Product Specification Sheet APS471 - Rev. 11/2013
VI642 V.I.P.™ Series Stainless Steel Economy Style Lobby PanelsVI642 V.I.P.™ Series Stainless Steel Economy Style Lobby Panels
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
VI642 S10
10 Bu tto n Surf ace P ane l
VI642 /04
4 Butto n Flu sh P a ne l
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The entry panel unit(s) shall be Alpha
Communications® VI642 V.I.P.™ series, or
approved equal. Panel(s) shall be (flush or
surface) mount t ype. Panel(s) shall include a
45-ohm mylar loudspeaker. Panel(s) shall have
solid-metal push-buttons, permanently
engraved (and filled) apt. markings and
mesh speaker grille to protect t he speaker
components. Panel shall be made of a single
sheet of 16 gauge high carbon stainless steel.
Panels with 2 or more buttons are engraved 1x inclusive (x=number of butt ons on t he
Flush VI642 panels shall be made completely
flat, and surface VI642 panels shall be made
with 1.50" (39mm) side return bends and open
in the bac k. A 'Star' head screwdriver tip shall
be provided with eac h panel for installation /
VI642 V.I.P.™ Series Economy Stainless Steel Lobby PanelsVI642 V.I.P.™ Series Economy Stainless Steel Lobby Panels
The Alpha Communications® VI642 V.I.P.™ series Stainless St eel (Vandal-Resistant )
lobby panels are rugged, good-looking panels for indoor or outdoor use, and are our
lowest cost Stainless Steel panels, made in stock c onfigurations, for 1 to 12 push
Made of heavy 16 gauge high-c arbon stainless steel, the VI642 series is made to take
abuse. VI642 panels are made in 'stoc k' sizes, and are available in flush or surface
mount styles. Flush VI642 panels are made c ompletely flat and include a
galvanized steel flush back box, and surface VI642 panels are made with 1.50" (39mm)
side return bends and are open in the back, and include a 'C' type galvanized steel wall
mounting bracket.
All VI642 panels feature solid metal push-butt ons and engraved apt. markings (right
onto t he face of t he panel). T he use of 'Star' head screws makes it nearly impossible
to tamper with the panel without the use of the special screwdriver tool.
All VI642 surface panels are a c ompact 4.25" wide (108mm) and all VI642 flush panels
are a c ompact 5.00" wide (127mm) and both are available in 1,2,3,4,6,8,10 or 12
button versions. Panels with 2 or more buttons are engraved 1-x inclusive (x=number
of buttons on the panel). Because of the low-c ost 'stoc k' nature of these panels, they
are not available in custom sizes or configurations, with custom engraving, building
name/address engraving or alphabetic al directories. For cust om configurations or
special Stainless Steel panel requirements, we suggest our VI402 (custom) V.I.P.™
series panels.
Our LOWEST COST St oc ked Stainless Steel Panels!
Heavy 16 Gauge High- Carbon Stainless Steel Fac eplate
Solid Metal Pushbuttons with Permanent Engravings
Panels are available in Flush or Surfac e Mount styles
Rugged, Good-Looking and Vandal-Resistant
Works with a variety of apartment intercom stations
Tamper-Resistant 'Star' Head Sc rews Used
WIDTH: Surfac e; 4.25" (108mm), Flush; 5.00" (127mm).
HEIGHT depends upon individual panel configuration.
Contac t our Sales Dept. for more information.
Construction: Heavy 16 Gauge High- Carbon Stainless Steel fac eplate.
Tool Required:
'Star' head sc rewdriver tip required for panel
installation/removal, included with each VI642 V.I.P.™
panel ordered.