screwdriver
tool. Contractor shall provide one (1)
screwdriver tool (per building), to t he
building management (or superintendent),
for future directory name maintenance.
Direct ory shall have an extruded aluminum
track to hold the engraved (model TDS)
name st rips. Extruded direct ory strip track
shall have a 'stop' at the bott om t o
prevent name strips from falling out, onc e
direc tory is secured to the wall.
VIP™ Series Stainless Steel and Brass Directory Units
The Alph a Co mmunica tio ns ® VIP™ Series Sta inle ss Ste e l (Van da l-Re sis ta nt) dire ctory un its are
de signe d to mount rig ht on the s urfa ce of the w all. They a re als o ava ilable in a so lid
Po lish ed Bra ss finis h (a dd s uffix 'BR' to mo de l nu mbe r). Made of heavy-gauge brushed stainless
steel (or polished brass), t he (VIP0XXD) VIP™ directories hold up t o 10, 22, 32, 36, 44, 56
or 72 engraved (or blank) directory strips, protec ted by a polycarbonate window. For
installations requiring more t han 72 names, simply mount additional directory units side-byside (or order custom-size direc tory units).
Installation is quick, easy, attractive and requires no back box. Name insertion and
maintenance requires t he use of a 'Star' type sc rewdriver tip. The use of 'Star' head screws
makes it nearly impossible to open the direct ory without the use of t he spec ial t ool
(included with eac h directory unit).
The engraved strips are held in place by an extruded aluminum trac k, with a 'stop' on the
bottom to prevent names from falling out, onc e installed onto the wall. The VIP™ direc tory
units can be used in c onjunction with lobby entry intercom panels, or as a stand-alone
direc tory installation.
Heavy Gauge Brushed Stainless St eel (or solid Brass) Faceplate
Easy Installation-- Mounts Right on Surfac e of the Wall
6, 10, 22, 32, 36, 44, 56 and 72-Name Capacity Models Available (other sizes
available on special-order)
Names are Protec ted by a Thick Polycarbonate Window
Rugged and Good-Looking. Vandal-Resistant
Works with a variety of apartment intercom and videointercom entry panels
Tamper-Resistant 'Star' Head Screws Used for St. Steel units
Includes Special 'Star' Screwdriver Tip for Name Ac cess
Models Available*
VIP006D: 6-Name Capacity. 3.50"H (89mm)
VIP010D: 10-Name Capac ity. 4.50"H (115mm)
VIP022D: 22-Name Capac ity. 7.50"H (191mm)
VIP032D: 32-Name Capac ity. 10.50"H (267mm)
VIP036D: 36-Name Capac ity. 11.50"H (293mm)
VIP044D: 44-Name Capac ity. 13.50"H (343mm)
VIP056D: 56-Name Capac ity. 16.50"H (420mm)
VIP072D: 72-Name Capac ity. 21.00"H (534mm)
* All models above are 4.25"W (108mm) x 0.38"D (10mm).